"""Low-level wrapper around zbar's interface """ from ctypes import ( c_ubyte, c_char_p, c_int, c_uint, c_ulong, c_void_p, Structure, CFUNCTYPE, POINTER ) from enum import IntEnum, unique from . import zbar_library __all__ = [ 'EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES', 'LIBZBAR', 'ZBarConfig', 'ZBarSymbol', 'ZBarOrientation', 'zbar_image_create', 'zbar_image_destroy', 'zbar_image_first_symbol', 'zbar_image_scanner_create', 'zbar_image_scanner_destroy', 'zbar_image_scanner_set_config', 'zbar_image_set_data', 'zbar_image_set_format', 'zbar_image_set_size', 'zbar_scan_image', 'zbar_symbol_get_data_length', 'zbar_symbol_get_data', 'zbar_symbol_get_loc_size', 'zbar_symbol_get_loc_x', 'zbar_symbol_get_loc_y', 'zbar_symbol_next', 'zbar_symbol_get_orientation', 'zbar_symbol_get_quality', ] # Globals populated in load_libzbar LIBZBAR = None """ctypes.CDLL """ EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES = [] """List of instances of ctypes.CDLL. Helpful when freezing. """ # Types c_ubyte_p = POINTER(c_ubyte) c_uint_p = POINTER(c_uint) c_ulong_p = POINTER(c_ulong) """unsigned char* type """ # Defines and enums @unique class ZBarSymbol(IntEnum): NONE = 0 # /**< no symbol decoded */ PARTIAL = 1 # /**< intermediate status */ EAN2 = 2 # /**< GS1 2-digit add-on */ EAN5 = 5 # /**< GS1 5-digit add-on */ EAN8 = 8 # /**< EAN-8 */ UPCE = 9 # /**< UPC-E */ ISBN10 = 10 # /**< ISBN-10 (from EAN-13). @since 0.4 */ UPCA = 12 # /**< UPC-A */ EAN13 = 13 # /**< EAN-13 */ ISBN13 = 14 # /**< ISBN-13 (from EAN-13). @since 0.4 */ COMPOSITE = 15 # /**< EAN/UPC composite */ I25 = 25 # /**< Interleaved 2 of 5. @since 0.4 */ DATABAR = 34 # /**< GS1 DataBar (RSS). @since 0.11 */ DATABAR_EXP = 35 # /**< GS1 DataBar Expanded. @since 0.11 */ CODABAR = 38 # /**< Codabar. @since 0.11 */ CODE39 = 39 # /**< Code 39. @since 0.4 */ PDF417 = 57 # /**< PDF417. @since 0.6 */ QRCODE = 64 # /**< QR Code. @since 0.10 */ SQCODE = 80 # /**< SQ Code. @since 0.20.1 */ CODE93 = 93 # /**< Code 93. @since 0.11 */ CODE128 = 128 # /**< Code 128 */ @unique class ZBarConfig(IntEnum): CFG_ENABLE = 0 # /**< enable symbology/feature */ CFG_ADD_CHECK = 1 # /**< enable check digit when optional */ CFG_EMIT_CHECK = 2 # /**< return check digit when present */ CFG_ASCII = 3 # /**< enable full ASCII character set */ CFG_NUM = 4 # /**< number of boolean decoder configs */ CFG_MIN_LEN = 0x20 # /**< minimum data length for valid decode */ CFG_MAX_LEN = 0x21 # /**< maximum data length for valid decode */ CFG_UNCERTAINTY = 0x40 # /**< required video consistency frames */ CFG_POSITION = 0x80 # /**< enable scanner to collect position data */ CFG_X_DENSITY = 0x100 # /**< image scanner vertical scan density */ CFG_Y_DENSITY = 0x101 # /**< image scanner horizontal scan density */ @unique class ZBarOrientation(IntEnum): UNKNOWN = -1 # /**< unable to determine orientation */ UP = 0 # /**< upright, read left to right */ RIGHT = 1 # /**< sideways, read top to bottom */ DOWN = 2 # /**< upside-down, read right to left */ LEFT = 3 # /**< sideways, read bottom to top */ # Structs class zbar_image_scanner(Structure): """Opaque C++ class with private implementation """ pass class zbar_image(Structure): """Opaque C++ class with private implementation """ pass class zbar_symbol(Structure): """Opaque C++ class with private implementation The first item in the structure is an integeger value in the ZBarSymbol enumeration. """ _fields_ = [ ('type', c_int), ] def load_libzbar(): """Loads the zbar shared library and its dependencies. Populates the globals LIBZBAR and EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES. """ global LIBZBAR global EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES if not LIBZBAR: libzbar, dependencies = zbar_library.load() LIBZBAR = libzbar EXTERNAL_DEPENDENCIES = [LIBZBAR] + dependencies return LIBZBAR # Function signatures def zbar_function(fname, restype, *args): """Returns a foreign function exported by `zbar`. Args: fname (:obj:`str`): Name of the exported function as string. restype (:obj:): Return type - one of the `ctypes` primitive C data types. *args: Arguments - a sequence of `ctypes` primitive C data types. Returns: cddl.CFunctionType: A wrapper around the function. """ prototype = CFUNCTYPE(restype, *args) return prototype((fname, load_libzbar())) zbar_version = zbar_function( 'zbar_version', c_int, c_uint_p, # major, c_uint_p, # minor ) zbar_set_verbosity = zbar_function( 'zbar_set_verbosity', None, c_int ) zbar_image_scanner_create = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_scanner_create', POINTER(zbar_image_scanner) ) zbar_image_scanner_destroy = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_scanner_destroy', None, POINTER(zbar_image_scanner) ) zbar_parse_config = zbar_function( 'zbar_parse_config', c_int, c_char_p, # config_string, POINTER(c_int), # symbology - values in ZBarSymbol POINTER(c_int), # config - values in ZBarConfig POINTER(c_int), # value ) zbar_image_scanner_set_config = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_scanner_set_config', c_int, POINTER(zbar_image_scanner), # scanner c_int, # symbology - values in ZBarSymbol c_int, # config - values in ZBarConfig c_int # value ) zbar_image_create = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_create', POINTER(zbar_image) ) zbar_image_destroy = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_destroy', None, POINTER(zbar_image) ) zbar_image_set_format = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_set_format', None, POINTER(zbar_image), c_uint ) zbar_image_set_size = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_set_size', None, POINTER(zbar_image), c_uint, # width c_uint # height ) zbar_image_set_data = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_set_data', None, POINTER(zbar_image), c_void_p, # data c_ulong, # raw_image_data_length c_void_p # A function pointer(!) ) zbar_scan_image = zbar_function( 'zbar_scan_image', c_int, POINTER(zbar_image_scanner), POINTER(zbar_image) ) zbar_image_first_symbol = zbar_function( 'zbar_image_first_symbol', POINTER(zbar_symbol), POINTER(zbar_image) ) zbar_symbol_get_data_length = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_data_length', c_uint, POINTER(zbar_symbol) ) zbar_symbol_get_data = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_data', c_ubyte_p, POINTER(zbar_symbol) ) zbar_symbol_get_loc_size = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_loc_size', c_uint, POINTER(zbar_symbol) ) zbar_symbol_get_loc_x = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_loc_x', c_int, POINTER(zbar_symbol), c_uint ) zbar_symbol_get_loc_y = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_loc_y', c_int, POINTER(zbar_symbol), c_uint ) try: zbar_symbol_get_orientation = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_orientation', c_uint, POINTER(zbar_symbol) ) except AttributeError: # This function not present in the original pre-20 zbar_symbol_get_orientation = None zbar_symbol_next = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_next', POINTER(zbar_symbol), POINTER(zbar_symbol) ) zbar_symbol_get_quality = zbar_function( 'zbar_symbol_get_quality', c_int, POINTER(zbar_symbol) )