translation of software #818

opened 2015-10-29 17:50:44 +01:00 by ghost · 3 comments
ghost commented 2015-10-29 17:50:44 +01:00 (Migrated from

what's the goal / status / general motivation about translation the interface options, help, documentation etc?
Is it being done, or is there work necessary to do, where one could translate with the help of other people?

what's the goal / status / general motivation about translation the interface options, help, documentation etc? Is it being done, or is there work necessary to do, where one could translate with the help of other people?
ghost commented 2015-10-29 17:53:01 +01:00 (Migrated from

never mind the rest,
just found the interface language option.
is there external help needed, or is it all achieved via system libraries or other ways?

never mind the rest, just found the interface language option. is there external help needed, or is it all achieved via system libraries or other ways?
mailchuck commented 2015-10-29 18:13:13 +01:00 (Migrated from

I am looking for translators for the interface (there are some new things for 0.6 needing translation), but I don't have a standardised procedure yet. If anyone thinks they can help, they can contact me by email or BM.

I haven't thought about translation of things other than the interface yet.

I am looking for translators for the interface (there are some new things for 0.6 needing translation), but I don't have a standardised procedure yet. If anyone thinks they can help, they can contact me by email or BM. I haven't thought about translation of things other than the interface yet.
PeterSurda commented 2016-03-23 12:13:41 +01:00 (Migrated from

I uploaded the PyBitmessage project to Transifex. You can contribute to translations of hte interface there, you just have to request that I approve you as a translator first. I'll occasionally look there to see if there are updates, but if you want to speed it up you can just contact me to speed up putting it into the github repo.

The link is at

This still leaves other types of translations, but I think they can probably also be done via Transifex.

I uploaded the PyBitmessage project to Transifex. You can contribute to translations of hte interface there, you just have to request that I approve you as a translator first. I'll occasionally look there to see if there are updates, but if you want to speed it up you can just contact me to speed up putting it into the github repo. The link is at This still leaves other types of translations, but I think they can probably also be done via Transifex.
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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-02-21#818
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