2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< ? xml version = "1.0" ? > < ! DOCTYPE TS > < TS language = "sk" sourcelanguage = "en" version = "2.0" >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< context >
< name > AddAddressDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/addaddressdialog.ui" line = "20" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add new entry < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať nový záznam < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/addaddressdialog.ui" line = "29" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Label < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Označenie < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/addaddressdialog.ui" line = "39" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > EmailGatewayDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Email gateway < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > E - mailová brána < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "30" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Register on email gateway < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Registrácia na e - mailovej bráne < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "82" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Account status at email gateway < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Stav ú č tu na e - mailovej bráne < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "95" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Change account settings at email gateway < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zmena nastavení ú č tu na e - mailovej bráne < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "108" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Unregister from email gateway < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zrušiť registráciu na e - mailovej bráne < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "69" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Email gateway allows you to communicate with email users . Currently , only the Mailchuck email gateway ( @mailchuck . com ) is available . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > E - mailové brány umožňujú komunikovať s užívateľmi e - mailu . Momentálne je k dispozícii iba e - mailová brána Mailchuck ( @mailchuck . com ) . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "23" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Desired email address ( including @mailchuck . com ) : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Požadovaná e - mailová adresa ( vrátane @ mailchuck . com ) : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.ui" line = "59" / >
< source > @mailchuck . com < / source >
< translation > @mailchuck . com < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "283" / >
< source > Registration failed : < / source >
< translation > Registrácia zlyhala : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "285" / >
< source > The requested email address is not available , please try a new one . < / source >
< translation > Požadovaná e - mailová adresa nie je k dispozícii , skúste znova . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "331" / >
< source > Sending email gateway registration request < / source >
< translation > Odosielam ž iadosť o registráciu na e - mailovej bráne < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "339" / >
< source > Sending email gateway unregistration request < / source >
< translation > Odosielam ž iadosť o odhlásenie z e - mailovej brány < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "345" / >
< source > Sending email gateway status request < / source >
< translation > Odosielam ž iadosť o stav e - mailovej brány < / translation >
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > EmailGatewayRegistrationDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2266" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Registration failed : < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2266" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The requested email address is not available , please try a new one . Fill out the new desired email address ( including @mailchuck . com ) below : < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.py" line = "102" / >
< source > Email gateway registration < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/emailgateway.py" line = "103" / >
< source > Email gateway allows you to communicate with email users . Currently , only the Mailchuck email gateway ( @mailchuck . com ) is available .
Please type the desired email address ( including @mailchuck . com ) below : < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > Mailchuck < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/account.py" line = "243" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > # You can use this to configure your email gateway account
# Uncomment the setting you want to use
# Here are the options :
# pgp : server
# The email gateway will create and maintain PGP keys for you and sign , verify ,
# encrypt and decrypt on your behalf . When you want to use PGP but are lazy ,
# use this . Requires subscription .
# pgp : local
# The email gateway will not conduct PGP operations on your behalf . You can
# either not use PGP at all , or use it locally .
# attachments : yes
# Incoming attachments in the email will be uploaded to MEGA . nz , and you can
# download them from there by following the link . Requires a subscription .
# attachments : no
# Attachments will be ignored .
# archive : yes
# Your incoming emails will be archived on the server . Use this if you need
# help with debugging problems or you need a third party proof of emails . This
# however means that the operator of the service will be able to read your
# emails even after they have been delivered to you .
# archive : no
# Incoming emails will be deleted from the server as soon as they are relayed
# to you .
# masterpubkey_btc : BIP44 xpub key or electrum v1 public seed
# offset_btc : integer ( defaults to 0 )
# feeamount : number with up to 8 decimal places
# feecurrency : BTC , XBT , USD , EUR or GBP
# Use these if you want to charge people who send you emails . If this is on and
# an unknown person sends you an email , they will be requested to pay the fee
# specified . As this scheme uses deterministic public keys , you will receive
# the money directly . To turn it off again , set & quot ; feeamount & quot ; to 0 . Requires
# subscription .
< / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > # Tento text môžete použiť na konfiguráciu vášho ú č tu na e - mailovej bráne
# odkomentujte nastavenia , ktoré chcete použiť
# Tu sú možnosti :
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
# pgp : server
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# E - mailová brána bude za vás vytvárať a udržiavať PGP kľúče a podpisovať , overovať ,
# š ifrovať a dešifrovať vaše e - maily . Ak chcete používať PGP , ale ste leniví ,
# toto je voľba pre vás . Vyžaduje predplatné .
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
# pgp : local
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# E - mailová brána nebude za vás vykonávať operácie PGP . Môžete buď
# nepoužívať PGP vôbec , alebo ho použiť lokálne .
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
# attachments : yes
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# Prichádzajúce prílohy v e - maile budú nahrané na MEGA . nz , a môžete si ich odtiaľ stiahnuť
# pomocou odkazu v správe . Vyžaduje predplatné .
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
# attachments : no
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# Prílohy budú ignorované .
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
# archive : yes
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# Prichádzajúce e - maily budú archivované na serveri . Použite , ak potrebujete
# pomoc s problémami , alebo potrebujete doklad pre tretie strán o obsahu e - mailov . Táto voľba však
# znamená , ž e prevádzkovateľ služby budú môcť č í tať vaše e - maily
# aj potom , ako vám budú doručené
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
# archive : no
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# Prichádzajúce e - maily budú odstránené zo servera , akonáhle vám budú doručené
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
# masterpubkey_btc : BIP44 xpub kľúč alebo electrum v1 základ ( seed )
# offset_btc : celé č í slo ( predvolená 0 )
# feeamount : číslo s max . 8 desatinnými miest
# feecurrency : BTC , XBT , USD , EUR alebo GBP
# Ak chcete ú č tovať ľ uďom , ktorí vám posielať e - maily , použite tieto parametre . Ak vám potom
# neznáma osoba pošle e - mail , bude požiadaná o zaplatenie poplatku
# určeného týmito premennými .
# feeamount je výška platby
# feecurrency je mena , v ktorej sa bude počítať
# Keďže systém používa deterministické verejné kľúče , platby obdržíte priamo vy
# Ak ju chcete túto funkciu opäť vypnúť , nastavte & quot ; feeamount & quot ; na 0 . Vyžaduje
# predplatné .
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > MainWindow < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "167" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Reply to sender < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odpovedať odosielateľovi < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "169" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Reply to channel < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odpoveď na kanál < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "171" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add sender to your Address Book < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať odosielateľa do adresára < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "175" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add sender to your Blacklist < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať odosielateľa do svojho zoznamu zakázaných < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "361" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Move to Trash < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Presunúť do koša < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "182" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Undelete < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Obnoviť < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "185" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > View HTML code as formatted text < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zobraziť HTML kód ako formátovaný text < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "189" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Save message as . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Uložiť správu ako . . . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "193" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Mark Unread < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Označiť ako neprečítané < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "333" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > New < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nová < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "121" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Enable < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Aktivovať < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "124" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Disable < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Deaktivovať < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "127" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Set avatar . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nastaviť avatar . . . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "117" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Copy address to clipboard < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kopírovať adresu do clipboardu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "280" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Special address behavior . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zvláštne správanie adresy . . . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "241" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Email gateway < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > E - mailová brána < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "114" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Delete < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zmazať < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "296" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Send message to this address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Poslať správu na túto adresu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "304" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Subscribe to this address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prihlásiť sa k odberu tejto adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "316" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add New Address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať novú adresu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "364" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Copy destination address to clipboard < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kopírovať cieľovú adresu do clipboardu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "368" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Force send < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vynútiť odoslanie < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "584" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > One of your addresses , % 1 , is an old version 1 address . Version 1 addresses are no longer supported . May we delete it now ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Jedna z vašich adries , % 1 , je stará verzia adresy , 1 . Verzie adresy 1 už nie sú podporované . Odstrániť ju teraz ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "986" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Waiting for their encryption key . Will request it again soon . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č akanie na š ifrovací kľúč príjemcu . Č oskoro bude vyžiadaný znova . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "990" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Encryption key request queued . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "992" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Queued . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vo fronte . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "995" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Message sent . Waiting for acknowledgement . Sent at % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa odoslaná . Č akanie na potvrdenie . Odoslaná % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "998" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Message sent . Sent at % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa odoslaná . Odoslaná % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1002" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Need to do work to send message . Work is queued . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1004" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Acknowledgement of the message received % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Potvrdenie prijatia správy % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2082" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Broadcast queued . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Rozoslanie vo fronte . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1013" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Broadcast on % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Rozoslané 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1016" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Problem : The work demanded by the recipient is more difficult than you are willing to do . % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém : práca požadovná príjemcom je oveľa ť ažšia , než je povolené v nastaveniach . % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1019" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Problem : The recipient & apos ; s encryption key is no good . Could not encrypt message . % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém : šifrovací kľúč príjemcu je nesprávny . Nie je možné zašifrovať správu . % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1022" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Forced difficulty override . Send should start soon . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Obmedzenie obtiažnosti práce zrušené . Odosielanie by malo č oskoro začať . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1025" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Unknown status : % 1 % 2 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Neznámy stav : % 1 % 2 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1560" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Not Connected < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nepripojený < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1156" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Show Bitmessage < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ukázať Bitmessage < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "705" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Send < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odoslať < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1179" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Subscribe < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prihlásiť sa k odberu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1185" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Channel < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kanál < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "751" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Quit < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ukončiť < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1407" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You may manage your keys by editing the keys . dat file stored in the same directory as this program . It is important that you back up this file . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kľúče môžete spravovať ú pravou súboru keys . dat , ktorý je uložený v rovnakom adresári ako tento program . Tento súbor je dôležité zálohovať . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1411" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You may manage your keys by editing the keys . dat file stored in
% 1
It is important that you back up this file . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kľúče môžete spravovať ú pravou súboru keys . dat , ktorý je uložený v adresári
% 1
Tento súbor je dôležité zálohovať . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1418" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Open keys . dat ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Otvoriť keys . dat ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1415" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You may manage your keys by editing the keys . dat file stored in the same directory as this program . It is important that you back up this file . Would you like to open the file now ? ( Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes . ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kľúče môžete spravovať ú pravou súboru keys . dat , ktorý je uložený v rovnakom adresári ako tento program . Tento súbor je dôležité zálohovať . Chcete tento súbor teraz otvoriť ? ( Nezabudnite zatvoriť Bitmessage pred vykonaním akýchkoľvek zmien . ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1418" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You may manage your keys by editing the keys . dat file stored in
% 1
It is important that you back up this file . Would you like to open the file now ? ( Be sure to close Bitmessage before making any changes . ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kľúče môžete spravovať ú pravou súboru keys . dat , ktorý je uložený v adresári
% 1
Tento súbor je dôležité zálohovať . Chcete tento súbor teraz otvoriť ? ( Nezabudnite zatvoriť Bitmessage pred vykonaním akýchkoľvek zmien . ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1425" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Delete trash ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vyprázdniť kôš ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1425" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Are you sure you want to delete all trashed messages ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ste si istí , ž e chcete všetky správy z koša odstrániť ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1443" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > bad passphrase < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > zlé heslo < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1443" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You must type your passphrase . If you don & apos ; t have one then this is not the form for you . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Je nutné zadať prístupové heslo . Ak heslo nemáte , tento formulár nie je pre Vás . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1466" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bad address version number < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nesprávne č í slo verzie adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1456" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Your address version number must be a number : either 3 or 4 . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo verzie adresy musí byť číslo : buď 3 alebo 4 . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1466" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Your address version number must be either 3 or 4 . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vaše č í slo verzie adresy musí byť buď 3 alebo 4 . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1608" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Chan name needed < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1608" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You didn & apos ; t enter a chan name . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1628" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address already present < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1628" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Could not add chan because it appears to already be one of your identities . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1632" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Success < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1603" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Successfully created chan . To let others join your chan , give them the chan name and this Bitmessage address : % 1 . This address also appears in & apos ; Your Identities & apos ; . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1612" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address too new < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1612" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Although that Bitmessage address might be valid , its version number is too new for us to handle . Perhaps you need to upgrade Bitmessage . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1616" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address invalid < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1616" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > That Bitmessage address is not valid . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1624" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address does not match chan name < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1624" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Although the Bitmessage address you entered was valid , it doesn & apos ; t match the chan name . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1632" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Successfully joined chan . < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1545" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Connection lost < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spojenie bolo stratené < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1595" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Connected < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spojený < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1713" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Message trashed < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa odstránenia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1803" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The TTL , or Time - To - Live is the length of time that the network will hold the message .
The recipient must get it during this time . If your Bitmessage client does not hear an acknowledgement , it
will resend the message automatically . The longer the Time - To - Live , the
more work your computer must do to send the message . A Time - To - Live of four or five days is often appropriate . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > TTL ( doba ž ivotnosti ) je č as , počas ktorého bude sieť udržiavať správu . Príjemca musí správu prijať počas tejto ž ivotnosti . Keď odosielateľov Bitmessage nedostane po vypršaní ž ivotnosti potvrdenie o prijatí , automaticky správu odošle znova . Č í m vyššia doba ž ivotnosti , tým viac práce musí počítač odosielateľa vykonat na odoslanie správy . Zvyčajne je vhodná doba ž ivotnosti okolo š tyroch - piatich dní . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1842" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Message too long < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa je príliš dlhá < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1842" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The message that you are trying to send is too long by % 1 bytes . ( The maximum is 261644 bytes ) . Please cut it down before sending . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa , ktorú skúšate poslať , má % 1 bajtov naviac . ( Maximum je 261 644 bajtov ) . Prosím pred odoslaním skrátiť . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1884" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : Your account wasn & apos ; t registered at an email gateway . Sending registration now as % 1 , please wait for the registration to be processed before retrying sending . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : Váš ú č et nebol registrovaný na e - mailovej bráne . Skúšam registrovať ako % 1 , prosím počkajte na spracovanie registrácie pred opakovaným odoslaním správy . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2008" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : Bitmessage addresses start with BM - Please check % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2011" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : The address % 1 is not typed or copied correctly . Please check it . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2014" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : The address % 1 contains invalid characters . Please check it . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2017" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : The address version in % 1 is too high . Either you need to upgrade your Bitmessage software or your acquaintance is being clever . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2020" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : Some data encoded in the address % 1 is too short . There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2023" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : Some data encoded in the address % 1 is too long . There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2026" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : Some data encoded in the address % 1 is malformed . There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2029" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : Something is wrong with the address % 1 . < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2035" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : You must specify a From address . If you don & apos ; t have one , go to the & apos ; Your Identities & apos ; tab . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : musíte zadať adresu & quot ; Od & quot ; . Ak ž iadnu nemáte , prejdite na kartu & quot ; Vaše identity & quot ; . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1969" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address version number < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo verzie adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1969" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Concerning the address % 1 , Bitmessage cannot understand address version numbers of % 2 . Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č o sa týka adresy % 1 , Bitmessage nepozná č í slo verzie adresy % 2 . Možno by ste mali upgradenúť Bitmessage na najnovšiu verziu . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1973" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Stream number < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo prúdu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1973" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Concerning the address % 1 , Bitmessage cannot handle stream numbers of % 2 . Perhaps upgrade Bitmessage to the latest version . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č o sa týka adresy % 1 , Bitmessage nespracováva č í slo prúdu % 2 . Možno by ste mali upgradenúť Bitmessage na najnovšiu verziu . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1978" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Warning : You are currently not connected . Bitmessage will do the work necessary to send the message but it won & apos ; t send until you connect . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Upozornenie : momentálne nie ste pripojení . Bitmessage vykoná prácu potrebnú na odoslanie správy , ale odoslať ju môže , až keď budete pripojení . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2027" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Message queued . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa vo fronte . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2031" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Your & apos ; To & apos ; field is empty . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pole & quot ; Komu & quot ; je prázdne . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2091" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Right click one or more entries in your address book and select & apos ; Send message to this address & apos ; . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vybertie jednu alebo viacero položiek v adresári , pravým tlačidlom myši zvoľte & quot ; Odoslať správu na túto adresu & quot ; . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2107" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Fetched address from namecoin identity . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prebratá adresa z namecoin - ovej identity . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2219" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > New Message < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nová správa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2260" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > From < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2638" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Sending email gateway registration request < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "59" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address is valid . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa je platná . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "93" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The address you entered was invalid . Ignoring it . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zadaná adresa bola neplatná a bude ignorovaná . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2249" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : You cannot add the same address to your address book twice . Try renaming the existing one if you want . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : tú istú adresu nemožno pridať do adresára dvakrát . Ak chcete , môžete skúsiť premenovať existujúcu menovku . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3279" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : You cannot add the same address to your subscriptions twice . Perhaps rename the existing one if you want . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : nemožno pridať rovnakú adresu k odberu dvakrát . Keď chcete , môžete premenovať existujúci záznam . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2371" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Restart < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Reštart < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2357" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You must restart Bitmessage for the port number change to take effect . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Aby sa zmena č í sla portu prejavila , musíte reštartovať Bitmessage . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2371" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage will use your proxy from now on but you may want to manually restart Bitmessage now to close existing connections ( if any ) . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Bitmessage bude odteraz používať proxy , ale ak chcete ukončiť existujúce spojenia , musíte Bitmessage manuálne reštartovať . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2400" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Number needed < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo potrebné < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2400" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Your maximum download and upload rate must be numbers . Ignoring what you typed . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Maxímálna rýchlosť príjmu a odoslania musí byť uvedená v č í slach . Ignorujem zadané ú daje . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2480" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Will not resend ever < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nikdy opätovne neodosielať < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2480" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Note that the time limit you entered is less than the amount of time Bitmessage waits for the first resend attempt therefore your messages will never be resent . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Upozornenie : časový limit , ktorý ste zadali , je menší ako č as , ktorý Bitmessage č aká na prvý pokus o opätovné zaslanie , a preto vaše správy nebudú nikdy opätovne odoslané . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2611" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Sending email gateway unregistration request < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2615" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Sending email gateway status request < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "136" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Passphrase mismatch < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nezhoda hesla < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "136" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The passphrase you entered twice doesn & apos ; t match . Try again . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zadané heslá sa rôznia . Skúste znova . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "144" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Choose a passphrase < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vyberte heslo < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "144" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You really do need a passphrase . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Heslo je skutočne potrebné . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2958" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address is gone < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa zmizla < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2958" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage cannot find your address % 1 . Perhaps you removed it ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Bitmessage nemôže nájsť vašu adresu % 1 . Možno ste ju odstránili ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2961" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address disabled < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa deaktivovaná < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2961" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : The address from which you are trying to send is disabled . You & apos ; ll have to enable it on the & apos ; Your Identities & apos ; tab before using it . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : adresa , z ktorej sa pokúšate odoslať , je neaktívna . Pred použitím ju musíte aktivovať v karte & quot ; Vaše identity & quot ; . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3020" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Entry added to the Address Book . Edit the label to your liking . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3036" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Entry added to the blacklist . Edit the label to your liking . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Záznam pridaný na zoznam zakázaných . Upravte označenie podľa vašich predstáv . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3041" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : You cannot add the same address to your blacklist twice . Try renaming the existing one if you want . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : tú istú adresu nemožno pridať na zoznam zakázaných dvakrát . Ak chcete , môžete skúsiť premenovať existujúce označenie . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3183" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Moved items to trash . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Položky presunuté do koša . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3127" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Undeleted item . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Položka obnovená . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3151" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Save As . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Uložiť ako . . . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3160" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Write error . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba pri zapisovaní . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3263" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > No addresses selected . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nevybraná ž iadna adresa . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3318" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > If you delete the subscription , messages that you already received will become inaccessible . Maybe you can consider disabling the subscription instead . Disabled subscriptions will not receive new messages , but you can still view messages you already received .
Are you sure you want to delete the subscription ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ak odstránite odber , správy , ktoré ste už prijali , sa stanú nedostupné . Možno by ste mali zvážit namiesto toho odber deaktivovať . Deaktivované odbery nebudú prijímať nové správy , ale stále si môžete pozrieť správy , ktoré ste už prijali .
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
Ste si istý , ž e chcete odber odstrániť ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3561" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > If you delete the channel , messages that you already received will become inaccessible . Maybe you can consider disabling the channel instead . Disabled channels will not receive new messages , but you can still view messages you already received .
Are you sure you want to delete the channel ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ak odstránite kanál , správy , ktoré ste už prijali , sa stanú nedostupné . Možno by ste mali zvážit namiesto toho kanál deaktivovať . Deaktivované kanály nebudú prijímať nové správy , ale stále si môžete pozrieť správy , ktoré ste už prijali .
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
Ste si istý , ž e chcete kanál odstrániť ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3691" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Do you really want to remove this avatar ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Naozaj chcete odstrániť tento avatar ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3699" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You have already set an avatar for this address . Do you really want to overwrite it ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pre túto adresu ste už ste nastavili avatar . Naozaj ho chcete ho zmeniť ? < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4107" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Start - on - login not yet supported on your OS . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spustenie pri prihlásení zatiaľ pre váš operačný systém nie je podporované . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4100" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Minimize - to - tray not yet supported on your OS . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Minimalizovanie do panelu ú loh zatiaľ pre váš operačný systém nie je podporované . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4103" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Tray notifications not yet supported on your OS . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Oblasť oznámení zatiaľ pre váš operačný systém nie je podporovaná . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4274" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Testing . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Testujem . . . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4237" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > This is a chan address . You cannot use it as a pseudo - mailing list . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "35" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The address should start with & apos ; & apos ; BM - & apos ; & apos ; < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa by mala začínať & apos ; & apos ; BM - & apos ; & apos ; < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "40" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The address is not typed or copied correctly ( the checksum failed ) . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nesprávne zadaná alebo skopírovaná adresa ( kontrolný súčet zlyhal ) . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "46" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The version number of this address is higher than this software can support . Please upgrade Bitmessage . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo verzie tejto adresy je vyššie ako tento softvér podporuje . Prosím inovujte Bitmessage . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "52" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The address contains invalid characters . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa obsahuje neplatné znaky . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "57" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Some data encoded in the address is too short . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Niektoré dáta zakódované v adrese sú príliš krátke . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "62" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Some data encoded in the address is too long . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Niektoré dáta zakódované v adrese sú príliš dlhé . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "67" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Some data encoded in the address is malformed . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Niektoré dáta zakódované v adrese sú poškodené . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4289" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Enter an address above . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "171" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address is an old type . We cannot display its past broadcasts . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Starý typ adresy . Nie je možné zobraziť jej predchádzajúce hromadné správy . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "186" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > There are no recent broadcasts from this address to display . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Neboli nájdené ž iadne nedávne hromadé správy z tejto adresy . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "4374" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You are using TCP port % 1 . ( This can be changed in the settings ) . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "662" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage < / source >
< translation > Bitmessage < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "663" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Identities < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Identity < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "664" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > New Identity < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nová identita < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "726" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Search < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Hľadaj < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "727" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > All < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Všetky < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "734" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > To < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Príjemca < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "736" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > From < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odosielateľ < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "738" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Subject < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Predmet < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "731" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Message < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "740" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Received < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prijaté < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "680" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Messages < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "683" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address book < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresár < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "685" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "686" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add Contact < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať kontakt < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "687" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Fetch Namecoin ID < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Získať identifikátor namecoin - u < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "694" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Subject : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Predmet : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "693" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > From : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odosielateľ : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "690" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > To : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Príjemca : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "692" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Send ordinary Message < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Poslať obyčajnú správu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "696" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Send Message to your Subscribers < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Poslať správu vašim odberateľom < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "697" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > TTL : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Doba ž ivotnosti : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "723" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Subscriptions < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odbery < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "707" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add new Subscription < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať nový odber < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "741" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Chans < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kanály < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "725" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add Chan < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať kanál < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "746" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > File < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Súbor < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "757" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Settings < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nastavenia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "753" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Help < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pomoc < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "749" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Import keys < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Importovať kľúče < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "750" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Manage keys < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spravovať kľúče < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "752" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Ctrl + Q < / source >
< translation > Ctrl + Q < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "754" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > F1 < / source >
< translation > F1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "755" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Contact support < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kontaktovať používateľskú podporu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "756" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > About < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > O < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "758" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Regenerate deterministic addresses < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Znova vytvoriť deterministické adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "759" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Delete all trashed messages < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odstrániť všetky správy z koša < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "760" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Join / Create chan < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pripojiť / vytvoriť kanál < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/foldertree.py" line = "172" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > All accounts < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Všetky ú č ty < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/messageview.py" line = "47" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Zoom level % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ú roveň priblíženia % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "90" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Error : You cannot add the same address to your list twice . Perhaps rename the existing one if you want . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : nemožno pridať rovnakú adresu do vášho zoznamu dvakrát . Keď chcete , môžete premenovať existujúci záznam . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "111" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add new entry < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať nový záznam < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "194" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Display the % 1 recent broadcast ( s ) from this address . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zobraziť posledných % 1 hromadných správ z tejto adresy . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1722" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > New version of PyBitmessage is available : % 1 . Download it from https : //github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage/releases/latest</source>
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > K dispozícii je nová verzia PyBitmessage : % 1 . Môžete ju stiahnuť na https : //github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage/releases/latest</translation>
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2716" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Waiting for PoW to finish . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č akám na ukončenie práce . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2726" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Shutting down Pybitmessage . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ukončujem PyBitmessage . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2744" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Waiting for objects to be sent . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č akám na odoslanie objektov . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2764" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Saving settings . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ukladám nastavenia . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2777" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Shutting down core . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ukončujem jadro . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2783" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Stopping notifications . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zastavujem oznámenia . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2787" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Shutdown imminent . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Posledná fáza ukončenia . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "703" / >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< source > % n hour ( s ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n hodina < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n hodiny < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n hodín < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "822" / >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< source > % n day ( s ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n deň < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n dni < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n dní < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2684" / >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< source > Shutting down PyBitmessage . . . % 1 % < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ukončujem PyBitmessage . . . % 1 % < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1100" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Sent < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odoslané < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_addressGenerator.py" line = "91" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Generating one new address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytváram jednu novú adresu < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_addressGenerator.py" line = "153" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Done generating address . Doing work necessary to broadcast it . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytváranie adresy ukončené . Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na rozoslanie . . . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_addressGenerator.py" line = "170" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Generating % 1 new addresses . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytváram % 1 nových adries . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_addressGenerator.py" line = "247" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > % 1 is already in & apos ; Your Identities & apos ; . Not adding it again . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > % 1 sa už nachádza medzi vášmi identitami , nepridávam dvojmo . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_addressGenerator.py" line = "283" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Done generating address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytváranie adresy ukončené < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../class_outgoingSynSender.py" line = "228" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > SOCKS5 Authentication problem : % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-28 19:21:29 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_sqlThread.py" line = "584" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Disk full < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Disk plný < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-28 19:21:29 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_sqlThread.py" line = "584" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Alert : Your disk or data storage volume is full . Bitmessage will now exit . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Upozornenie : Váš disk alebo priestor na ukladanie dát je plný . Bitmessage bude teraz ukončený . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "747" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Error ! Could not find sender address ( your address ) in the keys . dat file . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba ! Nemožno nájsť adresu odosielateľa ( vašu adresu ) v súbore keys . dat . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "495" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Doing work necessary to send broadcast . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na rozoslanie . . . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "518" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Broadcast sent on % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Rozoslané % 1 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "587" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Encryption key was requested earlier . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Š ifrovací klúč bol vyžiadaný . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "624" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Sending a request for the recipient & apos ; s encryption key . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odosielam požiadavku na kľúč príjemcu . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "639" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Looking up the receiver & apos ; s public key < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Hľadám príjemcov verejný kľúč < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "673" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Problem : Destination is a mobile device who requests that the destination be included in the message but this is disallowed in your settings . % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém : adresa príjemcu je na mobilnom zariadení a požaduje , aby správy obsahovali nezašifrovanú adresu príjemcu . Vaše nastavenia však túto možnost nemajú povolenú . % 1 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "687" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Doing work necessary to send message .
There is no required difficulty for version 2 addresses like this . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na odoslanie správy .
Adresy verzie dva , ako táto , nepožadujú obtiažnosť . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "701" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Doing work necessary to send message .
Receiver & apos ; s required difficulty : % 1 and % 2 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na odoslanie správy .
Priímcova požadovaná obtiažnosť : % 1 a % 2 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "710" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Problem : The work demanded by the recipient ( % 1 and % 2 ) is more difficult than you are willing to do . % 3 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém : Práca požadovná príjemcom ( % 1 a % 2 ) je obtiažnejšia , ako máte povolené . % 3 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "722" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Problem : You are trying to send a message to yourself or a chan but your encryption key could not be found in the keys . dat file . Could not encrypt message . % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém : skúšate odslať správu sami sebe , ale nemôžem nájsť š ifrovací kľúč v súbore keys . dat . Nemožno správu zašifrovať : % 1 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1001" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Doing work necessary to send message . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na odoslanie . . . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "845" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Message sent . Waiting for acknowledgement . Sent on % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správa odoslaná . Č akanie na potvrdenie . Odoslaná % 1 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "989" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Doing work necessary to request encryption key . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na vyžiadanie š ifrovacieho kľúča . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "961" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Broadcasting the public key request . This program will auto - retry if they are offline . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Rozosielam požiadavku na verejný kľúč . Ak nebude príjemca spojený zo sieťou , budem skúšať znova . < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../class_singleWorker.py" line = "963" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > Sending public key request . Waiting for reply . Requested at % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odosielam požiadavku na verejný kľúč . Č akám na odpoveď . Vyžiadaný % 1 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../upnp.py" line = "235" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > UPnP port mapping established on port % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Mapovanie portov UPnP vytvorené na porte % 1 < / translation >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../upnp.py" line = "264" / >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< source > UPnP port mapping removed < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Mapovanie portov UPnP zrušené < / translation >
2016-04-28 00:40:37 +02:00
< / message >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "245" / >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< source > Mark all messages as read < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Označiť všetky správy ako prečítané < / translation >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2578" / >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< source > Are you sure you would like to mark all messages read ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Ste si istý , ž e chcete označiť všetky správy ako prečítané ? < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1010" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Doing work necessary to send broadcast . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávam prácu potrebnú na rozoslanie . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2650" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Proof of work pending < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonávaná práca < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2650" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > % n object ( s ) pending proof of work < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n objekt č aká na vykonanie práce < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n objekty č akajú na vykonanie práce < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n objektov č aká na vykonanie práce < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2650" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > % n object ( s ) waiting to be distributed < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > % n objekt č aká na rozoslanie < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n objekty č akajú na rozoslanie < / numerusform > < numerusform > % n objektov č aká na rozoslanie < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2650" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Wait until these tasks finish ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Počkať , kým tieto ú lohy skončia ? < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../class_outgoingSynSender.py" line = "211" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Problem communicating with proxy : % 1 . Please check your network settings . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém komunikácie s proxy : % 1 . Prosím skontrolujte nastavenia siete . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../class_outgoingSynSender.py" line = "240" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > SOCKS5 Authentication problem : % 1 . Please check your SOCKS5 settings . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Problém autentikácie SOCKS5 : % 1 . Prosím skontrolujte nastavenia SOCKS5 . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../class_receiveDataThread.py" line = "171" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > The time on your computer , % 1 , may be wrong . Please verify your settings . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č as na vašom počítači , % 1 , možno nie je správny . Prosím , skontrolujete nastavenia . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
2017-03-06 22:16:29 +01:00
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "101" / >
< source > The name % 1 was not found . < / source >
< translation > Meno % nenájdené . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "110" / >
< source > The namecoin query failed ( % 1 ) < / source >
< translation > Dotaz prostredníctvom namecoinu zlyhal ( % 1 ) < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "113" / >
< source > The namecoin query failed . < / source >
< translation > Dotaz prostredníctvom namecoinu zlyhal . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "119" / >
< source > The name % 1 has no valid JSON data . < / source >
< translation > Meno % 1 neobsahuje planté JSON dáta . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "127" / >
< source > The name % 1 has no associated Bitmessage address . < / source >
< translation > Meno % 1 nemá priradenú ž iadnu adresu Bitmessage . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "147" / >
< source > Success ! Namecoind version % 1 running . < / source >
< translation > Ú spech ! Namecoind verzia % 1 spustený . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "153" / >
< source > Success ! NMControll is up and running . < / source >
< translation > Ú spech ! NMControl spustený . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../namecoin.py" line = "156" / >
< source > Couldn & apos ; t understand NMControl . < / source >
< translation > Nie je rozumieť NMControl - u . < / translation >
< / message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../proofofwork.py" line = "120" / >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< source > Your GPU ( s ) did not calculate correctly , disabling OpenCL . Please report to the developers . < / source >
< translation > Vaša grafická karta vykonala nesprávny výpočet , deaktivujem OpenCL . Prosím , pošlite správu vývojárom . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3739" / >
< source > Set notification sound . . . < / source >
< translation > Nastaviť zvuk oznámenia . . . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "634" / >
2017-03-06 22:16:29 +01:00
< source >
Welcome to easy and secure Bitmessage
* send messages to other people
* send broadcast messages like twitter or
* discuss in chan ( nel ) s with other people
< / source >
< translation >
Vitajte v jednoduchom a bezpečnom Bitmessage
* posielajte správy druhým ľ uďom
* posielajte hromadné správy ako na twitteri alebo
* diskutuje s druhými v kanáloch
< / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "813" / >
2017-02-28 19:21:29 +01:00
< source > not recommended for chans < / source >
< translation > nie je odporúčaná pre kanály < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1165" / >
< source > Quiet Mode < / source >
< translation > Tichý režim < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1551" / >
2017-02-28 19:21:29 +01:00
< source > Problems connecting ? Try enabling UPnP in the Network Settings < / source >
< translation > Problémy so spojením ? Skúste zapnúť UPnP v Nastaveniach siete < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1871" / >
< source > You are trying to send an email instead of a bitmessage . This requires registering with a gateway . Attempt to register ? < / source >
< translation > Pokúšate sa odoslať e - mail namiesto bitmessage . To si vyžaduje registráciu na bráne . Pokúsiť sa o registráciu ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1903" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : Bitmessage addresses start with BM - Please check the recipient address % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : Bitmessage adresy začínajú s BM - Prosím skontrolujte adresu príjemcu % 1 < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1909" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : The recipient address % 1 is not typed or copied correctly . Please check it . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : adresa príjemcu % 1 nie je na správne napísaná alebo skopírovaná . Prosím skontrolujte ju . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1915" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : The recipient address % 1 contains invalid characters . Please check it . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : adresa príjemcu % 1 obsahuje neplatné znaky . Prosím skontrolujte ju . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1921" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : The version of the recipient address % 1 is too high . Either you need to upgrade your Bitmessage software or your acquaintance is being clever . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : verzia adresy príjemcu % 1 je príliš veľká . Buď musíte aktualizovať program Bitmessage alebo váš známy s vami ž artuje . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1929" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : Some data encoded in the recipient address % 1 is too short . There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : niektoré ú daje zakódované v adrese príjemcu % 1 sú príliš krátke . Softér vášho známeho možno nefunguje správne . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1937" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : Some data encoded in the recipient address % 1 is too long . There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : niektoré ú daje zakódované v adrese príjemcu % 1 sú príliš dlhé . Softvér vášho známeho možno nefunguje správne . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1945" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : Some data encoded in the recipient address % 1 is malformed . There might be something wrong with the software of your acquaintance . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : niektoré ú daje zakódované v adrese príjemcu % 1 sú poškodené . Softvér vášho známeho možno nefunguje správne . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "1953" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Error : Something is wrong with the recipient address % 1 . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Chyba : niečo s adresou príjemcu % 1 je nie je v poriadku . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2102" / >
< source > Error : % 1 < / source >
< translation > Chyba : % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2219" / >
< source > From % 1 < / source >
< translation > Od % 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2661" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Synchronisation pending < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prebieha synchronizácia < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2661" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage hasn & apos ; t synchronised with the network , % n object ( s ) to be downloaded . If you quit now , it may cause delivery delays . Wait until the synchronisation finishes ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > Bitmessage sa nezosynchronizoval so sieťou , treba prevzať ešte % n objekt . Keď program ukončíte teraz , môže dôjsť k spozdeniu doručenia . Počkať , kým sa synchronizácia ukončí ? < / numerusform > < numerusform > Bitmessage sa nezosynchronizoval so sieťou , treba prevzať ešte % n objekty . Keď program ukončíte teraz , môže dôjsť k spozdeniu doručenia . Počkať , kým sa synchronizácia ukončí ? < / numerusform > < numerusform > Bitmessage sa nezosynchronizoval so sieťou , treba prevzať ešte % n objektov . Keď program ukončíte teraz , môže dôjsť k spozdeniu doručenia . Počkať , kým sa synchronizácia ukončí ? < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2673" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Not connected < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nepripojený < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2673" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage isn & apos ; t connected to the network . If you quit now , it may cause delivery delays . Wait until connected and the synchronisation finishes ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Bitmessage nie je pripojený do siete . Keď program ukončíte teraz , môže dôjsť k spozdeniu doručenia . Počkať , kým dôjde k spojeniu a prebehne synchronizácia ? < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2688" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Waiting for network connection . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č akám na pripojenie do siete . . . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "2698" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Waiting for finishing synchronisation . . . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č akám na ukončenie synchronizácie . . . < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/__init__.py" line = "3757" / >
< source > You have already set a notification sound for this address book entry . Do you really want to overwrite it ? < / source >
< translation > Pre túto adresu ste už ste nastavili zvuk oznámenia . Naozaj ho chcete ho zmeniť ? < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "655" / >
< source > Go online < / source >
< translation > Pripojiť k sieti < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "655" / >
< source > Go offline < / source >
< translation > Odpojiť od siete < / translation >
< / message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > MessageView < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/messageview.py" line = "72" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Follow external link < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nasledovať externý odkaz < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/messageview.py" line = "72" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > The link & quot ; % 1 & quot ; will open in a browser . It may be a security risk , it could de - anonymise you or download malicious data . Are you sure ? < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odkaz & quot ; % 1 & quot ; bude otvorený v prehliadači . Tento ú kon môže predstavovať bezpečnostné riziko a Vás deanonymizovať , alebo vykonať š kodlivú č innost . Ste si istý ? < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/messageview.py" line = "117" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > HTML detected , click here to display < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nájdené HTML , kliknite sem ak chcete zobraziť < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/messageview.py" line = "126" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Click here to disable HTML < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Kliknite sem na vypnutie HTML < / translation >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< context >
< name > MsgDecode < / name >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../helper_msgcoding.py" line = "72" / >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< source > The message has an unknown encoding .
Perhaps you should upgrade Bitmessage . < / source >
< translation > Správa má neznáme kódovanie .
Možno by ste mali inovovať Bitmessage . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< location filename = "../helper_msgcoding.py" line = "73" / >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< source > Unknown encoding < / source >
< translation > Neznáme kódovanie < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< context >
< name > NewAddressDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Create new Address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytvoriť novú adresu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "23" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Here you may generate as many addresses as you like . Indeed , creating and abandoning addresses is encouraged . You may generate addresses by using either random numbers or by using a passphrase . If you use a passphrase , the address is called a & quot ; deterministic & quot ; address .
The & apos ; Random Number & apos ; option is selected by default but deterministic addresses have several pros and cons : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Tu si môžete vygenerovať toľko adries , koľko chcete . Vytváranie a opúšťanie adries je vrelo odporúčané . Adresy môžete generovať buď pomocou náhodných č í sel alebo pomocou hesla . Ak používate heslo , takáto adresa sa nazýva & quot ; deterministická & quot ; .
Predvoľba je pomocou generátora náhodných č í siel , ale deterministické adresy majú niekoľko výhod a nevýhod : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "37" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; Pros : & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; /span>You can recreate your addresses on any computer from memory. <br/ & gt ; You need - not worry about backing up your keys . dat file as long as you can remember your passphrase . & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; Cons : & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; /span>You must remember (or write down) your passphrase if you expect to be able to recreate your keys if they are lost. <br/ & gt ; You must remember the address version number and the stream number along with your passphrase . & lt ; br / & gt ; If you choose a weak passphrase and someone on the Internet can brute - force it , they can read your messages and send messages as you . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; & gt ; Pros : & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; /span>Svoje adresy môžete znovu vytvoriť na ľubovoľnom počítači z pamäte.<br/ & gt ; Dokým si pamätáte heslo , nemusíte sa starať o zálohovanie keys . dat & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - weight :600 ; & quot ; Nevýhody : & lt ; br / & gt ; & lt ; /span>Ak chcete znovu vytvoriť kľúče ak ich stratíte, musíte si pamätať (alebo niekam zapísať) heslo. <br/ & gt ; Zároveň si musíte si zapamätať aj č í slo verzie adresy a č í slo toku . & lt ; br / & gt ; Ak si zvolíte slabé prístupové heslo a niekto na internete ho uhádne , napr . hrubou silou , môže č í tať vaše správy a odosielať ich za vás . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "66" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Use a random number generator to make an address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytvoriť novú adresu pomocou generátora náhodných č í sel < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "79" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Use a passphrase to make addresses < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytvoriť novú adresu pomocou hesla < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "89" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address ( es ) 1 or 2 characters shorter < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Stráviť niekoľko minút výpočtového č asu navyše , aby adresa ( y ) bola o 1 alebo 2 znakov kratšia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "96" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Make deterministic addresses < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vytvoriť deterministické adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "102" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address version number : 4 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo verzie adresy : 4 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "109" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > In addition to your passphrase , you must remember these numbers : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Okrem svojho hesla si musíte zapamätať tiejto ú daje : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "126" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Passphrase < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Heslo < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "133" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Počet adries , ktoré majú byť na základe vášho hesla vytvorené : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "153" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Stream number : 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo prúdu : 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "173" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Retype passphrase < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Opakovať heslo < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "200" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Randomly generate address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresu generovať náhodne < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "206" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Label ( not shown to anyone except you ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Označenie ( zobrazené len vám a nikomu inému ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "216" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Use the most available stream < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Použiť najviac prístupný prúd < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "226" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > ( best if this is the first of many addresses you will create ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > ( najlepšie , ak ide o prvú z mnohých vytvorených adries ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "236" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Use the same stream as an existing address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Použiť ten istý prúd ako existujúca adresa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newaddressdialog.ui" line = "246" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > ( saves you some bandwidth and processing power ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > ( ušetrí nejaké množstvo prenesených dát a výpočtový výkon ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > NewSubscriptionDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newsubscriptiondialog.ui" line = "20" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Add new entry < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať nový záznam < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newsubscriptiondialog.ui" line = "26" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Label < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Označenie < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newsubscriptiondialog.ui" line = "36" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newsubscriptiondialog.ui" line = "59" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Enter an address above . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zadajte adresu vyššie . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > SpecialAddressBehaviorDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/specialaddressbehavior.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Special Address Behavior < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zvláštne správanie adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/specialaddressbehavior.ui" line = "20" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Behave as a normal address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správanie ako normálna adresa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/specialaddressbehavior.ui" line = "30" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Behave as a pseudo - mailing - list address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správanie ako pseudo poštový zoznam < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/specialaddressbehavior.ui" line = "37" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Mail received to a pseudo - mailing - list address will be automatically broadcast to subscribers ( and thus will be public ) . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Správy prijaté na adresu pseudo poštového zoznamu budú automaticky rozoslaná odberateľom ( a teda budú zverejnené ) . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/specialaddressbehavior.ui" line = "47" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Name of the pseudo - mailing - list : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Meno pseudo poštového zoznamu : < / translation >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< / message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/address_dialogs.py" line = "227" / >
< source > This is a chan address . You cannot use it as a pseudo - mailing list . < / source >
< translation > Toto je adresa kanálu . Nie je možné ju používať ako pseudo poštový zoznam . < / translation >
< / message >
2016-08-21 07:59:06 +02:00
< / context >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< context >
< name > aboutDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > About < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > O < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.py" line = "68" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > PyBitmessage < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.py" line = "69" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > version ? < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.ui" line = "69" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Distributed under the MIT / X11 software license ; see & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</span></a></p></body></html></source>
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Š í rený pod licenciou na softvér MIT / X11 ; pozri & lt ; a href = & quot ; http : //www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php"><span style=" text-decoration: underline; color:#0000ff;">http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php</span></a></p></body></html></translation>
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.ui" line = "59" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > This is Beta software . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Toto je beta softvér . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< message >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.py" line = "70" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Copyright  © 2012 - 2016 Jonathan Warren & lt ; br / & gt ; Copyright  © 2013 - 2016 The Bitmessage Developers & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< message encoding = "UTF-8" >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/about.ui" line = "49" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Copyright © 2012 - 2016 Jonathan Warren & lt ; br / & gt ; Copyright © 2013 - 2017 The Bitmessage Developers & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Copyright © 2012 - 2016 Jonathan Warren & lt ; br / & gt ; Copyright © 2013 - 2017 Vývojári Bitmessage & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > blacklist < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.ui" line = "17" / >
< source > Use a Blacklist ( Allow all incoming messages except those on the Blacklist ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Použiť ako zoznam zakázaných ( prijať všetky prichádzajúce správy s výnimkou odosielateľov na zozname ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.ui" line = "27" / >
< source > Use a Whitelist ( Block all incoming messages except those on the Whitelist ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Použiť ako zoznam povolených ( blokovať všetky prichádzajúce správy s výnimkou odosielateľov na zozname ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.ui" line = "34" / >
< source > Add new entry < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pridať nový záznam < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.ui" line = "85" / >
< source > Name or Label < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Meno alebo popis < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.ui" line = "90" / >
< source > Address < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Adresa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "150" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Blacklist < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zoznam zakázaných < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/blacklist.py" line = "152" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Whitelist < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zoznam povolených < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > connectDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/connect.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage < / source >
< translation > Bitmessage < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/connect.ui" line = "20" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bitmessage won & apos ; t connect to anyone until you let it . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Bitmessage sa s nikým nespojí , dokým to nepovolíte . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/connect.ui" line = "27" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Connect now < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spojiť teraz < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/connect.ui" line = "37" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Let me configure special network settings first < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Najprv upraviť zvláštne sieťové nastavenia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/connect.ui" line = "44" / >
< source > Work offline < / source >
< translation > Zostať odpojený < / translation >
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > helpDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/help.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Help < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pomoc < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/help.ui" line = "20" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help">https://bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help</a></source>
< translation > & lt ; a href = & quot ; https : //bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help">https://bitmessage.org/wiki/PyBitmessage_Help</a></translation>
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/help.ui" line = "30" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > As Bitmessage is a collaborative project , help can be found online in the Bitmessage Wiki : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Keďže Bitmessage je projekt založený na spolupráci , pomoc možno nájsť na internete v Bitmessage Wiki : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > iconGlossaryDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/iconglossary.ui" line = "20" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Icon Glossary < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Legenda ikon < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/iconglossary.ui" line = "36" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You have no connections with other peers . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nemáte ž iadne spojenia s partnerskými uzlami . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/iconglossary.ui" line = "53" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You have made at least one connection to a peer using an outgoing connection but you have not yet received any incoming connections . Your firewall or home router probably isn & apos ; t configured to forward incoming TCP connections to your computer . Bitmessage will work just fine but it would help the Bitmessage network if you allowed for incoming connections and will help you be a better - connected node . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vykonali ste aspoň jedno vychádzajúce spojenie do siete , ale ešte ste nenaviazali ž iadne prichádzajúce spojenia . Váš firewall alebo domáci router pravdepodobne nie je nakonfigurovaný tak , aby presmeroval prichádzajúce TCP spojenia k vášmu počítaču . Bitmessage bude fungovať v pohode , keby ste však mali fungujúce prichádzajúce spojenia , pomôžete sieti Bitmessage a váš uzol bude lepšie pripojený . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/iconglossary.py" line = "85" / >
< source > You are using TCP port ? . ( This can be changed in the settings ) . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/iconglossary.ui" line = "96" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You do have connections with other peers and your firewall is correctly configured . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Máte spojenia s partnerskými uzlami a vaša brána firewall je nastavená správne . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/dialogs.py" line = "58" / >
< source > You are using TCP port % 1 . ( This can be changed in the settings ) . < / source >
< translation > Používate port TCP % 1 . ( Možno zmeniť v nastaveniach ) . < / translation >
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > networkstatus < / name >
< message >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "39" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Total connections : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spojení spolu : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "185" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Since startup : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Od spustenia : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "201" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Processed 0 person - to - person messages . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spracovaných 0 bežných správ . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "230" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Processed 0 public keys . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spracovaných 0 verejných kľúčov . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "217" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Processed 0 broadcasts . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spracovaných 0 hromadných správ . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "282" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Inventory lookups per second : 0 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vyhľadaní v inventári za sekundu : 0 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "243" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Objects to be synced : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zostáva synchronizovať objektov : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "152" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Stream # < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prúd # < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "116" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Connections < / source >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "162" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Since startup on % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Od spustenia % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "81" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Down : % 1 / s Total : % 2 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prijatých : % 1 / s Spolu : % 2 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "83" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Up : % 1 / s Total : % 2 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odoslaných : % 1 / s Spolu : % 2 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "144" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Total Connections : % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spojení spolu : % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "154" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Inventory lookups per second : % 1 < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vyhľadaní v inventári za sekundu : % 1 < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "256" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Up : 0 kB / s < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odoslaných : 0 kB / s < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "269" / >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< source > Down : 0 kB / s < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prijatých : 0 kB / s < / translation >
2016-04-25 18:18:00 +02:00
< / message >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py" line = "745" / >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< source > Network Status < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Stav siete < / translation >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "48" / >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< source > byte ( s ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > bajt < / numerusform > < numerusform > bajty < / numerusform > < numerusform > bajtov < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "59" / >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< source > Object ( s ) to be synced : % n < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > Zostáva synchronizovať % n objekt < / numerusform > < numerusform > Zostáva synchronizovať % n objekty < / numerusform > < numerusform > Zostáva synchronizovať % n objektov < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "63" / >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< source > Processed % n person - to - person message ( s ) . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > Spracovaná % n bežná správa . < / numerusform > < numerusform > Spracované % n bežné správy . < / numerusform > < numerusform > Spracovaných % n bežných správ . < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "68" / >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< source > Processed % n broadcast message ( s ) . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > Spracovaná % n hromadná správa . < / numerusform > < numerusform > Spracované % n hromadné správy . < / numerusform > < numerusform > Spracovaných % n hromadných správ . < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< / message >
< message numerus = "yes" >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.py" line = "73" / >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< source > Processed % n public key ( s ) . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > < numerusform > Spracovaný % n verejný kľúč . < / numerusform > < numerusform > Spracované % n verejné kľúče . < / numerusform > < numerusform > Spracovaných % n verejných kľúčov . < / numerusform > < / translation >
2016-04-27 13:26:39 +02:00
< / message >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "120" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > Peer < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation > Partnerský uzol < / translation >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "123" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > IP address or hostname < / source >
< translation > IP adresa alebo názov hostiteľa < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "128" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > Rating < / source >
< translation > Hodnotenie < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "131" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > PyBitmessage tracks the success rate of connection attempts to individual nodes . The rating ranges from - 1 to 1 and affects the likelihood of selecting the node in the future < / source >
< translation > PyBitmessage sleduje ú spešnosť pokusov o pripojenie k jednotlivým uzlom . Hodnotenie sa pohybuje od - 1 do 1 a ovplyvňuje pravdepodobnosť výberu uzla v budúcnosti < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "136" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > User agent < / source >
< translation > Užívateľský agent < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "139" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > Peer & apos ; s self - reported software < / source >
< translation > Software hlásený partnerským uzlom < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "144" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > TLS < / source >
< translation > TLS < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "147" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > Connection encryption < / source >
< translation > Š ifrovanie pripojenia < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/networkstatus.ui" line = "155" / >
2017-08-11 09:46:06 +02:00
< source > List of streams negotiated between you and the peer < / source >
< translation > Zoznam prúdov dohodnutých medzi vami a partnerom < / translation >
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
< context >
< name > newChanDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "97" / >
< source > Dialog < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "98" / >
< source > Create a new chan < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "103" / >
< source > Join a chan < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "100" / >
< source > Create a chan < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "101" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Enter a name for your chan . If you choose a sufficiently complex chan name ( like a strong and unique passphrase ) and none of your friends share it publicly then the chan will be secure and private . If you and someone else both create a chan with the same chan name then it is currently very likely that they will be the same chan . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "105" / >
< source > Chan name : < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "104" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; A chan exists when a group of people share the same decryption keys . The keys and bitmessage address used by a chan are generated from a human - friendly word or phrase ( the chan name ) . To send a message to everyone in the chan , send a normal person - to - person message to the chan address . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; C h a n s a r e e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o m p l e t e l y u n m o d e r a t a b l e . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "106" / >
< source > Chan bitmessage address : < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui" line = "26" / >
< source > Create or join a chan < / source >
< translation > Vytvoriť alebo pripojiť sa ku kanálu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui" line = "41" / >
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; A chan exists when a group of people share the same decryption keys . The keys and bitmessage address used by a chan are generated from a human - friendly word or phrase ( the chan name ) . To send a message to everyone in the chan , send a message to the chan address . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; C h a n s a r e e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d c o m p l e t e l y u n m o d e r a t a b l e . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; E n t e r a n a m e f o r y o u r c h a n . I f y o u c h o o s e a s u f f i c i e n t l y c o m p l e x c h a n n a m e ( l i k e a s t r o n g a n d u n i q u e p a s s p h r a s e ) a n d n o n e o f y o u r f r i e n d s s h a r e i t p u b l i c l y , t h e n t h e c h a n w i l l b e s e c u r e a n d p r i v a t e . H o w e v e r i f y o u a n d s o m e o n e e l s e b o t h c r e a t e a c h a n w i t h t h e s a m e c h a n n a m e , t h e s a m e c h a n w i l l b e s h a r e d . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Kanál existuje , keď skupina ľ udí zdieľa tie isté dešifrovacie kľúče . Kľúče a bitmessage adresa používané v kanáli sú generované zo slova alebo frázy ( názov kanálu ) . Ak chcete poslať správu všetkým užívateľom v kanáli , pošlite bežnú správu na adresu kanálu . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; K a n á l y s ú e x p e r i m e n t á l n e a v ô b e c s a n e d a j ú m o d e r o v a ť / c e n z ú r o v a ť . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; Z a d a j t e n á z o v p r e v á š k a n á l . A k z v o l í t e d o s t a t o č n e z l o ž i t ý n á z o v k a n á l u ( n a p r í k l a d z l o ž i t é a j e d i n e č n é h e s l o ) a n i k t o z v a š i c h z n á m y c h h o n e b u d e v e r e j n e z d i e ľ a ť , p o t o m b u d e k a n á l b e z p e č n ý a s ú k r o m n ý . A k v y a n i e k t o i n ý v y t v o r í t e k a n á l s r o v n a k ý m n á z v o m , b u d e t o v s k u t o č n o s t i t e n i s t ý k a n á l , k t o r ý b u d e t e z d i e ľ a ť . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui" line = "56" / >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< source > Chan passphrase / name : < / source >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< translation > Názov kanálu : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui" line = "63" / >
< source > Optional , for advanced usage < / source >
< translation > Nepovinné , pre pokročilé možnosti < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui" line = "76" / >
< source > Chan address < / source >
< translation > Adresa kanálu < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.ui" line = "101" / >
< source > Please input chan name / passphrase : < / source >
< translation > Prosím zadajte názov kanálu < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > newchandialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "38" / >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< source > Successfully created / joined chan % 1 < / source >
< translation > Kanál % 1 ú spešne vytvorený / pripojený < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "44" / >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< source > Chan creation / joining failed < / source >
< translation > Vytvorenie / pripojenie kanálu zlyhalo < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/newchandialog.py" line = "50" / >
2016-10-30 03:15:25 +01:00
< source > Chan creation / joining cancelled < / source >
< translation > Vytvorenie / pripojenie kanálu zrušené < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< context >
< name > proofofwork < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../proofofwork.py" line = "163" / >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< source > C PoW module built successfully . < / source >
< translation > C PoW modul ú spešne zostavený . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../proofofwork.py" line = "165" / >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< source > Failed to build C PoW module . Please build it manually . < / source >
< translation > Zostavenie C PoW modulu zlyhalo . Prosím , zostavte ho manuálne . < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../proofofwork.py" line = "167" / >
2016-12-15 16:33:21 +01:00
< source > C PoW module unavailable . Please build it . < / source >
< translation > C PoW modul nie je dostupný . Prosím , zostavte ho . < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2017-03-06 22:16:29 +01:00
< context >
< name > qrcodeDialog < / name >
< message >
< location filename = "../plugins/qrcodeui.py" line = "67" / >
< source > QR - code < / source >
< translation > QR kód < / translation >
< / message >
< / context >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< context >
< name > regenerateAddressesDialog < / name >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "14" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Regenerate Existing Addresses < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Znova vytvoriť existujúce adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "30" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Regenerate existing addresses < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Znova vytvoriť existujúce adresy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "36" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Passphrase < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Heslo < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "53" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Počet adries , ktoré majú byť na základe vášho hesla vytvorené : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "89" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Address version number : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo verzie adresy : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "131" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Stream number : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Č í slo prúdu : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "153" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > 1 < / source >
< translation > 1 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "173" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address ( es ) 1 or 2 characters shorter < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Stráviť niekoľko minút výpočtového č asu navyše , aby adresa ( y ) bola o 1 alebo 2 znakov kratšia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "180" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > You must check ( or not check ) this box just like you did ( or didn & apos ; t ) when you made your addresses the first time . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/regenerateaddresses.ui" line = "190" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > If you have previously made deterministic addresses but lost them due to an accident ( like hard drive failure ) , you can regenerate them here . If you used the random number generator to make your addresses then this form will be of no use to you . < / source >
2018-02-02 19:22:18 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< / context >
< context >
< name > settingsDialog < / name >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "453" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Settings < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nastavenia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "454" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Start Bitmessage on user login < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spustiť Bitmessage pri prihlásení používateľa < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "455" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Tray < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Panel ú loh < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "456" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Start Bitmessage in the tray ( don & apos ; t show main window ) < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spustiť Bitmessage v paneli ú loh ( nezobrazovať hlavné okno ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "457" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Minimize to tray < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Minimalizovať do panelu ú loh < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "458" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Close to tray < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zavrieť do panelu ú loh < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "460" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Show notification when message received < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zobraziť oznámenie , ked obdržíte správu < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "461" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Run in Portable Mode < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Spustiť v prenosnom režime < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "462" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > In Portable Mode , messages and config files are stored in the same directory as the program rather than the normal application - data folder . This makes it convenient to run Bitmessage from a USB thumb drive . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > V prenosnom režime budú správy a konfiguračné súbory uložené v rovnakom priečinku ako program , namiesto v bežnom priečinku pre ú daje aplikácie . Vďaka tomu je pohodlné používať Bitmessage na USB kľúči . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "463" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Willingly include unencrypted destination address when sending to a mobile device < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Povoliť pridanie nezašifrovanej adresy prijímateľa pri posielaní na mobilné zariadenie < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "464" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Use Identicons < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Zobrazuj identikony ( ikony automaticky vytvorené pre každú adresu ) < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "465" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Reply below Quote < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Odpovedať pod citáciou < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "466" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Interface Language < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Jazyk rozhrania < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "467" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > System Settings < / source >
< comment > system < / comment >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Systémové nastavenia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "468" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > User Interface < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Užívateľské rozhranie < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "469" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Listening port < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prijímajúci port < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "470" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Listen for connections on port : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prijímať spojenia na porte : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "471" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > UPnP : < / source >
< translation > UPnP : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "472" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Bandwidth limit < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Obmedzenie š í rky pásma < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "473" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Maximum download rate ( kB / s ) : [ 0 : unlimited ] < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Maximálna rýchlosť sťahovania ( kB / s ) : [ 0 : bez obmedzenia ] < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "474" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Maximum upload rate ( kB / s ) : [ 0 : unlimited ] < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Maximálna rýchlosť odosielania ( kB / s ) : [ 0 : bez obmedzenia ] < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "476" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Proxy server / Tor < / source >
< translation > Proxy server / Tor < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "477" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Type : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Typ : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "478" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Server hostname : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Názov hostiteľského servera : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "501" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Port : < / source >
< translation > Port : < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "480" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Authentication < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Overovanie < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "502" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Username : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Používateľské meno : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "482" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Pass : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Heslo : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "483" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Listen for incoming connections when using proxy < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Prijímať prichádzajúce spojenia ak je používaný proxy < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "484" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > none < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > ž iadny < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "485" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > SOCKS4a < / source >
< translation > SOCKS4a < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "486" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > SOCKS5 < / source >
< translation > SOCKS5 < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "487" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Network Settings < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Nastavenia siete < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "488" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Total difficulty : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Celková obtiažnosť : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "489" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The & apos ; Total difficulty & apos ; affects the absolute amount of work the sender must complete . Doubling this value doubles the amount of work . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > & apos ; Celková obtiažnosť & apos ; ovplyvňuje celkové množstvo práce , ktorú musí odosielateľ vykonať . Zdvojnásobenie tejto hodnoty zdvojnásobí potrebné množstvo práce . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "490" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Small message difficulty : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Obtiažnosť malých správ : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "491" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > When someone sends you a message , their computer must first complete some work . The difficulty of this work , by default , is 1 . You may raise this default for new addresses you create by changing the values here . Any new addresses you create will require senders to meet the higher difficulty . There is one exception : if you add a friend or acquaintance to your address book , Bitmessage will automatically notify them when you next send a message that they need only complete the minimum amount of work : difficulty 1 . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Keď vám niekto pošle správu , ich počítač musí najprv vykonať nejakú prácu . Obtiažnosť tejto práce je predvolená na 1 . Túto predvoľbu môžete zvýšiť nastavením parametrov . Každá novo vygenerovaná adresa bude od odosielateľa požadovať túto zvýšenú obtiažnosť . Existuje však výnimka : ak vášho známeho máte v adresári , pri poslaní nasledujúcej správy im Bitmessage automaticky oznámi , ž e im stačí minimálne množstvo práce : obtiažnosť 1 . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "492" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > The & apos ; Small message difficulty & apos ; mostly only affects the difficulty of sending small messages . Doubling this value makes it almost twice as difficult to send a small message but doesn & apos ; t really affect large messages . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > & apos ; Obtiažnosť malých správ & apos ; ovplyvňuje najmä náročnosť odosielania malých správ . Zdvojnásobenie tejto hodnoty zdvojnásobí potrebné množstvo práce na odoslanie malých správ , ale veľké správy príliš neovplyvňuje . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "493" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Demanded difficulty < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Požadovaná obtiažnosť < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "494" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Here you may set the maximum amount of work you are willing to do to send a message to another person . Setting these values to 0 means that any value is acceptable . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Tu môžete nastaviť maximálne množstvo práce , ktorú váš počítač je ochotný urobiť pre odoslanie správy inej osobe . Nastavenie týchto hodnôt na 0 znamená , ž e ľ ubovoľné množtvo práce je prijateľné . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "495" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Maximum acceptable total difficulty : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Maximálna prijateľná celková obtiažnosť : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "496" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Maximum acceptable small message difficulty : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Maximálna prijateľná obtiažnost malých správ : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "497" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Max acceptable difficulty < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Max . prijateľná obtiažnosť < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "473" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Hardware GPU acceleration ( OpenCL ) < / source >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< translation type = "unfinished" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "499" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Bitmessage can utilize a different Bitcoin - based program called Namecoin to make addresses human - friendly . For example , instead of having to tell your friend your long Bitmessage address , you can simply tell him to send a message to & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - style :italic ; & quot ; & gt ; test . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; ( G e t t i n g y o u r o w n B i t m e s s a g e a d d r e s s i n t o N a m e c o i n i s s t i l l r a t h e r d i f f i c u l t ) . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; B i t m e s s a g e c a n u s e e i t h e r n a m e c o i n d d i r e c t l y o r a r u n n i n g n m c o n t r o l i n s t a n c e . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Bitmessage sa môže pripojiť k systému s názvom Namecoin , ktorý je podobný Bitcoinu , a s jeho pomocou používať používateľsky príjemné identifikátory . Napríklad namiesto zverejňovania dlhej Bitmessage adresy môžete jednoducho zverejniť meno , povedzme & lt ; span style = & quot ; font - style :italic ; & quot ; & gt ; test . & lt ; / s p a n & g t ; & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; ( D o s t a ť v a š u v l a s t n ú a d r e s u d o N a m e c o i n - u j e v š a k z a t i a ľ p o m e r n e z l o ž i t é ) . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; B i t m e s s a g e s a m ô ž e p r i p o j i ť p r i a m o n a n a m e c o i n d , a l e b o n a a k t í v n u i n š t a n c i u n m c o n t r o l . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "500" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Host : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Hostiteľ : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "503" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Password : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Heslo : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "504" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Test < / source >
< translation > Test < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "505" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Connect to : < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Pripojiť ku : < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "506" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Namecoind < / source >
< translation > Namecoind < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "507" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > NMControl < / source >
2016-05-02 16:07:58 +02:00
< translation > NMControl < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "508" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Namecoin integration < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Integrácia namecoin - u < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "509" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; By default , if you send a message to someone and he is offline for more than two days , Bitmessage will send the message again after an additional two days . This will be continued with exponential backoff forever ; messages will be resent after 5 , 10 , 20 days ect . until the receiver acknowledges them . Here you may change that behavior by having Bitmessage give up after a certain number of days or months . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; L e a v e t h e s e i n p u t f i e l d s b l a n k f o r t h e d e f a u l t b e h a v i o r . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / s o u r c e >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > & lt ; html & gt ; & lt ; head / & gt ; & lt ; body & gt ; & lt ; p & gt ; Predvoľba spôsobí opätovné odoslanie správy ak nebude príjemca pripojený na sieť viac ako dva dni . Tieto pokusy budú opakované , dokým príjemca nepotvrdí obdržanie správy . Toto správanie môžete zmeniť zadaním počtu dní alebo mesiacov , po ktorých má Bitmessage s opätovným odosielaním prestať . & lt ; / p & g t ; & l t ; p & g t ; V s t u p n é p o l i a n e c h a j t e p r á z d n e , a k c h c e t e p r e d v o l e n é s p r á v a n i e . & l t ; / p & g t ; & l t ; / b o d y & g t ; & l t ; / h t m l & g t ; < / t r a n s l a t i o n >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "510" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Give up after < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vzdať po < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "511" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > and < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > a < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "512" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > days < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > dňoch < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "513" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > months . < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > mesiacoch . < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "514" / >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< source > Resends Expire < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Vypršanie opätovného odosielania < / translation >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / message >
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "459" / >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< source > Hide connection notifications < / source >
2016-10-26 22:21:58 +02:00
< translation > Skryť oznámenia o stave pripojenia < / translation >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / message >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< message >
2017-02-22 11:29:18 +01:00
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "475" / >
< source > Maximum outbound connections : [ 0 : none ] < / source >
< translation > Maximálny počet odchádzajúcich spojení : [ 0 : žiadne ] < / translation >
< / message >
< message >
< location filename = "../bitmessageqt/settings.py" line = "498" / >
2016-11-10 21:52:21 +01:00
< source > Hardware GPU acceleration ( OpenCL ) : < / source >
< translation > Hardvérové GPU urýchľovanie ( OpenCL ) : < / translation >
< / message >
2016-04-15 12:50:07 +02:00
< / context >
2016-10-26 04:56:43 +02:00
< / TS >