- outbound peers now have a rating - it's also shown in the network status tab - currently it's between -1 to +1, changes by 0.1 steps and uses a hyperbolic function 0.05/(1.0 - rating) to convert rating to probability with which we should connect to that node when randomly chosen - it increases when we successfully establish a full outbound connection to a node, and decreases when we fail to do that - onion nodes have priority when using SOCKS
256 lines
12 KiB
256 lines
12 KiB
import base64
from binascii import hexlify
import hashlib
import math
import time
from pprint import pprint
import socket
import struct
import random
import traceback
from addresses import calculateInventoryHash
from debug import logger
from inventory import Inventory
import knownnodes
from network.advanceddispatcher import AdvancedDispatcher
from network.bmproto import BMProtoError, BMProtoInsufficientDataError, BMProtoExcessiveDataError, BMProto
from network.bmobject import BMObject, BMObjectInsufficientPOWError, BMObjectInvalidDataError, BMObjectExpiredError, BMObjectUnwantedStreamError, BMObjectInvalidError, BMObjectAlreadyHaveError
import network.connectionpool
from network.downloadqueue import DownloadQueue
from network.node import Node
import network.asyncore_pollchoose as asyncore
from network.proxy import Proxy, ProxyError, GeneralProxyError
from network.objectracker import ObjectTracker
from network.socks5 import Socks5Connection, Socks5Resolver, Socks5AuthError, Socks5Error
from network.socks4a import Socks4aConnection, Socks4aResolver, Socks4aError
from network.uploadqueue import UploadQueue, UploadElem, AddrUploadQueue, ObjUploadQueue
from network.tls import TLSDispatcher
import addresses
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
from queues import objectProcessorQueue, portCheckerQueue, UISignalQueue
import shared
import state
import protocol
class TCPConnection(BMProto, TLSDispatcher):
def __init__(self, address=None, sock=None):
BMProto.__init__(self, address=address, sock=sock)
self.verackReceived = False
self.verackSent = False
self.streams = [0]
self.fullyEstablished = False
self.connectedAt = 0
self.skipUntil = 0
if address is None and sock is not None:
self.destination = state.Peer(sock.getpeername()[0], sock.getpeername()[1])
self.isOutbound = False
TLSDispatcher.__init__(self, sock, server_side=True)
self.connectedAt = time.time()
logger.debug("Received connection from %s:%i", self.destination.host, self.destination.port)
elif address is not None and sock is not None:
TLSDispatcher.__init__(self, sock, server_side=False)
self.isOutbound = True
logger.debug("Outbound proxy connection to %s:%i", self.destination.host, self.destination.port)
self.destination = address
self.isOutbound = True
if ":" in address.host:
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
TLSDispatcher.__init__(self, sock, server_side=False)
logger.debug("Connecting to %s:%i", self.destination.host, self.destination.port)
encodedAddr = protocol.encodeHost(self.destination.host)
if protocol.checkIPAddress(encodedAddr, True) and not protocol.checkSocksIP(self.destination.host):
self.local = True
self.local = False
#shared.connectedHostsList[self.destination] = 0
UISignalQueue.put(('updateNetworkStatusTab', 'no data'))
self.set_state("bm_header", expectBytes=protocol.Header.size)
def antiIntersectionDelay(self, initial = False):
# estimated time for a small object to propagate across the whole network
delay = math.ceil(math.log(max(len(knownnodes.knownNodes[x]) for x in knownnodes.knownNodes) + 2, 20)) * (0.2 + UploadQueue.queueCount/2)
# take the stream with maximum amount of nodes
# +2 is to avoid problems with log(0) and log(1)
# 20 is avg connected nodes count
# 0.2 is avg message transmission time
if delay > 0:
if initial:
self.skipUntil = self.connectedAt + delay
if self.skipUntil > time.time():
logger.debug("Skipping processing for %.2fs", self.skipUntil - time.time())
logger.debug("Skipping processing due to missing object for %.2fs", self.skipUntil - time.time())
self.skipUntil = time.time() + delay
def set_connection_fully_established(self):
if not self.isOutbound and not self.local:
shared.clientHasReceivedIncomingConnections = True
UISignalQueue.put(('setStatusIcon', 'green'))
UISignalQueue.put(('updateNetworkStatusTab', 'no data'))
self.fullyEstablished = True
if self.isOutbound:
def sendAddr(self):
# We are going to share a maximum number of 1000 addrs (per overlapping
# stream) with our peer. 500 from overlapping streams, 250 from the
# left child stream, and 250 from the right child stream.
maxAddrCount = BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("bitmessagesettings", "maxaddrperstreamsend", 500)
# init
addressCount = 0
payload = b''
templist = []
addrs = {}
for stream in self.streams:
with knownnodes.knownNodesLock:
if len(knownnodes.knownNodes[stream]) > 0:
filtered = {k: v for k, v in knownnodes.knownNodes[stream].items()
if v["lastseen"] > (int(time.time()) - shared.maximumAgeOfNodesThatIAdvertiseToOthers)}
elemCount = len(filtered)
if elemCount > maxAddrCount:
elemCount = maxAddrCount
# only if more recent than 3 hours
addrs[stream] = random.sample(filtered.items(), elemCount)
# sent 250 only if the remote isn't interested in it
if len(knownnodes.knownNodes[stream * 2]) > 0 and stream not in self.streams:
filtered = {k: v for k, v in knownnodes.knownNodes[stream*2].items()
if v["lastseen"] > (int(time.time()) - shared.maximumAgeOfNodesThatIAdvertiseToOthers)}
elemCount = len(filtered)
if elemCount > maxAddrCount / 2:
elemCount = int(maxAddrCount / 2)
addrs[stream * 2] = random.sample(filtered.items(), elemCount)
if len(knownnodes.knownNodes[(stream * 2) + 1]) > 0 and stream not in self.streams:
filtered = {k: v for k, v in knownnodes.knownNodes[stream*2+1].items()
if v["lastseen"] > (int(time.time()) - shared.maximumAgeOfNodesThatIAdvertiseToOthers)}
elemCount = len(filtered)
if elemCount > maxAddrCount / 2:
elemCount = int(maxAddrCount / 2)
addrs[stream * 2 + 1] = random.sample(filtered.items(), elemCount)
for substream in addrs.keys():
for peer, params in addrs[substream]:
templist.append((substream, peer, params["lastseen"]))
if len(templist) > 0:
def sendBigInv(self):
self.receiveQueue.put(("biginv", None))
def handle_connect(self):
except socket.error as e:
if e.errno in asyncore._DISCONNECTED:
logger.debug("%s:%i: Connection failed: %s" % (self.destination.host, self.destination.port, str(e)))
self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleVersionMessage(self.destination.host, self.destination.port, network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().streams, False))
#print "%s:%i: Sending version" % (self.destination.host, self.destination.port)
self.connectedAt = time.time()
def handle_read(self):
if self.isOutbound and self.fullyEstablished:
for s in self.streams:
with knownnodes.knownNodesLock:
knownnodes.knownNodes[s][self.destination]["lastseen"] = time.time()
except KeyError:
def handle_write(self):
def handle_close(self, reason=None):
if self.isOutbound and not self.fullyEstablished:
BMProto.handle_close(self, reason)
class Socks5BMConnection(Socks5Connection, TCPConnection):
def __init__(self, address):
Socks5Connection.__init__(self, address=address)
TCPConnection.__init__(self, address=address, sock=self.socket)
def state_proxy_handshake_done(self):
self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleVersionMessage(self.destination.host, self.destination.port, \
network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().streams, False))
self.set_state("bm_header", expectBytes=protocol.Header.size)
return False
class Socks4aBMConnection(Socks4aConnection, TCPConnection):
def __init__(self, address):
Socks4aConnection.__init__(self, address=address)
TCPConnection.__init__(self, address=address, sock=self.socket)
def state_proxy_handshake_done(self):
self.writeQueue.put(protocol.assembleVersionMessage(self.destination.host, self.destination.port, \
network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().streams, False))
self.set_state("bm_header", expectBytes=protocol.Header.size)
return False
class TCPServer(AdvancedDispatcher):
def __init__(self, host='', port=8444):
if not hasattr(self, '_map'):
self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.bind((host, port))
self.destination = state.Peer(host, port)
def handle_accept(self):
pair = self.accept()
if pair is not None:
sock, addr = pair
state.ownAddresses[state.Peer(sock.getsockname()[0], sock.getsockname()[1])] = True
if len(network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().inboundConnections) + \
len(network.connectionpool.BMConnectionPool().outboundConnections) > \
BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("bitmessagesettings", "maxtotalconnections") + \
BMConfigParser().safeGetInt("bitmessagesettings", "maxbootstrapconnections"):
except socket.error:
if __name__ == "__main__":
# initial fill
for host in (("", 8448),):
direct = TCPConnection(host)
while len(asyncore.socket_map) > 0:
print "loop, state = %s" % (direct.state)
asyncore.loop(timeout=10, count=1)
proxy = Socks5BMConnection(host)
while len(asyncore.socket_map) > 0:
# print "loop, state = %s" % (proxy.state)
asyncore.loop(timeout=10, count=1)
proxy = Socks4aBMConnection(host)
while len(asyncore.socket_map) > 0:
# print "loop, state = %s" % (proxy.state)
asyncore.loop(timeout=10, count=1)