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import time
import threading
import shared
import hashlib
import random
from struct import unpack, pack
import sys
import string
from subprocess import call # used when the API must execute an outside program
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
import traceback
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
from binascii import hexlify
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
from pyelliptic.openssl import OpenSSL
import highlevelcrypto
from addresses import *
from configparser import BMConfigParser
import helper_generic
from helper_generic import addDataPadding
import helper_bitcoin
import helper_inbox
import helper_msgcoding
import helper_sent
from helper_sql import *
import protocol
from state import neededPubkeys
import tr
from debug import logger
import l10n
class objectProcessor(threading.Thread):
The objectProcessor thread, of which there is only one, receives network
objects (msg, broadcast, pubkey, getpubkey) from the receiveDataThreads.
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="objectProcessor")
It may be the case that the last time Bitmessage was running, the user
closed it before it finished processing everything in the
objectProcessorQueue. Assuming that Bitmessage wasn't closed forcefully,
it should have saved the data in the queue into the objectprocessorqueue
table. Let's pull it out.
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT objecttype, data FROM objectprocessorqueue''')
for row in queryreturn:
objectType, data = row
sqlExecute('''DELETE FROM objectprocessorqueue''')
logger.debug('Loaded %s objects from disk into the objectProcessorQueue.' % str(len(queryreturn)))
def run(self):
while True:
objectType, data = shared.objectProcessorQueue.get()
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
if objectType == 0: # getpubkey
elif objectType == 1: #pubkey
elif objectType == 2: #msg
elif objectType == 3: #broadcast
elif objectType == 'checkShutdownVariable': # is more of a command, not an object type. Is used to get this thread past the queue.get() so that it will check the shutdown variable.
logger.critical('Error! Bug! The class_objectProcessor was passed an object type it doesn\'t recognize: %s' % str(objectType))
except varintDecodeError as e:
logger.debug("There was a problem with a varint while processing an object. Some details: %s" % e)
except Exception as e:
logger.critical("Critical error within objectProcessorThread: \n%s" % traceback.format_exc())
if shared.shutdown:
time.sleep(.5) # Wait just a moment for most of the connections to close
numberOfObjectsThatWereInTheObjectProcessorQueue = 0
with SqlBulkExecute() as sql:
while shared.objectProcessorQueue.curSize > 0:
objectType, data = shared.objectProcessorQueue.get()
sql.execute('''INSERT INTO objectprocessorqueue VALUES (?,?)''',
numberOfObjectsThatWereInTheObjectProcessorQueue += 1
logger.debug('Saved %s objects from the objectProcessorQueue to disk. objectProcessorThread exiting.' % str(numberOfObjectsThatWereInTheObjectProcessorQueue))
shared.shutdown = 2
def processgetpubkey(self, data):
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
requestedAddressVersionNumber, addressVersionLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += addressVersionLength
streamNumber, streamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += streamNumberLength
if requestedAddressVersionNumber == 0:
logger.debug('The requestedAddressVersionNumber of the pubkey request is zero. That doesn\'t make any sense. Ignoring it.')
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber == 1:
logger.debug('The requestedAddressVersionNumber of the pubkey request is 1 which isn\'t supported anymore. Ignoring it.')
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber > 4:
logger.debug('The requestedAddressVersionNumber of the pubkey request is too high. Can\'t understand. Ignoring it.')
myAddress = ''
if requestedAddressVersionNumber <= 3 :
requestedHash = data[readPosition:readPosition + 20]
if len(requestedHash) != 20:
logger.debug('The length of the requested hash is not 20 bytes. Something is wrong. Ignoring.')
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00'the hash requested in this getpubkey request is: %s' % hexlify(requestedHash))
if requestedHash in shared.myAddressesByHash: # if this address hash is one of mine
myAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[requestedHash]
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber >= 4:
requestedTag = data[readPosition:readPosition + 32]
if len(requestedTag) != 32:
logger.debug('The length of the requested tag is not 32 bytes. Something is wrong. Ignoring.')
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
logger.debug('the tag requested in this getpubkey request is: %s' % hexlify(requestedTag))
if requestedTag in shared.myAddressesByTag:
myAddress = shared.myAddressesByTag[requestedTag]
if myAddress == '':'This getpubkey request is not for any of my keys.')
if decodeAddress(myAddress)[1] != requestedAddressVersionNumber:
logger.warning('(Within the processgetpubkey function) Someone requested one of my pubkeys but the requestedAddressVersionNumber doesn\'t match my actual address version number. Ignoring.')
if decodeAddress(myAddress)[2] != streamNumber:
logger.warning('(Within the processgetpubkey function) Someone requested one of my pubkeys but the stream number on which we heard this getpubkey object doesn\'t match this address\' stream number. Ignoring.')
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(myAddress, 'chan'):'Ignoring getpubkey request because it is for one of my chan addresses. The other party should already have the pubkey.')
lastPubkeySendTime = int(BMConfigParser().get(
myAddress, 'lastpubkeysendtime'))
lastPubkeySendTime = 0
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
if lastPubkeySendTime > time.time() - 2419200: # If the last time we sent our pubkey was more recent than 28 days ago...'Found getpubkey-requested-item in my list of EC hashes BUT we already sent it recently. Ignoring request. The lastPubkeySendTime is: %s' % lastPubkeySendTime)
return'Found getpubkey-requested-hash in my list of EC hashes. Telling Worker thread to do the POW for a pubkey message and send it out.')
if requestedAddressVersionNumber == 2:
'doPOWForMyV2Pubkey', requestedHash))
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber == 3:
'sendOutOrStoreMyV3Pubkey', requestedHash))
elif requestedAddressVersionNumber == 4:
'sendOutOrStoreMyV4Pubkey', myAddress))
def processpubkey(self, data):
pubkeyProcessingStartTime = time.time()
shared.numberOfPubkeysProcessed += 1
'updateNumberOfPubkeysProcessed', 'no data'))
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
embeddedTime, = unpack('>Q', data[8:16])
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
addressVersion, varintLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
streamNumber, varintLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
if addressVersion == 0:
logger.debug('(Within processpubkey) addressVersion of 0 doesn\'t make sense.')
if addressVersion > 4 or addressVersion == 1:'This version of Bitmessage cannot handle version %s addresses.' % addressVersion)
if addressVersion == 2:
if len(data) < 146: # sanity check. This is the minimum possible length.
logger.debug('(within processpubkey) payloadLength less than 146. Sanity check failed.')
bitfieldBehaviors = data[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
readPosition += 4
publicSigningKey = data[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
# Is it possible for a public key to be invalid such that trying to
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# encrypt or sign with it will cause an error? If it is, it would
# be easiest to test them here.
readPosition += 64
publicEncryptionKey = data[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
if len(publicEncryptionKey) < 64:
logger.debug('publicEncryptionKey length less than 64. Sanity check failed.')
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
readPosition += 64
dataToStore = data[20:readPosition] # The data we'll store in the pubkeys table.
sha ='sha512')
'\x04' + publicSigningKey + '\x04' + publicEncryptionKey)
ripeHasher ='ripemd160')
ripe = ripeHasher.digest()
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
logger.debug('within recpubkey, addressVersion: %s, streamNumber: %s \n\
ripe %s\n\
publicSigningKey in hex: %s\n\
publicEncryptionKey in hex: %s' % (addressVersion,
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
address = encodeAddress(addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe)
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT usedpersonally FROM pubkeys WHERE address=? AND usedpersonally='yes' ''', address)
if queryreturn != []: # if this pubkey is already in our database and if we have used it personally:'We HAVE used this pubkey personally. Updating time.')
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
t = (address, addressVersion, dataToStore, int(time.time()), 'yes')
else:'We have NOT used this pubkey personally. Inserting in database.')
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
t = (address, addressVersion, dataToStore, int(time.time()), 'no')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
if addressVersion == 3:
if len(data) < 170: # sanity check.
logger.warning('(within processpubkey) payloadLength less than 170. Sanity check failed.')
bitfieldBehaviors = data[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
readPosition += 4
publicSigningKey = '\x04' + data[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
publicEncryptionKey = '\x04' + data[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
specifiedNonceTrialsPerByte, specifiedNonceTrialsPerByteLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += specifiedNonceTrialsPerByteLength
specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytes, specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytesLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += specifiedPayloadLengthExtraBytesLength
endOfSignedDataPosition = readPosition
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
dataToStore = data[20:readPosition] # The data we'll store in the pubkeys table.
signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += signatureLengthLength
signature = data[readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
if highlevelcrypto.verify(data[8:endOfSignedDataPosition], signature, hexlify(publicSigningKey)):
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
logger.debug('ECDSA verify passed (within processpubkey)')
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
logger.warning('ECDSA verify failed (within processpubkey)')
sha ='sha512')
sha.update(publicSigningKey + publicEncryptionKey)
ripeHasher ='ripemd160')
ripe = ripeHasher.digest()
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
logger.debug('within recpubkey, addressVersion: %s, streamNumber: %s \n\
ripe %s\n\
publicSigningKey in hex: %s\n\
publicEncryptionKey in hex: %s' % (addressVersion,
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
address = encodeAddress(addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe)
queryreturn = sqlQuery('''SELECT usedpersonally FROM pubkeys WHERE address=? AND usedpersonally='yes' ''', address)
if queryreturn != []: # if this pubkey is already in our database and if we have used it personally:'We HAVE used this pubkey personally. Updating time.')
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
t = (address, addressVersion, dataToStore, int(time.time()), 'yes')
else:'We have NOT used this pubkey personally. Inserting in database.')
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
t = (address, addressVersion, dataToStore, int(time.time()), 'no')
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''', *t)
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
if addressVersion == 4:
if len(data) < 350: # sanity check.
logger.debug('(within processpubkey) payloadLength less than 350. Sanity check failed.')
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
tag = data[readPosition:readPosition + 32]
if tag not in neededPubkeys:'We don\'t need this v4 pubkey. We didn\'t ask for it.')
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
# Let us try to decrypt the pubkey
toAddress, cryptorObject = neededPubkeys[tag]
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
if shared.decryptAndCheckPubkeyPayload(data, toAddress) == 'successful':
# At this point we know that we have been waiting on this pubkey.
# This function will command the workerThread to start work on
# the messages that require it.
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
# Display timing data
timeRequiredToProcessPubkey = time.time(
) - pubkeyProcessingStartTime
logger.debug('Time required to process this pubkey: %s' % timeRequiredToProcessPubkey)
def processmsg(self, data):
messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
shared.numberOfMessagesProcessed += 1
'updateNumberOfMessagesProcessed', 'no data'))
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
msgVersion, msgVersionLength = decodeVarint(data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
if msgVersion != 1:'Cannot understand message versions other than one. Ignoring message.')
readPosition += msgVersionLength
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg, streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
readPosition += streamNumberAsClaimedByMsgLength
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
initialDecryptionSuccessful = False
# Let's check whether this is a message acknowledgement bound for us.
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
if data[-32:] in shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching:'This msg IS an acknowledgement bound for me.')
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
del shared.ackdataForWhichImWatching[data[-32:]]
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
sqlExecute('UPDATE sent SET status=?, lastactiontime=? WHERE ackdata=?',
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('updateSentItemStatusByAckdata', (data[-32:], tr._translate("MainWindow",'Acknowledgement of the message received %1').arg(l10n.formatTimestamp()))))
else:'This was NOT an acknowledgement bound for me.')
# This is not an acknowledgement bound for me. See if it is a message
# bound for me by trying to decrypt it with my private keys.
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
for key, cryptorObject in shared.myECCryptorObjects.items():
if initialDecryptionSuccessful: # continue decryption attempts to avoid timing attacks
decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
toRipe = key # This is the RIPE hash of my pubkeys. We need this below to compare to the destination_ripe included in the encrypted data.
initialDecryptionSuccessful = True
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00'EC decryption successful using key associated with ripe hash: %s.' % hexlify(key))
except Exception as err:
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
if not initialDecryptionSuccessful:
# This is not a message bound for me.'Length of time program spent failing to decrypt this message: %s seconds.' % (time.time() - messageProcessingStartTime,))
# This is a message bound for me.
toAddress = shared.myAddressesByHash[
toRipe] # Look up my address based on the RIPE hash.
readPosition = 0
sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersAddressVersionNumberLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += sendersAddressVersionNumberLength
if sendersAddressVersionNumber == 0:'Cannot understand sendersAddressVersionNumber = 0. Ignoring message.')
if sendersAddressVersionNumber > 4:'Sender\'s address version number %s not yet supported. Ignoring message.' % sendersAddressVersionNumber)
if len(decryptedData) < 170:'Length of the unencrypted data is unreasonably short. Sanity check failed. Ignoring message.')
sendersStreamNumber, sendersStreamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
if sendersStreamNumber == 0:'sender\'s stream number is 0. Ignoring message.')
readPosition += sendersStreamNumberLength
behaviorBitfield = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
readPosition += 4
pubSigningKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
pubEncryptionKey = '\x04' + decryptedData[
readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
if sendersAddressVersionNumber >= 3:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength'sender\'s requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte is %s' % requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength'sender\'s requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes is %s' % requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes)
endOfThePublicKeyPosition = readPosition # needed for when we store the pubkey in our database of pubkeys for later use.
if toRipe != decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]:'The original sender of this message did not send it to you. Someone is attempting a Surreptitious Forwarding Attack.\n\
See: \n\
your toRipe: %s\n\
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
embedded destination toRipe: %s' % (hexlify(toRipe), hexlify(decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 20]))
readPosition += 20
messageEncodingType, messageEncodingTypeLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += messageEncodingTypeLength
messageLength, messageLengthLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += messageLengthLength
message = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + messageLength]
# print 'First 150 characters of message:', repr(message[:150])
readPosition += messageLength
ackLength, ackLengthLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += ackLengthLength
ackData = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + ackLength]
readPosition += ackLength
positionOfBottomOfAckData = readPosition # needed to mark the end of what is covered by the signature
signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += signatureLengthLength
signature = decryptedData[
readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
signedData = data[8:20] + encodeVarint(1) + encodeVarint(streamNumberAsClaimedByMsg) + decryptedData[:positionOfBottomOfAckData]
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, hexlify(pubSigningKey)):
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
logger.debug('ECDSA verify failed')
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
logger.debug('ECDSA verify passed')
logger.debug('As a matter of intellectual curiosity, here is the Bitcoin address associated with the keys owned by the other person: %s ..and here is the testnet address: %s. The other person must take their private signing key from Bitmessage and import it into Bitcoin (or a service like for it to be of any use. Do not use this unless you know what you are doing.' %
(helper_bitcoin.calculateBitcoinAddressFromPubkey(pubSigningKey), helper_bitcoin.calculateTestnetAddressFromPubkey(pubSigningKey))
sigHash = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(signature).digest()).digest()[32:] # Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox
# calculate the fromRipe.
sha ='sha512')
sha.update(pubSigningKey + pubEncryptionKey)
ripe ='ripemd160')
fromAddress = encodeAddress(
sendersAddressVersionNumber, sendersStreamNumber, ripe.digest())
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this
# person.
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
'''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# Check to see whether we happen to be awaiting this
# pubkey in order to send a message. If we are, it will do the POW
# and send it.
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# If this message is bound for one of my version 3 addresses (or
# higher), then we must check to make sure it meets our demanded
# proof of work requirement. If this is bound for one of my chan
# addresses then we skip this check; the minimum network POW is
# fine.
if decodeAddress(toAddress)[1] >= 3 and not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'): # If the toAddress version number is 3 or higher and not one of my chan addresses:
if not shared.isAddressInMyAddressBookSubscriptionsListOrWhitelist(fromAddress): # If I'm not friendly with this person:
requiredNonceTrialsPerByte = BMConfigParser().getint(
toAddress, 'noncetrialsperbyte')
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes = BMConfigParser().getint(
toAddress, 'payloadlengthextrabytes')
if not protocol.isProofOfWorkSufficient(data, requiredNonceTrialsPerByte, requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes):
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00'Proof of work in msg is insufficient only because it does not meet our higher requirement.')
blockMessage = False # Gets set to True if the user shouldn't see the message according to black or white lists.
if BMConfigParser().get('bitmessagesettings', 'blackwhitelist') == 'black': # If we are using a blacklist
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT label FROM blacklist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
if queryreturn != []:'Message ignored because address is in blacklist.')
blockMessage = True
else: # We're using a whitelist
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT label FROM whitelist where address=? and enabled='1' ''',
if queryreturn == []:'Message ignored because address not in whitelist.')
blockMessage = True
toLabel = BMConfigParser().get(toAddress, 'label')
2014-07-26 13:15:28 -04:00
if toLabel == '':
toLabel = toAddress
decodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgDecode(messageEncodingType, message)
subject = decodedMessage.subject
body = decodedMessage.body
2014-07-26 13:15:28 -04:00
# Let us make sure that we haven't already received this message
if helper_inbox.isMessageAlreadyInInbox(sigHash):
2014-07-26 13:15:28 -04:00'This msg is already in our inbox. Ignoring it.')
blockMessage = True
if not blockMessage:
if messageEncodingType != 0:
t = (inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, int(
time.time()), body, 'inbox', messageEncodingType, 0, sigHash)
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', (
inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, body)))
# If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
# outside command to let some program know that a new message
# has arrived.
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
apiNotifyPath = BMConfigParser().get(
'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath')
apiNotifyPath = ''
if apiNotifyPath != '':
call([apiNotifyPath, "newMessage"])
# Let us now check and see whether our receiving address is
# behaving as a mailing list
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'mailinglist') and messageEncodingType != 0:
mailingListName = BMConfigParser().get(
toAddress, 'mailinglistname')
mailingListName = ''
# Let us send out this message as a broadcast
subject = self.addMailingListNameToSubject(
subject, mailingListName)
# Let us now send this message out as a broadcast
message = time.strftime("%a, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S UTC", time.gmtime(
)) + ' Message ostensibly from ' + fromAddress + ':\n\n' + body
fromAddress = toAddress # The fromAddress for the broadcast that we are about to send is the toAddress (my address) for the msg message we are currently processing.
ackdataForBroadcast = OpenSSL.rand(
32) # We don't actually need the ackdataForBroadcast for acknowledgement since this is a broadcast message but we can use it to update the user interface when the POW is done generating.
toAddress = '[Broadcast subscribers]'
ripe = ''
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
# We really should have a discussion about how to
# set the TTL for mailing list broadcasts. This is obviously
# hard-coded.
TTL = 2*7*24*60*60 # 2 weeks
t = ('',
int(time.time()), # sentTime (this doesn't change)
int(time.time()), # lastActionTime
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewSentMessage', (
toAddress, '[Broadcast subscribers]', fromAddress, subject, message, ackdataForBroadcast)))
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendbroadcast', ''))
# Don't send ACK if invalid, blacklisted senders, invisible messages, disabled or chan
if self.ackDataHasAValidHeader(ackData) and \
not blockMessage and \
messageEncodingType != 0 and \
not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'dontsendack') and \
not BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean(toAddress, 'chan'):
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
# Display timing data
timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage = time.time(
) - messageProcessingStartTime
sum = 0
for item in shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings:
sum += item
logger.debug('Time to decrypt this message successfully: %s\n\
Average time for all message decryption successes since startup: %s.' %
(timeRequiredToAttemptToDecryptMessage, sum / len(shared.successfullyDecryptMessageTimings))
def processbroadcast(self, data):
messageProcessingStartTime = time.time()
shared.numberOfBroadcastsProcessed += 1
'updateNumberOfBroadcastsProcessed', 'no data'))
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(data)
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
broadcastVersion, broadcastVersionLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
readPosition += broadcastVersionLength
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
if broadcastVersion < 4 or broadcastVersion > 5:'Cannot decode incoming broadcast versions less than 4 or higher than 5. Assuming the sender isn\'t being silly, you should upgrade Bitmessage because this message shall be ignored.')
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
cleartextStreamNumber, cleartextStreamNumberLength = decodeVarint(
data[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += cleartextStreamNumberLength
if broadcastVersion == 4:
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
v4 broadcasts are encrypted the same way the msgs are encrypted. To see if we are interested in a
v4 broadcast, we try to decrypt it. This was replaced with v5 broadcasts which include a tag which
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
we check instead, just like we do with v4 pubkeys.
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
signedData = data[8:readPosition]
initialDecryptionSuccessful = False
for key, cryptorObject in shared.MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects.items():
if initialDecryptionSuccessful: # continue decryption attempts to avoid timing attacks
decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
toRipe = key # This is the RIPE hash of the sender's pubkey. We need this below to compare to the RIPE hash of the sender's address to verify that it was encrypted by with their key rather than some other key.
initialDecryptionSuccessful = True
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00'EC decryption successful using key associated with ripe hash: %s' % hexlify(key))
except Exception as err:
# print 'cryptorObject.decrypt Exception:', err
if not initialDecryptionSuccessful:
# This is not a broadcast I am interested in.
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
logger.debug('Length of time program spent failing to decrypt this v4 broadcast: %s seconds.' % (time.time() - messageProcessingStartTime,))
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
elif broadcastVersion == 5:
embeddedTag = data[readPosition:readPosition+32]
readPosition += 32
if embeddedTag not in shared.MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects:
logger.debug('We\'re not interested in this broadcast.')
# We are interested in this broadcast because of its tag.
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
signedData = data[8:readPosition] # We're going to add some more data which is signed further down.
cryptorObject = shared.MyECSubscriptionCryptorObjects[embeddedTag]
decryptedData = cryptorObject.decrypt(data[readPosition:])
logger.debug('EC decryption successful')
except Exception as err:
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
logger.debug('Broadcast version %s decryption Unsuccessful.' % broadcastVersion)
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# At this point this is a broadcast I have decrypted and am
# interested in.
readPosition = 0
sendersAddressVersion, sendersAddressVersionLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
if broadcastVersion == 4:
if sendersAddressVersion < 2 or sendersAddressVersion > 3:
logger.warning('Cannot decode senderAddressVersion other than 2 or 3. Assuming the sender isn\'t being silly, you should upgrade Bitmessage because this message shall be ignored.')
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
elif broadcastVersion == 5:
if sendersAddressVersion < 4:'Cannot decode senderAddressVersion less than 4 for broadcast version number 5. Assuming the sender isn\'t being silly, you should upgrade Bitmessage because this message shall be ignored.')
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
readPosition += sendersAddressVersionLength
sendersStream, sendersStreamLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
if sendersStream != cleartextStreamNumber:'The stream number outside of the encryption on which the POW was completed doesn\'t match the stream number inside the encryption. Ignoring broadcast.')
readPosition += sendersStreamLength
behaviorBitfield = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 4]
readPosition += 4
sendersPubSigningKey = '\x04' + \
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
sendersPubEncryptionKey = '\x04' + \
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 64]
readPosition += 64
if sendersAddressVersion >= 3:
requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte, varintLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
logger.debug('sender\'s requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte is %s' % requiredAverageProofOfWorkNonceTrialsPerByte)
requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes, varintLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += varintLength
logger.debug('sender\'s requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes is %s' % requiredPayloadLengthExtraBytes)
endOfPubkeyPosition = readPosition
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
sha ='sha512')
sha.update(sendersPubSigningKey + sendersPubEncryptionKey)
ripeHasher ='ripemd160')
calculatedRipe = ripeHasher.digest()
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
if broadcastVersion == 4:
if toRipe != calculatedRipe:'The encryption key used to encrypt this message doesn\'t match the keys inbedded in the message itself. Ignoring message.')
elif broadcastVersion == 5:
calculatedTag = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(encodeVarint(
sendersAddressVersion) + encodeVarint(sendersStream) + calculatedRipe).digest()).digest()[32:]
if calculatedTag != embeddedTag:
logger.debug('The tag and encryption key used to encrypt this message doesn\'t match the keys inbedded in the message itself. Ignoring message.')
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
messageEncodingType, messageEncodingTypeLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
if messageEncodingType == 0:
readPosition += messageEncodingTypeLength
messageLength, messageLengthLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
readPosition += messageLengthLength
message = decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + messageLength]
readPosition += messageLength
readPositionAtBottomOfMessage = readPosition
signatureLength, signatureLengthLength = decodeVarint(
decryptedData[readPosition:readPosition + 9])
readPosition += signatureLengthLength
signature = decryptedData[
readPosition:readPosition + signatureLength]
signedData += decryptedData[:readPositionAtBottomOfMessage]
2016-03-23 23:26:57 +01:00
if not highlevelcrypto.verify(signedData, signature, hexlify(sendersPubSigningKey)):
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
logger.debug('ECDSA verify failed')
logger.debug('ECDSA verify passed')
sigHash = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(signature).digest()).digest()[32:] # Used to detect and ignore duplicate messages in our inbox
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
fromAddress = encodeAddress(
sendersAddressVersion, sendersStream, calculatedRipe)'fromAddress: %s' % fromAddress)
# Let's store the public key in case we want to reply to this person.
sqlExecute('''INSERT INTO pubkeys VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)''',
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# Check to see whether we happen to be awaiting this
# pubkey in order to send a message. If we are, it will do the POW
# and send it.
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
fromAddress = encodeAddress(
sendersAddressVersion, sendersStream, calculatedRipe)
logger.debug('fromAddress: ' + fromAddress)
decodedMessage = helper_msgcoding.MsgDecode(messageEncodingType, message)
subject = decodedMessage.subject
body = decodedMessage.body
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
toAddress = '[Broadcast subscribers]'
if helper_inbox.isMessageAlreadyInInbox(sigHash):'This broadcast is already in our inbox. Ignoring it.')
t = (inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, int(
time.time()), body, 'inbox', messageEncodingType, 0, sigHash)
shared.UISignalQueue.put(('displayNewInboxMessage', (
inventoryHash, toAddress, fromAddress, subject, body)))
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# If we are behaving as an API then we might need to run an
# outside command to let some program know that a new message
# has arrived.
if BMConfigParser().safeGetBoolean('bitmessagesettings', 'apienabled'):
apiNotifyPath = BMConfigParser().get(
'bitmessagesettings', 'apinotifypath')
apiNotifyPath = ''
if apiNotifyPath != '':
call([apiNotifyPath, "newBroadcast"])
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
# Display timing data'Time spent processing this interesting broadcast: %s' % (time.time() - messageProcessingStartTime,))
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
def possibleNewPubkey(self, address):
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
We have inserted a pubkey into our pubkey table which we received from a
pubkey, msg, or broadcast message. It might be one that we have been
waiting for. Let's check.
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
# For address versions <= 3, we wait on a key with the correct address version,
# stream number, and RIPE hash.
status, addressVersion, streamNumber, ripe = decodeAddress(address)
if addressVersion <=3:
if address in neededPubkeys:
del neededPubkeys[address]
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
logger.debug('We don\'t need this pub key. We didn\'t ask for it. For address: %s' % address)
# For address versions >= 4, we wait on a pubkey with the correct tag.
# Let us create the tag from the address and see if we were waiting
# for it.
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
elif addressVersion >= 4:
tag = hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(encodeVarint(
addressVersion) + encodeVarint(streamNumber) + ripe).digest()).digest()[32:]
if tag in neededPubkeys:
del neededPubkeys[tag]
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
def sendMessages(self, address):
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
This function is called by the possibleNewPubkey function when
that function sees that we now have the necessary pubkey
to send one or more messages.
"""'We have been awaiting the arrival of this pubkey.')
2015-03-09 02:35:32 -04:00
'''UPDATE sent SET status='doingmsgpow', retrynumber=0 WHERE toaddress=? AND (status='awaitingpubkey' or status='doingpubkeypow') AND folder='sent' ''',
2014-12-25 03:57:34 -05:00
shared.workerQueue.put(('sendmessage', ''))
def ackDataHasAValidHeader(self, ackData):
if len(ackData) < protocol.Header.size:'The length of ackData is unreasonably short. Not sending ackData.')
return False
magic,command,payloadLength,checksum = protocol.Header.unpack(ackData[:protocol.Header.size])
if magic != 0xE9BEB4D9:'Ackdata magic bytes were wrong. Not sending ackData.')
return False
payload = ackData[protocol.Header.size:]
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
if len(payload) != payloadLength:'ackData payload length doesn\'t match the payload length specified in the header. Not sending ackdata.')
return False
if payloadLength > 1600100: # ~1.6 MB which is the maximum possible size of an inv message.
The largest message should be either an inv or a getdata message at 1.6 MB in size.
That doesn't mean that the object may be that big. The
shared.checkAndShareObjectWithPeers function will verify that it is no larger than
2^18 bytes.
return False
if checksum != hashlib.sha512(payload).digest()[0:4]: # test the checksum in the message.'ackdata checksum wrong. Not sending ackdata.')
return False
2014-08-27 03:14:32 -04:00
command = command.rstrip('\x00')
if command != 'object':
return False
return True
def addMailingListNameToSubject(self, subject, mailingListName):
subject = subject.strip()
if subject[:3] == 'Re:' or subject[:3] == 'RE:':
subject = subject[3:].strip()
if '[' + mailingListName + ']' in subject:
return subject
return '[' + mailingListName + '] ' + subject
def decodeType2Message(self, message):
bodyPositionIndex = string.find(message, '\nBody:')
if bodyPositionIndex > 1:
subject = message[8:bodyPositionIndex]
# Only save and show the first 500 characters of the subject.
# Any more is probably an attack.
subject = subject[:500]
body = message[bodyPositionIndex + 6:]
subject = ''
body = message
# Throw away any extra lines (headers) after the subject.
if subject:
subject = subject.splitlines()[0]
return subject, body