# pylint: disable=import-error, no-name-in-module # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel, too-many-function-args """ Kivy My Address Book screen """ from pybitmessage.get_platform import platform from functools import partial from pybitmessage.bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.properties import ( ListProperty, StringProperty ) from kivymd.uix.button import MDFlatButton from kivymd.uix.dialog import MDDialog from kivymd.uix.label import MDLabel from kivymd.uix.list import ( IRightBodyTouch, TwoLineAvatarIconListItem, ) from kivymd.uix.selectioncontrol import MDSwitch from kivy.uix.screenmanager import Screen from pybitmessage import state from baseclass.common import ( avatarImageFirstLetter, AvatarSampleWidget, ThemeClsColor, toast ) from baseclass.popup import MyaddDetailPopup class ToggleBtn(IRightBodyTouch, MDSwitch): """ToggleBtn class for kivy Ui""" class CustomTwoLineAvatarIconListItem(TwoLineAvatarIconListItem): """CustomTwoLineAvatarIconListItem class for kivy Ui""" class BadgeText(IRightBodyTouch, MDLabel): """BadgeText class for kivy Ui""" class MyAddress(Screen): """MyAddress screen class for kivy Ui""" address_label = StringProperty() text_address = StringProperty() addresses_list = ListProperty() has_refreshed = True is_add_created = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Clock schdule for method Myaddress accounts""" super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0) def init_ui(self, dt=0): """Clock schdule for method Myaddress accounts""" # pylint: disable=unnecessary-lambda self.addresses_list = BMConfigParser().addresses() if state.searcing_text: self.ids.refresh_layout.scroll_y = 1.0 filtered_list = [ x for x in BMConfigParser().addresses() if self.filter_address(x) ] self.addresses_list = filtered_list self.addresses_list = list(reversed(self.addresses_list)) self.ids.tag_label.text = '' if self.addresses_list: self.ids.tag_label.text = 'My Addresses' self.has_refreshed = True self.set_mdList(0, 15) self.ids.refresh_layout.bind(scroll_y=self.check_scroll_y) else: content = MDLabel( font_style='Caption', theme_text_color='Primary', text="No address found!" if state.searcing_text else "yet no address is created by user!!!!!!!!!!!!!", halign='center', size_hint_y=None, valign='top') self.ids.ml.add_widget(content) if not state.searcing_text and not self.is_add_created: try: self.manager.current = 'login' except Exception: pass def set_mdList(self, first_index, last_index): """Creating the mdlist""" data = [] for address in self.addresses_list[first_index:last_index]: data.append({ 'text': BMConfigParser().get(address, 'label'), 'secondary_text': address}) for item in data: is_enable = BMConfigParser().get(item['secondary_text'], 'enabled') meny = CustomTwoLineAvatarIconListItem( text=item['text'], secondary_text=item['secondary_text'], theme_text_color='Custom' if is_enable == 'true' else 'Primary', text_color=ThemeClsColor,) # meny._txt_right_pad = dp(70) try: meny.canvas.children[3].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] if is_enable == 'true' else [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] except Exception: pass meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget( source=state.imageDir + f'/text_images/{avatarImageFirstLetter(item["text"].strip())}.png')) # noqa:E999 meny.bind(on_press=partial( self.myadd_detail, item['secondary_text'], item['text'])) if state.association == item['secondary_text'] and is_enable == 'true': badge_obj = BadgeText( size_hint=(None, None), size=[90 if platform == 'android' else 50, 60], text='Active', halign='center', font_style='Body1', theme_text_color='Custom', text_color=ThemeClsColor ) badge_obj.font_size = '13sp' meny.add_widget(badge_obj) else: meny.add_widget(ToggleBtn(active=True if is_enable == 'true' else False)) self.ids.ml.add_widget(meny) def check_scroll_y(self, instance, somethingelse): """Load data on scroll down""" if self.ids.refresh_layout.scroll_y <= -0.0 and self.has_refreshed: self.ids.refresh_layout.scroll_y = 0.06 def myadd_detail(self, fromaddress, label, *args): """Load myaddresses details""" if BMConfigParser().get(fromaddress, 'enabled') == 'true': obj = MyaddDetailPopup() self.address_label = obj.address_label = label self.text_address = obj.address = fromaddress width = .9 if platform == 'android' else .6 self.myadddetail_popup = MDDialog( type="custom", size_hint=(width, .25), content_cls=obj, ) # self.myadddetail_popup.set_normal_height() self.myadddetail_popup.auto_dismiss = False self.myadddetail_popup.open() # p.set_address(fromaddress, label) else: width = .8 if platform == 'android' else .55 dialog_box = MDDialog( text='Address is not currently active. Please click on Toggle button to active it.', size_hint=(width, .25), buttons=[ MDFlatButton( text="Ok", on_release=lambda x: callback_for_menu_items("Ok") ), ], ) dialog_box.open() def callback_for_menu_items(text_item, *arg): """Callback of alert box""" dialog_box.dismiss() toast(text_item) def refresh_callback(self, *args): """Method updates the state of application, While the spinner remains on the screen""" def refresh_callback(interval): """Method used for loading the myaddress screen data""" state.searcing_text = '' # state.kivyapp.root.ids.sc10.children[2].active = False self.ids.search_bar.ids.search_field.text = '' self.has_refreshed = True self.ids.ml.clear_widgets() self.init_ui() self.ids.refresh_layout.refresh_done() # self.tick = 0 Clock.schedule_once(self.address_permision_callback, 0) Clock.schedule_once(refresh_callback, 1) @staticmethod def filter_address(address): """Method will filter the my address list data""" if [ x for x in [ BMConfigParser().get(address, 'label').lower(), address.lower() ] if (state.searcing_text).lower() in x ]: return True return False def disableAddress(self, address, instance): """This method is use for disabling address""" BMConfigParser().set(str(address), 'enabled', 'false') BMConfigParser().save() instance.parent.parent.theme_text_color = 'Primary' instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[3].rgba = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] # try: # instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[6].rgba = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] # except Exception: # instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[9].rgba = [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5] toast('Address disabled') Clock.schedule_once(self.address_permision_callback, 0) def enableAddress(self, address, instance): """This method is use for enabling address""" BMConfigParser().set(address, 'enabled', 'true') BMConfigParser().save() instance.parent.parent.theme_text_color = 'Custom' instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[3].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] # try: # instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[6].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] # except Exception: # instance.parent.parent.canvas.children[9].rgba = [0, 0, 0, 0] toast('Address Enabled') Clock.schedule_once(self.address_permision_callback, 0) def address_permision_callback(self, dt=0): """callback for enable or disable addresses""" addresses = [addr for addr in BMConfigParser().addresses() if BMConfigParser().get(str(addr), 'enabled') == 'true'] self.parent.parent.ids.content_drawer.ids.btn.values = addresses self.parent.parent.ids.sc3.children[1].ids.btn.values = addresses state.kivyapp.variable_1 = addresses def toggleAction(self, instance): """This method is used for enable or disable address""" addr = instance.parent.parent.secondary_text if instance.active: self.enableAddress(addr, instance) else: self.disableAddress(addr, instance)