""" Utility functions to check the availability of dependencies and suggest how it may be installed """ import os import re import sys # Only really old versions of Python don't have sys.hexversion. We don't # support them. The logging module was introduced in Python 2.3 if not hasattr(sys, 'hexversion') or sys.hexversion < 0x20300F0: sys.exit( 'Python version: %s\n' 'PyBitmessage requires Python 2.7.4 or greater (but not Python 3)' % sys.version ) import logging # noqa:E402 import subprocess from distutils import version from importlib import import_module # We can now use logging so set up a simple configuration formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s') handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger = logging.getLogger('both') logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.ERROR) OS_RELEASE = { "Debian GNU/Linux".lower(): "Debian", "fedora": "Fedora", "opensuse": "openSUSE", "ubuntu": "Ubuntu", "gentoo": "Gentoo", "calculate": "Gentoo" } PACKAGE_MANAGER = { "OpenBSD": "pkg_add", "FreeBSD": "pkg install", "Debian": "apt-get install", "Ubuntu": "apt-get install", "Ubuntu 12": "apt-get install", "Ubuntu 20": "apt-get install", "openSUSE": "zypper install", "Fedora": "dnf install", "Guix": "guix package -i", "Gentoo": "emerge" } PACKAGES = { "qtpy": { "OpenBSD": "py-qtpy", "FreeBSD": "py27-QtPy", "Debian": "python-qtpy", "Ubuntu": "python-qtpy", "Ubuntu 12": "python-qtpy", "openSUSE": "python-QtPy", "Fedora": "python2-QtPy", "Guix": "", "Gentoo": "dev-python/QtPy", "optional": True, "description": "You only need qtpy if you want to use the GUI." " When only running as a daemon, this can be skipped.\n" "Also maybe you need to install PyQt5 if your package manager" " not installs it as qtpy dependency" }, "msgpack": { "OpenBSD": "py-msgpack", "FreeBSD": "py27-msgpack-python", "Debian": "python-msgpack", "Ubuntu": "python-msgpack", "Ubuntu 12": "msgpack-python", "Ubuntu 20": "", "openSUSE": "python-msgpack-python", "Fedora": "python2-msgpack", "Guix": "python2-msgpack", "Gentoo": "dev-python/msgpack", "optional": True, "description": "python-msgpack is recommended for improved performance of" " message encoding/decoding" }, "pyopencl": { "FreeBSD": "py27-pyopencl", "Debian": "python-pyopencl", "Ubuntu": "python-pyopencl", "Ubuntu 12": "python-pyopencl", "Ubuntu 20": "", "Fedora": "python2-pyopencl", "openSUSE": "", "OpenBSD": "", "Guix": "", "Gentoo": "dev-python/pyopencl", "optional": True, "description": "If you install pyopencl, you will be able to use" " GPU acceleration for proof of work.\n" "You also need a compatible GPU and drivers." }, "setuptools": { "OpenBSD": "py-setuptools", "FreeBSD": "py27-setuptools", "Debian": "python-setuptools", "Ubuntu": "python-setuptools", "Ubuntu 12": "python-setuptools", "Ubuntu 20": "python-setuptools", "Fedora": "python2-setuptools", "openSUSE": "python-setuptools", "Guix": "python2-setuptools", "Gentoo": "dev-python/setuptools", "optional": False, }, "six": { "OpenBSD": "py-six", "FreeBSD": "py27-six", "Debian": "python-six", "Ubuntu": "python-six", "Ubuntu 12": "python-six", "Ubuntu 20": "python-six", "Fedora": "python-six", "openSUSE": "python-six", "Guix": "python-six", "Gentoo": "dev-python/six", "optional": False, } } def detectOS(): """Finding out what Operating System is running""" if detectOS.result is not None: return detectOS.result if sys.platform.startswith('openbsd'): detectOS.result = "OpenBSD" elif sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): detectOS.result = "FreeBSD" elif sys.platform.startswith('win'): detectOS.result = "Windows" elif os.path.isfile("/etc/os-release"): detectOSRelease() elif os.path.isfile("/etc/config.scm"): detectOS.result = "Guix" return detectOS.result detectOS.result = None def detectOSRelease(): """Detecting the release of OS""" with open("/etc/os-release", 'r') as osRelease: ver = None for line in osRelease: if line.startswith("NAME="): detectOS.result = OS_RELEASE.get( line.replace('"', '').split("=")[-1].strip().lower()) elif line.startswith("VERSION_ID="): try: ver = float(line.split("=")[1].replace("\"", "")) except ValueError: pass if detectOS.result == "Ubuntu" and ver < 14: detectOS.result = "Ubuntu 12" elif detectOS.result == "Ubuntu" and version >= 20: detectOS.result = "Ubuntu 20" def try_import(module, log_extra=False): """Try to import the non imported packages""" try: return import_module(module) except ImportError: module = module.split('.')[0] logger.error('The %s module is not available.', module) if log_extra: logger.error(log_extra) dist = detectOS() logger.error( 'On %s, try running "%s %s" as root.', dist, PACKAGE_MANAGER[dist], PACKAGES[module][dist]) return False def check_ripemd160(): """Check availability of the RIPEMD160 hash function""" try: from fallback import RIPEMD160Hash except ImportError: return False return RIPEMD160Hash is not None def check_sqlite(): """Do sqlite check. Simply check sqlite3 module if exist or not with hexversion support in python version for specifieed platform. """ if sys.hexversion < 0x020500F0: logger.error( 'The sqlite3 module is not included in this version of Python.') if sys.platform.startswith('freebsd'): logger.error( 'On FreeBSD, try running "pkg install py27-sqlite3" as root.') return False sqlite3 = try_import('sqlite3') if not sqlite3: return False logger.info('sqlite3 Module Version: %s', sqlite3.version) logger.info('SQLite Library Version: %s', sqlite3.sqlite_version) # sqlite_version_number formula: https://sqlite.org/c3ref/c_source_id.html sqlite_version_number = ( sqlite3.sqlite_version_info[0] * 1000000 + sqlite3.sqlite_version_info[1] * 1000 + sqlite3.sqlite_version_info[2] ) conn = None try: try: conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:') if sqlite_version_number >= 3006018: sqlite_source_id = conn.execute( 'SELECT sqlite_source_id();' ).fetchone()[0] logger.info('SQLite Library Source ID: %s', sqlite_source_id) if sqlite_version_number >= 3006023: compile_options = ', '.join( [row[0] for row in conn.execute('PRAGMA compile_options;')]) logger.info( 'SQLite Library Compile Options: %s', compile_options) # There is no specific version requirement as yet, so we just # use the first version that was included with Python. if sqlite_version_number < 3000008: logger.error( 'This version of SQLite is too old.' ' PyBitmessage requires SQLite 3.0.8 or later') return False return True except sqlite3.Error: logger.exception('An exception occured while checking sqlite.') return False finally: if conn: conn.close() def check_openssl(): """Do openssl dependency check. Here we are checking for openssl with its all dependent libraries and version checking. """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches, too-many-return-statements # pylint: disable=protected-access, redefined-outer-name ctypes = try_import('ctypes') if not ctypes: logger.error('Unable to check OpenSSL.') return False # We need to emulate the way PyElliptic searches for OpenSSL. if sys.platform == 'win32': paths = ['libeay32.dll'] if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): paths.insert(0, os.path.join(sys._MEIPASS, 'libeay32.dll')) else: paths = ['libcrypto.so', 'libcrypto.so.1.0.0'] if sys.platform == 'darwin': paths.extend([ 'libcrypto.dylib', '/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.dylib', './../Frameworks/libcrypto.dylib' ]) if re.match(r'linux|darwin|freebsd', sys.platform): try: import ctypes.util path = ctypes.util.find_library('ssl') if path not in paths: paths.append(path) except: # noqa:E722 pass openssl_version = None openssl_hexversion = None openssl_cflags = None cflags_regex = re.compile(r'(?:OPENSSL_NO_)(AES|EC|ECDH|ECDSA)(?!\w)') import pyelliptic.openssl for path in paths: logger.info('Checking OpenSSL at %s', path) try: library = ctypes.CDLL(path) except OSError: continue logger.info('OpenSSL Name: %s', library._name) try: openssl_version, openssl_hexversion, openssl_cflags = \ pyelliptic.openssl.get_version(library) except AttributeError: # sphinx chokes return True if not openssl_version: logger.error('Cannot determine version of this OpenSSL library.') return False logger.info('OpenSSL Version: %s', openssl_version) logger.info('OpenSSL Compile Options: %s', openssl_cflags) # PyElliptic uses EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new and EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free which were # introduced in 0.9.8b. if openssl_hexversion < 0x90802F: logger.error( 'This OpenSSL library is too old. PyBitmessage requires' ' OpenSSL 0.9.8b or later with AES, Elliptic Curves (EC),' ' ECDH, and ECDSA enabled.') return False matches = cflags_regex.findall(openssl_cflags.decode('utf-8', "ignore")) if matches: logger.error( 'This OpenSSL library is missing the following required' ' features: %s. PyBitmessage requires OpenSSL 0.9.8b' ' or later with AES, Elliptic Curves (EC), ECDH,' ' and ECDSA enabled.', ', '.join(matches)) return False return True return False # ..todo:: The minimum versions of pythondialog and dialog need to be determined def check_curses(): """Do curses dependency check. Here we are checking for curses if available or not with check as interface requires the `pythondialog `_ package and the dialog utility. """ if sys.hexversion < 0x20600F0: logger.error( 'The curses interface requires the pythondialog package and' ' the dialog utility.') return False curses = try_import('curses') if not curses: logger.error('The curses interface can not be used.') return False logger.info('curses Module Version: %s', curses.version) dialog = try_import('dialog') if not dialog: logger.error('The curses interface can not be used.') return False try: subprocess.check_call(['which', 'dialog']) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: logger.error( 'Curses requires the `dialog` command to be installed as well as' ' the python library.') return False logger.info('pythondialog Package Version: %s', dialog.__version__) dialog_util_version = dialog.Dialog().cached_backend_version # The pythondialog author does not like Python2 str, so we have to use # unicode for just the version otherwise we get the repr form which # includes the module and class names along with the actual version. logger.info('dialog Utility Version %s', dialog_util_version.decode('utf-8')) return True def check_pyqt(): """Do pyqt dependency check. Here we are checking for PyQt4 with its version, as for it require PyQt 4.8 or later. """ # pylint: disable=no-member try: from fallback import qtpy except ImportError: logger.error( 'PyBitmessage requires qtpy, PyQt 4.8 or later and Qt 4.7 or later.' ) qtpy = None if not qtpy: return False logger.info('PyQt Version: %s', qtpy.PYQT_VERSION) logger.info('Qt Version: %s', qtpy.QT_VERSION) passed = True if version.LooseVersion(qtpy.PYQT_VERSION) < '4.8': logger.error( 'This version of PyQt is too old. PyBitmessage requries' ' PyQt 4.8 or later.') passed = False if version.LooseVersion(qtpy.QT_VERSION) < '4.7': logger.error( 'This version of Qt is too old. PyBitmessage requries' ' Qt 4.7 or later.') passed = False return passed def check_msgpack(): """Do msgpack module check. simply checking if msgpack package with all its dependency is available or not as recommended for messages coding. """ return try_import( 'msgpack', 'It is highly recommended for messages coding.') is not False def check_dependencies(verbose=False, optional=False): """Do dependency check. It identifies project dependencies and checks if there are any known, publicly disclosed, vulnerabilities.basically scan applications (and their dependent libraries) so that easily identify any known vulnerable components. """ if verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) has_all_dependencies = True # Python 2.7.4 is the required minimum. # (https://bitmessage.org/forum/index.php?topic=4081.0) # Python 3+ is not supported, but it is still useful to provide # information about our other requirements. logger.info('Python version: %s', sys.version) if sys.hexversion < 0x20704F0: logger.error( 'PyBitmessage requires Python 2.7.4 or greater' ' (but not Python 3+)') has_all_dependencies = False if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000: logger.error( 'PyBitmessage does not support Python 3+. Python 2.7.4' ' or greater is required. Python 2.7.18 is recommended.') sys.exit() # FIXME: This needs to be uncommented when more of the code is python3 compatible # if sys.hexversion >= 0x3000000 and sys.hexversion < 0x3060000: # print("PyBitmessage requires python >= 3.6 if using python 3") check_functions = [check_ripemd160, check_sqlite, check_openssl] if optional: check_functions.extend([check_msgpack, check_pyqt, check_curses]) # Unexpected exceptions are handled here for check in check_functions: try: has_all_dependencies &= check() except: # noqa:E722 logger.exception('%s failed unexpectedly.', check.__name__) has_all_dependencies = False if not has_all_dependencies: sys.exit( 'PyBitmessage cannot start. One or more dependencies are' ' unavailable.' ) logger.setLevel(0)