- rearrange obsolete build scripts - rearrange working build scripts - add build / devel scripts I use - add existing development tests (bloom filter, message encoding, thread interrupts) - add directory descriptions
61 lines
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61 lines
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from math import ceil
from os import stat, getenv, path
from pybloom import BloomFilter as BloomFilter1
from pybloomfilter import BloomFilter as BloomFilter2
import sqlite3
from time import time
# Ubuntu: apt-get install python-pybloomfiltermmap
conn = sqlite3.connect(path.join(getenv("HOME"), '.config/PyBitmessage/messages.dat'))
conn.text_factory = str
cur = conn.cursor()
rawlen = 0
itemcount = 0
cur.execute('''SELECT COUNT(hash) FROM inventory''')
for row in cur.fetchall():
itemcount = row[0]
filtersize = 1000 * (int(itemcount / 1000) + 1)
errorrate = 1.0 / 1000.0
bf1 = BloomFilter1(capacity=filtersize, error_rate=errorrate)
bf2 = BloomFilter2(capacity=filtersize, error_rate=errorrate)
item = '''SELECT hash FROM inventory'''
cur.execute(item, '')
bf1time = 0
bf2time = 0
for row in cur.fetchall():
rawlen += len(row[0])
times = [time()]
bf1time += times[1] - times[0]
bf2time += times[2] - times[1]
except IndexError:
#f = open("/home/shurdeek/tmp/bloom.dat", "wb")
print "Item count: %i" % (itemcount)
print "Raw length: %i" % (rawlen)
print "Bloom filter 1 length: %i, reduction to: %.2f%%" % \
100.0 * bf1.bitarray.buffer_info()[1] / rawlen)
print "Bloom filter 1 capacity: %i and error rate: %.3f%%" % (bf1.capacity, 100.0 * bf1.error_rate)
print "Bloom filter 1 took %.2fs" % (bf1time)
print "Bloom filter 2 length: %i, reduction to: %.3f%%" % \
(bf2.num_bits / 8,
100.0 * bf2.num_bits / 8 / rawlen)
print "Bloom filter 2 capacity: %i and error rate: %.3f%%" % (bf2.capacity, 100.0 * bf2.error_rate)
print "Bloom filter 2 took %.2fs" % (bf2time)