2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'bitmessageui.ui'
2012-12-18 14:37:37 -05:00
# Created: Tue Dec 18 14:32:02 2012
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.9.4
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
from PyQt4 import QtCore , QtGui
try :
_fromUtf8 = QtCore . QString . fromUtf8
except AttributeError :
_fromUtf8 = lambda s : s
class Ui_MainWindow ( object ) :
def setupUi ( self , MainWindow ) :
MainWindow . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " MainWindow " ) )
MainWindow . resize ( 795 , 561 )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/can-icon-24px.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
MainWindow . setWindowIcon ( icon )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
MainWindow . setTabShape ( QtGui . QTabWidget . Rounded )
self . centralwidget = QtGui . QWidget ( MainWindow )
self . centralwidget . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " centralwidget " ) )
self . gridLayout = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . centralwidget )
self . gridLayout . setMargin ( 0 )
self . gridLayout . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout " ) )
self . tabWidget = QtGui . QTabWidget ( self . centralwidget )
sizePolicy = QtGui . QSizePolicy ( QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding )
sizePolicy . setHorizontalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setVerticalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setHeightForWidth ( self . tabWidget . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) )
self . tabWidget . setSizePolicy ( sizePolicy )
self . tabWidget . setMinimumSize ( QtCore . QSize ( 0 , 0 ) )
self . tabWidget . setBaseSize ( QtCore . QSize ( 0 , 0 ) )
font = QtGui . QFont ( )
font . setPointSize ( 9 )
self . tabWidget . setFont ( font )
self . tabWidget . setTabPosition ( QtGui . QTabWidget . North )
self . tabWidget . setTabShape ( QtGui . QTabWidget . Rounded )
self . tabWidget . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tabWidget " ) )
self . inbox = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . inbox . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " inbox " ) )
self . verticalLayout_2 = QtGui . QVBoxLayout ( self . inbox )
self . verticalLayout_2 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " verticalLayout_2 " ) )
self . tableWidgetInbox = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . inbox )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SingleSelection )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setSelectionBehavior ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SelectRows )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setWordWrap ( False )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetInbox " ) )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setColumnCount ( 4 )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 2 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 3 , item )
self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 200 )
self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeader ( ) . setHighlightSections ( False )
self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeader ( ) . setMinimumSectionSize ( 27 )
self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeader ( ) . setSortIndicatorShown ( False )
self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetInbox . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . tableWidgetInbox . verticalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 26 )
self . verticalLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . tableWidgetInbox )
self . textEditInboxMessage = QtGui . QTextEdit ( self . inbox )
self . textEditInboxMessage . setBaseSize ( QtCore . QSize ( 0 , 500 ) )
self . textEditInboxMessage . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " textEditInboxMessage " ) )
self . verticalLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . textEditInboxMessage )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon1 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon1 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/inbox.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . inbox , icon1 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . send = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . send . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " send " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . send )
self . gridLayout_2 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout_2 " ) )
self . lineEditTo = QtGui . QLineEdit ( self . send )
self . lineEditTo . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " lineEditTo " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . lineEditTo , 3 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
self . label_3 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . send )
self . label_3 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_3 " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . label_3 , 4 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 20 , 297 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding )
self . gridLayout_2 . addItem ( spacerItem , 6 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . label_2 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . send )
self . label_2 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_2 " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . label_2 , 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . comboBoxSendFrom = QtGui . QComboBox ( self . send )
self . comboBoxSendFrom . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " comboBoxSendFrom " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . comboBoxSendFrom , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
self . label_4 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . send )
self . label_4 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_4 " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . label_4 , 5 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . label = QtGui . QLabel ( self . send )
self . label . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . label , 3 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . radioButtonBroadcast = QtGui . QRadioButton ( self . send )
self . radioButtonBroadcast . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " radioButtonBroadcast " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . radioButtonBroadcast , 1 , 1 , 1 , 3 )
self . pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . send )
font = QtGui . QFont ( )
font . setPointSize ( 7 )
self . pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook . setFont ( font )
self . pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook , 3 , 2 , 1 , 2 )
spacerItem1 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 28 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_2 . addItem ( spacerItem1 , 6 , 6 , 1 , 1 )
self . radioButtonSpecific = QtGui . QRadioButton ( self . send )
self . radioButtonSpecific . setChecked ( True )
self . radioButtonSpecific . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " radioButtonSpecific " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . radioButtonSpecific , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem2 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 20 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_2 . addItem ( spacerItem2 , 3 , 4 , 1 , 1 )
self . pushButtonSend = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . send )
self . pushButtonSend . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonSend " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . pushButtonSend , 7 , 5 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem3 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 192 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_2 . addItem ( spacerItem3 , 7 , 4 , 1 , 1 )
self . lineEditSubject = QtGui . QLineEdit ( self . send )
self . lineEditSubject . setText ( _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
self . lineEditSubject . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " lineEditSubject " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . lineEditSubject , 4 , 1 , 1 , 5 )
self . textEditMessage = QtGui . QTextEdit ( self . send )
self . textEditMessage . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " textEditMessage " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . textEditMessage , 5 , 1 , 2 , 5 )
self . labelFrom = QtGui . QLabel ( self . send )
self . labelFrom . setText ( _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
self . labelFrom . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelFrom " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . labelFrom , 2 , 2 , 1 , 3 )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon2 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon2 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/send.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . send , icon2 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . sent = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . sent . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " sent " ) )
self . verticalLayout = QtGui . QVBoxLayout ( self . sent )
self . verticalLayout . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " verticalLayout " ) )
self . tableWidgetSent = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . sent )
self . tableWidgetSent . setDragDropMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . DragDrop )
self . tableWidgetSent . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetSent . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SingleSelection )
self . tableWidgetSent . setSelectionBehavior ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SelectRows )
self . tableWidgetSent . setWordWrap ( False )
self . tableWidgetSent . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetSent " ) )
self . tableWidgetSent . setColumnCount ( 4 )
self . tableWidgetSent . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetSent . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetSent . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetSent . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 2 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetSent . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 3 , item )
self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 130 )
self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeader ( ) . setHighlightSections ( False )
self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeader ( ) . setSortIndicatorShown ( False )
self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetSent . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . tableWidgetSent . verticalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( False )
self . verticalLayout . addWidget ( self . tableWidgetSent )
self . textEditSentMessage = QtGui . QTextEdit ( self . sent )
self . textEditSentMessage . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " textEditSentMessage " ) )
self . verticalLayout . addWidget ( self . textEditSentMessage )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon3 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon3 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/sent.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . sent , icon3 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . youridentities = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . youridentities . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " youridentities " ) )
self . gridLayout_3 = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . youridentities )
self . gridLayout_3 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout_3 " ) )
self . pushButtonNewAddress = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . youridentities )
self . pushButtonNewAddress . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonNewAddress " ) )
self . gridLayout_3 . addWidget ( self . pushButtonNewAddress , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem4 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 689 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_3 . addItem ( spacerItem4 , 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . youridentities )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setFrameShadow ( QtGui . QFrame . Sunken )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setLineWidth ( 1 )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SingleSelection )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setSelectionBehavior ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SelectRows )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetYourIdentities " ) )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setColumnCount ( 3 )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
font = QtGui . QFont ( )
font . setKerning ( True )
item . setFont ( font )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 2 , item )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 346 )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeader ( ) . setMinimumSectionSize ( 52 )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeader ( ) . setSortIndicatorShown ( True )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . verticalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 26 )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . verticalHeader ( ) . setSortIndicatorShown ( False )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . verticalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( False )
self . gridLayout_3 . addWidget ( self . tableWidgetYourIdentities , 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon4 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon4 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/identities.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . youridentities , icon4 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . subscriptions = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . subscriptions . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " subscriptions " ) )
self . gridLayout_4 = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . subscriptions )
self . gridLayout_4 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout_4 " ) )
self . label_5 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . subscriptions )
self . label_5 . setWordWrap ( True )
self . label_5 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_5 " ) )
self . gridLayout_4 . addWidget ( self . label_5 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
self . pushButtonAddSubscription = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . subscriptions )
self . pushButtonAddSubscription . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonAddSubscription " ) )
self . gridLayout_4 . addWidget ( self . pushButtonAddSubscription , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem5 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 689 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_4 . addItem ( spacerItem5 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . subscriptions )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SingleSelection )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setSelectionBehavior ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SelectRows )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetSubscriptions " ) )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setColumnCount ( 2 )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 400 )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeader ( ) . setHighlightSections ( False )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeader ( ) . setSortIndicatorShown ( False )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . gridLayout_4 . addWidget ( self . tableWidgetSubscriptions , 2 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon5 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon5 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/subscriptions.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . subscriptions , icon5 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . addressbook = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . addressbook . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " addressbook " ) )
self . gridLayout_5 = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . addressbook )
self . gridLayout_5 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout_5 " ) )
self . label_6 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . addressbook )
self . label_6 . setWordWrap ( True )
self . label_6 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_6 " ) )
self . gridLayout_5 . addWidget ( self . label_6 , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
self . pushButtonAddAddressBook = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . addressbook )
self . pushButtonAddAddressBook . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonAddAddressBook " ) )
self . gridLayout_5 . addWidget ( self . pushButtonAddAddressBook , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem6 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 689 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_5 . addItem ( spacerItem6 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . addressbook )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SingleSelection )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setSelectionBehavior ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SelectRows )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetAddressBook " ) )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setColumnCount ( 2 )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . horizontalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 400 )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . horizontalHeader ( ) . setHighlightSections ( False )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . gridLayout_5 . addWidget ( self . tableWidgetAddressBook , 2 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon6 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon6 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/addressbook.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . addressbook , icon6 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . blackwhitelist = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . blackwhitelist . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " blackwhitelist " ) )
self . gridLayout_6 = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . blackwhitelist )
self . gridLayout_6 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout_6 " ) )
self . radioButtonBlacklist = QtGui . QRadioButton ( self . blackwhitelist )
self . radioButtonBlacklist . setChecked ( True )
self . radioButtonBlacklist . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " radioButtonBlacklist " ) )
self . gridLayout_6 . addWidget ( self . radioButtonBlacklist , 0 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
self . radioButtonWhitelist = QtGui . QRadioButton ( self . blackwhitelist )
self . radioButtonWhitelist . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " radioButtonWhitelist " ) )
self . gridLayout_6 . addWidget ( self . radioButtonWhitelist , 1 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
self . pushButtonAddBlacklist = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . blackwhitelist )
self . pushButtonAddBlacklist . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonAddBlacklist " ) )
self . gridLayout_6 . addWidget ( self . pushButtonAddBlacklist , 2 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem7 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 689 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout_6 . addItem ( spacerItem7 , 2 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . blackwhitelist )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SingleSelection )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setSelectionBehavior ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . SelectRows )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetBlacklist " ) )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setColumnCount ( 2 )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeader ( ) . setDefaultSectionSize ( 400 )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeader ( ) . setHighlightSections ( False )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeader ( ) . setSortIndicatorShown ( False )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . gridLayout_6 . addWidget ( self . tableWidgetBlacklist , 3 , 0 , 1 , 2 )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon7 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon7 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/blacklist.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . blackwhitelist , icon7 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . networkstatus = QtGui . QWidget ( )
self . networkstatus . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " networkstatus " ) )
self . pushButtonStatusIcon = QtGui . QPushButton ( self . networkstatus )
self . pushButtonStatusIcon . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 680 , 440 , 21 , 23 ) )
self . pushButtonStatusIcon . setText ( _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon8 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon8 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/redicon.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . pushButtonStatusIcon . setIcon ( icon8 )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . pushButtonStatusIcon . setFlat ( True )
self . pushButtonStatusIcon . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " pushButtonStatusIcon " ) )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount = QtGui . QTableWidget ( self . networkstatus )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 20 , 70 , 241 , 241 ) )
palette = QtGui . QPalette ( )
brush = QtGui . QBrush ( QtGui . QColor ( 212 , 208 , 200 ) )
brush . setStyle ( QtCore . Qt . SolidPattern )
palette . setBrush ( QtGui . QPalette . Active , QtGui . QPalette . Base , brush )
brush = QtGui . QBrush ( QtGui . QColor ( 212 , 208 , 200 ) )
brush . setStyle ( QtCore . Qt . SolidPattern )
palette . setBrush ( QtGui . QPalette . Inactive , QtGui . QPalette . Base , brush )
brush = QtGui . QBrush ( QtGui . QColor ( 212 , 208 , 200 ) )
brush . setStyle ( QtCore . Qt . SolidPattern )
palette . setBrush ( QtGui . QPalette . Disabled , QtGui . QPalette . Base , brush )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setPalette ( palette )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setFrameShape ( QtGui . QFrame . Box )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setFrameShadow ( QtGui . QFrame . Plain )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setProperty ( " showDropIndicator " , False )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setAlternatingRowColors ( True )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setSelectionMode ( QtGui . QAbstractItemView . NoSelection )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " tableWidgetConnectionCount " ) )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setColumnCount ( 2 )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setRowCount ( 0 )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 0 , item )
item = QtGui . QTableWidgetItem ( )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . setHorizontalHeaderItem ( 1 , item )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . horizontalHeader ( ) . setCascadingSectionResizes ( True )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . horizontalHeader ( ) . setHighlightSections ( False )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . horizontalHeader ( ) . setStretchLastSection ( True )
self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . verticalHeader ( ) . setVisible ( False )
self . labelTotalConnections = QtGui . QLabel ( self . networkstatus )
self . labelTotalConnections . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 20 , 30 , 401 , 16 ) )
self . labelTotalConnections . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelTotalConnections " ) )
self . labelStartupTime = QtGui . QLabel ( self . networkstatus )
self . labelStartupTime . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 320 , 110 , 331 , 20 ) )
self . labelStartupTime . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelStartupTime " ) )
self . labelMessageCount = QtGui . QLabel ( self . networkstatus )
2012-12-18 14:37:37 -05:00
self . labelMessageCount . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 350 , 130 , 361 , 16 ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . labelMessageCount . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelMessageCount " ) )
self . labelPubkeyCount = QtGui . QLabel ( self . networkstatus )
self . labelPubkeyCount . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 350 , 170 , 331 , 16 ) )
self . labelPubkeyCount . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelPubkeyCount " ) )
self . labelBroadcastCount = QtGui . QLabel ( self . networkstatus )
2012-12-18 14:37:37 -05:00
self . labelBroadcastCount . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 350 , 150 , 351 , 16 ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . labelBroadcastCount . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " labelBroadcastCount " ) )
2012-11-25 19:36:29 -05:00
icon9 = QtGui . QIcon ( )
icon9 . addPixmap ( QtGui . QPixmap ( _fromUtf8 ( " :/newPrefix/images/networkstatus.png " ) ) , QtGui . QIcon . Normal , QtGui . QIcon . Off )
self . tabWidget . addTab ( self . networkstatus , icon9 , _fromUtf8 ( " " ) )
2012-11-19 14:45:05 -05:00
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . tabWidget , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
MainWindow . setCentralWidget ( self . centralwidget )
self . menubar = QtGui . QMenuBar ( MainWindow )
self . menubar . setGeometry ( QtCore . QRect ( 0 , 0 , 795 , 18 ) )
self . menubar . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " menubar " ) )
self . menuFile = QtGui . QMenu ( self . menubar )
self . menuFile . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " menuFile " ) )
self . menuSettings = QtGui . QMenu ( self . menubar )
self . menuSettings . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " menuSettings " ) )
self . menuHelp = QtGui . QMenu ( self . menubar )
self . menuHelp . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " menuHelp " ) )
MainWindow . setMenuBar ( self . menubar )
self . statusbar = QtGui . QStatusBar ( MainWindow )
self . statusbar . setMaximumSize ( QtCore . QSize ( 16777215 , 22 ) )
self . statusbar . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " statusbar " ) )
MainWindow . setStatusBar ( self . statusbar )
self . actionImport_keys = QtGui . QAction ( MainWindow )
self . actionImport_keys . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " actionImport_keys " ) )
self . actionManageKeys = QtGui . QAction ( MainWindow )
self . actionManageKeys . setCheckable ( False )
self . actionManageKeys . setEnabled ( True )
self . actionManageKeys . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " actionManageKeys " ) )
self . actionExit = QtGui . QAction ( MainWindow )
self . actionExit . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " actionExit " ) )
self . actionHelp = QtGui . QAction ( MainWindow )
self . actionHelp . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " actionHelp " ) )
self . actionAbout = QtGui . QAction ( MainWindow )
self . actionAbout . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " actionAbout " ) )
self . actionSettings = QtGui . QAction ( MainWindow )
self . actionSettings . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " actionSettings " ) )
self . menuFile . addAction ( self . actionManageKeys )
self . menuFile . addAction ( self . actionExit )
self . menuSettings . addAction ( self . actionSettings )
self . menuHelp . addAction ( self . actionHelp )
self . menuHelp . addAction ( self . actionAbout )
self . menubar . addAction ( self . menuFile . menuAction ( ) )
self . menubar . addAction ( self . menuSettings . menuAction ( ) )
self . menubar . addAction ( self . menuHelp . menuAction ( ) )
self . retranslateUi ( MainWindow )
self . tabWidget . setCurrentIndex ( 0 )
QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . radioButtonSpecific , QtCore . SIGNAL ( _fromUtf8 ( " toggled(bool) " ) ) , self . lineEditTo . setEnabled )
QtCore . QMetaObject . connectSlotsByName ( MainWindow )
def retranslateUi ( self , MainWindow ) :
MainWindow . setWindowTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Bitmessage " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tableWidgetInbox . setSortingEnabled ( True )
item = self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " To " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " From " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeaderItem ( 2 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Subject " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetInbox . horizontalHeaderItem ( 3 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Received " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . inbox ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Inbox " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_3 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Subject: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_2 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " From: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_4 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Message: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " To: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . radioButtonBroadcast . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Broadcast to everyone who is subscribed to your address " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . pushButtonLoadFromAddressBook . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Load from Address book " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . radioButtonSpecific . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Send to one or more specific people " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . pushButtonSend . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Send " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . textEditMessage . setHtml ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \" -//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN \" \" http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd \" > \n "
" <html><head><meta name= \" qrichtext \" content= \" 1 \" /><style type= \" text/css \" > \n "
" p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; } \n "
" </style></head><body style= \" font-family: \' MS Shell Dlg 2 \' ; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal; \" > \n "
" <p style= \" -qt-paragraph-type:empty; margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px; \" ><br /></p></body></html> " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . send ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Send " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tableWidgetSent . setSortingEnabled ( True )
item = self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " To " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " From " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeaderItem ( 2 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Subject " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetSent . horizontalHeaderItem ( 3 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Status " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . sent ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Sent " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . pushButtonNewAddress . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " New " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . setSortingEnabled ( True )
item = self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Label (not shown to anyone) " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Address " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetYourIdentities . horizontalHeaderItem ( 2 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Stream " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . youridentities ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Your Identities " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_5 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Here you can subscibe to \' broadcast messages \' that are sent by other users. Messages will appear in your Inbox. Addresses here override those on the Blacklist tab. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . pushButtonAddSubscription . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Add " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . setSortingEnabled ( True )
item = self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Label " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetSubscriptions . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Address " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . subscriptions ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Subscriptions " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_6 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " The Address book is useful for adding names or labels to other people \' s Bitmessage addresses so that you can recognize them more easily in your inbox. You can add entries here using the \' Add \' button, or from your inbox by right-clicking on a message. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . pushButtonAddAddressBook . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Add " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tableWidgetAddressBook . setSortingEnabled ( True )
item = self . tableWidgetAddressBook . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Name or Label " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetAddressBook . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Address " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . addressbook ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Address book " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . radioButtonBlacklist . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Use a Blacklist (Allow all incoming messages except those on the Blacklist) " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . radioButtonWhitelist . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Use a Whitelist (Block all incoming messages except those on the Whitelist) " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . pushButtonAddBlacklist . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Add " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tableWidgetBlacklist . setSortingEnabled ( True )
item = self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Name or Label " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetBlacklist . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Address " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . blackwhitelist ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Blacklist " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . horizontalHeaderItem ( 0 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Stream Number " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
item = self . tableWidgetConnectionCount . horizontalHeaderItem ( 1 )
item . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Number of Connections " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . labelTotalConnections . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Total connections: 0 " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . labelStartupTime . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Since startup at asdf: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . labelMessageCount . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Processed 0 person-to-person messages. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . labelPubkeyCount . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Processed 0 public keys. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . labelBroadcastCount . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Processed 0 broadcasts. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . tabWidget . setTabText ( self . tabWidget . indexOf ( self . networkstatus ) , QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Network Status " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . menuFile . setTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " File " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . menuSettings . setTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Settings " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . menuHelp . setTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Help " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . actionImport_keys . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Import keys " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . actionManageKeys . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Manage keys " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . actionExit . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Exit " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . actionHelp . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Help " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . actionAbout . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " About " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . actionSettings . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " MainWindow " , " Settings " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
import bitmessage_icons_rc