import collections from importlib import import_module from threading import current_thread, enumerate as threadingEnumerate, RLock import Queue import time import sys from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser from helper_sql import * from singleton import Singleton # TODO make this dynamic, and watch out for frozen, like with messagetypes # import storage.sqlite # import storage.filesystem @Singleton class Inventory(): def __init__(self): #super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self._moduleName = BMConfigParser().safeGet("inventory", "storage") #import_module("." + self._moduleName, "storage") #import_module("storage." + self._moduleName) self._className = "storage." + self._moduleName + "." + self._moduleName.title() + "Inventory" self._inventoryClass = eval(self._className) self._realInventory = self._inventoryClass() self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed = 0 # cheap inheritance copied from asyncore def __getattr__(self, attr): try: if attr == "__contains__": self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed += 1 realRet = getattr(self._realInventory, attr) except AttributeError: raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute '%s'" %(self.__class__.__name__, attr)) else: return realRet class PendingDownloadQueue(Queue.Queue): # keep a track of objects that have been advertised to us but we haven't downloaded them yet maxWait = 300 def __init__(self, maxsize=0): Queue.Queue.__init__(self, maxsize) self.stopped = False self.pending = {} self.lock = RLock() def task_done(self, hashId): Queue.Queue.task_done(self) try: with self.lock: del self.pending[hashId] except KeyError: pass def get(self, block=True, timeout=None): retval = Queue.Queue.get(self, block, timeout) # no exception was raised if not self.stopped: with self.lock: self.pending[retval] = time.time() return retval def clear(self): with self.lock: newPending = {} for hashId in self.pending: if self.pending[hashId] + PendingDownloadQueue.maxWait > time.time(): newPending[hashId] = self.pending[hashId] self.pending = newPending @staticmethod def totalSize(): size = 0 for thread in threadingEnumerate(): if thread.isAlive() and hasattr(thread, 'downloadQueue'): size += thread.downloadQueue.qsize() + len(thread.downloadQueue.pending) return size @staticmethod def stop(): for thread in threadingEnumerate(): if thread.isAlive() and hasattr(thread, 'downloadQueue'): thread.downloadQueue.stopped = True with thread.downloadQueue.lock: thread.downloadQueue.pending = {} class PendingUploadDeadlineException(Exception): pass @Singleton class PendingUpload(object): # keep a track of objects that we have created but haven't distributed yet def __init__(self): super(self.__class__, self).__init__() self.lock = RLock() self.hashes = {} # end by this time in any case self.deadline = 0 self.maxLen = 0 # during shutdown, wait up to 20 seconds to finish uploading # self.shutdownWait = 20 # forget tracking objects after 60 seconds self.objectWait = 60 # wait 10 seconds between clears self.clearDelay = 10 self.lastCleared = time.time() def add(self, objectHash = None): with self.lock: # add a new object into existing thread lists if objectHash: if objectHash not in self.hashes: self.hashes[objectHash] = {'created': time.time(), 'sendCount': 0, 'peers': []} for thread in threadingEnumerate(): if thread.isAlive() and hasattr(thread, 'peer') and \ thread.peer not in self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']: self.hashes[objectHash]['peers'].append(thread.peer) # add all objects into the current thread else: for objectHash in self.hashes: if current_thread().peer not in self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']: self.hashes[objectHash]['peers'].append(current_thread().peer) def len(self): self.clearHashes() with self.lock: return sum(1 for x in self.hashes if (self.hashes[x]['created'] + self.objectWait < time.time() or self.hashes[x]['sendCount'] == 0)) def _progress(self): with self.lock: return float(sum(len(self.hashes[x]['peers']) for x in self.hashes if (self.hashes[x]['created'] + self.objectWait < time.time()) or self.hashes[x]['sendCount'] == 0)) def progress(self, raiseDeadline=True): if self.maxLen < self._progress(): self.maxLen = self._progress() if self.deadline < time.time(): if self.deadline > 0 and raiseDeadline: raise PendingUploadDeadlineException self.deadline = time.time() + 20 try: return 1.0 - self._progress() / self.maxLen except ZeroDivisionError: return 1.0 def clearHashes(self, objectHash=None): if objectHash is None: if self.lastCleared > time.time() - self.clearDelay: return objects = self.hashes.keys() else: objects = objectHash, with self.lock: for i in objects: try: if self.hashes[i]['sendCount'] > 0 and ( len(self.hashes[i]['peers']) == 0 or self.hashes[i]['created'] + self.objectWait < time.time()): del self.hashes[i] except KeyError: pass self.lastCleared = time.time() def delete(self, objectHash=None): if not hasattr(current_thread(), 'peer'): return if objectHash is None: return with self.lock: try: if objectHash in self.hashes and current_thread().peer in self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']: self.hashes[objectHash]['sendCount'] += 1 self.hashes[objectHash]['peers'].remove(current_thread().peer) except KeyError: pass self.clearHashes(objectHash) def stop(self): with self.lock: self.hashes = {} def threadEnd(self): with self.lock: for objectHash in self.hashes: try: if current_thread().peer in self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']: self.hashes[objectHash]['peers'].remove(current_thread().peer) except KeyError: pass self.clearHashes()