diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py b/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py
index 2ccee9f9..7125cb60 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/__init__.py
@@ -3320,7 +3320,7 @@ class settingsDialog(QtGui.QDialog):
shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'useidenticons'))
global languages
- languages = ['system','en','eo','fr','de','es','ru','no','en_pirate','ar','other']
+ languages = ['system','en','eo','fr','de','es','ru','no','ar','zh_cn','en_pirate','other']
user_countrycode = str(shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'userlocale'))
if user_countrycode in languages:
curr_index = languages.index(user_countrycode)
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py
index 4d5af74a..b5e0d4a7 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'settings.ui'
-# Created: Mon Dec 16 00:08:18 2013
+# Created: Sun Jan 12 20:21:07 2014
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.10.3
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
@@ -89,7 +89,8 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
- self.languageComboBox.addItem(_fromUtf8(""))
+ self.languageComboBox.addItem(_fromUtf8(""))
+ self.languageComboBox.addItem(_fromUtf8(""))
self.formLayout_2.setWidget(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, self.languageComboBox)
self.formLayout.setWidget(8, QtGui.QFormLayout.FieldRole, self.groupBox)
self.tabWidgetSettings.addTab(self.tabUserInterface, _fromUtf8(""))
@@ -400,9 +401,10 @@ class Ui_settingsDialog(object):
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(5, _translate("settingsDialog", "Españl", "es"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(6, _translate("settingsDialog", "русский язык", "ru"))
self.languageComboBox.setItemText(7, _translate("settingsDialog", "norsk", "no"))
- self.languageComboBox.setItemText(8, _translate("settingsDialog", "Pirate English", "en_pirate"))
- self.languageComboBox.setItemText(9, _translate("settingsDialog", "العربية", "ar"))
- self.languageComboBox.setItemText(10, _translate("settingsDialog", "Other (set in keys.dat)", "other"))
+ self.languageComboBox.setItemText(8, _translate("settingsDialog", "العربية", "ar"))
+ self.languageComboBox.setItemText(9, _translate("settingsDialog", "中国的", "zh_cn"))
+ self.languageComboBox.setItemText(10, _translate("settingsDialog", "Pirate English", "en_pirate"))
+ self.languageComboBox.setItemText(11, _translate("settingsDialog", "Other (set in keys.dat)", "other"))
self.tabWidgetSettings.setTabText(self.tabWidgetSettings.indexOf(self.tabUserInterface), _translate("settingsDialog", "User Interface", None))
self.groupBox1.setTitle(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listening port", None))
self.label.setText(_translate("settingsDialog", "Listen for connections on port:", None))
diff --git a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui
index 6d33bbee..5834df7d 100644
--- a/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui
+++ b/src/bitmessageqt/settings.ui
@@ -159,6 +159,16 @@
+ -
+ العربية
+ -
+ 中国的
Pirate English
diff --git a/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.pro b/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.pro
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cde33c9f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.pro
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+SOURCES = ../addresses.py\
+ ../bitmessagemain.py\
+ ../class_addressGenerator.py\
+ ../class_outgoingSynSender.py\
+ ../class_objectProcessor.py\
+ ../class_receiveDataThread.py\
+ ../class_sendDataThread.py\
+ ../class_singleCleaner.py\
+ ../class_singleListener.py\
+ ../class_singleWorker.py\
+ ../class_sqlThread.py\
+ ../helper_bitcoin.py\
+ ../helper_bootstrap.py\
+ ../helper_generic.py\
+ ../helper_inbox.py\
+ ../helper_sent.py\
+ ../helper_startup.py\
+ ../shared.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/__init__.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/about.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/addaddressdialog.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/connect.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/help.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/iconglossary.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/newsubscriptiondialog.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/settings.py\
+ ../bitmessageqt/specialaddressbehavior.py
+TRANSLATIONS = bitmessage_zh_cn.ts
diff --git a/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.qm b/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.qm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..dce69347
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.qm differ
diff --git a/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.ts b/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..72ebf9ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/translations/bitmessage_zh_cn.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,1645 @@
+ AddAddressDialog
+ Add new entry
+ 添加新条目
+ Label
+ 标签
+ Address
+ 地址
+ MainWindow
+ Bitmessage
+ 比特信
+ Search
+ 搜索
+ All
+ 全部
+ To
+ 至
+ From
+ 来自
+ Subject
+ 标题
+ Message
+ 消息
+ Received
+ 接收时间
+ Inbox
+ 收件箱
+ Load from Address book
+ 从地址本中选择
+ Fetch Namecoin ID
+ 接收Namecoin ID
+ Message:
+ 消息:
+ Subject:
+ 标题:
+ Send to one or more specific people
+ 发送给一个或更多指定的人
+ <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
+<html><head><meta name="qrichtext" content="1" /><style type="text/css">
+p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
+</style></head><body style=" font-family:'Sans'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
+<p style="-qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; font-family:'MS Shell Dlg 2';"><br /></p></body></html>
+ To:
+ 至:
+ From:
+ 来自:
+ Broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to your address
+ 广播给全部订阅到您的地址的人
+ Send
+ 发送
+ Be aware that broadcasts are only encrypted with your address. Anyone who knows your address can read them.
+ 请注意,广播的消息仅仅使用您的地址加密。任何知道您的地址的人可以阅读其中的内容。
+ Status
+ 状态
+ Sent
+ 已发送
+ New
+ 新建
+ Label (not shown to anyone)
+ 标签(只有您看的到)
+ Address
+ 地址
+ Stream
+ 节点流
+ Your Identities
+ 您的身份
+ Here you can subscribe to 'broadcast messages' that are sent by other users. Messages will appear in your Inbox. Addresses here override those on the Blacklist tab.
+ 您可以在这里订阅到广播地址,接收来自其他用户的广播。消息将出现在您的收件箱。您的黑名单对在这里的地址无效。
+ Add new Subscription
+ 添加新的订阅
+ Label
+ 标签
+ Subscriptions
+ 订阅
+ The Address book is useful for adding names or labels to other people's Bitmessage addresses so that you can recognize them more easily in your inbox. You can add entries here using the 'Add' button, or from your inbox by right-clicking on a message.
+ 这个地址本将帮助您给其他人的地址添加名字或标签,这样的话您就可以在收件箱中更容易的认出它们。您可以在这里点“新建”,或在一条在收件箱中的消息上右击来添加条目。
+ Add new entry
+ 添加新条目
+ Name or Label
+ 名称或标签
+ Address Book
+ 地址本
+ Use a Blacklist (Allow all incoming messages except those on the Blacklist)
+ 使用黑名单(允许所有黑名单以外的人向您发送消息)
+ Use a Whitelist (Block all incoming messages except those on the Whitelist)
+ 使用白名单(仅允许在白名单上的人向您发送消息)
+ Blacklist
+ 黑名单
+ Stream #
+ 节点流 #
+ Connections
+ 连接
+ Total connections: 0
+ 总连接数: 0
+ Since startup at asdf:
+ 自启动于 asdf:
+ Processed 0 person-to-person message.
+ 处理了 0 个点对点消息。
+ Processed 0 public key.
+ 处理了 0 个公匙。
+ Processed 0 broadcast.
+ 处理了 0 个广播。
+ Inventory lookups per second: 0
+ 每秒种的同步请求数: 0
+ Network Status
+ 网络状态
+ File
+ 文件
+ Settings
+ 设置
+ Help
+ 帮助
+ Import keys
+ 导入密钥
+ Manage keys
+ 管理密钥
+ Quit
+ 退出
+ Ctrl+Q
+ Ctrl+Q
+ F1
+ F1
+ About
+ 关于
+ Regenerate deterministic addresses
+ 重新生成静态地址
+ Delete all trashed messages
+ 彻底删除全部回收站中的消息
+ Join / Create chan
+ 加入或创建一个频道
+ Reply
+ 回复
+ Add sender to your Address Book
+ 将发送者添加到地址本
+ Move to Trash
+ 移入回收站
+ View HTML code as formatted text
+ 作为HTML查看
+ Save message as...
+ 将消息保存为...
+ Mark Unread
+ 标记为未读
+ Enable
+ 启用
+ Disable
+ 禁用
+ Set avatar...
+ 设置头像...
+ Copy address to clipboard
+ 将地址复制到剪贴板
+ Special address behavior...
+ 特别的地址行为...
+ Send message to this address
+ 发送消息到这个地址
+ Subscribe to this address
+ 订阅到这个地址
+ Add New Address
+ 创建新地址
+ Delete
+ 删除
+ Copy destination address to clipboard
+ 复制目标地址到剪贴板
+ Force send
+ 强制发送
+ One of your addresses, %1, is an old version 1 address. Version 1 addresses are no longer supported. May we delete it now?
+ 您的地址中的一个, %1,是一个过时的版本1地址. 版本1地址已经不再受到支持了. 我们可以将它删除掉么?
+ Since startup on %1
+ 自启动于 %1
+ Waiting on their encryption key. Will request it again soon.
+ 正在等待他们的加密密钥,我们会在稍后再次请求。
+ Encryption key request queued.
+ 加密密钥请求已经添加到队列中。
+ Queued.
+ 已经添加到队列。
+ Message sent. Waiting on acknowledgement. Sent at %1
+ 消息已经发送. 正在等待回执. 发送于 %1
+ Message sent. Sent at %1
+ 消息已经发送. 发送于 %1
+ Need to do work to send message. Work is queued.
+ 发生消息需要做工。做工正在队列中等待。
+ Acknowledgement of the message received %1
+ 消息的回执已经收到于 %1
+ Broadcast queued.
+ 广播已经添加到队列中。
+ Broadcast on %1
+ 已经广播于 %1
+ Problem: The work demanded by the recipient is more difficult than you are willing to do. %1
+ 错误: 收件人要求的做工量大于我们的最大接受做工量。 %1
+ Problem: The recipient's encryption key is no good. Could not encrypt message. %1
+ 错误: 收件人的加密密钥是无效的。不能加密消息。 %1
+ Forced difficulty override. Send should start soon.
+ 已经忽略最大做工量限制。发送很快就会开始。
+ Unknown status: %1 %2
+ 未知状态: %1 %2
+ Not Connected
+ 未连接
+ Show Bitmessage
+ 显示比特信
+ Subscribe
+ 订阅
+ You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file.
+ 您可以通过编辑和程序储存在同一个目录的 keys.dat 来编辑密钥。备份这个文件十分重要。
+ You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in
+ %1
+It is important that you back up this file.
+ 您可以通过编辑储存在 %1 的 keys.dat 来编辑密钥。备份这个文件十分重要。
+ Open keys.dat?
+ 打开 keys.dat ?
+ You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in the same directory as this program. It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.)
+ 您可以通过编辑和程序储存在同一个目录的 keys.dat 来编辑密钥。备份这个文件十分重要。您现在想打开这个文件么?(请在进行任何修改前关闭比特信)
+ You may manage your keys by editing the keys.dat file stored in
+ %1
+It is important that you back up this file. Would you like to open the file now? (Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes.)
+ 您可以通过编辑储存在 %1 的 keys.dat 来编辑密钥。备份这个文件十分重要。您现在想打开这个文件么?(请在进行任何修改前关闭比特信)
+ Delete trash?
+ 清空回收站?
+ Are you sure you want to delete all trashed messages?
+ 您确定要删除全部被回收的消息么?
+ bad passphrase
+ 错误的密钥
+ You must type your passphrase. If you don't have one then this is not the form for you.
+ 您必须输入您的密钥。如果您没有的话,这个表单不适用于您。
+ Bad address version number
+ 地址的版本号无效
+ Your address version number must be a number: either 3 or 4.
+ 您的地址的版本号必须是一个数字: 3 或 4.
+ Your address version number must be either 3 or 4.
+ 您的地址的版本号必须是 3 或 4.
+ Chan name needed
+ 需要频道的名称
+ You didn't enter a chan name.
+ 您没有输入一个频道的名称。
+ Address already present
+ 地址已经在这里了
+ Could not add chan because it appears to already be one of your identities.
+ 无法添加频道,因为它似乎已经是您的身份之一。
+ Success
+ 成功
+ Successfully created chan. To let others join your chan, give them the chan name and this Bitmessage address: %1. This address also appears in 'Your Identities'.
+ 成功的创建了频道。要让他人加入,请告诉他们频道的名称和这个比特信地址 %1 。这个比特信地址也会出现在“您的身份”中。
+ Address too new
+ 地址太新了
+ Although that Bitmessage address might be valid, its version number is too new for us to handle. Perhaps you need to upgrade Bitmessage.
+ 尽管比特信地址也许是有效的,不过比特信地址的版本号比我们能处理的要新。也许您应该升级比特信了。
+ Address invalid
+ 地址有效
+ That Bitmessage address is not valid.
+ 比特信地址无效。
+ Address does not match chan name
+ 地址和频道的名称不符
+ Although the Bitmessage address you entered was valid, it doesn't match the chan name.
+ 尽管您输入的比特信地址是有效的,不过它和频道的名称不符。
+ Successfully joined chan.
+ 成功的加入到频道。
+ Processed %1 person-to-person messages.
+ 处理了 %1 个点对点消息。
+ Processed %1 broadcast messages.
+ 处理了 %1 个广播。
+ Processed %1 public keys.
+ 处理了 %1 个公匙。
+ Total Connections: %1
+ 总连接数: %1
+ Inventory lookups per second: %1
+ 每秒种的同步请求数: %1
+ Connection lost
+ 连接已丢失
+ Connected
+ 已经连接
+ Message trashed
+ 消息已经移入回收站
+ Error: Bitmessage addresses start with BM- Please check %1
+ 错误:比特信地址以BM-开始,请检查 %1
+ Error: The address %1 is not typed or copied correctly. Please check it.
+ 错误:地址 %1 没有被正确的键入或复制。 请检查一下。
+ Error: The address %1 contains invalid characters. Please check it.
+ 错误: 比特信地址 %1 包含无效的字符。请检查一下。
+ Error: The address version in %1 is too high. Either you need to upgrade your Bitmessage software or your acquaintance is being clever.
+ 错误:地址 %1 的版本号过高。您可能需要升级您的比特信软件或者您的朋友正在使用本程序的非主线版本。
+ Error: Some data encoded in the address %1 is too short. There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance.
+ 错误:在地址 %1 中编码的部分信息过短。您的朋友的软件可能有点问题。
+ Error: Some data encoded in the address %1 is too long. There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance.
+ 错误:在地址 %1 中编码的部分信息过长。您的朋友的软件可能有点问题。
+ Error: Something is wrong with the address %1.
+ 错误: 地址%1 有为未知的错误。
+ Error: You must specify a From address. If you don't have one, go to the 'Your Identities' tab.
+ 错误: 您必须指出一个表单地址, 如果您没有,请到“您的身份”标签页。
+ Address version number
+ 地址版本号
+ Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot understand address version numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.
+ 地址 %1 的地址版本号 %2 无法被比特信理解。也许你应该升级你的比特信到最新版本。
+ Stream number
+ 节点流序号
+ Concerning the address %1, Bitmessage cannot handle stream numbers of %2. Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version.
+ 地址 %1 的节点流序号 %2 无法被比特信理解。也许你应该升级你的比特信到最新版本。
+ Warning: You are currently not connected. Bitmessage will do the work necessary to send the message but it won't send until you connect.
+ 警告: 您尚未连接。 比特信将做足够的功来发送消息,但是消息不会被发出直到您连接。
+ Your 'To' field is empty.
+ “收件人"是空的。
+ Right click one or more entries in your address book and select 'Send message to this address'.
+ 在您的地址本的一个条目上右击,之后选择”发送消息到这个地址“。
+ Fetched address from namecoin identity.
+ 已经自namecoin接收了地址。
+ Work is queued. %1
+ 做工已经添加到队列中。 %1
+ New Message
+ 新消息
+ From
+ 来自
+ Address is valid.
+ 地址有效。
+ The address you entered was invalid. Ignoring it.
+ 您输入的地址是无效的,将被忽略。
+ Error: You cannot add the same address to your address book twice. Try renaming the existing one if you want.
+ 错误:您无法将一个地址添加到您的地址本两次,请尝试重命名已经存在的那个。
+ Error: You cannot add the same address to your subsciptions twice. Perhaps rename the existing one if you want.
+ 错误:您无法将一个地址添加到您的订阅两次,也许您想重命名已经存在的那个。
+ Restart
+ 重启
+ You must restart Bitmessage for the port number change to take effect.
+ 您必须重启以便使比特信对于使用的端口的改变生效。
+ Bitmessage will use your proxy from now on but you may want to manually restart Bitmessage now to close existing connections (if any).
+ 比特信将会从现在开始使用代理,但是您可能想手动重启比特信以便使之前的连接关闭(如果有的话)。
+ Will not resend ever
+ 不尝试再次发送
+ Note that the time limit you entered is less than the amount of time Bitmessage waits for the first resend attempt therefore your messages will never be resent.
+ 请注意,您所输入的时间限制小于比特信的最小重试时间,因此您将永远不会重发消息。
+ Error: You cannot add the same address to your list twice. Perhaps rename the existing one if you want.
+ 错误:您无法将一个地址添加到您的列表两次,也许您想重命名已经存在的那个。
+ Passphrase mismatch
+ 密钥不匹配
+ The passphrase you entered twice doesn't match. Try again.
+ 您两次输入的密码并不匹配,请再试一次。
+ Choose a passphrase
+ 选择一个密钥
+ You really do need a passphrase.
+ 您真的需要一个密码。
+ All done. Closing user interface...
+ 全部完成,正在关闭用户界面...
+ Address is gone
+ 已经失去了地址
+ Bitmessage cannot find your address %1. Perhaps you removed it?
+ 比特信无法找到你的地址 %1。 也许你已经把它删掉了?
+ Address disabled
+ 地址已经禁用
+ Error: The address from which you are trying to send is disabled. You'll have to enable it on the 'Your Identities' tab before using it.
+ 错误: 您想以一个您已经禁用的地址发出消息。在使用之前您需要在“您的身份”处再次启用。
+ Entry added to the Address Book. Edit the label to your liking.
+ 条目已经添加到地址本。您可以去修改您的标签。
+ Moved items to trash. There is no user interface to view your trash, but it is still on disk if you are desperate to get it back.
+ 已经移动项目到回收站。没有图形化的界面可以查看您的回收站,不过如果您还想找回的化它还在您的硬盘上。
+ Save As...
+ 另存为...
+ Write error.
+ 写入失败。
+ No addresses selected.
+ 没有选择地址。
+ Do you really want to remove this avatar?
+ 您真的想一处这个头像么?
+ You have already set an avatar for this address. Do you really want to overwrite it?
+ 您已经为这个地址设置了头像了。您真的想移除么?
+ Start-on-login not yet supported on your OS.
+ 登录时启动尚未支持您在使用的操作系统。
+ Minimize-to-tray not yet supported on your OS.
+ 最小化到托盘尚未支持您的操作系统。
+ Tray notifications not yet supported on your OS.
+ 托盘提醒尚未支持您所使用的操作系统。
+ Testing...
+ 正在测试...
+ This is a chan address. You cannot use it as a pseudo-mailing list.
+ 这是一个频道地址,您无法把它作为伪邮件列表。
+ The address should start with ''BM-''
+ 地址应该以"BM-"开始
+ The address is not typed or copied correctly (the checksum failed).
+ 地址没有被正确的键入或复制(校验码校验失败)。
+ The version number of this address is higher than this software can support. Please upgrade Bitmessage.
+ 这个地址的版本号大于此软件的最大支持。 请升级比特信。
+ The address contains invalid characters.
+ 这个地址中包含无效字符。
+ Some data encoded in the address is too short.
+ 在这个地址中编码的部分信息过少。
+ Some data encoded in the address is too long.
+ 在这个地址中编码的部分信息过长。
+ Enter an address above.
+ 请在上方键入地址。
+ Address is an old type. We cannot display its past broadcasts.
+ 地址没有近期的广播。我们无法显示之间的广播。
+ There are no recent broadcasts from this address to display.
+ 没有可以显示的近期广播。
+ Display the %1 recent broadcast from this address.
+ 显示 %1 条近期广播。
+ Display the %1 recent broadcasts from this address.
+ 显示 %1 条近期广播。
+ You are using TCP port %1. (This can be changed in the settings).
+ 您正在使用TCP端口 %1 。(可以在设置中修改)。
+ Waiting for their encryption key. Will request it again soon.
+ 正在等待他们的加密密钥,我们会在稍后再次请求。
+ Message sent. Waiting for acknowledgement. Sent at %1
+ 消息已经发送. 正在等待回执. 发送于 %1
+ NewAddressDialog
+ Create new Address
+ 创建新地址
+ Here you may generate as many addresses as you like. Indeed, creating and abandoning addresses is encouraged. You may generate addresses by using either random numbers or by using a passphrase. If you use a passphrase, the address is called a "deterministic" address.
+The 'Random Number' option is selected by default but deterministic addresses have several pros and cons:
+ 在这里,您想创建多少地址就创建多少。诚然,创建和丢弃地址受到鼓励。你既可以使用随机数来创建地址,也可以使用密钥。如果您使用密钥的话,生成的地址叫“静态地址”。随机数选项默认为选择,不过相比而言静态地址既有缺点也有优点:
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">Pros:<br/></span>You can recreate your addresses on any computer from memory. <br/>You need-not worry about backing up your keys.dat file as long as you can remember your passphrase. <br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">Cons:<br/></span>You must remember (or write down) your passphrase if you expect to be able to recreate your keys if they are lost. <br/>You must remember the address version number and the stream number along with your passphrase. <br/>If you choose a weak passphrase and someone on the Internet can brute-force it, they can read your messages and send messages as you.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p><span style=" font-weight:600;">优点:<br/></span>您可以通过记忆在任何电脑再次得到您的地址. <br/>您不需要注意备份您的 keys.dat 只要您能记住您的密钥。 <br/><span style=" font-weight:600;">缺点:<br/></span>您若要再次得到您的地址,您必须牢记(或写下您的密钥)。 <br/>您必须牢记密钥的同时也牢记地址版本号和the stream number . <br/>如果您选择了一个弱的密钥的话,一些在互联网我那个的人可能有机会暴力破解, 他们将可以阅读您的消息并且以您的身份发送消息.</p></body></html>
+ Use a random number generator to make an address
+ 使用随机数生成地址
+ Use a passphrase to make addresses
+ 使用密钥生成地址
+ Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address(es) 1 or 2 characters shorter
+ 花费数分钟的计算使地址短1-2个字母
+ Make deterministic addresses
+ 创建静态地址
+ Address version number: 4
+ 地址版本号:4
+ In addition to your passphrase, you must remember these numbers:
+ 在记住您的密钥的同时,您还需要记住以下数字:
+ Passphrase
+ 密钥
+ Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase:
+ 使用该密钥生成的地址数:
+ Stream number: 1
+ 节点流序号:1
+ Retype passphrase
+ 再次输入密钥
+ Randomly generate address
+ 随机生成地址
+ Label (not shown to anyone except you)
+ 标签(只有您看的到)
+ Use the most available stream
+ 使用最可用的节点流
+ (best if this is the first of many addresses you will create)
+ 如果这是您创建的数个地址中的第一个时最佳
+ Use the same stream as an existing address
+ 使用和如下地址一样的节点流
+ (saves you some bandwidth and processing power)
+ (节省你的带宽和处理能力)
+ NewSubscriptionDialog
+ Add new entry
+ 添加新条目
+ Label
+ 标签
+ Address
+ 地址
+ CheckBox
+ 显示在添加之前2天内的广播
+ SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog
+ Special Address Behavior
+ 特别的地址行为
+ Behave as a normal address
+ 作为普通地址
+ Behave as a pseudo-mailing-list address
+ 作为伪邮件列表地址
+ Mail received to a pseudo-mailing-list address will be automatically broadcast to subscribers (and thus will be public).
+ 伪邮件列表收到消息时会自动将其公开的广播给订阅者。
+ Name of the pseudo-mailing-list:
+ 伪邮件列表名称:
+ aboutDialog
+ About
+ 关于
+ PyBitmessage
+ PyBitmessage
+ version ?
+ 版本 ?
+ <html><head/><body><p>Copyright © 2012-2013 Jonathan Warren<br/>Copyright © 2013 The Bitmessage Developers</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>版权所有 © 2012-2013 Jonathan Warren<br/>版权所有 © 2013 比特信开发者</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license; see <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</span></a></p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>以 MIT/X11 软件授权发布; 详情参见 <a href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</span></a></p></body></html>
+ This is Beta software.
+ 本软件处于Beta阶段。
+ connectDialog
+ Bitmessage
+ 比特信
+ Bitmessage won't connect to anyone until you let it.
+ 除非您允许,比特信不会连接到任何人。
+ Connect now
+ 现在连接
+ Let me configure special network settings first
+ 请先让我进行特别的网络设置
+ helpDialog
+ Help
+ 帮助
+ <a href="http://Bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help">http://Bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help</a>
+ <a href="http://Bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help">http://Bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help</a>
+ As Bitmessage is a collaborative project, help can be found online in the Bitmessage Wiki:
+ 鉴于比特信是一个共同完成的项目,您可以在比特信的Wiki上了解如何帮助比特信:
+ iconGlossaryDialog
+ Icon Glossary
+ 图标含义
+ You have no connections with other peers.
+ 您没有和其他节点的连接.
+ You have made at least one connection to a peer using an outgoing connection but you have not yet received any incoming connections. Your firewall or home router probably isn't configured to forward incoming TCP connections to your computer. Bitmessage will work just fine but it would help the Bitmessage network if you allowed for incoming connections and will help you be a better-connected node.
+ 你有至少一个到其他节点的出站连接,但是尚未收到入站连接。您的防火墙或路由器可能尚未设置转发入站TCP连接到您的电脑。比特信将正常运行,不过如果您允许入站连接的话将帮助比特信网络并成为一个通信状态更好的节点。
+ You are using TCP port ?. (This can be changed in the settings).
+ 您正在使用TCP端口 ? 。(可以在设置中更改).
+ You do have connections with other peers and your firewall is correctly configured.
+ 您有和其他节点的连接且您的防火墙已经正确配置。
+ newChanDialog
+ Dialog
+ 对话框
+ Create a new chan
+ 创建一个新的频道
+ Join a chan
+ 加入一个频道
+ Create a chan
+ 创建一个频道
+ <html><head/><body><p>Enter a name for your chan. If you choose a sufficiently complex chan name (like a strong and unique passphrase) and none of your friends share it publicly then the chan will be secure and private. If you and someone else both create a chan with the same chan name then it is currently very likely that they will be the same chan.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>为您的频道起一个名字。如果您选择了一个足够难的名字(比如一个唯一而且强度很高的密码)而您的朋友们也没有公开这个名字,那么频道将会是私密并安全的。目前看来,如果有人和您使用相同的名字创建频道,创建的频道将和您的相同。</p></body></html>
+ Chan name:
+ 频道名称:
+ <html><head/><body><p>A chan exists when a group of people share the same decryption keys. The keys and bitmessage address used by a chan are generated from a human-friendly word or phrase (the chan name). To send a message to everyone in the chan, send a normal person-to-person message to the chan address.</p><p>Chans are experimental and completely unmoderatable.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>一个频道存在于一群共有同一个解密密钥的人之间。频道的密钥和比特信地址生成自可读的文字或密码(频道的名字)。要给一个频道中的每一个人发送消息,仅仅需要发送一个普通的点对点消息到频道的地址。</p><p>频道是实验性的且不受到监管。</p></body></html>
+ Chan bitmessage address:
+ 频道的地址:
+ regenerateAddressesDialog
+ Regenerate Existing Addresses
+ 重新生成已经存在的地址
+ Regenerate existing addresses
+ 重新生成已经存在的地址
+ Passphrase
+ 密钥
+ Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase:
+ 您想要要使用这个密钥生成的地址数:
+ Address version number:
+ 地址版本号:
+ Stream number:
+ 节点流序号:
+ 1
+ 1
+ Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address(es) 1 or 2 characters shorter
+ 花费数分钟的计算使地址短1-2个字母
+ You must check (or not check) this box just like you did (or didn't) when you made your addresses the first time.
+ 这个选项需要和您第一次生成的时候相同。
+ If you have previously made deterministic addresses but lost them due to an accident (like hard drive failure), you can regenerate them here. If you used the random number generator to make your addresses then this form will be of no use to you.
+ 如果您之前创建了静态地址,但是因为一些意外失去了它们(比如硬盘坏了),您可以在这里将他们再次生成。如果您使用随机数来生成的地址的话,那么这个表格对您没有帮助。
+ settingsDialog
+ Settings
+ 设置
+ Start Bitmessage on user login
+ 在用户登录时启动比特信
+ Start Bitmessage in the tray (don't show main window)
+ 启动比特信到托盘 (不要显示主窗口)
+ Minimize to tray
+ 最小化到托盘
+ Show notification when message received
+ 在收到消息时提示
+ Run in Portable Mode
+ 以便携方式运行
+ In Portable Mode, messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application-data folder. This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive.
+ 在便携模式下, 消息和配置文件和程序保存在同一个目录而不是通常的程序数据文件夹。 这使在U盘中允许比特信很方便。
+ Willingly include unencrypted destination address when sending to a mobile device
+ It seems that this func is still at dev when translation was done.
+ 愿意在发送到手机时使用不加密的目标地址
+ Use Identicons
+ 用户身份
+ Interface Language
+ 界面语言
+ System Settings
+ system
+ 系统设置
+ English
+ en
+ Esperanto
+ eo
+ Français
+ fr
+ Deutsch
+ de
+ Españl
+ es
+ ÑÑÑÑкий ÑзÑк
+ ru
+ norsk
+ no
+ Pirate English
+ en_pirate
+ Other (set in keys.dat)
+ other
+ 其他(在keys.dat中设置)
+ User Interface
+ 用户界面
+ Listening port
+ 监听端口
+ Listen for connections on port:
+ 监听连接于端口:
+ Proxy server / Tor
+ 代理服务器 / Tor
+ Type:
+ 类型:
+ Server hostname:
+ 服务器主机名:
+ Port:
+ 端口:
+ Authentication
+ 认证
+ Username:
+ 用户名:
+ Pass:
+ 密码:
+ Listen for incoming connections when using proxy
+ 在使用代理时仍然监听入站连接
+ none
+ 无
+ Network Settings
+ 网络设置
+ Total difficulty:
+ 总难度:
+ The 'Total difficulty' affects the absolute amount of work the sender must complete. Doubling this value doubles the amount of work.
+ “总难度”影响发送者所需要的做工总数。当这个值翻倍时,做工的总数也翻倍。
+ Small message difficulty:
+ 小消息难度:
+ When someone sends you a message, their computer must first complete some work. The difficulty of this work, by default, is 1. You may raise this default for new addresses you create by changing the values here. Any new addresses you create will require senders to meet the higher difficulty. There is one exception: if you add a friend or acquaintance to your address book, Bitmessage will automatically notify them when you next send a message that they need only complete the minimum amount of work: difficulty 1.
+ 当一个人向您发送消息的时候, 他们的电脑必须先做工。这个难度的默认值是1,您可以在创建新的地址前提高这个值。任何新创建的地址都会要求更高的做工量。这里有一个例外,当您将您的朋友添加到地址本的时候,比特信将自动提示他们,当他们下一次向您发送的时候,他们需要的做功量将总是1.
+ The 'Small message difficulty' mostly only affects the difficulty of sending small messages. Doubling this value makes it almost twice as difficult to send a small message but doesn't really affect large messages.
+ “小消息困难度”几乎仅影响发送消息。当这个值翻倍时,发小消息时做工的总数也翻倍,但是并不影响大的消息。
+ Demanded difficulty
+ 要求的难度
+ Here you may set the maximum amount of work you are willing to do to send a message to another person. Setting these values to 0 means that any value is acceptable.
+ 你可以在这里设置您所愿意接受的发送消息的最大难度。0代表接受任何难度。
+ Maximum acceptable total difficulty:
+ 最大接受难度:
+ Maximum acceptable small message difficulty:
+ 最大接受的小消息难度:
+ Max acceptable difficulty
+ 最大可接受难度
+ <html><head/><body><p>Bitmessage can utilize a different Bitcoin-based program called Namecoin to make addresses human-friendly. For example, instead of having to tell your friend your long Bitmessage address, you can simply tell him to send a message to <span style=" font-style:italic;">test. </span></p><p>(Getting your own Bitmessage address into Namecoin is still rather difficult).</p><p>Bitmessage can use either namecoind directly or a running nmcontrol instance.</p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>比特信可以利用基于比特币的Namecoin让地址更加友好。比如除了告诉您的朋友您的长长的比特信地址,您还可以告诉他们发消息给 <span style=" font-style:italic;">test. </span></p><p>把您的地址放入Namecoin还是相当的难的.</p><p>比特信可以不但直接连接到namecoin守护程序或者连接到运行中的nmcontrol实例.</p></body></html>
+ Host:
+ 主机名:
+ Password:
+ 密码:
+ Test
+ 测试
+ Connect to:
+ 连接到:
+ Namecoind
+ NMControl
+ Namecoin integration
+ Namecoin整合
+ <html><head/><body><p>By default, if you send a message to someone and he is offline for more than two days, Bitmessage will send the message again after an additional two days. This will be continued with exponential backoff forever; messages will be resent after 5, 10, 20 days ect. until the receiver acknowledges them. Here you may change that behavior by having Bitmessage give up after a certain number of days or months.</p><p>Leave these input fields blank for the default behavior. </p></body></html>
+ <html><head/><body><p>您发给他们的消息默认会在网络上保存两天,之后比特信会再重发一次. 重发时间会随指数上升; 消息会在5, 10, 20... 天后重发并以此类推. 直到收到收件人的回执. 你可以在这里改变这一行为,让比特信在尝试一段时间后放弃.</p><p>留空意味着默认行为. </p></body></html>
+ Give up after
+ 在
+ and
+ 和
+ days
+ 天
+ months.
+ 月后放弃。
+ Resends Expire
+ 重发超时