- sometimes a node would send an "inv" about an object but then not provide it when requested. This could be that it expired in the meantime or it was an attack or a bug. This patch will forget that the object exists if was requested too many times and not received.
204 lines
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204 lines
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import collections
from threading import current_thread, RLock
import time
from helper_sql import *
from singleton import Singleton
class Inventory(collections.MutableMapping):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self._inventory = {} #of objects (like msg payloads and pubkey payloads) Does not include protocol headers (the first 24 bytes of each packet).
self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed = 0
self._streams = collections.defaultdict(set) # key = streamNumer, value = a set which holds the inventory object hashes that we are aware of. This is used whenever we receive an inv message from a peer to check to see what items are new to us. We don't delete things out of it; instead, the singleCleaner thread clears and refills it every couple hours.
self.lock = RLock() # Guarantees that two receiveDataThreads don't receive and process the same message concurrently (probably sent by a malicious individual)
self.InventoryItem = collections.namedtuple('InventoryItem', 'type stream payload expires tag')
def __contains__(self, hash):
with self.lock:
self.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed += 1
if hash in self._inventory:
return True
return bool(sqlQuery('SELECT 1 FROM inventory WHERE hash=?', hash))
def __getitem__(self, hash):
with self.lock:
if hash in self._inventory:
return self._inventory[hash]
rows = sqlQuery('SELECT objecttype, streamnumber, payload, expirestime, tag FROM inventory WHERE hash=?', hash)
if not rows:
raise KeyError(hash)
return self.InventoryItem(*rows[0])
def __setitem__(self, hash, value):
with self.lock:
value = self.InventoryItem(*value)
self._inventory[hash] = value
Missing().delete(hash, True)
def __delitem__(self, hash):
raise NotImplementedError
def __iter__(self):
with self.lock:
hashes = self._inventory.keys()[:]
hashes += (hash for hash, in sqlQuery('SELECT hash FROM inventory'))
return hashes.__iter__()
def __len__(self):
with self.lock:
return len(self._inventory) + sqlQuery('SELECT count(*) FROM inventory')[0][0]
def by_type_and_tag(self, type, tag):
with self.lock:
values = [value for value in self._inventory.values() if value.type == type and value.tag == tag]
values += (self.InventoryItem(*value) for value in sqlQuery('SELECT objecttype, streamnumber, payload, expirestime, tag FROM inventory WHERE objecttype=? AND tag=?', type, tag))
return values
def hashes_by_stream(self, stream):
with self.lock:
return self._streams[stream]
def unexpired_hashes_by_stream(self, stream):
with self.lock:
t = int(time.time())
hashes = [hash for hash, value in self._inventory.items() if value.stream == stream and value.expires > t]
hashes += (payload for payload, in sqlQuery('SELECT hash FROM inventory WHERE streamnumber=? AND expirestime>?', stream, t))
return hashes
def flush(self):
with self.lock: # If you use both the inventoryLock and the sqlLock, always use the inventoryLock OUTSIDE of the sqlLock.
with SqlBulkExecute() as sql:
for hash, value in self._inventory.items():
sql.execute('INSERT INTO inventory VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', hash, *value)
def clean(self):
with self.lock:
sqlExecute('DELETE FROM inventory WHERE expirestime<?',int(time.time()) - (60 * 60 * 3))
for hash, value in self.items():
class Missing(object):
def __init__(self):
super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
self.lock = RLock()
self.hashes = {}
self.stopped = False
# don't request the same object more frequently than this
self.frequency = 60
# after requesting and not receiving an object more than this times, consider it expired
self.maxRequestCount = 6
self.pending = {}
def add(self, objectHash):
if self.stopped:
with self.lock:
if objectHash not in self.hashes:
self.hashes[objectHash] = {'peers':[], 'requested':0, 'requestedCount':0}
def addPending(self, objectHash=None):
if self.stopped:
if current_thread().peer not in self.pending:
self.pending[current_thread().peer] = {'objects':[], 'requested':0, 'received':0}
if objectHash not in self.pending[current_thread().peer]['objects'] and not objectHash is None:
self.pending[current_thread().peer]['requested'] = time.time()
def len(self):
with self.lock:
return len(self.hashes)
def removeObjectFromCurrentThread(self, objectHash):
with self.lock:
except KeyError:
except ValueError:
if len(self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']) == 0 and self.hashes[objectHash]['requested'] < time.time() - self.frequency:
self.hashes[objectHash]['requested'] = time.time()
def pull(self, count=1):
if count < 1:
raise ValueError("Must be at least one")
objectHashes = []
if self.stopped:
return objectHashes
for objectHash in self.hashes.keys():
if len(objectHashes) >= count:
if current_thread().peer not in self.pending:
if (self.pending[current_thread().peer]['requested'] >= time.time() - self.frequency or \
self.pending[current_thread().peer]['received'] >= time.time() - self.frequency) and \
len(self.pending[current_thread().peer]['objects']) >= count:
# requested too long ago or not at all from any thread
if self.hashes[objectHash]['requested'] < time.time() - self.frequency:
# ready requested from this thread but haven't received yet
if objectHash in self.pending[current_thread().peer]['objects']:
# if still sending or receiving, request next
if self.pending[current_thread().peer]['received'] >= time.time() - self.frequency or \
self.pending[current_thread().peer]['requested'] >= time.time() - self.frequency:
# haven't requested or received anything recently, re-request (i.e. continue)
# the current node doesn't have the object
elif current_thread().peer not in self.hashes[objectHash]['peers']:
# already requested too many times, remove all signs of this object
if self.hashes[objectHash]['requestedCount'] >= self.maxRequestCount:
with self.lock:
del self.hashes[objectHash]
for thread in self.pending.keys():
if objectHash in self.pending[thread]['objects']:
# all ok, request
self.hashes[objectHash]['requested'] = time.time()
with self.lock:
self.hashes[objectHash]['requestedCount'] += 1
self.pending[current_thread().peer]['requested'] = time.time()
except (RuntimeError, KeyError, ValueError):
# the for cycle sometimes breaks if you remove elements
return objectHashes
def delete(self, objectHash, justReceived=False):
with self.lock:
if objectHash in self.hashes:
del self.hashes[objectHash]
if objectHash in self.pending[current_thread().peer]['objects']:
if justReceived:
self.pending[current_thread().peer]['received'] = time.time()
def stop(self):
with self.lock:
self.hashes = {}
self.pending = {}
def threadEnd(self):
with self.lock:
for objectHash in self.hashes:
del self.pending[current_thread().peer]
except KeyError: