Trouble sending on multicor machines on 0.4.4 #725

opened 2014-10-14 00:33:55 +02:00 by grant-olson · 2 comments
grant-olson commented 2014-10-14 00:33:55 +02:00 (Migrated from

I've seen this on both an OSX box (8 cores) and a linux box (4 cores). I was only able to do the full reproducible on linux, as my keys.dat file prevented me from going back to 0.4.3 on the OSX box.

  1. Check out v0.4.3.
  2. Open top
  3. Open bitmessage.
  4. Send a message.
  5. Processes will start up for each core in top to calculate the PoW more quickly. Message will send.
  6. Close bitmessage.
  7. Check out ProtoV3
  8. Send a message.
  9. Processes will fire up in top. They'll consume 100% cpu for a few minutes. One by one, the CPU usage on each process will drop to zero.
  10. The bitmessage app will still say that we're doing work to calculate the PoW. The message never sends.
I've seen this on both an OSX box (8 cores) and a linux box (4 cores). I was only able to do the full reproducible on linux, as my `keys.dat` file prevented me from going back to 0.4.3 on the OSX box. 1. Check out v0.4.3. 2. Open top 3. Open bitmessage. 4. Send a message. 5. Processes will start up for each core in top to calculate the PoW more quickly. Message will send. 6. Close bitmessage. 7. Check out `ProtoV3` 8. Send a message. 9. Processes will fire up in top. They'll consume 100% cpu for a few minutes. One by one, the CPU usage on each process will drop to zero. 10. The bitmessage app will still say that we're doing work to calculate the PoW. The message never sends.
grant-olson commented 2014-10-14 20:35:34 +02:00 (Migrated from

That worked. I'll get a new OSX binary up shortly...

That worked. I'll get a new OSX binary up shortly...
Atheros1 commented 2014-10-14 20:36:47 +02:00 (Migrated from


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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-02-16#725
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