- it was causing problems with py2app because the source of python's own CongigParser is also configparser.py
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292 lines
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from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
import queues
import re
import sys
import inspect
from helper_sql import *
from addresses import decodeAddress
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
from foldertree import AccountMixin
from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL
from utils import str_broadcast_subscribers
import time
def getSortedAccounts():
configSections = filter(lambda x: x != 'bitmessagesettings', BMConfigParser().sections())
configSections.sort(cmp =
lambda x,y: cmp(unicode(BMConfigParser().get(x, 'label'), 'utf-8').lower(), unicode(BMConfigParser().get(y, 'label'), 'utf-8').lower())
return configSections
def getSortedSubscriptions(count = False):
queryreturn = sqlQuery('SELECT label, address, enabled FROM subscriptions ORDER BY label COLLATE NOCASE ASC')
ret = {}
for row in queryreturn:
label, address, enabled = row
ret[address] = {}
ret[address]["inbox"] = {}
ret[address]["inbox"]['label'] = label
ret[address]["inbox"]['enabled'] = enabled
ret[address]["inbox"]['count'] = 0
if count:
queryreturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT fromaddress, folder, count(msgid) as cnt
FROM inbox, subscriptions ON subscriptions.address = inbox.fromaddress
WHERE read = 0 AND toaddress = ?
GROUP BY inbox.fromaddress, folder''', str_broadcast_subscribers)
for row in queryreturn:
address, folder, cnt = row
if not folder in ret[address]:
ret[address][folder] = {
'label': ret[address]['inbox']['label'],
'enabled': ret[address]['inbox']['enabled']
ret[address][folder]['count'] = cnt
return ret
def accountClass(address):
if not BMConfigParser().has_section(address):
# FIXME: This BROADCAST section makes no sense
if address == str_broadcast_subscribers:
subscription = BroadcastAccount(address)
if subscription.type != AccountMixin.BROADCAST:
return None
subscription = SubscriptionAccount(address)
if subscription.type != AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION:
return None
return subscription
gateway = BMConfigParser().get(address, "gateway")
for name, cls in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__], inspect.isclass):
# obj = g(address)
if issubclass(cls, GatewayAccount) and cls.gatewayName == gateway:
return cls(address)
# general gateway
return GatewayAccount(address)
# no gateway
return BMAccount(address)
class AccountColor(AccountMixin):
def __init__(self, address, type = None):
self.isEnabled = True
self.address = address
if type is None:
if address is None:
self.type = AccountMixin.ALL
elif BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(self.address, 'mailinglist'):
self.type = AccountMixin.MAILINGLIST
elif BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(self.address, 'chan'):
self.type = AccountMixin.CHAN
elif sqlQuery(
'''select label from subscriptions where address=?''', self.address):
self.type = AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION
self.type = AccountMixin.NORMAL
self.type = type
class BMAccount(object):
def __init__(self, address = None):
self.address = address
self.type = AccountMixin.NORMAL
if BMConfigParser().has_section(address):
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(self.address, 'chan'):
self.type = AccountMixin.CHAN
elif BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(self.address, 'mailinglist'):
self.type = AccountMixin.MAILINGLIST
elif self.address == str_broadcast_subscribers:
self.type = AccountMixin.BROADCAST
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select label from subscriptions where address=?''', self.address)
if queryreturn:
self.type = AccountMixin.SUBSCRIPTION
def getLabel(self, address = None):
if address is None:
address = self.address
label = address
if BMConfigParser().has_section(address):
label = BMConfigParser().get(address, 'label')
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select label from addressbook where address=?''', address)
if queryreturn != []:
for row in queryreturn:
label, = row
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select label from subscriptions where address=?''', address)
if queryreturn != []:
for row in queryreturn:
label, = row
return label
def parseMessage(self, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message):
self.toAddress = toAddress
self.fromAddress = fromAddress
if isinstance(subject, unicode):
self.subject = str(subject)
self.subject = subject
self.message = message
self.fromLabel = self.getLabel(fromAddress)
self.toLabel = self.getLabel(toAddress)
class SubscriptionAccount(BMAccount):
class BroadcastAccount(BMAccount):
class GatewayAccount(BMAccount):
gatewayName = None
ALL_OK = 0
def __init__(self, address):
super(GatewayAccount, self).__init__(address)
def send(self):
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(self.toAddress)
ackdata = OpenSSL.rand(32)
t = ()
'''INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''',
int(time.time()), # sentTime (this will never change)
int(time.time()), # lastActionTime
0, # sleepTill time. This will get set when the POW gets done.
0, # retryNumber
'sent', # folder
2, # encodingtype
min(BMConfigParser().getint('bitmessagesettings', 'ttl'), 86400 * 2) # not necessary to have a TTL higher than 2 days
queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', self.toAddress))
def parseMessage(self, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message):
super(GatewayAccount, self).parseMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message)
class MailchuckAccount(GatewayAccount):
# set "gateway" in keys.dat to this
gatewayName = "mailchuck"
registrationAddress = "BM-2cVYYrhaY5Gbi3KqrX9Eae2NRNrkfrhCSA"
unregistrationAddress = "BM-2cVMAHTRjZHCTPMue75XBK5Tco175DtJ9J"
relayAddress = "BM-2cWim8aZwUNqxzjMxstnUMtVEUQJeezstf"
regExpIncoming = re.compile("(.*)MAILCHUCK-FROM::(\S+) \| (.*)")
regExpOutgoing = re.compile("(\S+) (.*)")
def __init__(self, address):
super(MailchuckAccount, self).__init__(address)
self.feedback = self.ALL_OK
def createMessage(self, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message):
self.subject = toAddress + " " + subject
self.toAddress = self.relayAddress
self.fromAddress = fromAddress
self.message = message
def register(self, email):
self.toAddress = self.registrationAddress
self.subject = email
self.message = ""
self.fromAddress = self.address
def unregister(self):
self.toAddress = self.unregistrationAddress
self.subject = ""
self.message = ""
self.fromAddress = self.address
def status(self):
self.toAddress = self.registrationAddress
self.subject = "status"
self.message = ""
self.fromAddress = self.address
def settings(self):
self.toAddress = self.registrationAddress
self.subject = "config"
self.message = QtGui.QApplication.translate("Mailchuck", """# You can use this to configure your email gateway account
# Uncomment the setting you want to use
# Here are the options:
# pgp: server
# The email gateway will create and maintain PGP keys for you and sign, verify,
# encrypt and decrypt on your behalf. When you want to use PGP but are lazy,
# use this. Requires subscription.
# pgp: local
# The email gateway will not conduct PGP operations on your behalf. You can
# either not use PGP at all, or use it locally.
# attachments: yes
# Incoming attachments in the email will be uploaded to MEGA.nz, and you can
# download them from there by following the link. Requires a subscription.
# attachments: no
# Attachments will be ignored.
# archive: yes
# Your incoming emails will be archived on the server. Use this if you need
# help with debugging problems or you need a third party proof of emails. This
# however means that the operator of the service will be able to read your
# emails even after they have been delivered to you.
# archive: no
# Incoming emails will be deleted from the server as soon as they are relayed
# to you.
# masterpubkey_btc: BIP44 xpub key or electrum v1 public seed
# offset_btc: integer (defaults to 0)
# feeamount: number with up to 8 decimal places
# feecurrency: BTC, XBT, USD, EUR or GBP
# Use these if you want to charge people who send you emails. If this is on and
# an unknown person sends you an email, they will be requested to pay the fee
# specified. As this scheme uses deterministic public keys, you will receive
# the money directly. To turn it off again, set "feeamount" to 0. Requires
# subscription.
self.fromAddress = self.address
def parseMessage(self, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message):
super(MailchuckAccount, self).parseMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message)
if fromAddress == self.relayAddress:
matches = self.regExpIncoming.search(subject)
if not matches is None:
self.subject = ""
if not matches.group(1) is None:
self.subject += matches.group(1)
if not matches.group(3) is None:
self.subject += matches.group(3)
if not matches.group(2) is None:
self.fromLabel = matches.group(2)
self.fromAddress = matches.group(2)
if toAddress == self.relayAddress:
matches = self.regExpOutgoing.search(subject)
if not matches is None:
if not matches.group(2) is None:
self.subject = matches.group(2)
if not matches.group(1) is None:
self.toLabel = matches.group(1)
self.toAddress = matches.group(1)
self.feedback = self.ALL_OK
if fromAddress == self.registrationAddress and self.subject == "Registration Request Denied":
self.feedback = self.REGISTRATION_DENIED
return self.feedback