bitmsghash.cpp : printf("Number of threads: %i\n", (int)numthreads); #1107

opened 2018-02-01 10:16:58 +01:00 by ghost · 0 comments
ghost commented 2018-02-01 10:16:58 +01:00 (Migrated from

bitmsghash.cpp :
line 124 : printf("Number of threads: %i\n", (int)numthreads);

I suggest adding a bit more information in the printf field, at least a datetime, in order to have this printing a bit more useful.
Maybe it could also be written in the debug.log file ?


bitmsghash.cpp : line 124 : printf("Number of threads: %i\n", (int)numthreads); I suggest adding a bit more information in the printf field, at least a datetime, in order to have this printing a bit more useful. Maybe it could also be written in the debug.log file ? Thanks Harry
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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-02-22#1107
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