""" Thread for performing PoW """ # pylint: disable=protected-access,too-many-branches,too-many-statements # pylint: disable=no-self-use,too-many-lines,too-many-locals from __future__ import division import hashlib import time from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify from struct import pack from subprocess import call # nosec import sqlite3 import defaults import helper_inbox import helper_msgcoding import helper_random import helper_sql import highlevelcrypto import l10n import proofofwork import protocol import queues import shared import state from addresses import decodeAddress, decodeVarint, encodeVarint from bmconfigparser import config from helper_sql import sqlExecute, sqlQuery from network import knownnodes, StoppableThread, invQueue from six.moves import configparser, queue from six.moves.reprlib import repr import six from dbcompat import dbstr from tr import _translate def sizeof_fmt(num, suffix='h/s'): """Format hashes per seconds nicely (SI prefix)""" for unit in ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E', 'Z']: if abs(num) < 1000.0: return "%3.1f%s%s" % (num, unit, suffix) num /= 1024.0 return "%.1f%s%s" % (num, 'Yi', suffix) class singleWorker(StoppableThread): """Thread for performing PoW""" def __init__(self): super(singleWorker, self).__init__(name="singleWorker") self.digestAlg = config.safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'digestalg', 'sha256') proofofwork.init() def stopThread(self): """Signal through the queue that the thread should be stopped""" try: queues.workerQueue.put(("stopThread", "data")) except queue.Full: self.logger.error('workerQueue is Full') super(singleWorker, self).stopThread() def run(self): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init while not helper_sql.sql_ready.wait(1.0) and state.shutdown == 0: self.stop.wait(1.0) if state.shutdown > 0: return # Initialize the neededPubkeys dictionary. queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT DISTINCT toaddress FROM sent''' ''' WHERE (status='awaitingpubkey' AND folder='sent')''') for toAddress, in queryreturn: toAddress = toAddress.decode("utf-8", "replace") toAddressVersionNumber, toStreamNumber, toRipe = \ decodeAddress(toAddress)[1:] if toAddressVersionNumber <= 3: state.neededPubkeys[toAddress] = 0 elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 4: doubleHashOfAddressData = highlevelcrypto.double_sha512( encodeVarint(toAddressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + toRipe ) # Note that this is the first half of the sha512 hash. privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32] tag = doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] # We'll need this for when we receive a pubkey reply: # it will be encrypted and we'll need to decrypt it. state.neededPubkeys[bytes(tag)] = ( toAddress, highlevelcrypto.makeCryptor( hexlify(privEncryptionKey)) ) # Initialize the state.ackdataForWhichImWatching data structure queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT ackdata FROM sent WHERE status = 'msgsent' AND folder = 'sent' ''') for row in queryreturn: ackdata, = row self.logger.info('Watching for ackdata %s', hexlify(ackdata)) state.ackdataForWhichImWatching[bytes(ackdata)] = 0 # Fix legacy (headerless) watched ackdata to include header for oldack in state.ackdataForWhichImWatching: if len(oldack) == 32: # attach legacy header, always constant (msg/1/1) newack = b'\x00\x00\x00\x02\x01\x01' + oldack state.ackdataForWhichImWatching[bytes(newack)] = 0 rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET ackdata=? WHERE ackdata=? AND folder = 'sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(newack), sqlite3.Binary(oldack) ) if rowcount < 1: sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET ackdata=? WHERE ackdata=CAST(? AS TEXT) AND folder = 'sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(newack), oldack ) del state.ackdataForWhichImWatching[oldack] # For the case if user deleted knownnodes # but is still having onionpeer objects in inventory if not knownnodes.knownNodesActual: for item in state.Inventory.by_type_and_tag(protocol.OBJECT_ONIONPEER): queues.objectProcessorQueue.put(( protocol.OBJECT_ONIONPEER, item.payload )) # FIXME: should also delete from inventory # give some time for the GUI to start # before we start on existing POW tasks. self.stop.wait(10) if state.shutdown: return # just in case there are any pending tasks for msg # messages that have yet to be sent. queues.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', '')) # just in case there are any tasks for Broadcasts # that have yet to be sent. queues.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', '')) # send onionpeer object queues.workerQueue.put(('sendOnionPeerObj', '')) while state.shutdown == 0: self.busy = 0 command, data = queues.workerQueue.get() self.busy = 1 if command == 'sendmessage': try: self.sendMsg() except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("sendMsg didn't work") elif command == 'sendbroadcast': try: self.sendBroadcast() except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("sendBroadcast didn't work") elif command == 'doPOWForMyV2Pubkey': try: self.doPOWForMyV2Pubkey(data) except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("doPOWForMyV2Pubkey didn't work") elif command == 'sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey': try: self.sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey(data) except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey didn't work") elif command == 'sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey': try: self.sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey(data) except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey didn't work") elif command == 'sendOnionPeerObj': try: self.sendOnionPeerObj(data) except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("sendOnionPeerObj didn't work") elif command == 'resetPoW': try: proofofwork.resetPoW() except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("proofofwork.resetPoW didn't work") elif command == 'stopThread': self.busy = 0 return else: self.logger.error( 'Probable programming error: The command sent' ' to the workerThread is weird. It is: %s\n', command ) queues.workerQueue.task_done() self.logger.info("Quitting...") def _getKeysForAddress(self, address): try: privSigningKeyBase58 = config.get(address, 'privsigningkey') privEncryptionKeyBase58 = config.get(address, 'privencryptionkey') except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): self.logger.error( 'Could not read or decode privkey for address %s', address) raise ValueError privSigningKeyHex = hexlify(highlevelcrypto.decodeWalletImportFormat( privSigningKeyBase58.encode())) privEncryptionKeyHex = hexlify( highlevelcrypto.decodeWalletImportFormat( privEncryptionKeyBase58.encode())) # The \x04 on the beginning of the public keys are not sent. # This way there is only one acceptable way to encode # and send a public key. pubSigningKey = unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub( privSigningKeyHex))[1:] pubEncryptionKey = unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub( privEncryptionKeyHex))[1:] return privSigningKeyHex, privEncryptionKeyHex, \ pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey def _doPOWDefaults( self, payload, TTL, log_prefix='', log_time=False): target = 2 ** 64 / ( defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte * ( len(payload) + 8 + defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + (( TTL * ( len(payload) + 8 + defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes )) / (2 ** 16)) )) initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest() self.logger.info( '%s Doing proof of work... TTL set to %s', log_prefix, TTL) if log_time: start_time = time.time() trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash) self.logger.info( '%s Found proof of work %s Nonce: %s', log_prefix, trialValue, nonce ) try: delta = time.time() - start_time self.logger.info( 'PoW took %.1f seconds, speed %s.', delta, sizeof_fmt(nonce / delta) ) except NameError: self.logger.warning("Proof of Work exception") payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload return payload def doPOWForMyV2Pubkey(self, adressHash): """ This function also broadcasts out the pubkey message once it is done with the POW """ # Look up my stream number based on my address hash myAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[adressHash] addressVersionNumber, streamNumber = decodeAddress(myAddress)[1:3] # 28 days from now plus or minus five minutes TTL = int(28 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime)) payload += b'\x00\x00\x00\x01' # object type: pubkey payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) # Address version number payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber) # bitfield of features supported by me (see the wiki). payload += protocol.getBitfield(myAddress) try: pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = self._getKeysForAddress( myAddress)[2:] except ValueError: return except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-exception-caught self.logger.error( 'Error within doPOWForMyV2Pubkey. Could not read' ' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested' ' address. %s\n', exc_info=True) return payload += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey # Do the POW for this pubkey message payload = self._doPOWDefaults( payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For pubkey message)') inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(payload) objectType = 1 state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '') self.logger.info( 'broadcasting inv with hash: %s', hexlify(inventoryHash)) invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', '')) try: config.set( myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time()))) config.save() except configparser.NoSectionError: # The user deleted the address out of the keys.dat file # before this finished. pass except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("config.set didn't work") def sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey(self, adressHash): """ If this isn't a chan address, this function assembles the pubkey data, does the necessary POW and sends it out. If it *is* a chan then it assembles the pubkey and stores it in the pubkey table so that we can send messages to "ourselves". """ try: myAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[adressHash] except KeyError: self.logger.warning( # The address has been deleted. "Can't find %s in myAddressByHash", hexlify(adressHash)) return if config.safeGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'): self.logger.info('This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.') return _, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, adressHash = decodeAddress( myAddress) # 28 days from now plus or minus five minutes TTL = int(28 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) # signedTimeForProtocolV2 = embeddedTime - TTL # According to the protocol specification, the expiresTime # along with the pubkey information is signed. But to be # backwards compatible during the upgrade period, we shall sign # not the expiresTime but rather the current time. There must be # precisely a 28 day difference between the two. After the upgrade # period we'll switch to signing the whole payload with the # expiresTime time. payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime)) payload += b'\x00\x00\x00\x01' # object type: pubkey payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) # Address version number payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber) # bitfield of features supported by me (see the wiki). payload += protocol.getBitfield(myAddress) try: # , privEncryptionKeyHex privSigningKeyHex, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \ self._getKeysForAddress(myAddress) except ValueError: return except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-exception-caught self.logger.error( 'Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey. Could not read' ' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested' ' address. %s\n', exc_info=True) return payload += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey payload += encodeVarint(config.getint( myAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')) payload += encodeVarint(config.getint( myAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')) signature = highlevelcrypto.sign( payload, privSigningKeyHex, self.digestAlg) payload += encodeVarint(len(signature)) payload += signature # Do the POW for this pubkey message payload = self._doPOWDefaults( payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For pubkey message)') inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(payload) objectType = 1 state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '') self.logger.info( 'broadcasting inv with hash: %s', hexlify(inventoryHash)) invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', '')) try: config.set( myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time()))) config.save() except configparser.NoSectionError: # The user deleted the address out of the keys.dat file # before this finished. pass except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("BMConfigParser().set didn't work") def sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey(self, myAddress): """ It doesn't send directly anymore. It put is to a queue for another thread to send at an appropriate time, whereas in the past it directly appended it to the outgoing buffer, I think. Same with all the other methods in this class. """ if not config.has_section(myAddress): # The address has been deleted. return if config.safeGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'): self.logger.info('This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.') return _, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, addressHash = decodeAddress( myAddress) # 28 days from now plus or minus five minutes TTL = int(28 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime)) payload += b'\x00\x00\x00\x01' # object type: pubkey payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) # Address version number payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber) dataToEncrypt = protocol.getBitfield(myAddress) try: # , privEncryptionKeyHex privSigningKeyHex, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \ self._getKeysForAddress(myAddress) except ValueError: return except Exception: # pylint:disable=broad-exception-caught self.logger.error( 'Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey. Could not read' ' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested' ' address. %s\n', exc_info=True) return dataToEncrypt += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(config.getint( myAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')) dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(config.getint( myAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')) # When we encrypt, we'll use a hash of the data # contained in an address as a decryption key. This way # in order to read the public keys in a pubkey message, # a node must know the address first. We'll also tag, # unencrypted, the pubkey with part of the hash so that nodes # know which pubkey object to try to decrypt # when they want to send a message. doubleHashOfAddressData = highlevelcrypto.double_sha512( encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + addressHash ) payload += doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] # the tag signature = highlevelcrypto.sign( payload + dataToEncrypt, privSigningKeyHex, self.digestAlg) dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(len(signature)) dataToEncrypt += signature privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32] pubEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.pointMult(privEncryptionKey) payload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt( dataToEncrypt, hexlify(pubEncryptionKey)) # Do the POW for this pubkey message payload = self._doPOWDefaults( payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For pubkey message)') inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(payload) objectType = 1 state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] ) self.logger.info( 'broadcasting inv with hash: %s', hexlify(inventoryHash)) invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', '')) try: config.set( myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime', str(int(time.time()))) config.save() except Exception as err: self.logger.error( 'Error: Couldn\'t add the lastpubkeysendtime' ' to the keys.dat file. Error message: %s', err ) def sendOnionPeerObj(self, peer=None): """Send onionpeer object representing peer""" if not peer: # find own onionhostname for peer in state.ownAddresses: if peer.host.endswith('.onion'): break else: return TTL = int(7 * 24 * 60 * 60 + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) streamNumber = 1 # Don't know yet what should be here objectType = protocol.OBJECT_ONIONPEER # FIXME: ideally the objectPayload should be signed objectPayload = encodeVarint(peer.port) + protocol.encodeHost(peer.host) tag = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(objectPayload) if state.Inventory.by_type_and_tag(objectType, tag): return # not expired payload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime) payload += pack('>I', objectType) payload += encodeVarint(2 if len(peer.host) == 22 else 3) payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber) payload += objectPayload payload = self._doPOWDefaults( payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For onionpeer object)') inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(payload) if six.PY2: payload_buffer = buffer(payload) tag_buffer = buffer(tag) else: # assume six.PY3 payload_buffer = memoryview(payload) tag_buffer = memoryview(tag) state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, streamNumber, payload_buffer, # noqa: F821 embeddedTime, tag_buffer # noqa: F821 ) self.logger.info( 'sending inv (within sendOnionPeerObj function) for object: %s', hexlify(inventoryHash)) invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash)) def sendBroadcast(self): """ Send a broadcast-type object (assemble the object, perform PoW and put it to the inv announcement queue) """ # Reset just in case sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='broadcastqueued' ''' '''WHERE status = 'doingbroadcastpow' AND folder = 'sent' ''') queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT fromaddress, subject, message, ''' ''' ackdata, ttl, encodingtype FROM sent ''' ''' WHERE status=? and folder='sent' ''', dbstr('broadcastqueued')) for row in queryreturn: fromaddress, subject, body, ackdata, TTL, encoding = row fromaddress = fromaddress.decode("utf-8", "replace") subject = subject.decode("utf-8", "replace") body = body.decode("utf-8", "replace") # status _, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = \ decodeAddress(fromaddress) if addressVersionNumber <= 1: self.logger.error( 'Error: In the singleWorker thread, the ' ' sendBroadcast function doesn\'t understand' ' the address version.\n') return # We need to convert our private keys to public keys in order # to include them. try: # , privEncryptionKeyHex privSigningKeyHex, _, pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = \ self._getKeysForAddress(fromaddress) except ValueError: queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Error! Could not find sender address" " (your address) in the keys.dat file.")) )) continue except Exception as err: self.logger.error( 'Error within sendBroadcast. Could not read' ' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested' ' address. %s\n', err ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Error, can't send.")) )) continue rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='doingbroadcastpow' ''' ''' WHERE ackdata=? AND status='broadcastqueued' ''' ''' AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(ackdata)) if rowcount < 1: rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='doingbroadcastpow' ''' ''' WHERE ackdata=CAST(? AS TEXT) AND status='broadcastqueued' ''' ''' AND folder='sent' ''', ackdata) if rowcount < 1: continue # At this time these pubkeys are 65 bytes long # because they include the encoding byte which we won't # be sending in the broadcast message. # pubSigningKey = \ # highlevelcrypto.privToPub(privSigningKeyHex).decode('hex') if TTL > 28 * 24 * 60 * 60: TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 if TTL < 60 * 60: TTL = 60 * 60 # add some randomness to the TTL TTL = int(TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) payload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime) payload += b'\x00\x00\x00\x03' # object type: broadcast if addressVersionNumber <= 3: payload += encodeVarint(4) # broadcast version else: payload += encodeVarint(5) # broadcast version payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber) if addressVersionNumber >= 4: doubleHashOfAddressData = highlevelcrypto.double_sha512( encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe ) tag = doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] payload += tag else: tag = b'' dataToEncrypt = encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(streamNumber) # behavior bitfield dataToEncrypt += protocol.getBitfield(fromaddress) dataToEncrypt += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey if addressVersionNumber >= 3: dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(config.getint( fromaddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')) dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(config.getint( fromaddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')) # message encoding type dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(encoding) encodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgEncode( {"subject": subject, "body": body}, encoding) dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(encodedMessage.length) dataToEncrypt += encodedMessage.data dataToSign = payload + dataToEncrypt signature = highlevelcrypto.sign( dataToSign, privSigningKeyHex, self.digestAlg) dataToEncrypt += encodeVarint(len(signature)) dataToEncrypt += signature # Encrypt the broadcast with the information # contained in the broadcaster's address. # Anyone who knows the address can generate # the private encryption key to decrypt the broadcast. # This provides virtually no privacy; its purpose is to keep # questionable and illegal content from flowing through the # Internet connections and being stored on the disk of 3rd parties. if addressVersionNumber <= 3: privEncryptionKey = hashlib.sha512( encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe ).digest()[:32] else: privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32] pubEncryptionKey = highlevelcrypto.pointMult(privEncryptionKey) payload += highlevelcrypto.encrypt( dataToEncrypt, hexlify(pubEncryptionKey)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send broadcast...")) )) payload = self._doPOWDefaults( payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For broadcast message)') # Sanity check. The payload size should never be larger # than 256 KiB. There should be checks elsewhere in the code # to not let the user try to send a message this large # until we implement message continuation. if len(payload) > 2 ** 18: # 256 KiB self.logger.critical( 'This broadcast object is too large to send.' ' This should never happen. Object size: %s', len(payload) ) continue inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(payload) objectType = 3 state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, tag) self.logger.info( 'sending inv (within sendBroadcast function)' ' for object: %s', hexlify(inventoryHash) ) invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Broadcast sent on {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) # Update the status of the message in the 'sent' table to have # a 'broadcastsent' status rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=?, lastactiontime=? ''' ''' WHERE ackdata=? AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(inventoryHash), dbstr('broadcastsent'), int(time.time()), sqlite3.Binary(ackdata) ) if rowcount < 1: sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=?, lastactiontime=? ''' ''' WHERE ackdata=CAST(? AS TEXT) AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(inventoryHash), 'broadcastsent', int(time.time()), ackdata ) def sendMsg(self): """ Send a message-type object (assemble the object, perform PoW and put it to the inv announcement queue) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks # Reset just in case sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='msgqueued' ''' ''' WHERE status IN ('doingpubkeypow', 'doingmsgpow') ''' ''' AND folder='sent' ''') queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, ''' ''' ackdata, status, ttl, retrynumber, encodingtype FROM ''' ''' sent WHERE (status='msgqueued' or status='forcepow') ''' ''' and folder='sent' ''') # while we have a msg that needs some work for row in queryreturn: toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message, \ ackdata, status, TTL, retryNumber, encoding = row toaddress = toaddress.decode("utf-8", "replace") fromaddress = fromaddress.decode("utf-8", "replace") subject = subject.decode("utf-8", "replace") message = message.decode("utf-8", "replace") status = status.decode("utf-8", "replace") # toStatus _, toAddressVersionNumber, toStreamNumber, toRipe = \ decodeAddress(toaddress) # fromStatus, , ,fromRipe _, fromAddressVersionNumber, fromStreamNumber, _ = \ decodeAddress(fromaddress) # We may or may not already have the pubkey # for this toAddress. Let's check. if status == 'forcepow': # if the status of this msg is 'forcepow' # then clearly we have the pubkey already # because the user could not have overridden the message # about the POW being too difficult without knowing # the required difficulty. pass elif status == 'doingmsgpow': # We wouldn't have set the status to doingmsgpow # if we didn't already have the pubkey so let's assume # that we have it. pass # If we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan # then we won't need an entry in the pubkeys table; # we can calculate the needed pubkey using the private keys # in our keys.dat file. elif config.has_section(toaddress): if not sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow' ''' ''' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' AND folder='sent' ''', dbstr(toaddress) ): continue status = 'doingmsgpow' elif status == 'msgqueued': # Let's see if we already have the pubkey in our pubkeys table queryreturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT address FROM pubkeys WHERE address=?''', dbstr(toaddress) ) # If we have the needed pubkey in the pubkey table already, if queryreturn != []: # set the status of this msg to doingmsgpow if not sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow' ''' ''' WHERE toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' AND folder='sent' ''', dbstr(toaddress) ): continue status = 'doingmsgpow' # mark the pubkey as 'usedpersonally' so that # we don't delete it later. If the pubkey version # is >= 4 then usedpersonally will already be set # to yes because we'll only ever have # usedpersonally v4 pubkeys in the pubkeys table. sqlExecute( '''UPDATE pubkeys SET usedpersonally='yes' ''' ''' WHERE address=?''', dbstr(toaddress) ) # We don't have the needed pubkey in the pubkeys table already. else: if toAddressVersionNumber <= 3: toTag = b'' else: toTag = highlevelcrypto.double_sha512( encodeVarint(toAddressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + toRipe )[32:] toTag_bytes = bytes(toTag) if toaddress in state.neededPubkeys or \ toTag_bytes in state.neededPubkeys: # We already sent a request for the pubkey sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='awaitingpubkey', ''' ''' sleeptill=? WHERE toaddress=? ''' ''' AND status='msgqueued' ''', int(time.time()) + 2.5 * 24 * 60 * 60, dbstr(toaddress) ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', ( toaddress, _translate( "MainWindow", "Encryption key was requested earlier.")) )) # on with the next msg on which we can do some work continue else: # We have not yet sent a request for the pubkey needToRequestPubkey = True # If we are trying to send to address # version >= 4 then the needed pubkey might be # encrypted in the inventory. # If we have it we'll need to decrypt it # and put it in the pubkeys table. # The decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload function # expects that the shared.neededPubkeys dictionary # already contains the toAddress and cryptor # object associated with the tag for this toAddress. if toAddressVersionNumber >= 4: doubleHashOfToAddressData = \ highlevelcrypto.double_sha512( encodeVarint(toAddressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + toRipe ) # The first half of the sha512 hash. privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfToAddressData[:32] # The second half of the sha512 hash. tag = doubleHashOfToAddressData[32:] tag_bytes = bytes(tag) state.neededPubkeys[tag_bytes] = ( toaddress, highlevelcrypto.makeCryptor( hexlify(privEncryptionKey)) ) for value in state.Inventory.by_type_and_tag(1, toTag): # if valid, this function also puts it # in the pubkeys table. if protocol.decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload( value.payload, toaddress ) == 'successful': needToRequestPubkey = False sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET ''' ''' status='doingmsgpow', ''' ''' retrynumber=0 WHERE ''' ''' toaddress=? AND ''' ''' (status='msgqueued' or ''' ''' status='awaitingpubkey' or ''' ''' status='doingpubkeypow') AND ''' ''' folder='sent' ''', dbstr(toaddress)) del state.neededPubkeys[tag_bytes] break # else: # There was something wrong with this # pubkey object even though it had # the correct tag- almost certainly # because of malicious behavior or # a badly programmed client. If there are # any other pubkeys in our inventory # with the correct tag then we'll try # to decrypt those. if needToRequestPubkey: sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET ''' ''' status='doingpubkeypow' WHERE ''' ''' toaddress=? AND status='msgqueued' AND folder='sent' ''', dbstr(toaddress) ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', ( toaddress, _translate( "MainWindow", "Sending a request for the" " recipient\'s encryption key.")) )) self.requestPubKey(toaddress) # on with the next msg on which we can do some work continue # At this point we know that we have the necessary pubkey # in the pubkeys table. TTL *= 2**retryNumber if TTL > 28 * 24 * 60 * 60: TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 # add some randomness to the TTL TTL = int(TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) # if we aren't sending this to ourselves or a chan if not config.has_section(toaddress): state.ackdataForWhichImWatching[bytes(ackdata)] = 0 queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Looking up the receiver\'s public key")) )) self.logger.info('Sending a message.') self.logger.debug( 'First 150 characters of message: %s', repr(message[:150]) ) # Let us fetch the recipient's public key out of # our database. If the required proof of work difficulty # is too hard then we'll abort. queryreturn = sqlQuery( 'SELECT transmitdata FROM pubkeys WHERE address=?', dbstr(toaddress)) for row in queryreturn: # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name pubkeyPayload, = row # The pubkey message is stored with the following items # all appended: # -address version # -stream number # -behavior bitfield # -pub signing key # -pub encryption key # -nonce trials per byte (if address version is >= 3) # -length extra bytes (if address version is >= 3) # to bypass the address version whose length is definitely 1 readPosition = 1 _, streamNumberLength = decodeVarint( pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10]) readPosition += streamNumberLength behaviorBitfield = pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 4] # Mobile users may ask us to include their address's # RIPE hash on a message unencrypted. Before we actually # do it the sending human must check a box # in the settings menu to allow it. # if receiver is a mobile device who expects that their # address RIPE is included unencrypted on the front of # the message.. if protocol.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield, 30): # if we are Not willing to include the receiver's # RIPE hash on the message.. if not config.safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'willinglysendtomobile' ): self.logger.info( 'The receiver is a mobile user but the' ' sender (you) has not selected that you' ' are willing to send to mobiles. Aborting' ' send.' ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Problem: Destination is a mobile" " device who requests that the" " destination be included in the" " message but this is disallowed in" " your settings. {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) # if the human changes their setting and then # sends another message or restarts their client, # this one will send at that time. continue readPosition += 4 # to bypass the bitfield of behaviors # We don't use this key for anything here. # pubSigningKeyBase256 = # pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition+64] readPosition += 64 pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = pubkeyPayload[ readPosition:readPosition + 64] readPosition += 64 # Let us fetch the amount of work required by the recipient. if toAddressVersionNumber == 2: requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = \ defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = \ defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.\n" "There is no required difficulty for" " version 2 addresses like this.")) )) elif toAddressVersionNumber >= 3: requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, \ varintLength = decodeVarint( pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10]) readPosition += varintLength requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = \ decodeVarint( pubkeyPayload[readPosition:readPosition + 10]) readPosition += varintLength # We still have to meet a minimum POW difficulty # regardless of what they say is allowed in order # to get our message to propagate through the network. if requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte < \ defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte: requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = \ defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte if requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes < \ defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes: requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = \ defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes self.logger.debug( 'Using averageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte: %s' ' and payloadLengthExtraBytes: %s.', requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.\n" "Receiver\'s required difficulty: {0} and {1}" ).format( float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes )) )) if status != 'forcepow': maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte = config.getint( 'bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte') maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes = config.getint( 'bitmessagesettings', 'maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes') cond1 = maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte and \ requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte > maxacceptablenoncetrialsperbyte cond2 = maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes and \ requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes > maxacceptablepayloadlengthextrabytes if cond1 or cond2: # The demanded difficulty is more than # we are willing to do. rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='toodifficult' ''' ''' WHERE ackdata=? AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(ackdata)) if rowcount < 1: sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='toodifficult' ''' ''' WHERE ackdata=CAST(? AS TEXT) AND folder='sent' ''', ackdata) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Problem: The work demanded by the" " recipient ({0} and {1}) is more" " difficult than you are willing" " to do. {2}" ).format( float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes, l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) continue else: # if we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan.. self.logger.info('Sending a message.') self.logger.debug( 'First 150 characters of message: %r', message[:150]) behaviorBitfield = protocol.getBitfield(fromaddress) try: privEncryptionKeyBase58 = config.get( toaddress, 'privencryptionkey') except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError) as err: queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Problem: You are trying to send a" " message to yourself or a chan but your" " encryption key could not be found in" " the keys.dat file. Could not encrypt" " message. {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) self.logger.error( 'Error within sendMsg. Could not read the keys' ' from the keys.dat file for our own address. %s\n', err) continue privEncryptionKeyHex = hexlify( highlevelcrypto.decodeWalletImportFormat( privEncryptionKeyBase58.encode())) pubEncryptionKeyBase256 = unhexlify(highlevelcrypto.privToPub( privEncryptionKeyHex))[1:] requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte = \ defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = \ defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send message.")) )) # Now we can start to assemble our message. payload = encodeVarint(fromAddressVersionNumber) payload += encodeVarint(fromStreamNumber) # Bitfield of features and behaviors # that can be expected from me. (See # https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#Pubkey_bitfield_features) payload += protocol.getBitfield(fromaddress) # We need to convert our private keys to public keys in order # to include them. try: privSigningKeyHex, privEncryptionKeyHex, \ pubSigningKey, pubEncryptionKey = self._getKeysForAddress( fromaddress) except ValueError: queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Error! Could not find sender address" " (your address) in the keys.dat file.")) )) continue except Exception as err: self.logger.error( 'Error within sendMsg. Could not read' ' the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested' ' address. %s\n', err ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Error, can't send.")) )) continue payload += pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey if fromAddressVersionNumber >= 3: # If the receiver of our message is in our address book, # subscriptions list, or whitelist then we will allow them to # do the network-minimum proof of work. Let us check to see if # the receiver is in any of those lists. if shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist( toaddress): payload += encodeVarint( defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) payload += encodeVarint( defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes) else: payload += encodeVarint(config.getint( fromaddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')) payload += encodeVarint(config.getint( fromaddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')) # This hash will be checked by the receiver of the message # to verify that toRipe belongs to them. This prevents # a Surreptitious Forwarding Attack. payload += toRipe payload += encodeVarint(encoding) # message encoding type encodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgEncode( {"subject": subject, "body": message}, encoding ) payload += encodeVarint(encodedMessage.length) payload += encodedMessage.data if config.has_section(toaddress): self.logger.info( 'Not bothering to include ackdata because we are' ' sending to ourselves or a chan.' ) fullAckPayload = b'' elif not protocol.checkBitfield( behaviorBitfield, protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK): self.logger.info( 'Not bothering to include ackdata because' ' the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.' ) fullAckPayload = b'' else: # The fullAckPayload is a normal msg protocol message # with the proof of work already completed that the # receiver of this message can easily send out. fullAckPayload = self.generateFullAckMessage(ackdata, TTL) payload += encodeVarint(len(fullAckPayload)) payload += fullAckPayload dataToSign = pack('>Q', embeddedTime) + b'\x00\x00\x00\x02' + \ encodeVarint(1) + encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + payload signature = highlevelcrypto.sign( dataToSign, privSigningKeyHex, self.digestAlg) payload += encodeVarint(len(signature)) payload += signature # We have assembled the data that will be encrypted. try: encrypted = highlevelcrypto.encrypt( payload, b"04" + hexlify(pubEncryptionKeyBase256) ) except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("highlevelcrypto.encrypt didn't work") rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='badkey' WHERE ackdata=? AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(ackdata) ) if rowcount < 1: sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET status='badkey' WHERE ackdata=CAST(? AS TEXT) AND folder='sent' ''', ackdata ) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Problem: The recipient\'s encryption key is" " no good. Could not encrypt message. {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) continue encryptedPayload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime) encryptedPayload += b'\x00\x00\x00\x02' # object type: msg encryptedPayload += encodeVarint(1) # msg version encryptedPayload += encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + encrypted target = 2 ** 64 / ( requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte * ( len(encryptedPayload) + 8 + requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes + (( TTL * ( len(encryptedPayload) + 8 + requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes )) / (2 ** 16)) )) self.logger.info( '(For msg message) Doing proof of work. Total required' ' difficulty: %f. Required small message difficulty: %f.', float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / defaults.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / defaults.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes ) powStartTime = time.time() initialHash = hashlib.sha512(encryptedPayload).digest() trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash) self.logger.info( '(For msg message) Found proof of work %s Nonce: %s', trialValue, nonce ) try: self.logger.info( 'PoW took %.1f seconds, speed %s.', time.time() - powStartTime, sizeof_fmt(nonce / (time.time() - powStartTime)) ) except: # noqa:E722 self.logger.warning("Proof of Work exception") encryptedPayload = pack('>Q', nonce) + encryptedPayload # Sanity check. The encryptedPayload size should never be # larger than 256 KiB. There should be checks elsewhere # in the code to not let the user try to send a message # this large until we implement message continuation. if len(encryptedPayload) > 2 ** 18: # 256 KiB self.logger.critical( 'This msg object is too large to send. This should' ' never happen. Object size: %i', len(encryptedPayload) ) continue inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(encryptedPayload) objectType = 2 state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, toStreamNumber, encryptedPayload, embeddedTime, '') if config.has_section(toaddress) or \ not protocol.checkBitfield(behaviorBitfield, protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK): queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Message sent. Sent at {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) else: # not sending to a chan or one of my addresses queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', ( ackdata, _translate( "MainWindow", "Message sent. Waiting for acknowledgement." " Sent on {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) self.logger.info( 'Broadcasting inv for my msg(within sendmsg function): %s', hexlify(inventoryHash) ) invQueue.put((toStreamNumber, inventoryHash)) # Update the sent message in the sent table with the # necessary information. if config.has_section(toaddress) or \ not protocol.checkBitfield(behaviorBitfield, protocol.BITFIELD_DOESACK): newStatus = 'msgsentnoackexpected' else: newStatus = 'msgsent' # wait 10% past expiration sleepTill = int(time.time() + TTL * 1.1) rowcount = sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=?, retrynumber=?, ''' ''' sleeptill=?, lastactiontime=? WHERE ackdata=? AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(inventoryHash), dbstr(newStatus), retryNumber + 1, sleepTill, int(time.time()), sqlite3.Binary(ackdata) ) if rowcount < 1: sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET msgid=?, status=?, retrynumber=?, ''' ''' sleeptill=?, lastactiontime=? WHERE ackdata=CAST(? AS TEXT) AND folder='sent' ''', sqlite3.Binary(inventoryHash), newStatus, retryNumber + 1, sleepTill, int(time.time()), ackdata ) # If we are sending to ourselves or a chan, let's put # the message in our own inbox. if config.has_section(toaddress): # Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox sigHash = highlevelcrypto.double_sha512(signature)[32:] t = (inventoryHash, toaddress, fromaddress, subject, int( time.time()), message, 'inbox', encoding, 0, sigHash) helper_inbox.insert(t) queues.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', ( inventoryHash, toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message))) # If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an # outside command to let some program know that a new message # has arrived. if config.safeGetBoolean( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'): apiNotifyPath = config.safeGet( 'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath') if apiNotifyPath: # There is no additional risk of remote exploitation or # privilege escalation call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"]) # nosec B603 def requestPubKey(self, toAddress): """Send a getpubkey object""" toStatus, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress( toAddress) if toStatus != 'success': self.logger.error( 'Very abnormal error occurred in requestPubKey.' ' toAddress is: %r. Please report this error to Atheros.', toAddress ) return queryReturn = sqlQuery( '''SELECT retrynumber FROM sent WHERE toaddress=? ''' ''' AND (status='doingpubkeypow' OR status='awaitingpubkey') ''' ''' AND folder='sent' LIMIT 1''', dbstr(toAddress) ) if not queryReturn: self.logger.critical( 'BUG: Why are we requesting the pubkey for %s' ' if there are no messages in the sent folder' ' to that address?', toAddress ) return retryNumber = queryReturn[0][0] if addressVersionNumber <= 3: state.neededPubkeys[toAddress] = 0 elif addressVersionNumber >= 4: # If the user just clicked 'send' then the tag # (and other information) will already be in the # neededPubkeys dictionary. But if we are recovering # from a restart of the client then we have to put it in now. doubleHashOfAddressData = highlevelcrypto.double_sha512( encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe ) privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32] # Note that this is the second half of the sha512 hash. tag = doubleHashOfAddressData[32:] tag_bytes = bytes(tag) if tag_bytes not in state.neededPubkeys: # We'll need this for when we receive a pubkey reply: # it will be encrypted and we'll need to decrypt it. state.neededPubkeys[tag_bytes] = ( toAddress, highlevelcrypto.makeCryptor(hexlify(privEncryptionKey)) ) # 2.5 days. This was chosen fairly arbitrarily. TTL = 2.5 * 24 * 60 * 60 TTL *= 2 ** retryNumber if TTL > 28 * 24 * 60 * 60: TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 # add some randomness to the TTL TTL = TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) payload = pack('>Q', embeddedTime) payload += b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' # object type: getpubkey payload += encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber) if addressVersionNumber <= 3: payload += ripe self.logger.info( 'making request for pubkey with ripe: %s', hexlify(ripe)) else: payload += tag self.logger.info( 'making request for v4 pubkey with tag: %s', hexlify(tag)) statusbar = 'Doing the computations necessary to request' +\ ' the recipient\'s public key.' queues.UISignalQueue.put(('updateStatusBar', statusbar)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', ( toAddress, _translate( "MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to request encryption key.")) )) payload = self._doPOWDefaults(payload, TTL) inventoryHash = highlevelcrypto.calculateInventoryHash(payload) objectType = 1 state.Inventory[inventoryHash] = ( objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '') self.logger.info('sending inv (for the getpubkey message)') invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash)) # wait 10% past expiration sleeptill = int(time.time() + TTL * 1.1) sqlExecute( '''UPDATE sent SET lastactiontime=?, ''' ''' status='awaitingpubkey', retrynumber=?, sleeptill=? ''' ''' WHERE toaddress=? AND (status='doingpubkeypow' OR ''' ''' status='awaitingpubkey') AND folder='sent' ''', int(time.time()), retryNumber + 1, sleeptill, dbstr(toAddress)) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateStatusBar', _translate( "MainWindow", "Broadcasting the public key request. This program will" " auto-retry if they are offline.") )) queues.UISignalQueue.put(( 'updateSentItemStatusByToAddress', ( toAddress, _translate( "MainWindow", "Sending public key request. Waiting for reply." " Requested at {0}" ).format(l10n.formatTimestamp())) )) def generateFullAckMessage(self, ackdata, TTL): """Create ACK packet""" # It might be perfectly fine to just use the same TTL for # the ackdata that we use for the message. But I would rather # it be more difficult for attackers to associate ackData with # the associated msg object. However, users would want the TTL # of the acknowledgement to be about the same as they set # for the message itself. So let's set the TTL of the # acknowledgement to be in one of three 'buckets': 1 hour, 7 # days, or 28 days, whichever is relatively close to what the # user specified. if TTL < 24 * 60 * 60: # 1 day TTL = 24 * 60 * 60 # 1 day elif TTL < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: # 1 week TTL = 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 1 week else: TTL = 28 * 24 * 60 * 60 # 4 weeks # Add some randomness to the TTL TTL = int(TTL + helper_random.randomrandrange(-300, 300)) embeddedTime = int(time.time() + TTL) # type/version/stream already included payload = pack('>Q', (embeddedTime)) + ackdata payload = self._doPOWDefaults( payload, TTL, log_prefix='(For ack message)', log_time=True) return protocol.CreatePacket(b'object', payload)