This repository has been archived on 2025-02-19. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

255 lines
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Some shared functions
.. deprecated:: 0.6.3
Should be moved to different places and this file removed,
but it needs refactoring.
from __future__ import division
# Libraries.
import hashlib
import os
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
from binascii import hexlify
from pyelliptic import arithmetic
from kivy.utils import platform
# Project imports.
import highlevelcrypto
import state
from addresses import decodeAddress, encodeVarint
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
from debug import logger
from helper_sql import sqlQuery
# pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation
myECCryptorObjects = {}
MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects = {}
# The key in this dictionary is the RIPE hash which is encoded
# in an address and value is the address itself.
myAddressesByHash = {}
# The key in this dictionary is the tag generated from the address.
myAddressesByTag = {}
broadcastSendersForWhichImWatching = {}
def isAddressInMyAddressBook(address):
"""Is address in my addressbook?"""
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select address from addressbook where address=?''',
return queryreturn != []
# At this point we should really just have a isAddressInMy(book, address)...
def isAddressInMySubscriptionsList(address):
"""Am I subscribed to this address?"""
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select * from subscriptions where address=?''',
return queryreturn != []
def isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(address):
Am I subscribed to this address, is it in my addressbook or whitelist?
if isAddressInMyAddressBook(address):
return True
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT address FROM whitelist where address=?'''
''' and enabled = '1' ''',
if queryreturn != []:
return True
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''select address from subscriptions where address=?'''
''' and enabled = '1' ''',
if queryreturn != []:
return True
return False
def decodeWalletImportFormat(WIFstring):
# pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
Convert private key from base58 that's used in the config file to
8-bit binary string
fullString = arithmetic.changebase(WIFstring, 58, 256)
privkey = fullString[:-4]
if fullString[-4:] != hashlib.sha256(hashlib.sha256(privkey).digest()).digest()[:4]:
'Major problem! When trying to decode one of your'
' private keys, the checksum failed. Here are the first'
' 6 characters of the PRIVATE key: {}'.format(str(WIFstring)[:6])
os._exit(0) # pylint: disable=protected-access
if privkey[0:1] == '\x80'.encode()[1:]: # checksum passed
return privkey[1:]
'Major problem! When trying to decode one of your private keys,'
' the checksum passed but the key doesn\'t begin with hex 80.'
' Here is the PRIVATE key: {}'.format(WIFstring)
os._exit(0) # pylint: disable=protected-access
def reloadMyAddressHashes():
"""Reload keys for user's addresses from the config file"""
logger.debug('reloading keys from keys.dat file')
# myPrivateKeys.clear()
keyfileSecure = checkSensitiveFilePermissions(os.path.join(
state.appdata, 'keys.dat'))
hasEnabledKeys = False
for addressInKeysFile in BMConfigParser().addresses(hidden=True):
isEnabled = BMConfigParser().safeGet(addressInKeysFile, 'enabled')
if isEnabled:
hasEnabledKeys = True
# status
addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hashobj = decodeAddress(addressInKeysFile)[1:]
if addressVersionNumber in (2, 3, 4):
# Returns a simple 32 bytes of information encoded
# in 64 Hex characters, or null if there was an error.
privEncryptionKey = hexlify(decodeWalletImportFormat(
BMConfigParser().get(addressInKeysFile, 'privencryptionkey')))
# It is 32 bytes encoded as 64 hex characters
if len(privEncryptionKey) == 64:
myECCryptorObjects[hashobj] = \
myAddressesByHash[hashobj] = addressInKeysFile
tag = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + hashobj).digest()).digest()[32:]
myAddressesByTag[tag] = addressInKeysFile
'Error in reloadMyAddressHashes: Can\'t handle'
' address versions other than 2, 3, or 4.\n'
if not platform == "android":
if not keyfileSecure:
fixSensitiveFilePermissions(state.appdata + 'keys.dat', hasEnabledKeys)
def reloadBroadcastSendersForWhichImWatching():
Reinitialize runtime data for the broadcasts I'm subscribed to
from the config file
queryreturn = sqlQuery('SELECT address FROM subscriptions where enabled=1')
logger.debug('reloading subscriptions...')
for row in queryreturn:
address, = row
# status
addressVersionNumber, streamNumber, hashobj = decodeAddress(address)[1:]
if addressVersionNumber == 2:
broadcastSendersForWhichImWatching[hashobj] = 0
# Now, for all addresses, even version 2 addresses,
# we should create Cryptor objects in a dictionary which we will
# use to attempt to decrypt encrypted broadcast messages.
if addressVersionNumber <= 3:
privEncryptionKey = hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + hashobj
MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects[hashobj] = \
doubleHashOfAddressData = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(
encodeVarint(addressVersionNumber) +
encodeVarint(streamNumber) + hashobj
tag = doubleHashOfAddressData[32:]
privEncryptionKey = doubleHashOfAddressData[:32]
MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects[tag] = \
def fixPotentiallyInvalidUTF8Data(text):
"""Sanitise invalid UTF-8 strings"""
unicode(text, 'utf-8')
return text
return 'Part of the message is corrupt. The message cannot be' \
' displayed the normal way.\n\n' + repr(text)
def checkSensitiveFilePermissions(filename):
:param str filename: path to the file
:return: True if file appears to have appropriate permissions.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# .. todo:: This might deserve extra checks by someone familiar with
# Windows systems.
return True
elif sys.platform[:7] == 'freebsd':
# FreeBSD file systems are the same as major Linux file systems
present_permissions = os.stat(filename)[0]
disallowed_permissions = stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO
return present_permissions & disallowed_permissions == 0
# Skip known problems for non-Win32 filesystems
# without POSIX permissions.
fstype = subprocess.check_output(
'stat -f -c "%%T" %s' % (filename),
if 'fuseblk'.encode() in fstype:
'Skipping file permissions check for %s.'
' Filesystem fuseblk detected.', filename)
return True
# Swallow exception here, but we might run into trouble later!
logger.error('Could not determine filesystem type. %s', filename)
present_permissions = os.stat(filename)[0]
disallowed_permissions = stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO
return present_permissions & disallowed_permissions == 0
# Fixes permissions on a sensitive file.
def fixSensitiveFilePermissions(filename, hasEnabledKeys):
"""Try to change file permissions to be more restrictive"""
if hasEnabledKeys:
'Keyfile had insecure permissions, and there were enabled'
' keys. The truly paranoid should stop using them immediately.')
'Keyfile had insecure permissions, but there were no enabled keys.'
present_permissions = os.stat(filename)[0]
disallowed_permissions = stat.S_IRWXG | stat.S_IRWXO
allowed_permissions = ((1 << 32) - 1) ^ disallowed_permissions
new_permissions = (
allowed_permissions & present_permissions)
os.chmod(filename, new_permissions)'Keyfile permissions automatically fixed.')
except Exception:
logger.exception('Keyfile permissions could not be fixed.')