V0.6 #852
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ def decodeBase58(string, alphabet=ALPHABET):
def encodeVarint(integer):
if integer < 0:
print 'varint cannot be < 0'
logger.error('varint cannot be < 0')
raise SystemExit
if integer < 253:
return pack('>B',integer)
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ def encodeVarint(integer):
if integer >= 4294967296 and integer < 18446744073709551616:
return pack('>B',255) + pack('>Q',integer)
if integer >= 18446744073709551616:
print 'varint cannot be >= 18446744073709551616'
logger.error('varint cannot be >= 18446744073709551616')
raise SystemExit
class varintDecodeError(Exception):
@ -185,25 +185,25 @@ def decodeAddress(address):
addressVersionNumber, bytesUsedByVersionNumber = decodeVarint(data[:9])
except varintDecodeError as e:
print e
status = 'varintmalformed'
return status,0,0,""
#print 'addressVersionNumber', addressVersionNumber
#print 'bytesUsedByVersionNumber', bytesUsedByVersionNumber
if addressVersionNumber > 4:
print 'cannot decode address version numbers this high'
logger.error('cannot decode address version numbers this high')
status = 'versiontoohigh'
return status,0,0,""
elif addressVersionNumber == 0:
print 'cannot decode address version numbers of zero.'
logger.error('cannot decode address version numbers of zero.')
status = 'versiontoohigh'
return status,0,0,""
streamNumber, bytesUsedByStreamNumber = decodeVarint(data[bytesUsedByVersionNumber:])
except varintDecodeError as e:
print e
status = 'varintmalformed'
return status,0,0,""
#print streamNumber
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ try:
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
except Exception as err:
print 'PyBitmessage requires PyQt unless you want to run it as a daemon and interact with it using the API. You can download it from http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download or by searching Google for \'PyQt Download\' (without quotes).'
print 'Error message:', err
logger.error( 'PyBitmessage requires PyQt unless you want to run it as a daemon and interact with it using the API. You can download it from http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/software/pyqt/download or by searching Google for \'PyQt Download\' (without quotes).')
logger.error('Error message: ' + str(err))
_encoding = QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8
except AttributeError:
print 'QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 error:', err
logger.error('QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8 error: ' + str(err))
from addresses import *
import shared
@ -503,7 +503,6 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if len(db[toAddress]) > 0:
j = 0
for f, c in db[toAddress].iteritems():
print "adding %s, %i" % (f, c)
subwidget = Ui_FolderWidget(widget, j, toAddress, f, c)
j += 1
@ -742,7 +741,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if nc.test()[0] == 'failed':
print 'There was a problem testing for a Namecoin daemon. Hiding the Fetch Namecoin ID button'
logger.error('There was a problem testing for a Namecoin daemon. Hiding the Fetch Namecoin ID button')
def updateTTL(self, sliderPosition):
@ -1282,7 +1281,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
# has messageing menu been installed
if not withMessagingMenu:
print 'WARNING: MessagingMenu is not available. Is libmessaging-menu-dev installed?'
logger.warning('WARNING: MessagingMenu is not available. Is libmessaging-menu-dev installed?')
# create the menu server
@ -1295,7 +1294,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
except Exception:
withMessagingMenu = False
print 'WARNING: messaging menu disabled'
logger.warning('WARNING: messaging menu disabled')
# update the Ubuntu messaging menu
def ubuntuMessagingMenuUpdate(self, drawAttention, newItem, toLabel):
@ -1307,7 +1306,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
# has messageing menu been installed
if not withMessagingMenu:
print 'WARNING: messaging menu disabled or libmessaging-menu-dev not installed'
logger.warning('WARNING: messaging menu disabled or libmessaging-menu-dev not installed')
# remember this item to that the messaging menu can find it
@ -1401,7 +1400,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
print "WARNING: gst123 must be installed in order to play mp3 sounds"
logger.warning("WARNING: gst123 must be installed in order to play mp3 sounds")
if not gst_available:
subprocess.call(["mpg123", soundFilename],
@ -1409,14 +1408,14 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
print "WARNING: mpg123 must be installed in order to play mp3 sounds"
logger.warning("WARNING: mpg123 must be installed in order to play mp3 sounds")
subprocess.call(["aplay", soundFilename],
print "WARNING: aplay must be installed in order to play WAV sounds"
logger.warning("WARNING: aplay must be installed in order to play WAV sounds")
elif sys.platform[0:3] == 'win':
# use winsound on Windows
import winsound
@ -1533,7 +1532,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
shared.addressGeneratorQueue.put(('createChan', 4, 1, self.str_chan + ' ' + str(self.newChanDialogInstance.ui.lineEditChanNameCreate.text().toUtf8()), self.newChanDialogInstance.ui.lineEditChanNameCreate.text().toUtf8()))
addressGeneratorReturnValue = shared.apiAddressGeneratorReturnQueue.get()
print 'addressGeneratorReturnValue', addressGeneratorReturnValue
logger.debug('addressGeneratorReturnValue ' + addressGeneratorReturnValue)
if len(addressGeneratorReturnValue) == 0:
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Address already present"), _translate(
"MainWindow", "Could not add chan because it appears to already be one of your identities."))
@ -1558,7 +1557,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
shared.addressGeneratorQueue.put(('joinChan', addBMIfNotPresent(self.newChanDialogInstance.ui.lineEditChanBitmessageAddress.text()), self.str_chan + ' ' + str(self.newChanDialogInstance.ui.lineEditChanNameJoin.text().toUtf8()), self.newChanDialogInstance.ui.lineEditChanNameJoin.text().toUtf8()))
addressGeneratorReturnValue = shared.apiAddressGeneratorReturnQueue.get()
print 'addressGeneratorReturnValue', addressGeneratorReturnValue
logger.debug('addressGeneratorReturnValue ' + addressGeneratorReturnValue)
if addressGeneratorReturnValue == 'chan name does not match address':
QMessageBox.about(self, _translate("MainWindow", "Address does not match chan name"), _translate(
"MainWindow", "Although the Bitmessage address you entered was valid, it doesn\'t match the chan name."))
@ -2125,13 +2124,12 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
acct.createMessage(toAddress, fromAddress, subject, message)
subject = acct.subject
toAddress = acct.toAddress
print "Subject: %s" % (subject)
print "address: %s" % (toAddress)
logger.debug("Subject: %s" % (subject))
logger.debug("address: %s" % (toAddress))
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(
if status != 'success':
with shared.printLock:
print 'Error: Could not decode', toAddress, ':', status
logger.error('Error: Could not decode ' + toAddress + ':' + status)
if status == 'missingbm':
@ -2499,7 +2497,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
def click_pushButtonStatusIcon(self):
print 'click_pushButtonStatusIcon'
self.iconGlossaryInstance = iconGlossaryDialog(self)
if self.iconGlossaryInstance.exec_():
@ -2810,12 +2808,10 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if acct.type != 'normal':
if self.dialog.ui.radioButtonUnregister.isChecked() and isinstance(acct, GatewayAccount):
print "unregister"
shared.config.remove_option(addressAtCurrentRow, 'gateway')
elif self.dialog.ui.radioButtonRegister.isChecked():
print "register"
email = str(self.dialog.ui.lineEditEmail.text().toUtf8())
acct = MailchuckAccount(addressAtCurrentRow)
@ -2864,7 +2860,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
shared.addressGeneratorQueue.put(('createDeterministicAddresses', 4, streamNumberForAddress, "unused deterministic address", self.dialog.ui.spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake.value(
), self.dialog.ui.lineEditPassphrase.text().toUtf8(), self.dialog.ui.checkBoxEighteenByteRipe.isChecked()))
print 'new address dialog box rejected'
logger.debug('new address dialog box rejected')
# Quit selected from menu or application indicator
def quit(self):
@ -3052,7 +3048,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
# If the previous message was to a chan then we should send our reply to the chan rather than to the particular person who sent the message.
if shared.config.has_section(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow):
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(toAddressAtCurrentInboxRow, 'chan'):
print 'original sent to a chan. Setting the to address in the reply to the chan address.'
logger.debug('original sent to a chan. Setting the to address in the reply to the chan address.')
listOfAddressesInComboBoxSendFrom = [str(widget['from'].itemData(i).toPyObject()) for i in range(widget['from'].count())]
@ -3727,7 +3723,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
if sourcefile != '':
copied = QtCore.QFile.copy(sourcefile, destination)
if not copied:
print 'couldn\'t copy :('
logger.error('couldn\'t copy :(')
# set the icon
@ -3965,8 +3961,7 @@ class MyForm(settingsmixin.SMainWindow):
def updateStatusBar(self, data):
if data != "":
with shared.printLock:
print 'Status bar:', data
logger.info('Status bar: ' + data)
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
objecs (msg, broadcast, pubkey, getpubkey) from the receiveDataThreads.
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="objectProcessor")
It may be the case that the last time Bitmessage was running, the user
closed it before it finished processing everything in the
@ -741,8 +741,7 @@ class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
fromAddress = encodeAddress(
sendersAddressVersion, sendersStream, calculatedRipe)
with shared.printLock:
print 'fromAddress:', fromAddress
logger.debug('fromAddress: ' + fromAddress)
if messageEncodingType == 2:
subject, body = self.decodeType2Message(message)
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from class_receiveDataThread import *
class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="outgoingSynSender")
def setup(self, streamNumber, selfInitiatedConnections):
self.streamNumber = streamNumber
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
while shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'dontconnect'):
while shared.safeConfigGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'sendoutgoingconnections'):
self.name = "outgoingSynSender"
maximumConnections = 1 if shared.trustedPeer else 8 # maximum number of outgoing connections = 8
while len(self.selfInitiatedConnections[self.streamNumber]) >= maximumConnections:
@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
shared.alreadyAttemptedConnectionsList[peer] = 0
self.name = "outgoingSynSender-" + peer.host
if peer.host.find(':') == -1:
address_family = socket.AF_INET
@ -86,22 +88,19 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
with shared.printLock:
print 'deleting ', peer, 'from shared.knownNodes because it caused a socks.socksocket exception. We must not be 64-bit compatible.'
logger.debug('deleting ' + str(peer) + ' from shared.knownNodes because it caused a socks.socksocket exception. We must not be 64-bit compatible.')
# This option apparently avoids the TIME_WAIT state so that we
# can rebind faster
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') == 'none' and shared.verbose >= 2:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Trying an outgoing connection to', peer
logger.debug('Trying an outgoing connection to ' + str(peer))
# sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
elif shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') == 'SOCKS4a':
if shared.verbose >= 2:
with shared.printLock:
print '(Using SOCKS4a) Trying an outgoing connection to', peer
logger.debug ('(Using SOCKS4a) Trying an outgoing connection to ' + str(peer))
proxytype = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS4
sockshostname = shared.config.get(
@ -121,8 +120,7 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
proxytype, sockshostname, socksport, rdns)
elif shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') == 'SOCKS5':
if shared.verbose >= 2:
with shared.printLock:
print '(Using SOCKS5) Trying an outgoing connection to', peer
logger.debug ('(Using SOCKS5) Trying an outgoing connection to ' + str(peer))
proxytype = socks.PROXY_TYPE_SOCKS5
sockshostname = shared.config.get(
@ -155,8 +153,7 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
with shared.printLock:
print self, 'connected to', peer, 'during an outgoing attempt.'
logger.debug(str(self) + ' connected to ' + str(peer) + ' during an outgoing attempt.')
sd = sendDataThread(sendDataThreadQueue)
@ -167,8 +164,7 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
except socks.GeneralProxyError as err:
if shared.verbose >= 2:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Could NOT connect to', peer, 'during outgoing attempt.', err
logger.debug('Could NOT connect to ' + str(peer) + ' during outgoing attempt. ' + str(err))
deletedPeer = None
with shared.knownNodesLock:
@ -186,8 +182,7 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
del shared.knownNodes[self.streamNumber][peer]
deletedPeer = peer
if deletedPeer:
with shared.printLock:
print 'deleting', peer, 'from shared.knownNodes because it is more than 48 hours old and we could not connect to it.'
str ('deleting ' + str(peer) + ' from shared.knownNodes because it is more than 48 hours old and we could not connect to it.')
except socks.Socks5AuthError as err:
@ -195,16 +190,15 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
"MainWindow", "SOCKS5 Authentication problem: %1").arg(str(err))))
except socks.Socks5Error as err:
print 'SOCKS5 error. (It is possible that the server wants authentication).)', str(err)
logger.error('SOCKS5 error. (It is possible that the server wants authentication).) ' + str(err))
except socks.Socks4Error as err:
print 'Socks4Error:', err
logger.error('Socks4Error: ' + str(err))
except socket.error as err:
if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype')[0:5] == 'SOCKS':
print 'Bitmessage MIGHT be having trouble connecting to the SOCKS server. ' + str(err)
logger.error('Bitmessage MIGHT be having trouble connecting to the SOCKS server. ' + str(err))
if shared.verbose >= 1:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Could NOT connect to', peer, 'during outgoing attempt.', err
logger.error('Could NOT connect to ' + str(peer) + 'during outgoing attempt. ' + str(err))
deletedPeer = None
with shared.knownNodesLock:
@ -222,12 +216,9 @@ class outgoingSynSender(threading.Thread):
del shared.knownNodes[self.streamNumber][peer]
deletedPeer = peer
if deletedPeer:
with shared.printLock:
print 'deleting', peer, 'from shared.knownNodes because it is more than 48 hours old and we could not connect to it.'
logger.debug('deleting ' + str(peer) + ' from shared.knownNodes because it is more than 48 hours old and we could not connect to it.')
except Exception as err:
'An exception has occurred in the outgoingSynSender thread that was not caught by other exception types: ')
import traceback
logger.exception('An exception has occurred in the outgoingSynSender thread that was not caught by other exception types:')
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ from debug import logger
class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="receiveData")
self.data = ''
self.verackSent = False
self.verackReceived = False
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.sock = sock
self.peer = shared.Peer(HOST, port)
self.name = "receiveData-" + self.peer.host
self.streamNumber = streamNumber
self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer = {}
self.selfInitiatedConnections = selfInitiatedConnections
@ -62,8 +63,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware = someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware
def run(self):
with shared.printLock:
print 'receiveDataThread starting. ID', str(id(self)) + '. The size of the shared.connectedHostsList is now', len(shared.connectedHostsList)
logger.debug('receiveDataThread starting. ID ' + str(id(self)) + '. The size of the shared.connectedHostsList is now ' + str(len(shared.connectedHostsList)))
while True:
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'maxdownloadrate') == 0:
@ -89,36 +89,31 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
shared.numberOfBytesReceived += len(dataRecv) # for the 'network status' UI tab. The UI clears this value whenever it updates.
shared.numberOfBytesReceivedLastSecond += len(dataRecv) # for the download rate limit
except socket.timeout:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Timeout occurred waiting for data from', self.peer, '. Closing receiveData thread. (ID:', str(id(self)) + ')'
logger.error ('Timeout occurred waiting for data from ' + str(self.peer) + '. Closing receiveData thread. (ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ')')
except Exception as err:
if (sys.platform == 'win32' and err.errno in ([2, 10035])) or (sys.platform != 'win32' and err.errno == errno.EWOULDBLOCK):
select.select([self.sslSock], [], [])
with shared.printLock:
print 'sock.recv error. Closing receiveData thread (' + str(self.peer) + ', Thread ID:', str(id(self)) + ').', str(err.errno), "/", err
logger.error('sock.recv error. Closing receiveData thread (' + str(self.peer) + ', Thread ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ').' + str(err.errno) + "/" + str(err))
# print 'Received', repr(self.data)
if len(self.data) == dataLen: # If self.sock.recv returned no data:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Connection to', self.peer, 'closed. Closing receiveData thread. (ID:', str(id(self)) + ')'
logger.debug('Connection to ' + str(self.peer) + ' closed. Closing receiveData thread. (ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ')')
del self.selfInitiatedConnections[self.streamNumber][self]
with shared.printLock:
print 'removed self (a receiveDataThread) from selfInitiatedConnections'
logger.debug('removed self (a receiveDataThread) from selfInitiatedConnections')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'shutdown','no data')) # commands the corresponding sendDataThread to shut itself down.
del shared.connectedHostsList[self.peer.host]
except Exception as err:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Could not delete', self.peer.host, 'from shared.connectedHostsList.', err
logger.error('Could not delete ' + str(self.peer.host) + ' from shared.connectedHostsList.' + str(err))
del shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer[
@ -126,8 +121,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateNetworkStatusTab', 'no data'))
with shared.printLock:
print 'receiveDataThread ending. ID', str(id(self)) + '. The size of the shared.connectedHostsList is now', len(shared.connectedHostsList)
logger.debug('receiveDataThread ending. ID ' + str(id(self)) + '. The size of the shared.connectedHostsList is now ' + str(len(shared.connectedHostsList)))
def processData(self):
@ -148,7 +142,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
payload = self.data[shared.Header.size:payloadLength + shared.Header.size]
if checksum != hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()[0:4]: # test the checksum in the message.
print 'Checksum incorrect. Clearing this message.'
logger.error('Checksum incorrect. Clearing this message.')
self.data = self.data[payloadLength + shared.Header.size:]
del magic,command,payloadLength,checksum,payload # better to clean up before the recursive call
@ -163,8 +157,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
#Strip the nulls
command = command.rstrip('\x00')
with shared.printLock:
print 'remoteCommand', repr(command), ' from', self.peer
logger.debug('remoteCommand ' + repr(command) + ' from ' + str(self.peer))
#TODO: Use a dispatcher here
@ -202,14 +195,12 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
objectHash, = random.sample(
self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer, 1)
if objectHash in shared.inventory:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Inventory (in memory) already has object listed in inv message.'
logger.debug('Inventory (in memory) already has object listed in inv message.')
del self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer[
elif shared.isInSqlInventory(objectHash):
if shared.verbose >= 3:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Inventory (SQL on disk) already has object listed in inv message.'
logger.debug('Inventory (SQL on disk) already has object listed in inv message.')
del self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer[
@ -218,8 +209,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
del self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer[
objectHash] # It is possible that the remote node might not respond with the object. In that case, we'll very likely get it from someone else anyway.
if len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer) == 0:
with shared.printLock:
print '(concerning', str(self.peer) + ')', 'number of objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer is now 0'
logger.debug('(concerning' + str(self.peer) + ') number of objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer is now 0')
del shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer[
self.peer] # this data structure is maintained so that we can keep track of how many total objects, across all connections, are currently outstanding. If it goes too high it can indicate that we are under attack by multiple nodes working together.
@ -228,16 +218,14 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
if len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer) == 0:
# We had objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer but the loop ran, they were all in our inventory, and now we don't have any to get anymore.
with shared.printLock:
print '(concerning', str(self.peer) + ')', 'number of objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer is now 0'
logger.debug('(concerning' + str(self.peer) + ') number of objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer is now 0')
del shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer[
self.peer] # this data structure is maintained so that we can keep track of how many total objects, across all connections, are currently outstanding. If it goes too high it can indicate that we are under attack by multiple nodes working together.
if len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer) > 0:
with shared.printLock:
print '(concerning', str(self.peer) + ')', 'number of objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer is now', len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer)
logger.debug('(concerning' + str(self.peer) + ') number of objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer is now ' + str(len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer)))
shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer[self.peer] = len(
self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer) # this data structure is maintained so that we can keep track of how many total objects, across all connections, are currently outstanding. If it goes too high it can indicate that we are under attack by multiple nodes working together.
@ -245,14 +233,12 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
def sendpong(self):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending pong'
logger.debug('Sending pong')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'sendRawData', shared.CreatePacket('pong')))
def recverack(self):
with shared.printLock:
print 'verack received'
logger.debug('verack received')
self.verackReceived = True
if self.verackSent:
# We have thus both sent and received a verack.
@ -289,11 +275,10 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
600) # We'll send out a pong every 5 minutes to make sure the connection stays alive if there has been no other traffic to send lately.
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateNetworkStatusTab', 'no data'))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Connection fully established with', self.peer
print 'The size of the connectedHostsList is now', len(shared.connectedHostsList)
print 'The length of sendDataQueues is now:', len(shared.sendDataQueues)
print 'broadcasting addr from within connectionFullyEstablished function.'
logger.debug('Connection fully established with ' + str(self.peer) + "\n" + \
'The size of the connectedHostsList is now ' + str(len(shared.connectedHostsList)) + "\n" + \
'The length of sendDataQueues is now: ' + str(len(shared.sendDataQueues)) + "\n" + \
'broadcasting addr from within connectionFullyEstablished function.')
# Let all of our peers know about this new node.
dataToSend = (int(time.time()), self.streamNumber, 1, self.peer.host, self.remoteNodeIncomingPort)
@ -302,8 +287,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.sendaddr() # This is one large addr message to this one peer.
if not self.initiatedConnection and len(shared.connectedHostsList) > 200:
with shared.printLock:
print 'We are connected to too many people. Closing connection.'
logger.info ('We are connected to too many people. Closing connection.')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'shutdown','no data'))
@ -349,8 +333,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# function for broadcasting invs to everyone in our stream.
def sendinvMessageToJustThisOnePeer(self, numberOfObjects, payload):
payload = encodeVarint(numberOfObjects) + payload
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending huge inv message with', numberOfObjects, 'objects to just this one peer'
logger.debug('Sending huge inv message with ' + str(numberOfObjects) + ' objects to just this one peer')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'sendRawData', shared.CreatePacket('inv', payload)))
def _sleepForTimingAttackMitigation(self, sleepTime):
@ -358,8 +341,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# only connected to the trusted peer because we can trust the
# peer not to attack
if sleepTime > 0 and doTimingAttackMitigation and shared.trustedPeer == None:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Timing attack mitigation: Sleeping for', sleepTime, 'seconds.'
logger.debug('Timing attack mitigation: Sleeping for ' + str(sleepTime) + ' seconds.')
def recerror(self, data):
@ -417,30 +399,27 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
if len(shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer) > 0:
for key, value in shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer.items():
totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers += value
with shared.printLock:
print 'number of keys(hosts) in shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer:', len(shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer)
print 'totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers = ', totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers
logger.debug('number of keys(hosts) in shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer: ' + str(len(shared.numberOfObjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetPerPeer)) + "\n" + \
'totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers = ' + str(totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers))
numberOfItemsInInv, lengthOfVarint = decodeVarint(data[:10])
if numberOfItemsInInv > 50000:
sys.stderr.write('Too many items in inv message!')
if len(data) < lengthOfVarint + (numberOfItemsInInv * 32):
print 'inv message doesn\'t contain enough data. Ignoring.'
logger.info('inv message doesn\'t contain enough data. Ignoring.')
if numberOfItemsInInv == 1: # we'll just request this data from the person who advertised the object.
if totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers > 200000 and len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer) > 1000: # inv flooding attack mitigation
with shared.printLock:
print 'We already have', totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers, 'items yet to retrieve from peers and over 1000 from this node in particular. Ignoring this inv message.'
logger.debug('We already have ' + str(totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers) + ' items yet to retrieve from peers and over 1000 from this node in particular. Ignoring this inv message.')
data[lengthOfVarint:32 + lengthOfVarint]] = 0
shared.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed += 1
if data[lengthOfVarint:32 + lengthOfVarint] in shared.inventory:
with shared.printLock:
print 'Inventory (in memory) has inventory item already.'
logger.debug('Inventory (in memory) has inventory item already.')
elif shared.isInSqlInventory(data[lengthOfVarint:32 + lengthOfVarint]):
print 'Inventory (SQL on disk) has inventory item already.'
logger.debug('Inventory (SQL on disk) has inventory item already.')
self.sendgetdata(data[lengthOfVarint:32 + lengthOfVarint])
@ -455,8 +434,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
logger.info('inv message lists %s objects. Of those %s are new to me. It took %s seconds to figure that out.', numberOfItemsInInv, len(objectsNewToMe), time.time()-startTime)
for item in objectsNewToMe:
if totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers > 200000 and len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer) > 1000: # inv flooding attack mitigation
with shared.printLock:
print 'We already have', totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers, 'items yet to retrieve from peers and over', len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer), 'from this node in particular. Ignoring the rest of this inv message.'
logger.debug('We already have ' + str(totalNumberOfobjectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromAllPeers) + ' items yet to retrieve from peers and over ' + str(len(self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer)), ' from this node in particular. Ignoring the rest of this inv message.')
self.someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware[item] = 0 # helps us keep from sending inv messages to peers that already know about the objects listed therein
self.objectsThatWeHaveYetToGetFromThisPeer[item] = 0 # upon finishing dealing with an incoming message, the receiveDataThread will request a random object of from peer out of this data structure. This way if we get multiple inv messages from multiple peers which list mostly the same objects, we will make getdata requests for different random objects from the various peers.
@ -467,8 +445,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# Send a getdata message to our peer to request the object with the given
# hash
def sendgetdata(self, hash):
with shared.printLock:
print 'sending getdata to retrieve object with hash:', hash.encode('hex')
logger.debug('sending getdata to retrieve object with hash: ' + hash.encode('hex'))
payload = '\x01' + hash
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'sendRawData', shared.CreatePacket('getdata', payload)))
@ -478,13 +455,12 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
numberOfRequestedInventoryItems, lengthOfVarint = decodeVarint(
if len(data) < lengthOfVarint + (32 * numberOfRequestedInventoryItems):
print 'getdata message does not contain enough data. Ignoring.'
logger.debug('getdata message does not contain enough data. Ignoring.')
for i in xrange(numberOfRequestedInventoryItems):
hash = data[lengthOfVarint + (
i * 32):32 + lengthOfVarint + (i * 32)]
with shared.printLock:
print 'received getdata request for item:', hash.encode('hex')
logger.debug('received getdata request for item:' + hash.encode('hex'))
shared.numberOfInventoryLookupsPerformed += 1
@ -507,36 +483,35 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# Our peer has requested (in a getdata message) that we send an object.
def sendObject(self, payload):
with shared.printLock:
print 'sending an object.'
logger.debug('sending an object.')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'sendRawData', shared.CreatePacket('object',payload)))
def _checkIPv4Address(self, host, hostStandardFormat):
# print 'hostStandardFormat', hostStandardFormat
if host[0] == '\x7F': # 127/8
print 'Ignoring IP address in loopback range:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug('Ignoring IP address in loopback range: ' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
if host[0] == '\x0A': # 10/8
print 'Ignoring IP address in private range:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug('Ignoring IP address in private range: ' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
if host[0:2] == '\xC0\xA8': # 192.168/16
print 'Ignoring IP address in private range:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug('Ignoring IP address in private range: ' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
if host[0:2] >= '\xAC\x10' and host[0:2] < '\xAC\x20': # 172.16/12
print 'Ignoring IP address in private range:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug('Ignoring IP address in private range:' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
return True
def _checkIPv6Address(self, host, hostStandardFormat):
if host == ('\x00' * 15) + '\x01':
print 'Ignoring loopback address:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug('Ignoring loopback address: ' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
if host[0] == '\xFE' and (ord(host[1]) & 0xc0) == 0x80:
print 'Ignoring local address:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug ('Ignoring local address: ' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
if (ord(host[0]) & 0xfe) == 0xfc:
print 'Ignoring unique local address:', hostStandardFormat
logger.debug ('Ignoring unique local address: ' + hostStandardFormat)
return False
return True
@ -546,13 +521,12 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
if shared.verbose >= 1:
with shared.printLock:
print 'addr message contains', numberOfAddressesIncluded, 'IP addresses.'
logger.debug('addr message contains ' + str(numberOfAddressesIncluded) + ' IP addresses.')
if numberOfAddressesIncluded > 1000 or numberOfAddressesIncluded == 0:
if len(data) != lengthOfNumberOfAddresses + (38 * numberOfAddressesIncluded):
print 'addr message does not contain the correct amount of data. Ignoring.'
logger.debug('addr message does not contain the correct amount of data. Ignoring.')
for i in range(0, numberOfAddressesIncluded):
@ -590,8 +564,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
if len(shared.knownNodes[recaddrStream]) < 20000 and timeSomeoneElseReceivedMessageFromThisNode > (int(time.time()) - 10800) and timeSomeoneElseReceivedMessageFromThisNode < (int(time.time()) + 10800): # If we have more than 20000 nodes in our list already then just forget about adding more. Also, make sure that the time that someone else received a message from this node is within three hours from now.
with shared.knownNodesLock:
shared.knownNodes[recaddrStream][peerFromAddrMessage] = timeSomeoneElseReceivedMessageFromThisNode
with shared.printLock:
print 'added new node', peerFromAddrMessage, 'to knownNodes in stream', recaddrStream
logger.debug('added new node ' + str(peerFromAddrMessage) + ' to knownNodes in stream ' + str(recaddrStream))
shared.needToWriteKnownNodesToDisk = True
hostDetails = (
@ -606,8 +579,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
with shared.knownNodesLock:
shared.knownNodes[recaddrStream][peerFromAddrMessage] = timeSomeoneElseReceivedMessageFromThisNode
with shared.printLock:
print 'knownNodes currently has', len(shared.knownNodes[self.streamNumber]), 'nodes for this stream.'
logger.debug('knownNodes currently has ' + str(len(shared.knownNodes[self.streamNumber])) + ' nodes for this stream.')
# Send a huge addr message to our peer. This is only used
@ -706,8 +678,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.services, = unpack('>q', data[4:12])
if self.remoteProtocolVersion < 3:
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'shutdown','no data'))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Closing connection to old protocol version', self.remoteProtocolVersion, 'node: ', self.peer
logger.debug ('Closing connection to old protocol version ' + str(self.remoteProtocolVersion) + ' node: ' + str(self.peer))
timestamp, = unpack('>Q', data[12:20])
timeOffset = timestamp - int(time.time())
@ -748,13 +719,11 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
readPosition += lengthOfNumberOfStreamsInVersionMessage
self.streamNumber, lengthOfRemoteStreamNumber = decodeVarint(
with shared.printLock:
print 'Remote node useragent:', useragent, ' stream number:', self.streamNumber, ' time offset:', timeOffset, 'seconds.'
logger.debug('Remote node useragent: ' + useragent + ' stream number:' + str(self.streamNumber) + ' time offset: ' + str(timeOffset) + ' seconds.')
if self.streamNumber != 1:
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'shutdown','no data'))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Closed connection to', self.peer, 'because they are interested in stream', self.streamNumber, '.'
logger.debug ('Closed connection to ' + str(self.peer) + ' because they are interested in stream ' + str(self.streamNumber) + '.')
self.peer.host] = 1 # We use this data structure to not only keep track of what hosts we are connected to so that we don't try to connect to them again, but also to list the connections count on the Network Status tab.
@ -764,8 +733,7 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'setStreamNumber', self.streamNumber))
if data[72:80] == shared.eightBytesOfRandomDataUsedToDetectConnectionsToSelf:
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'shutdown','no data'))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Closing connection to myself: ', self.peer
logger.debug('Closing connection to myself: ' + str(self.peer))
# The other peer's protocol version is of interest to the sendDataThread but we learn of it
@ -782,16 +750,14 @@ class receiveDataThread(threading.Thread):
# Sends a version message
def sendversion(self):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending version message'
logger.debug('Sending version message')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'sendRawData', shared.assembleVersionMessage(
self.peer.host, self.peer.port, self.streamNumber)))
# Sends a verack message
def sendverack(self):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending verack'
logger.debug('Sending verack')
self.sendDataThreadQueue.put((0, 'sendRawData', shared.CreatePacket('verack')))
self.verackSent = True
if self.verackReceived:
@ -11,13 +11,14 @@ import socket
from helper_generic import addDataPadding
from class_objectHashHolder import *
from addresses import *
from debug import logger
# Every connection to a peer has a sendDataThread (and also a
# receiveDataThread).
class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, sendDataThreadQueue):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="sendData")
self.sendDataThreadQueue = sendDataThreadQueue
self.data = ''
@ -35,6 +36,7 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.sock = sock
self.peer = shared.Peer(HOST, PORT)
self.name = "sendData-" + self.peer.host
self.streamNumber = streamNumber
self.services = 0
self.remoteProtocolVersion = - \
@ -42,23 +44,20 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
self.lastTimeISentData = int(
time.time()) # If this value increases beyond five minutes ago, we'll send a pong message to keep the connection alive.
self.someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware = someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware
with shared.printLock:
print 'The streamNumber of this sendDataThread (ID:', str(id(self)) + ') at setup() is', self.streamNumber
logger.debug('The streamNumber of this sendDataThread (ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ') at setup() is' + str(self.streamNumber))
def sendVersionMessage(self):
datatosend = shared.assembleVersionMessage(
self.peer.host, self.peer.port, self.streamNumber) # the IP and port of the remote host, and my streamNumber.
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending version packet: ', repr(datatosend)
logger.debug('Sending version packet: ' + repr(datatosend))
except Exception as err:
# if not 'Bad file descriptor' in err:
with shared.printLock:
sys.stderr.write('sock.sendall error: %s\n' % err)
logger.error('sock.sendall error: %s\n' % err)
self.versionSent = 1
@ -94,15 +93,13 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
def run(self):
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendDataThread starting. ID:', str(id(self))+'. Number of queues in sendDataQueues:', len(shared.sendDataQueues)
logger.debug('sendDataThread starting. ID: ' + str(id(self)) + '. Number of queues in sendDataQueues: ' + str(len(shared.sendDataQueues)))
while True:
deststream, command, data = self.sendDataThreadQueue.get()
if deststream == self.streamNumber or deststream == 0:
if command == 'shutdown':
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendDataThread (associated with', self.peer, ') ID:', id(self), 'shutting down now.'
logger.debug('sendDataThread (associated with ' + str(self.peer) + ') ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ' shutting down now.')
# When you receive an incoming connection, a sendDataThread is
# created even though you don't yet know what stream number the
@ -112,12 +109,10 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
# streamNumber of this send data thread here:
elif command == 'setStreamNumber':
self.streamNumber = data
with shared.printLock:
print 'setting the stream number in the sendData thread (ID:', id(self), ') to', self.streamNumber
logger.debug('setting the stream number in the sendData thread (ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ') to ' + str(self.streamNumber))
elif command == 'setRemoteProtocolVersion':
specifiedRemoteProtocolVersion = data
with shared.printLock:
print 'setting the remote node\'s protocol version in the sendDataThread (ID:', id(self), ') to', specifiedRemoteProtocolVersion
logger.debug('setting the remote node\'s protocol version in the sendDataThread (ID: ' + str(id(self)) + ') to ' + str(specifiedRemoteProtocolVersion))
self.remoteProtocolVersion = specifiedRemoteProtocolVersion
elif command == 'advertisepeer':
@ -140,8 +135,7 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendaddr: self.sock.sendall failed'
logger.error('sendaddr: self.sock.sendall failed')
elif command == 'advertiseobject':
@ -157,35 +151,30 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendinv: self.sock.sendall failed'
logger.error('sendinv: self.sock.sendall failed')
elif command == 'pong':
self.someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware.clear() # To save memory, let us clear this data structure from time to time. As its function is to help us keep from sending inv messages to peers which sent us the same inv message mere seconds earlier, it will be fine to clear this data structure from time to time.
if self.lastTimeISentData < (int(time.time()) - 298):
# Send out a pong message to keep the connection alive.
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending pong to', self.peer, 'to keep connection alive.'
logger.debug('Sending pong to ' + str(self.peer) + ' to keep connection alive.')
packet = shared.CreatePacket('pong')
with shared.printLock:
print 'send pong failed'
logger.error('send pong failed')
elif command == 'sendRawData':
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending of data to', self.peer, 'failed. sendDataThread thread', self, 'ending now.'
logger.error('Sending of data to ' + str(self.peer) + ' failed. sendDataThread thread ' + str(self) + ' ending now.')
elif command == 'connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished':
self.connectionIsOrWasFullyEstablished = True
self.services, self.sslSock = data
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendDataThread ID:', id(self), 'ignoring command', command, 'because the thread is not in stream', deststream
logger.error('sendDataThread ID: ' + id(self) + ' ignoring command ' + command + ' because the thread is not in stream' + deststream)
@ -193,6 +182,5 @@ class sendDataThread(threading.Thread):
with shared.printLock:
print 'sendDataThread ending. ID:', str(id(self))+'. Number of queues in sendDataQueues:', len(shared.sendDataQueues)
logger.info('sendDataThread ending. ID: ' + str(id(self)) + '. Number of queues in sendDataQueues: ' + str(len(shared.sendDataQueues)))
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ resends msg messages in 5 days (then 10 days, then 20 days, etc...)
class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="singleCleaner")
def run(self):
timeWeLastClearedInventoryAndPubkeysTables = 0
@ -83,9 +83,7 @@ class singleCleaner(threading.Thread):
int(time.time()) - shared.maximumLengthOfTimeToBotherResendingMessages)
for row in queryreturn:
if len(row) < 2:
with shared.printLock:
'Something went wrong in the singleCleaner thread: a query did not return the requested fields. ' + repr(row))
logger.error('Something went wrong in the singleCleaner thread: a query did not return the requested fields. ' + repr(row))
toAddress, ackData, status = row
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ import re
class singleListener(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="singleListener")
def setup(self, selfInitiatedConnections):
self.selfInitiatedConnections = selfInitiatedConnections
@ -54,8 +54,7 @@ class singleListener(threading.Thread):
while shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype')[0:5] == 'SOCKS' and not shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten'):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Listening for incoming connections.'
logger.info('Listening for incoming connections.')
# First try listening on an IPv6 socket. This should also be
# able to accept connections on IPv4. If that's not available
@ -82,8 +81,7 @@ class singleListener(threading.Thread):
while shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype')[0:5] == 'SOCKS' and not shared.config.getboolean('bitmessagesettings', 'sockslisten'):
while len(shared.connectedHostsList) > 220:
with shared.printLock:
print 'We are connected to too many people. Not accepting further incoming connections for ten seconds.'
logger.info('We are connected to too many people. Not accepting further incoming connections for ten seconds.')
@ -104,8 +102,7 @@ class singleListener(threading.Thread):
# connection flooding.
if HOST in shared.connectedHostsList:
with shared.printLock:
print 'We are already connected to', HOST + '. Ignoring connection.'
logger.info('We are already connected to ' + str(HOST) + '. Ignoring connection.')
@ -124,6 +121,5 @@ class singleListener(threading.Thread):
socketObject, HOST, PORT, -1, someObjectsOfWhichThisRemoteNodeIsAlreadyAware, self.selfInitiatedConnections, sendDataThreadQueue)
with shared.printLock:
print self, 'connected to', HOST, 'during INCOMING request.'
logger.info('connected to ' + HOST + ' during INCOMING request.')
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
# QThread.__init__(self, parent)
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="singleWorker")
def run(self):
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
'''SELECT ackdata FROM sent where (status='msgsent' OR status='doingmsgpow')''')
for row in queryreturn:
ackdata, = row
print 'Watching for ackdata', ackdata.encode('hex')
logger.info('Watching for ackdata ' + ackdata.encode('hex'))
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[ackdata] = 0
@ -81,9 +81,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
elif command == 'sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey':
with shared.printLock:
'Probable programming error: The command sent to the workerThread is weird. It is: %s\n' % command)
logger.error('Probable programming error: The command sent to the workerThread is weird. It is: %s\n' % command)
@ -114,9 +112,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
privEncryptionKeyBase58 = shared.config.get(
myAddress, 'privencryptionkey')
except Exception as err:
with shared.printLock:
'Error within doPOWForMyV2Pubkey. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested address. %s\n' % err)
logger.error('Error within doPOWForMyV2Pubkey. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested address. %s\n' % err)
privSigningKeyHex = shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
@ -133,10 +129,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / (shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(payload) + 8 + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(payload)+8+shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
logger.info('(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...')
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
logger.info('(For pubkey message) Found proof of work ' + str(trialValue), ' Nonce: ', str(nonce))
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
@ -145,8 +141,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime,'')
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
logger.info('broadcasting inv with hash: ' + inventoryHash.encode('hex'))
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
@ -171,8 +166,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
#The address has been deleted.
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
with shared.printLock:
print 'This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.'
logger.info('This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.')
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hash = decodeAddress(
@ -199,9 +193,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
privEncryptionKeyBase58 = shared.config.get(
myAddress, 'privencryptionkey')
except Exception as err:
with shared.printLock:
'Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested address. %s\n' % err)
logger.error('Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested address. %s\n' % err)
@ -228,12 +220,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / (shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(payload) + 8 + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(payload)+8+shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
with shared.printLock:
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
logger.info('(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...')
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
with shared.printLock:
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work. Nonce:', nonce
logger.info('(For pubkey message) Found proof of work. Nonce: ' + str(nonce))
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
@ -242,8 +232,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime,'')
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
logger.info('broadcasting inv with hash: ' + inventoryHash.encode('hex'))
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
@ -264,8 +253,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
#The address has been deleted.
if shared.safeConfigGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):
with shared.printLock:
print 'This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.'
logger.info('This is a chan address. Not sending pubkey.')
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hash = decodeAddress(
@ -285,9 +273,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
privEncryptionKeyBase58 = shared.config.get(
myAddress, 'privencryptionkey')
except Exception as err:
with shared.printLock:
'Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested address. %s\n' % err)
logger.error('Error within sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for a requested address. %s\n' % err)
privSigningKeyHex = shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
@ -326,10 +312,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
# Do the POW for this pubkey message
target = 2 ** 64 / (shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(payload) + 8 + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(payload)+8+shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
print '(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...'
logger.info('(For pubkey message) Doing proof of work...')
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
print '(For pubkey message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
logger.info('(For pubkey message) Found proof of work ' + str(trialValue) + 'Nonce: ' + str(nonce))
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
@ -338,8 +324,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, doubleHashOfAddressData[32:])
with shared.printLock:
print 'broadcasting inv with hash:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
logger.info('broadcasting inv with hash: ' + inventoryHash.encode('hex'))
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
@ -359,9 +344,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
status, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(
if addressVersionNumber <= 1:
with shared.printLock:
'Error: In the singleWorker thread, the sendBroadcast function doesn\'t understand the address version.\n')
logger.error('Error: In the singleWorker thread, the sendBroadcast function doesn\'t understand the address version.\n')
# We need to convert our private keys to public keys in order
# to include them.
@ -442,12 +425,12 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
dataToEncrypt, pubEncryptionKey.encode('hex'))
target = 2 ** 64 / (shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(payload) + 8 + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(payload)+8+shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
print '(For broadcast message) Doing proof of work...'
logger.info('(For broadcast message) Doing proof of work...')
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Doing work necessary to send broadcast..."))))
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
print '(For broadcast message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
logger.info('(For broadcast message) Found proof of work ' + str(trialValue) + ' Nonce: ' + str(nonce))
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
@ -463,8 +446,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, tag)
with shared.printLock:
print 'sending inv (within sendBroadcast function) for object:', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
logger.info('sending inv (within sendBroadcast function) for object: ' + inventoryHash.encode('hex'))
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
@ -612,8 +594,8 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[ackdata] = 0
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (
ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Looking up the receiver\'s public key"))))
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending a message. First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
logger.info('Sending a message.')
logger.debug('First 150 characters of message: ' + repr(message[:150]))
# Let us fetch the recipient's public key out of our database. If
# the required proof of work difficulty is too hard then we'll
@ -685,8 +667,8 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)).arg(l10n.formatTimestamp()))))
else: # if we are sending a message to ourselves or a chan..
with shared.printLock:
print 'Sending a message. First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
logger.info('Sending a message.')
logger.debug('First 150 characters of message: ' + repr(message[:150]))
behaviorBitfield = '\x00\x00\x00\x01'
@ -694,9 +676,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
toaddress, 'privencryptionkey')
except Exception as err:
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata',(ackdata,tr.translateText("MainWindow",'Problem: You are trying to send a message to yourself or a chan but your encryption key could not be found in the keys.dat file. Could not encrypt message. %1').arg(l10n.formatTimestamp()))))
with shared.printLock:
'Error within sendMsg. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for our own address. %s\n' % err)
logger.error('Error within sendMsg. Could not read the keys from the keys.dat file for our own address. %s\n' % err)
privEncryptionKeyHex = shared.decodeWalletImportFormat(
@ -761,12 +741,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
payload += encodeVarint(len(messageToTransmit))
payload += messageToTransmit
if shared.config.has_section(toaddress):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Not bothering to include ackdata because we are sending to ourselves or a chan.'
logger.info('Not bothering to include ackdata because we are sending to ourselves or a chan.')
fullAckPayload = ''
elif not shared.isBitSetWithinBitfield(behaviorBitfield,31):
with shared.printLock:
print 'Not bothering to include ackdata because the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.'
logger.info('Not bothering to include ackdata because the receiver said that they won\'t relay it anyway.')
fullAckPayload = ''
fullAckPayload = self.generateFullAckMessage(
@ -791,18 +769,16 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
encryptedPayload += encodeVarint(1) # msg version
encryptedPayload += encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + encrypted
target = 2 ** 64 / (requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(encryptedPayload) + 8 + requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(encryptedPayload)+8+requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
with shared.printLock:
print '(For msg message) Doing proof of work. Total required difficulty:', float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, 'Required small message difficulty:', float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes
logger.info('(For msg message) Doing proof of work. Total required difficulty: %f. Required small message difficulty: %f.', float(requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte) / shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, float(requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes) / shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes)
powStartTime = time.time()
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(encryptedPayload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
with shared.printLock:
print '(For msg message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
print 'POW took', int(time.time() - powStartTime), 'seconds.', nonce / (time.time() - powStartTime), 'nonce trials per second.'
logger.info('(For msg message) Found proof of work ' + str(trialValue) + ' Nonce: ' + str(nonce))
logger.info('POW took ' + str(int(time.time() - powStartTime)) + ' seconds. ' + str(nonce / (time.time() - powStartTime)) + ' nonce trials per second.')
encryptedPayload = pack('>Q', nonce) + encryptedPayload
@ -823,7 +799,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
# not sending to a chan or one of my addresses
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (ackdata, tr.translateText("MainWindow", "Message sent. Waiting for acknowledgement. Sent on %1").arg(l10n.formatTimestamp()))))
print 'Broadcasting inv for my msg(within sendmsg function):', inventoryHash.encode('hex')
logger.info('Broadcasting inv for my msg(within sendmsg function):' + inventoryHash.encode('hex'))
toStreamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
@ -871,8 +847,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
toStatus, addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(
if toStatus != 'success':
with shared.printLock:
sys.stderr.write('Very abnormal error occurred in requestPubKey. toAddress is: ' + repr(
logger.error('Very abnormal error occurred in requestPubKey. toAddress is: ' + repr(
toAddress) + '. Please report this error to Atheros.')
@ -907,12 +882,10 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
payload += encodeVarint(streamNumber)
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
payload += ripe
with shared.printLock:
print 'making request for pubkey with ripe:', ripe.encode('hex')
logger.info('making request for pubkey with ripe:', ripe.encode('hex'))
payload += tag
with shared.printLock:
print 'making request for v4 pubkey with tag:', tag.encode('hex')
logger.info('making request for v4 pubkey with tag:', tag.encode('hex'))
# print 'trial value', trialValue
statusbar = 'Doing the computations necessary to request the recipient\'s public key.'
@ -923,8 +896,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
target = 2 ** 64 / (shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(payload) + 8 + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(payload)+8+shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
with shared.printLock:
print 'Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
logger.info('Found proof of work ' + str(trialValue) + ' Nonce: ' + str(nonce))
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(payload)
@ -932,7 +904,7 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
shared.inventory[inventoryHash] = (
objectType, streamNumber, payload, embeddedTime, '')
print 'sending inv (for the getpubkey message)'
logger.info('sending inv (for the getpubkey message)')
streamNumber, 'advertiseobject', inventoryHash))
@ -976,18 +948,16 @@ class singleWorker(threading.Thread):
payload += encodeVarint(toStreamNumber) + ackdata
target = 2 ** 64 / (shared.networkDefaultProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte*(len(payload) + 8 + shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes + ((TTL*(len(payload)+8+shared.networkDefaultPayloadLengthExtraBytes))/(2 ** 16))))
with shared.printLock:
print '(For ack message) Doing proof of work. TTL set to', TTL
logger.info('(For ack message) Doing proof of work. TTL set to ' + str(TTL))
powStartTime = time.time()
initialHash = hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()
trialValue, nonce = proofofwork.run(target, initialHash)
with shared.printLock:
print '(For ack message) Found proof of work', trialValue, 'Nonce:', nonce
print 'POW took', int(time.time() - powStartTime), 'seconds.', nonce / (time.time() - powStartTime), 'nonce trials per second.'
logger.info('(For ack message) Found proof of work ' + str(trialValue) + ' Nonce: ' + str(nonce))
logger.info('POW took ' + str(time.time() - powStartTime) + ' seconds. ' + str(nonce / (time.time() - powStartTime)) + ' nonce trials per second.')
payload = pack('>Q', nonce) + payload
return shared.CreatePacket('object', payload)
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ import tr#anslate
class sqlThread(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="SQL")
def run(self):
self.conn = sqlite3.connect(shared.appdata + 'messages.dat')
@ -18,15 +18,33 @@ Use: `from debug import logger` to import this facility into whatever module you
import logging
import logging.config
import os
import shared
import sys
import traceback
import helper_startup
# TODO(xj9): Get from a config file.
log_level = 'DEBUG'
def log_uncaught_exceptions(ex_cls, ex, tb):
logging.critical('{0}: {1}'.format(ex_cls, ex))
def configureLogging():
have_logging = False
logging.config.fileConfig(os.path.join (shared.appdata, 'logging.dat'))
have_logging = True
sys.excepthook = log_uncaught_exceptions
if have_logging:
return False
'version': 1,
'formatters': {
@ -69,13 +87,17 @@ def configureLogging():
'handlers': ['console'],
return True
# TODO (xj9): Get from a config file.
#logger = logging.getLogger('console_only')
if '-c' in sys.argv:
logger = logging.getLogger('file_only')
if configureLogging():
if '-c' in sys.argv:
logger = logging.getLogger('file_only')
logger = logging.getLogger('both')
logger = logging.getLogger('both')
logger = logging.getLogger('default')
def restartLoggingInUpdatedAppdataLocation():
global logger
@ -83,9 +105,11 @@ def restartLoggingInUpdatedAppdataLocation():
if '-c' in sys.argv:
logger = logging.getLogger('file_only')
if configureLogging():
if '-c' in sys.argv:
logger = logging.getLogger('file_only')
logger = logging.getLogger('both')
logger = logging.getLogger('both')
logger = logging.getLogger('default')
@ -4,6 +4,8 @@ import defaultKnownNodes
import pickle
import time
from debug import logger
def knownNodes():
# We shouldn't have to use the shared.knownNodesLock because this had
@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ def knownNodes():
shared.knownNodes = defaultKnownNodes.createDefaultKnownNodes(shared.appdata)
if shared.config.getint('bitmessagesettings', 'settingsversion') > 10:
print 'Bitmessage cannot read future versions of the keys file (keys.dat). Run the newer version of Bitmessage.'
logger.error('Bitmessage cannot read future versions of the keys file (keys.dat). Run the newer version of Bitmessage.')
raise SystemExit
def dns():
@ -39,16 +41,16 @@ def dns():
if shared.config.get('bitmessagesettings', 'socksproxytype') == 'none':
for item in socket.getaddrinfo('bootstrap8080.bitmessage.org', 80):
print 'Adding', item[4][0], 'to knownNodes based on DNS boostrap method'
logger.info('Adding ' + item[4][0] + ' to knownNodes based on DNS bootstrap method')
shared.knownNodes[1][shared.Peer(item[4][0], 8080)] = int(time.time())
print 'bootstrap8080.bitmessage.org DNS bootstrapping failed.'
logger.error('bootstrap8080.bitmessage.org DNS bootstrapping failed.')
for item in socket.getaddrinfo('bootstrap8444.bitmessage.org', 80):
print 'Adding', item[4][0], 'to knownNodes based on DNS boostrap method'
logger.info ('Adding ' + item[4][0] + ' to knownNodes based on DNS bootstrap method')
shared.knownNodes[1][shared.Peer(item[4][0], 8444)] = int(time.time())
print 'bootstrap8444.bitmessage.org DNS bootstrapping failed.'
logger.error('bootstrap8444.bitmessage.org DNS bootstrapping failed.')
print 'DNS bootstrap skipped because SOCKS is used.'
logger.info('DNS bootstrap skipped because SOCKS is used.')
Reference in New Issue
Block a user