from cStringIO import StringIO from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL import asynchat import base64 from email import parser, generator import errno import shared import smtpd import socket import ssl import time from addresses import * import helper_sent # This is copied from Python's smtpd module and modified to support basic SMTP AUTH. class bitmessageSMTPChannel(asynchat.async_chat): COMMAND = 0 DATA = 1 def __init__(self, server, conn, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn) self.__server = server self.__conn = conn self.__addr = addr self.__line = [] self.__state = self.COMMAND self.__greeting = 0 self.__mailfrom = None self.__rcpttos = [] self.__data = '' self.__fqdn = socket.getfqdn() self.__version = 'Python SMTP proxy version 0.2a' self.logged_in = False try: self.__peer = conn.getpeername() except socket.error, err: # a race condition may occur if the other end is closing # before we can get the peername self.close() if err[0] != errno.ENOTCONN: raise return print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'Peer:', repr(self.__peer) self.push('220 %s %s' % (self.__fqdn, self.__version)) self.set_terminator('\r\n') # Overrides base class for convenience def push(self, msg): asynchat.async_chat.push(self, msg + '\r\n') # Implementation of base class abstract method def collect_incoming_data(self, data): self.__line.append(data) # Implementation of base class abstract method def found_terminator(self): line = ''.join(self.__line) print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'Data:', repr(line) self.__line = [] if self.__state == self.COMMAND: if not line: self.push('500 Error: bad syntax') return method = None i = line.find(' ') if i < 0: command = line.upper() arg = None else: command = line[:i].upper() arg = line[i+1:].strip() method = getattr(self, 'smtp_' + command, None) if not method: self.push('502 Error: command "%s" not implemented' % command) return method(arg) return else: if self.__state != self.DATA: self.push('451 Internal confusion') return # Remove extraneous carriage returns and de-transparency according # to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2. data = [] for text in line.split('\r\n'): if text and text[0] == '.': data.append(text[1:]) else: data.append(text) self.__data = '\n'.join(data) status = self.__server.process_message(self.__peer, self.address, self.__rcpttos, self.__data) self.__rcpttos = [] self.__mailfrom = None self.__state = self.COMMAND self.set_terminator('\r\n') if not status: self.push('250 Ok') else: self.push(status) # SMTP and ESMTP commands def smtp_EHLO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: EHLO hostname') return if self.__greeting: self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO') else: self.__greeting = arg self.push('250-%s offers:' % self.__fqdn) self.push('250 AUTH PLAIN') def smtp_HELO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: HELO hostname') return if self.__greeting: self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO') else: self.__greeting = arg self.push('250 %s' % self.__fqdn) def smtp_AUTH(self, arg): encoding, pw = arg.split(' ') if encoding != 'PLAIN': self.push('501 encoding not understood') self.close_when_done() return z, self.address, pw = base64.b64decode(pw).split('\x00') if z != '': self.push('501 encoding not understood') self.close_when_done() return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(self.address) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + self.address + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + self.address if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + self.address if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + self.address shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(self.address)) self.address = addBMIfNotPresent(self.address) # Each identity must be enabled independly by setting the smtppop3password for the identity # If no password is set, then the identity is not available for SMTP/POP3 access. try: if shared.config.getboolean(self.address, "enabled"): = shared.config.get(self.address, "smtppop3password") if pw == self.push('235 Authentication successful. Proceed.') self.logged_in = True return except: pass self.push('530 Access denied.') self.close_when_done() def smtp_NOOP(self, arg): if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: NOOP') else: self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_QUIT(self, arg): # args is ignored self.push('221 Bye') self.close_when_done() # factored def __getaddr(self, keyword, arg): address = None keylen = len(keyword) if arg[:keylen].upper() == keyword: address = arg[keylen:].strip() if not address: pass elif address[0] == '<' and address[-1] == '>' and address != '<>': # Addresses can be in the form but watch out # for null address, e.g. <> address = address[1:-1] return address def smtp_MAIL(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, '===> MAIL', arg address = self.__getaddr('FROM:', arg) if arg else None if not address: self.push('501 Syntax: MAIL FROM:
') return if self.__mailfrom: self.push('503 Error: nested MAIL command') return _, domain = address.split('@', 1) if domain != self.address: self.push('530 Access denied: address domain must match Bitmessage identity') return self.__mailfrom = address print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'sender:', self.__mailfrom self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_RCPT(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, '===> RCPT', arg if not self.__mailfrom: self.push('503 Error: need MAIL command') return address = self.__getaddr('TO:', arg) if arg else None if not address: self.push('501 Syntax: RCPT TO:
') return self.__rcpttos.append(address) print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'recips:', self.__rcpttos self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_RSET(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: RSET') return # Resets the sender, recipients, and data, but not the greeting self.__mailfrom = None self.__rcpttos = [] self.__data = '' self.__state = self.COMMAND self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_DATA(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return if not self.__rcpttos: self.push('503 Error: need RCPT command') return if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: DATA') return self.__state = self.DATA self.set_terminator('\r\n.\r\n') self.push('354 End data with .') class bitmessageSMTPServer(smtpd.SMTPServer): def __init__(self): smtpport = shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'smtpport') self.ssl = shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'smtpssl') if self.ssl: self.keyfile = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'keyfile') self.certfile = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'certfile') smtpd.SMTPServer.__init__(self, ('', smtpport), None) shared.printLock.acquire() print "SMTP server started" shared.printLock.release() def handle_accept(self): # Override SMTPServer's handle_accept so that we can start an SSL connection. sock, peer_address = self.accept() if self.ssl: sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side=True, certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) bitmessageSMTPChannel(self, sock, peer_address) def process_message(self, peer, address, rcpttos, data): #print("Peer", peer) #print("Mail From", address) #print("Rcpt To", rcpttos) #print("Data") #print(data) #print('--------') #print(type(address)) message = parser.Parser().parsestr(data) message['Bitmessage-Version'] = shared.softwareVersion print(message) fp = StringIO() gen = generator.Generator(fp, mangle_from_=False, maxheaderlen=128) gen.flatten(message) message_as_text = fp.getvalue() checksum = hashlib.sha256(message_as_text).digest()[:2] checksum = (ord(checksum[0]) << 8) | ord(checksum[1]) # Determine the fromAddress and make sure it's an owned identity fromAddress = address if not (fromAddress.startswith('BM-') and '.' not in fromAddress): raise Exception("From Address must be a Bitmessage address.") else: status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, fromRipe = decodeAddress(fromAddress) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + fromAddress + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + fromAddress if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + fromAddress if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + fromAddress shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(fromAddress)) #fromAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(fromAddress) # I know there's a BM-, because it's required when using SMTP try: fromAddressEnabled = shared.config.getboolean(fromAddress, 'enabled') except: shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not find your fromAddress in the keys.dat file.' shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Could not find address in keys.dat: {}".format(fromAddress)) if not fromAddressEnabled: shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Your fromAddress is disabled. Cannot send.' shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("The fromAddress is disabled: {}".format(fromAddress)) for recipient in rcpttos: _, toAddress = recipient.split('@', 1) if not (toAddress.startswith('BM-') and '.' not in toAddress): # TODO - deliver message to another SMTP server.. # I think this feature would urge adoption: the ability to use the same bitmessage address # for delivering standard E-mail as well bitmessages. raise Exception("Cannot yet handle normal E-mail addresses.") else: # This is now the 3rd copy of this message delivery code. # There's one in the API, there's another copy in __init__ for # the UI. Yet another exists here. It needs to be refactored # into a utility func! status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, toRipe = decodeAddress(toAddress) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + toAddress + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + toAddress if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + toAddress if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + toAddress shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(toAddress)) toAddressIsOK = False try: shared.config.get(toAddress, 'enabled') except: toAddressIsOK = True if not toAddressIsOK: # The toAddress is one owned by me. We cannot send # messages to ourselves without significant changes # to the codebase. shared.printLock.acquire() print "Error: One of the addresses to which you are sending a message, {}, is yours. Unfortunately the Bitmessage client cannot process its own messages. Please try running a second client on a different computer or within a VM.".format(toAddress) shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Cannot send message to {}".format(toAddress)) # The subject is specially formatted to identify it from non-E-mail messages. # TODO - The bitfield will be used to convey things like external attachments, etc. # Last 2 bytes are two bytes of the sha256 checksum of message subject = "".format(checksum) # Reserved flags. ackdata = OpenSSL.rand(32) t = ('', toAddress, toRipe, fromAddress, subject, message_as_text, ackdata, int(time.time()), 'msgqueued', 1, 1, 'sent', 2) helper_sent.insert(t) toLabel = '' t = (toAddress,) shared.sqlLock.acquire() shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''SELECT label FROM addressbook WHERE address=?''') shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(t) queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get() shared.sqlLock.release() if queryreturn != []: for row in queryreturn: toLabel, = row shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewSentMessage', (toAddress, toLabel, fromAddress, subject, message_as_text, ackdata))) shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', toAddress)) # TODO - what should we do with ackdata.encode('hex') ? import sys smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM = sys.stdout