2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
import rsa
import hashlib
from struct import *
#There is another copy of this function in Bitmessagemain.py
def convertIntToString(n):
a = __builtins__.hex(n)
if a[-1:] == 'L':
a = a[:-1]
if (len(a) % 2) == 0:
return a[2:].decode('hex')
return ('0'+a[2:]).decode('hex')
ALPHABET = "123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"
def encodeBase58(num, alphabet=ALPHABET):
"""Encode a number in Base X
`num`: The number to encode
`alphabet`: The alphabet to use for encoding
if (num == 0):
return alphabet[0]
arr = []
base = len(alphabet)
while num:
rem = num % base
#print 'num is:', num
num = num // base
return ''.join(arr)
def decodeBase58(string, alphabet=ALPHABET):
"""Decode a Base X encoded string into the number
- `string`: The encoded string
- `alphabet`: The alphabet to use for encoding
base = len(alphabet)
strlen = len(string)
num = 0
power = strlen - 1
for char in string:
num += alphabet.index(char) * (base ** power)
power -= 1
#character not found (like a space character or a 0)
return 0
return num
def encodeVarint(integer):
if integer < 0:
print 'varint cannot be < 0'
raise SystemExit
if integer < 253:
return pack('>B',integer)
if integer >= 253 and integer < 65536:
return pack('>B',253) + pack('>H',integer)
if integer >= 65536 and integer < 4294967296:
return pack('>B',254) + pack('>I',integer)
if integer >= 4294967296 and integer < 18446744073709551616:
return pack('>B',255) + pack('>Q',integer)
if integer >= 18446744073709551616:
print 'varint cannot be >= 18446744073709551616'
raise SystemExit
def decodeVarint(data):
if len(data) == 0:
return (0,0)
firstByte, = unpack('>B',data[0:1])
if firstByte < 253:
return (firstByte,1) #the 1 is the length of the varint
if firstByte == 253:
a, = unpack('>H',data[1:3])
return (a,3)
if firstByte == 254:
a, = unpack('>I',data[1:5])
return (a,5)
if firstByte == 255:
a, = unpack('>Q',data[1:9])
return (a,9)
def calculateInventoryHash(data):
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
sha2 = hashlib.new('sha512')
return sha2.digest()[0:32]
def encodeAddress(version,stream,ripe):
a = encodeVarint(version) + encodeVarint(stream) + ripe
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
currentHash = sha.digest()
#print 'sha after first hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
#print 'sha after second hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
checksum = sha.digest()[0:4]
#print 'len(a) = ', len(a)
#print 'checksum = ', checksum.encode('hex')
#print 'len(checksum) = ', len(checksum)
asInt = int(a.encode('hex') + checksum.encode('hex'),16)
#asInt = int(checksum.encode('hex') + a.encode('hex'),16)
# print asInt
return 'BM-'+ encodeBase58(asInt)
def decodeAddress(address):
#returns (status, address version number, stream number, data (almost certainly a ripe hash))
2012-12-19 14:49:40 -05:00
"""#check for the BM- at the front of the address. If it isn't there, this address might be for a different version of Bitmessage
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
if address[:3] != 'BM-':
status = 'missingbm'
return status,0,0,0
#take off the BM-
2012-12-19 14:49:40 -05:00
integer = decodeBase58(address[3:])"""
#changed Bitmessage to accept addresses that lack the "BM-" prefix.
if address[:3] == 'BM-':
integer = decodeBase58(address[3:])
integer = decodeBase58(address)
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
if integer == 0:
status = 'invalidcharacters'
return status,0,0,0
#after converting to hex, the string will be prepended with a 0x and appended with a L
hexdata = hex(integer)[2:-1]
if len(hexdata) % 2 != 0:
hexdata = '0' + hexdata
#print 'hexdata', hexdata
data = hexdata.decode('hex')
checksum = data[-4:]
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
currentHash = sha.digest()
#print 'sha after first hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
#print 'sha after second hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
if checksum != sha.digest()[0:4]:
print 'checksum failed'
status = 'checksumfailed'
return status,0,0,0
# print 'checksum PASSED'
addressVersionNumber, bytesUsedByVersionNumber = decodeVarint(data[:9])
#print 'addressVersionNumber', addressVersionNumber
#print 'bytesUsedByVersionNumber', bytesUsedByVersionNumber
2013-01-11 17:21:55 -05:00
if addressVersionNumber != 1:
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
print 'cannot decode version address version numbers this high'
status = 'versiontoohigh'
return status,0,0,0
streamNumber, bytesUsedByStreamNumber = decodeVarint(data[bytesUsedByVersionNumber:10+bytesUsedByVersionNumber])
#print streamNumber
status = 'success'
return status,addressVersionNumber,streamNumber,data[-24:-4]
2012-12-19 14:49:40 -05:00
def addBMIfNotPresent(address):
if address[:3] != 'BM-':
return 'BM-'+address
return address
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
def addressStream(address):
#returns the stream number of an address or False if there is a problem with the address.
#check for the BM- at the front of the address. If it isn't there, this address might be for a different version of Bitmessage
if address[:3] != 'BM-':
status = 'missingbm'
return False
#here we take off the BM-
integer = decodeBase58(address[3:])
#after converting to hex, the string will be prepended with a 0x and appended with a L
hexdata = hex(integer)[2:-1]
if len(hexdata) % 2 != 0:
hexdata = '0' + hexdata
#print 'hexdata', hexdata
data = hexdata.decode('hex')
checksum = data[-4:]
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
currentHash = sha.digest()
#print 'sha after first hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
#print 'sha after second hashing: ', sha.hexdigest()
if checksum != sha.digest()[0:4]:
print 'checksum failed'
status = 'checksumfailed'
return False
# print 'checksum PASSED'
addressVersionNumber, bytesUsedByVersionNumber = decodeVarint(data[:9])
#print 'addressVersionNumber', addressVersionNumber
#print 'bytesUsedByVersionNumber', bytesUsedByVersionNumber
if addressVersionNumber < 1:
print 'cannot decode version address version numbers this high'
status = 'versiontoohigh'
return False
streamNumber, bytesUsedByStreamNumber = decodeVarint(data[bytesUsedByVersionNumber:9+bytesUsedByVersionNumber])
#print streamNumber
status = 'success'
return streamNumber
if __name__ == "__main__":
#Let's make a new Bitmessage address:
(pubkey, privkey) = rsa.newkeys(256)
print privkey['n']
print privkey['e']
print privkey['d']
print privkey['p']
print privkey['q']
ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
#print 'sha digest:', sha.digest()
#print 'ripe digest:', ripe.digest()
#print len(sha.digest())
#print len(ripe.digest())
#prepend the version number and stream number
a = '\x05' + '\x08' + ripe.digest()
#print 'lengh of a at beginning = ', len(a)
print 'This is the data to be encoded in the address: ', a.encode('hex')
2013-01-11 17:21:55 -05:00
returnedAddress = encodeAddress(1,8,ripe.digest())
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
status,addressVersionNumber,streamNumber,data = decodeAddress(returnedAddress)
print returnedAddress
print 'Status:', status
print 'addressVersionNumber', addressVersionNumber
print 'streamNumber', streamNumber
print 'length of data(the ripe hash):', len(data)
print '\n\nNow let us try making an address with given 2048-bit n and e values.'
testn = 16691381808213609635656612695328489234826227577985206736118595570304213887605602327717776979169783795560145663031146864154748634207927153095849203939039346778471192284119479329875655789428795925773927040539038073349089996911318012189546542694411685389074592231210678771416758973061752125295462189928432307067746658691146428088703129795340914596189054255127032271420140641112277113597275245807890920656563056790943850440012709593297328230145129809419550219898595770524436575484115680960823105256137731976622290028349172297572826751147335728017861413787053794003722218722212196385625462088929496952843002425059308041193
teste = 65537
ripe = hashlib.new('ripemd160')
sha = hashlib.new('sha512')
encodedAddress = encodeAddress(1,1,ripe.digest())
print encodedAddress
status,addressVersionNumber,streamNumber,data = decodeAddress(encodedAddress)
print 'Status:', status
print 'addressVersionNumber', addressVersionNumber
print 'streamNumber', streamNumber
print 'length of data(the ripe hash):', len(data)