Perma messages #1456

opened 2019-05-09 23:08:28 +02:00 by PeterSurda · 4 comments
PeterSurda commented 2019-05-09 23:08:28 +02:00 (Migrated from

There should be an option to make a mesage permanent, the corresponding object would be automatically re-created with a new expiration and PoW after the old one expires. This is helpful in particular for chans, so that you can see the message no matter when you join.

There should be an option to make a mesage permanent, the corresponding object would be automatically re-created with a new expiration and PoW after the old one expires. This is helpful in particular for chans, so that you can see the message no matter when you join.
g1itch commented 2019-05-14 13:24:21 +02:00 (Migrated from

If I understood correctly this is possible only for own or anonymous message. You cannot just take message, replace embedded time, do PoW and advertise new object, because data to sign includes embedded time.

If I understood correctly this is possible only for own or anonymous message. You cannot just take message, replace embedded time, do PoW and advertise new object, because data to sign includes embedded time.
PeterSurda commented 2019-05-14 13:35:43 +02:00 (Migrated from

Yes, also for chan participants (if sent from chan address). Although that may create signaling problems as to who is supposed to do the PoW.

Yes, also for chan participants (if sent from chan address). Although that may create signaling problems as to who is supposed to do the PoW.
g1itch commented 2019-05-14 14:10:54 +02:00 (Migrated from

By anonymous I meant exactly the messages sent from chan address. As for PoW, I guess it should be done by one, who removes the message from inventory (and is fully synced in that time).

More questions are about the receiving parties...

By anonymous I meant exactly the messages sent from chan address. As for PoW, I guess it should be done by one, who removes the message from inventory (and is fully synced in that time). More questions are about the receiving parties...
PeterSurda commented 2019-05-16 08:03:36 +02:00 (Migrated from

Perhaps at the beginning it should only be supported for yor own and not chan addresses, hiding it in the UI accordingly. It could be enabled later once the questions are resolved.

The indicator could be in an extended encoding variable. There also needs to be method to indicate a reference to the old object for UI handling (to understand these are duplicates) but I'm not sure at the moment how to do that securely.

Perhaps at the beginning it should only be supported for yor own and not chan addresses, hiding it in the UI accordingly. It could be enabled later once the questions are resolved. The indicator could be in an extended encoding variable. There also needs to be method to indicate a reference to the old object for UI handling (to understand these are duplicates) but I'm not sure at the moment how to do that securely.
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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-02-20#1456
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