from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL import asynchat import base64 import errno import shared import smtpd import socket import ssl import time from addresses import * import helper_sent # This is copied from Python's smtpd module and modified to support basic SMTP AUTH. class bitmessageSMTPChannel(asynchat.async_chat): COMMAND = 0 DATA = 1 def __init__(self, server, conn, addr): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, conn) self.__server = server self.__conn = conn self.__addr = addr self.__line = [] self.__state = self.COMMAND self.__greeting = 0 self.__mailfrom = None self.__rcpttos = [] self.__data = '' self.__fqdn = socket.getfqdn() self.__version = 'Python SMTP proxy version 0.2a' self.logged_in = False try: self.__peer = conn.getpeername() except socket.error, err: # a race condition may occur if the other end is closing # before we can get the peername self.close() if err[0] != errno.ENOTCONN: raise return print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'Peer:', repr(self.__peer) self.push('220 %s %s' % (self.__fqdn, self.__version)) self.set_terminator('\r\n') # Overrides base class for convenience def push(self, msg): asynchat.async_chat.push(self, msg + '\r\n') # Implementation of base class abstract method def collect_incoming_data(self, data): self.__line.append(data) # Implementation of base class abstract method def found_terminator(self): line = ''.join(self.__line) print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'Data:', repr(line) self.__line = [] if self.__state == self.COMMAND: if not line: self.push('500 Error: bad syntax') return method = None i = line.find(' ') if i < 0: command = line.upper() arg = None else: command = line[:i].upper() arg = line[i+1:].strip() method = getattr(self, 'smtp_' + command, None) if not method: self.push('502 Error: command "%s" not implemented' % command) return method(arg) return else: if self.__state != self.DATA: self.push('451 Internal confusion') return # Remove extraneous carriage returns and de-transparency according # to RFC 821, Section 4.5.2. data = [] for text in line.split('\r\n'): if text and text[0] == '.': data.append(text[1:]) else: data.append(text) self.__data = '\n'.join(data) status = self.__server.process_message(self.__peer, self.__mailfrom, self.__rcpttos, self.__data) self.__rcpttos = [] self.__mailfrom = None self.__state = self.COMMAND self.set_terminator('\r\n') if not status: self.push('250 Ok') else: self.push(status) # SMTP and ESMTP commands def smtp_EHLO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: EHLO hostname') return if self.__greeting: self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO') else: self.__greeting = arg self.push('250-%s offers:' % self.__fqdn) self.push('250 AUTH PLAIN') def smtp_HELO(self, arg): if not arg: self.push('501 Syntax: HELO hostname') return if self.__greeting: self.push('503 Duplicate HELO/EHLO') else: self.__greeting = arg self.push('250 %s' % self.__fqdn) def smtp_AUTH(self, arg): encoding, pw = arg.split(' ') if encoding != 'PLAIN': self.push('501 encoding not understood') self.close_when_done() return z, self.address, pw = base64.b64decode(pw).split('\x00') if z != '': self.push('501 encoding not understood') self.close_when_done() return status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(self.address) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + self.address + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + self.address if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + self.address if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + self.address shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(self.address)) # Each identity must be enabled independly by setting the smtppop3password for the identity # If no password is set, then the identity is not available for SMTP/POP3 access. try: = shared.config.get(addBMIfNotPresent(self.address), "smtppop3password") if pw == self.push('235 Authentication successful. Proceed.') self.logged_in = True return except: pass self.push('530 Access denied.') self.close_when_done() def smtp_NOOP(self, arg): if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: NOOP') else: self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_QUIT(self, arg): # args is ignored self.push('221 Bye') self.close_when_done() # factored def __getaddr(self, keyword, arg): address = None keylen = len(keyword) if arg[:keylen].upper() == keyword: address = arg[keylen:].strip() if not address: pass elif address[0] == '<' and address[-1] == '>' and address != '<>': # Addresses can be in the form but watch out # for null address, e.g. <> address = address[1:-1] return address def smtp_MAIL(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, '===> MAIL', arg address = self.__getaddr('FROM:', arg) if arg else None if not address: self.push('501 Syntax: MAIL FROM:
') return if self.__mailfrom: self.push('503 Error: nested MAIL command') return self.__mailfrom = address print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'sender:', self.__mailfrom self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_RCPT(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, '===> RCPT', arg if not self.__mailfrom: self.push('503 Error: need MAIL command') return address = self.__getaddr('TO:', arg) if arg else None if not address: self.push('501 Syntax: RCPT TO:
') return self.__rcpttos.append(address) print >> smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM, 'recips:', self.__rcpttos self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_RSET(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: RSET') return # Resets the sender, recipients, and data, but not the greeting self.__mailfrom = None self.__rcpttos = [] self.__data = '' self.__state = self.COMMAND self.push('250 Ok') def smtp_DATA(self, arg): if not self.logged_in: self.push('503 Not authenticated.') self.close_when_done() return if not self.__rcpttos: self.push('503 Error: need RCPT command') return if arg: self.push('501 Syntax: DATA') return self.__state = self.DATA self.set_terminator('\r\n.\r\n') self.push('354 End data with .') class bitmessageSMTPServer(smtpd.SMTPServer): def __init__(self): # TODO - move to separate file/class smtpport = shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'smtpport') self.ssl = shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'smtpssl') if self.ssl: self.keyfile = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'keyfile') self.certfile = shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'certfile') smtpd.SMTPServer.__init__(self, ('', smtpport), None) shared.printLock.acquire() print "SMTP server started" shared.printLock.release() def handle_accept(self): # Override SMTPServer's handle_accept so that we can start an SSL connection. sock, peer_address = self.accept() if self.ssl: sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, server_side=True, certfile=self.certfile, keyfile=self.keyfile, ssl_version=ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23) bitmessageSMTPChannel(self, sock, peer_address) def process_message(self, peer, mailfrom, rcpttos, data): #print("Peer", peer) #print("Mail From", mailfrom) #print("Rcpt To", rcpttos) #print("Data") #print(data) #print('--------') #print(type(mailfrom)) message = data # Determine the fromAddress and make sure it's an owned identity # TODO - determine the address from a SMTP authorization. # TODO - use the mailfrom (a legitimate email address?) when delivering # real e-mail. _, fromAddress = mailfrom.split('@', 1) if not (fromAddress.startswith('BM-') and '.' not in fromAddress): raise Exception("From Address must be a Bitmessage address.") else: status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, fromRipe = decodeAddress(fromAddress) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + fromAddress + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + fromAddress if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + fromAddress if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + fromAddress shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(fromAddress)) #fromAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(fromAddress) # I know there's a BM-, because it's required when using SMTP try: fromAddressEnabled = shared.config.getboolean(fromAddress, 'enabled') except: shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not find your fromAddress in the keys.dat file.' shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Could not find address in keys.dat: {}".format(fromAddress)) if not fromAddressEnabled: shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Your fromAddress is disabled. Cannot send.' shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("The fromAddress is disabled: {}".format(fromAddress)) for recipient in rcpttos: _, toAddress = recipient.split('@', 1) if not (toAddress.startswith('BM-') and '.' not in toAddress): # TODO - deliver message to another SMTP server.. ? raise Exception("Cannot yet handle normal E-mail addresses.") else: # This is now the 3rd copy of this code. There's one in the API, there's another # copy in __init__ for the UI. Yet another exists here. It needs to be refactored # into a utility func! status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, toRipe = decodeAddress(toAddress) if status != 'success': shared.printLock.acquire() print 'Error: Could not decode address: ' + toAddress + ' : ' + status if status == 'checksumfailed': print 'Error: Checksum failed for address: ' + toAddress if status == 'invalidcharacters': print 'Error: Invalid characters in address: ' + toAddress if status == 'versiontoohigh': print 'Error: Address version number too high (or zero) in address: ' + toAddress shared.printLock.release() raise Exception("Invalid Bitmessage address: {}".format(toAddress)) #toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress) # I know there's a BM-, because it's required when using SMTP toAddressIsOK = False try: shared.config.get(toAddress, 'enabled') # The toAddress is one owned by me. We cannot send # messages to ourselves without significant changes # to the codebase. shared.printLock.acquire() print "Error: One of the addresses to which you are sending a message, {}, is yours. Unfortunately the Bitmessage client cannot process its own messages. Please try running a second client on a different computer or within a VM.".format(toAddress) shared.printLock.release() except: toAddressIsOK = True if not toAddressIsOK: raise Exception("Cannot send message to {}".format(toAddress)) # The subject is specially formatted to identify it from non-E-mail messages. subject = "" # Reserved, flags. ackdata = OpenSSL.rand(32) t = ('', toAddress, toRipe, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata, int(time.time()), 'msgqueued', 1, 1, 'sent', 2) helper_sent.insert(t) toLabel = '' t = (toAddress,) shared.sqlLock.acquire() shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put('''select label from addressbook where address=?''') shared.sqlSubmitQueue.put(t) queryreturn = shared.sqlReturnQueue.get() shared.sqlLock.release() if queryreturn != []: for row in queryreturn: toLabel, = row shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewSentMessage', (toAddress, toLabel, fromAddress, subject, message, ackdata))) shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', toAddress)) # TODO - what should we do with ackdata.encode('hex') ? import sys smtpd.DEBUGSTREAM = sys.stdout