Merge pull request #2 from cis-navjot-g/codequalitykivy
flake8 fixes part2
This commit is contained in:
@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ class DropDownWidget(BoxLayout):
def address_error_message(self, msg):
"""Show Error Message."""
|||| = FloatLayout()
self.lab = (Label(text=msg, font_size=25,
size_hint=(None, None), pos_hint={'x': .25, 'y': .6}))
@ -461,20 +462,23 @@ class DropDownWidget(BoxLayout):
class MyTextInput(TextInput):
"""Takes the text input in the field."""
txt_input = ObjectProperty()
flt_list = ObjectProperty()
word_list = ListProperty()
# this is the variable storing the number to which the look-up will start
starting_no = NumericProperty(3)
suggestion_text = ''
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Getting Text Input."""
super(MyTextInput, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def on_text(self, instance, value):
# find all the occurrence of the word
"""Find all the occurrence of the word."""
|||| = []
matches = [self.word_list[i] for i in range(len(self.word_list)) if self.word_list[i][:self.starting_no] == value[:self.starting_no]]
matches = [self.word_list[i] for i in range(
len(self.word_list)) if self.word_list[i][:self.starting_no] == value[:self.starting_no]]
# display the data in the recycleview
display_data = []
for i in matches:
@ -487,6 +491,7 @@ class MyTextInput(TextInput):
self.parent.height = 400
def keyboard_on_key_down(self, window, keycode, text, modifiers):
"""Key Down."""
if self.suggestion_text and keycode[1] == 'tab':
self.insert_text(self.suggestion_text + ' ')
return True
@ -494,14 +499,20 @@ class MyTextInput(TextInput):
class Payment(Screen):
"""Payment Method."""
class Login(Screen):
"""Login Screeen."""
class NetworkStat(Screen):
"""Method used to show network stat."""
text_variable_1 = StringProperty('{0}::{1}'.format('Total Connections', '0'))
text_variable_2 = StringProperty('Processed {0} per-to-per messages'.format('0'))
text_variable_3 = StringProperty('Processed {0} brodcast messages'.format('0'))
@ -509,6 +520,7 @@ class NetworkStat(Screen):
text_variable_5 = StringProperty('Processed {0} object to be synced'.format('0'))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Init method for network stat."""
super(NetworkStat, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Clock.schedule_interval(self.init_ui, 1)
@ -525,17 +537,20 @@ class NetworkStat(Screen):
class ContentNavigationDrawer(Navigatorss):
"""Navigate Content Drawer."""
class Random(Screen):
"""Generates Random Address."""
is_active = BooleanProperty(False)
checked = StringProperty("")
# self.manager.parent.ids.create.children[0].source = 'images/plus-4-xxl.png'
def generateaddress(self):
"""Method for Address Generator."""
import queues
# queues.apiAddressGeneratorReturnQueue.queue.clear()
streamNumberForAddress = 1
label = self.ids.label.text
eighteenByteRipe = False
@ -549,7 +564,6 @@ class Random(Screen):
# self.manager.current = 'add_sucess'
self.manager.current = 'myaddress'
self.ids.label.text = ''
self.parent.parent.parent.parent.ids.toolbar.opacity = 1
@ -561,14 +575,18 @@ class Random(Screen):
class AddressSuccessful(Screen):
"""Getting Address Detail."""
class Sent(Screen):
"""Sent Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens."""
data = ListProperty()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Association with the screen."""
super(Sent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if state.association == '':
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
@ -601,11 +619,25 @@ class Sent(Screen):
if queryreturn:
for mail in queryreturn:
third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ')
||||{'text': mail[1].strip(), 'secondary_text': mail[2][:10] + '...........' if len(mail[2]) > 10 else mail[2] + '\n' + " " + (third_text[:25] + '...!') if len(third_text) > 25 else third_text, 'lastactiontime': mail[6]})
'text': mail[1].strip(),
'secondary_text': mail[2][:10] + '...........' if len(
mail[2]) > 10 else mail[2] + '\n' + " " + (third_text[:25] + '...!') if len(
third_text) > 25 else third_text,
'lastactiontime': mail[6]})
for item in
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem(text=item['text'], secondary_text=item['secondary_text'], theme_text_color= 'Custom', text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color)
meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget(source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format(item['secondary_text'][0].upper() if (item['secondary_text'][0].upper() >= 'A' and item['secondary_text'][0].upper() <= 'Z') else '!')))
meny.bind(on_press = partial(self.sent_detail, item['lastactiontime']))
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem(
item['secondary_text'][0].upper() if (
item['secondary_text'][0].upper() >= 'A' and item['secondary_text'][
0].upper() <= 'Z') else '!')))
meny.bind(on_press=partial(self.sent_detail, item['lastactiontime']))
carousel = Carousel(direction='right')
if platform == 'android':
carousel.height = 150
@ -622,10 +654,10 @@ class Sent(Screen):
ach_btn = Button(text='Achieve')
ach_btn.background_color = (0,1,0,1)
ach_btn.background_color = (0, 1, 0, 1)
ach_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.archive, item['lastactiontime']))
carousel.index = 1
content = MDLabel(font_style='Body1',
@ -638,7 +670,7 @@ class Sent(Screen):
def sent_detail(self, lastsenttime, *args):
"""Load sent mail details"""
"""Load sent mail details."""
state.detailPageType = 'sent'
state.sentMailTime = lastsenttime
if self.manager:
@ -651,7 +683,7 @@ class Sent(Screen):
src_mng_obj.current = 'mailDetail'
def delete(self, data_index, instance, *args):
"""delete sent mail from sent mail listing"""
"""Delete sent mail from sent mail listing."""
msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[2].children[0].ids
except Exception as e:
@ -667,13 +699,13 @@ class Sent(Screen):
def archive(self, data_index, instance, *args):
"""archive sent mail from sent mail listing"""
"""Archive sent mail from sent mail listing."""
sqlExecute("UPDATE sent SET folder = 'trash' WHERE lastactiontime = {};".format(data_index))
def update_trash(self):
"""Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox"""
"""Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox."""
@ -684,7 +716,9 @@ class Sent(Screen):
class Trash(Screen):
"""Trash Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Trash method, delete sent message and add in Trash."""
super(Trash, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0)
@ -694,38 +728,53 @@ class Trash(Screen):
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0]
inbox = sqlQuery("SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox WHERE folder = 'trash' and fromaddress = '{}';".format(state.association))
sent = sqlQuery("SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from sent WHERE folder = 'trash' and fromaddress = '{}';".format(state.association))
inbox = sqlQuery(
"SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox \
WHERE folder = 'trash' and fromaddress = '{}';".format(state.association))
sent = sqlQuery(
"SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from sent \
WHERE folder = 'trash' and fromaddress = '{}';".format(state.association))
trash_data = inbox + sent
for item in trash_data:
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem(text=item[1], secondary_text=item[2], theme_text_color= 'Custom',text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color)
meny.add_widget(AvatarSampleWidget(source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format(item[2][0].upper() if (item[2][0].upper() >= 'A' and item[2][0].upper() <= 'Z') else '!')))
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem(
source='./images/text_images/{}.png'.format(item[2][0].upper() if (
item[2][0].upper() >= 'A' and item[2][0].upper() <= 'Z') else '!')))
class Page(Screen):
"""Page Screen show widgets of page."""
class Create(Screen):
"""Creates the screen widgets."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Getting Labels and address from addressbook."""
super(Create, self).__init__(**kwargs)
widget_1 = DropDownWidget()
from helper_sql import *
widget_1.ids.txt_input.word_list = [addr[1] for addr in sqlQuery("SELECT label, address from addressbook")]
widget_1.ids.txt_input.starting_no = 2
class AddressSuccessful(Screen):
class Setting(Screen):
"""Setting the Screen components."""
class NavigateApp(App):
"""Navigation Layout of class."""
theme_cls = ThemeManager()
previous_date = ObjectProperty()
obj_1 = ObjectProperty()
@ -753,6 +802,7 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
def build(self):
"""Method builds the widget."""
import os
main_widget = Builder.load_file(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'main.kv'))
@ -765,10 +815,12 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
return main_widget
def run(self):
"""Running the widgets."""
super(NavigateApp, self).run()
def show_address_success(self):
"""Showing the succesfull address."""
content = MDLabel(font_style='Body1',
text="Successfully Saved your contact address. "
@ -782,7 +834,7 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
def showmeaddresses(name="text"):
"""Show the addresses in spinner to make as dropdown."""
if name == "text":
if bmconfigparserigParser().addresses():
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
return BMConfigParser().addresses()[0][:16] + '..'
return "textdemo"
@ -808,10 +860,23 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'inbox'
msg_counter_objs = self.root_window.children[1].children[2].children[0].ids
state.sent_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and folder = 'sent' ;".format(state.association))[0][0])
state.inbox_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inbox WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and folder = 'inbox' ;".format(state.association))[0][0])
state.trash_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash' )+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash') AS SumCount".format(state.association))[0][0])
state.draft_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and folder = 'draft' ;".format(state.association))[0][0])
state.sent_count = str(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and folder = 'sent' ;".format(
state.inbox_count = str(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inbox WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and folder = 'inbox' ;".format(
state.trash_count = str(
"SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash' )\
+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash') AS SumCount".format(
state.draft_count = str(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{}' and folder = 'draft' ;".format(
if msg_counter_objs:
msg_counter_objs.send_cnt.badge_text = state.sent_count
@ -819,7 +884,6 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
msg_counter_objs.trash_cnt.badge_text = state.trash_count
msg_counter_objs.draft_cnt.badge_text = state.draft_count
def getInboxMessageDetail(self, instance):
"""It will get message detail after make selected message description."""
@ -837,21 +901,24 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
return "Bitmessage Login"
def addingtoaddressbook(self):
"""Adding to address Book."""
p = GrashofPopup()
def getDefaultAccData(self):
"""Getting Default Account Data."""
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
return BMConfigParser().addresses()[0]
return 'Select Address'
def addressexist(self):
"""Checking address existence."""
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
return True
return False
def on_key(self, window, key, *args):
"""This method is used for going on previous screen"""
"""Method is used for going on previous screen."""
if key == 27: # the esc key
if self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current == "mailDetail":
self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = 'sent' if state.detailPageType == 'sent' else 'inbox'
@ -878,17 +945,18 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
return True
def restart(self, *args):
"""this method is used to set transition direction"""
"""Method used to set transition direction."""
self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.direction = 'left'
def status_dispatching(self, data):
"""Method used for status dispatching acknowledgment."""
ackData, message = data
if state.ackdata == ackData:
state.status.status = message
def clear_composer(self):
"""if slow down the nwe will make new composer edit screen"""
"""If slow down the nwe will make new composer edit screen."""
self.root.ids.serch_btn.opacity = 0
self.root.ids.serch_btn.disabled = True
composer_obj = self.root.ids.sc3.children[0].ids
@ -898,7 +966,7 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
composer_obj.subject.text = ''
def on_stop(self):
"""On stop methos is used for stoping the runing script"""
"""On stop methos is used for stoping the runing script."""
print("**************************EXITING FROM APPLICATION*****************************")
import shutdown
@ -908,33 +976,46 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
state.association = BMConfigParser().addresses()[0]
if text == 'Sent':
state.sent_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE fromaddress = '{1}' and folder = '{0}' ;".format(text.lower(), state.association))[0][0])
state.sent_count = str(
sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE fromaddress = '{1}' and folder = '{0}' ;".format(
text.lower(), state.association))[0][0])
return state.sent_count
elif text == 'Inbox':
state.inbox_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE fromaddress = '{1}' and folder = '{0}' ;".format(text.lower(), state.association))[0][0])
state.inbox_count = str(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE fromaddress = '{1}' and folder = '{0}' ;".format(
text.lower(), state.association))[0][0])
return state.inbox_count
elif text == 'Trash':
state.trash_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash' )+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash') AS SumCount".format(state.association))[0][0])
state.trash_count = str(
"SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash' )\
+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where fromaddress = '{0}' and folder = 'trash') AS SumCount".format(
return state.trash_count
elif text == 'Draft':
state.draft_count = str(sqlQuery("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{1}' and folder = '{0}' ;".format(text.lower(), state.association))[0][0])
state.draft_count = str(
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = '{1}' and folder = '{0}' ;".format(
text.lower(), state.association))[0][0])
return state.draft_count
def current_address_label(self, current_address=None):
"""Getting current address labels."""
if BMConfigParser().addresses() or current_address:
if current_address:
first_name = current_address
first_name = BMConfigParser().get(BMConfigParser().addresses()[0], 'label')
f_name = first_name.split()
return f_name[0][:14]+ '...' if len(f_name[0])>15 else f_name[0]
return f_name[0][:14] + '...' if len(f_name[0]) > 15 else f_name[0]
return ''
def searchQuery(self, instance, text):
'''This method is used for showing searched mails'''
"""Method used for showing searched mails."""
if self.root.ids.search_input.opacity == 0:
self.root.ids.search_input.opacity = 1
self.root.ids.search_input.size_hint = 4,None
self.root.ids.search_input.size_hint = 4, None
# self.root.ids.serch_btn.opacity = 0
# self.root.ids.serch_btn.disabled = True
self.root.ids.search_input.disabled = False
@ -957,10 +1038,10 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
self.root.ids.scr_mngr.current = state.search_screen
def reset_navdrawer(self, instance):
'''This methos is used for reseting navigation drawer'''
"""Method used for reseting navigation drawer."""
self.root.ids.search_input.text = ''
self.root.ids.search_input.opacity = 0
self.root.ids.search_input.size_hint = 1,None
self.root.ids.search_input.size_hint = 1, None
self.root.ids.search_input.disabled = True
self.root.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = [['menu', lambda x: self.root.toggle_nav_drawer()]]
self.root.ids.toolbar.title = self.current_address_label()
@ -977,7 +1058,7 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
def check_search_screen(self, instance):
'''This method is used for showing search button only on inbox or sent screen'''
"""Method used for showing search button only on inbox or sent screen."""
if instance.text == 'Inbox' or instance.text == 'Sent':
self.root.ids.serch_btn.opacity = 1
self.root.ids.serch_btn.disabled = False
@ -993,7 +1074,10 @@ class NavigateApp(App):
class GrashofPopup(Popup):
"""Methods for saving contacts, error messages."""
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Grash of pop screen settings."""
super(GrashofPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if state.screen_density[0] <= 720:
self.size_hint_y = 0.4
@ -1003,6 +1087,7 @@ class GrashofPopup(Popup):
self.size_hint_x = 0.7
def savecontact(self):
"""Method is used for Saving Contacts."""
my_addresses = self.parent.children[1].children[2].children[0].ids.btn.values
entered_text = str(self.ids.label.text)
if entered_text in my_addresses:
@ -1024,6 +1109,7 @@ class GrashofPopup(Popup):
self.parent.children[1].ids.scr_mngr.current = 'addressbook'
def show_error_message(self):
"""Showing error message."""
content = MDLabel(font_style='Body1',
text="Hey you are not allowed to save blank address contact. "
@ -1042,34 +1128,40 @@ class GrashofPopup(Popup):
class AvatarSampleWidget(ILeftBody, Image):
"""Avatar Sample Widget."""
class IconLeftSampleWidget(ILeftBodyTouch, MDIconButton):
"""Left icon sample widget."""
class IconRightSampleWidget(IRightBodyTouch, MDCheckbox):
"""Right icon sample widget."""
class NavigationDrawerTwoLineListItem(
TwoLineListItem, NavigationDrawerHeaderBase):
"""Navigation Drawer in Listitems."""
address_property = StringProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Method for Navigation Drawer."""
super(NavigationDrawerTwoLineListItem, self).__init__(**kwargs)
Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: self.setup())
def setup(self):
Binds Controller.current_account property.
"""Bind Controller.current_account property."""
def on_current_account(self, account):
"""Account detail."""
def _update_specific_text_color(self, instance, value):
@ -1081,6 +1173,7 @@ class NavigationDrawerTwoLineListItem(
class MailDetail(Screen):
"""MailDetail Screen uses to show the detail of mails."""
to_addr = StringProperty()
from_addr = StringProperty()
subject = StringProperty()
@ -1089,6 +1182,7 @@ class MailDetail(Screen):
page_type = StringProperty()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Mail Details method."""
super(MailDetail, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
Clock.schedule_once(self.init_ui, 0)
@ -1096,15 +1190,20 @@ class MailDetail(Screen):
"""Clock Schdule for method MailDetail mails."""
self.page_type = state.detailPageType if state.detailPageType else ''
if state.detailPageType == 'sent':
data = sqlQuery("select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message , status, ackdata from sent where lastactiontime = {};".format(state.sentMailTime))
data = sqlQuery(
"select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message , status, ackdata from sent \
where lastactiontime = {};".format(state.sentMailTime))
state.status = self
state.ackdata = data[0][5]
elif state.detailPageType == 'inbox':
data = sqlQuery("select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox where received = {};".format(state.sentMailTime))
data = sqlQuery(
"select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox where received = {};".format(
def assign_mail_details(self, data):
"""Assigning mail details."""
self.to_addr = data[0][0]
self.from_addr = data[0][1]
self.subject = data[0][2].upper()
@ -1113,7 +1212,8 @@ class MailDetail(Screen):
self.status = data[0][4]
def delete_mail(self):
msg_count_objs =self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[2].children[0].ids
"""Method for mail delete."""
msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[2].children[0].ids
if state.detailPageType == 'sent':
sqlExecute("UPDATE sent SET folder = 'trash' WHERE lastactiontime = {};".format(state.sentMailTime))
msg_count_objs.send_cnt.badge_text = str(int(state.sent_count) - 1)
@ -1136,8 +1236,10 @@ class MailDetail(Screen):
self.parent.parent.parent.parent.parent.ids.serch_btn.disabled = False
def inbox_reply(self):
"""This method is used for replying inbox messages"""
data = sqlQuery("select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox where received = {};".format(state.sentMailTime))
"""Method used for replying inbox messages."""
data = sqlQuery(
"select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox where received = {};".format(
composer_obj = self.parent.parent.screens[2].children[0].ids
composer_obj.ti.text = data[0][1]
composer_obj.btn.text = data[0][1]
@ -1146,16 +1248,18 @@ class MailDetail(Screen):
self.parent.parent.current = 'create'
def copy_sent_mail(self):
"""This method is used for copying sent mail to the composer"""
"""Method used for copying sent mail to the composer."""
class MyaddDetailPopup(Popup):
"""MyaddDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail"""
"""MyaddDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail."""
address_label = StringProperty()
address = StringProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""My Address Details screen setting."""
super(MyaddDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if state.screen_density[0] <= 720:
self.size_hint_y = 0.32
@ -1165,12 +1269,12 @@ class MyaddDetailPopup(Popup):
self.size_hint_x = 0.7
def set_address(self, address, label):
"""Getting address for displaying details on popup"""
"""Getting address for displaying details on popup."""
self.address_label = label
self.address = address
def send_message_from(self):
"""This method used to fill from address of composer autofield"""
"""Method used to fill from address of composer autofield."""
window_obj = self.parent.children[1].ids
window_obj.sc3.children[0].ids.ti.text = self.address
window_obj.sc3.children[0].ids.btn.text = self.address
@ -1180,12 +1284,15 @@ class MyaddDetailPopup(Popup):
window_obj.scr_mngr.current = 'create'
class AddbookDetailPopup(Popup):
"""AddbookDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail"""
"""AddbookDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail."""
address_label = StringProperty()
address = StringProperty()
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
"""Method used set screen of address detail page."""
super(AddbookDetailPopup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
if state.screen_density[0] <= 720:
self.size_hint_y = 0.35
@ -1195,20 +1302,23 @@ class AddbookDetailPopup(Popup):
self.size_hint_x = 0.7
def set_addbook_data(self, address, label):
"""Getting address book data for detial dipaly"""
"""Getting address book data for detial dipaly."""
self.address_label = label
self.address = address
def update_addbook_label(self, address):
"""Updating the label of address book address"""
"""Updating the label of address book address."""
if str(self.ids.add_label.text):
sqlExecute("UPDATE addressbook SET label = '{}' WHERE address = '{}';".format(str(self.ids.add_label.text), address))
"UPDATE addressbook SET label = '{}' WHERE address = '{}';".format(
self.ids.add_label.text), address))
def send_message_to(self):
"""This method used to fill to_address of composer autofield"""
"""Method used to fill to_address of composer autofield."""
window_obj = self.parent.children[1].ids
window_obj.sc3.children[0].ids.txt_input.text = self.address
window_obj.sc3.children[0].ids.ti.text = ''
@ -1223,6 +1333,7 @@ class ShowQRCode(Screen):
"""ShowQRCode Screen uses to show the detail of mails."""
def qrdisplay(self):
"""Method used for showing QR Code."""
if platform == 'android':
from import QRCodeWidget
@ -1231,9 +1342,11 @@ class ShowQRCode(Screen):
class Draft(Screen):
"""Draft screen is used to show the list of draft messages."""
data = ListProperty()
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Method used for storing draft messages."""
super(Draft, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
if state.association == '':
if BMConfigParser().addresses():
@ -1261,9 +1374,19 @@ class Draft(Screen):
if queryreturn:
for mail in queryreturn:
third_text = mail[3].replace('\n', ' ')
||||{'text': mail[1].strip(), 'secondary_text': mail[2][:10] + '...........' if len(mail[2]) > 10 else mail[2] + '\n' + " " + (third_text[:25] + '...!') if len(third_text) > 25 else third_text, 'lastactiontime': mail[6]})
'text': mail[1].strip(),
'secondary_text': mail[2][:10] + '...........' if len(
mail[2]) > 10 else mail[2] + '\n' + " " + (
third_text[:25] + '...!') if len(
third_text) > 25 else third_text,
'lastactiontime': mail[6]})
for item in
meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem(text='Draft', secondary_text=item['text'], theme_text_color= 'Custom',text_color=NavigateApp().theme_cls.primary_color)
meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem(
carousel = Carousel(direction='right')
if platform == 'android':
@ -1280,7 +1403,7 @@ class Draft(Screen):
del_btn.bind(on_press=partial(self.delete_draft, item['lastactiontime']))
carousel.index = 1
content = MDLabel(font_style='Body1',
@ -1293,7 +1416,7 @@ class Draft(Screen):
def delete_draft(self, data_index, instance, *args):
"""This method is used to delete draft message permanently"""
"""Method used to delete draft message permanently."""
sqlExecute("DELETE FROM sent WHERE lastactiontime = '{}';".format(data_index))
msg_count_objs = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.children[2].children[0].ids
@ -1305,7 +1428,7 @@ class Draft(Screen):
def draft_msg(self, src_object):
"""This method is used for saving draft mails"""
"""Method used for saving draft mails."""
composer_object = src_object.children[1].children[0].children[0].children[0].children[0].ids
fromAddress = str(composer_object.ti.text)
toAddress = str(composer_object.txt_input.text)
@ -1317,7 +1440,7 @@ class Draft(Screen):
from addresses import decodeAddress
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(
from addresses import *
from addresses import addBMIfNotPresent
toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent(toAddress)
statusIconColor = 'red'
stealthLevel = BMConfigParser().safeGetInt(
@ -1351,19 +1474,20 @@ class Draft(Screen):
def show_search_btn(self):
'''This method is used to show search button'''
"""Method used to show search button."""
self.root.ids.serch_btn.opacity = 1
self.root.ids.serch_btn.disabled = False
def hide_search_btn(mgr_objs):
'''This method is used to hide search button and search box'''
"""Method used to hide search button and search box."""
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.serch_btn.opacity = 0
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.serch_btn.disabled = True
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.search_input.size_hint = 1,None
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.search_input.size_hint = 1, None
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.search_input.disabled = True
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.search_input.opacity = 0
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = [['menu', lambda x: mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.toggle_nav_drawer()]]
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.toolbar.left_action_items = \
[['menu', lambda x: mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.toggle_nav_drawer()]]
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.toolbar.title = NavigateApp().current_address_label()
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.myButton.opacity = 1
mgr_objs.parent.parent.parent.ids.myButton.disabled = False
@ -1372,9 +1496,10 @@ def hide_search_btn(mgr_objs):
class CustomSpinner(Spinner):
'''This class is used for setting spinner size'''
"""This class is used for setting spinner size."""
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
'''This methods is used for setting size of spinner'''
"""Method used for setting size of spinner."""
super(CustomSpinner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
max = 2.8
self.dropdown_cls.max_height = self.height * max + max * 4
Reference in New Issue
Block a user