2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'about.ui'
2012-12-18 14:37:37 -05:00
# Created: Tue Dec 18 14:32:14 2012
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.9.4
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
from PyQt4 import QtCore , QtGui
try :
_fromUtf8 = QtCore . QString . fromUtf8
except AttributeError :
_fromUtf8 = lambda s : s
class Ui_aboutDialog ( object ) :
def setupUi ( self , aboutDialog ) :
aboutDialog . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " aboutDialog " ) )
aboutDialog . resize ( 360 , 402 )
self . buttonBox = QtGui . QDialogButtonBox ( aboutDialog )
self . buttonBox . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 20 , 360 , 311 , 32 ) )
self . buttonBox . setOrientation ( QtCore . Qt . Horizontal )
self . buttonBox . setStandardButtons ( QtGui . QDialogButtonBox . Ok )
self . buttonBox . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " buttonBox " ) )
self . label = QtGui . QLabel ( aboutDialog )
self . label . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 70 , 126 , 111 , 20 ) )
font = QtGui . QFont ( )
font . setBold ( True )
font . setWeight ( 75 )
self . label . setFont ( font )
self . label . setAlignment ( QtCore . Qt . AlignRight | QtCore . Qt . AlignTrailing | QtCore . Qt . AlignVCenter )
self . label . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label " ) )
self . labelVersion = QtGui . QLabel ( aboutDialog )
self . labelVersion . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 190 , 126 , 161 , 20 ) )
self . labelVersion . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelVersion " ) )
self . label_2 = QtGui . QLabel ( aboutDialog )
self . label_2 . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 10 , 150 , 341 , 20 ) )
self . label_2 . setAlignment ( QtCore . Qt . AlignCenter )
self . label_2 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_2 " ) )
self . label_3 = QtGui . QLabel ( aboutDialog )
self . label_3 . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 30 , 210 , 321 , 51 ) )
self . label_3 . setWordWrap ( True )
self . label_3 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_3 " ) )
self . label_4 = QtGui . QLabel ( aboutDialog )
self . label_4 . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 30 , 260 , 321 , 101 ) )
self . label_4 . setWordWrap ( True )
self . label_4 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_4 " ) )
self . label_5 = QtGui . QLabel ( aboutDialog )
self . label_5 . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 10 , 180 , 341 , 20 ) )
self . label_5 . setAlignment ( QtCore . Qt . AlignCenter )
self . label_5 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_5 " ) )
self . retranslateUi ( aboutDialog )
QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . buttonBox , QtCore . SIGNAL ( _fromUtf8 ( " accepted() " ) ) , aboutDialog . accept )
QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . buttonBox , QtCore . SIGNAL ( _fromUtf8 ( " rejected() " ) ) , aboutDialog . reject )
QtCore . QMetaObject . connectSlotsByName ( aboutDialog )
def retranslateUi ( self , aboutDialog ) :
aboutDialog . setWindowTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " About " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " PyBitmessage " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . labelVersion . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " version ? " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_2 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " Copyright © 2012 Jonathan Warren " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_3 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " Distributed under the MIT/X11 software license, see the accompanying file license.txt or http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_4 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " This product includes Python-RSA (http://stuvel.eu/rsa) originally written by Sybren A. Stüvel <sybren@stuvel.eu>. It is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_5 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " aboutDialog " , " This is Beta software. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )