from import parse_docstring_info def test_parse_docstring_info(): assert 'error' in parse_docstring_info("No Docstring") assert 'error' in parse_docstring_info("'''No Docstring Title'''") assert 'error' in parse_docstring_info( "'''No Sentence\n======\nPeriods'''" ) assert 'error' in parse_docstring_info( "'\nSingle Quotes\n===\n\nNo singles.'") d = parse_docstring_info("""''' 3D Rendering Monkey Head ======================== This example demonstrates using OpenGL to display a rotating monkey head. This includes loading a Blender OBJ file, shaders written in OpenGL's Shading Language (GLSL), and using scheduled callbacks. The file monkey.obj is a OBJ file output form the Blender free 3D creation software. The file is text, listing vertices and faces. It is loaded into a scene using's ObjFile class. The file simple.glsl is a simple vertex and fragment shader written in GLSL. ''' blah blah blah blah """) assert 'error' not in d assert '3D Rendering' in d['docstring'] and \ 'This example' in d['docstring'] assert '3D Rendering' in d['title'] assert 'monkey head' in d['first_sentence'] if __name__ == '__main__': test_parse_docstring_info()