2013-01-16 11:52:52 -05:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2011 Yann GUIBET <yannguibet@gmail.com>
# See LICENSE for details.
# Software slightly changed by Jonathan Warren <bitmessage at-symbol jonwarren.org>
import sys
import ctypes
OpenSSL = None
class CipherName :
def __init__ ( self , name , pointer , blocksize ) :
self . _name = name
self . _pointer = pointer
self . _blocksize = blocksize
def __str__ ( self ) :
return " Cipher : " + self . _name + " | Blocksize : " + str ( self . _blocksize ) + " | Fonction pointer : " + str ( self . _pointer )
def get_pointer ( self ) :
return self . _pointer ( )
def get_name ( self ) :
return self . _name
def get_blocksize ( self ) :
return self . _blocksize
class _OpenSSL :
Wrapper for OpenSSL using ctypes
def __init__ ( self , library ) :
Build the wrapper
self . _lib = ctypes . CDLL ( library )
self . pointer = ctypes . pointer
self . c_int = ctypes . c_int
self . byref = ctypes . byref
self . create_string_buffer = ctypes . create_string_buffer
self . BN_new = self . _lib . BN_new
self . BN_new . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . BN_new . argtypes = [ ]
self . BN_free = self . _lib . BN_free
self . BN_free . restype = None
self . BN_free . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . BN_num_bits = self . _lib . BN_num_bits
self . BN_num_bits . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . BN_num_bits . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . BN_bn2bin = self . _lib . BN_bn2bin
self . BN_bn2bin . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . BN_bn2bin . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . BN_bin2bn = self . _lib . BN_bin2bn
self . BN_bin2bn . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . BN_bin2bn . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ,
ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_free = self . _lib . EC_KEY_free
self . EC_KEY_free . restype = None
self . EC_KEY_free . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name = self . _lib . EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name
self . EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_int ]
self . EC_KEY_generate_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_generate_key
self . EC_KEY_generate_key . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_KEY_generate_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_check_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_check_key
self . EC_KEY_check_key . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_KEY_check_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_get0_private_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_get0_private_key
self . EC_KEY_get0_private_key . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EC_KEY_get0_private_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_get0_public_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_get0_public_key
self . EC_KEY_get0_public_key . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EC_KEY_get0_public_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_get0_group = self . _lib . EC_KEY_get0_group
self . EC_KEY_get0_group . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EC_KEY_get0_group . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp = self . _lib . EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp
self . EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_set_private_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_set_private_key
self . EC_KEY_set_private_key . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_KEY_set_private_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_set_public_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_set_public_key
self . EC_KEY_set_public_key . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_KEY_set_public_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_set_group = self . _lib . EC_KEY_set_group
self . EC_KEY_set_group . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_KEY_set_group . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp = self . _lib . EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp
self . EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_POINT_set_affine_coordinates_GFp . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_POINT_new = self . _lib . EC_POINT_new
self . EC_POINT_new . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EC_POINT_new . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_POINT_free = self . _lib . EC_POINT_free
self . EC_POINT_free . restype = None
self . EC_POINT_free . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . BN_CTX_free = self . _lib . BN_CTX_free
self . BN_CTX_free . restype = None
self . BN_CTX_free . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_POINT_mul = self . _lib . EC_POINT_mul
self . EC_POINT_mul . restype = None
self . EC_POINT_mul . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EC_KEY_set_private_key = self . _lib . EC_KEY_set_private_key
self . EC_KEY_set_private_key . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EC_KEY_set_private_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . ECDH_OpenSSL = self . _lib . ECDH_OpenSSL
self . _lib . ECDH_OpenSSL . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . _lib . ECDH_OpenSSL . argtypes = [ ]
self . BN_CTX_new = self . _lib . BN_CTX_new
self . _lib . BN_CTX_new . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . _lib . BN_CTX_new . argtypes = [ ]
self . ECDH_set_method = self . _lib . ECDH_set_method
self . _lib . ECDH_set_method . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . _lib . ECDH_set_method . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . ECDH_compute_key = self . _lib . ECDH_compute_key
self . ECDH_compute_key . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . ECDH_compute_key . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_CipherInit_ex = self . _lib . EVP_CipherInit_ex
self . EVP_CipherInit_ex . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EVP_CipherInit_ex . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new = self . _lib . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new . argtypes = [ ]
# Cipher
self . EVP_aes_128_cfb128 = self . _lib . EVP_aes_128_cfb128
self . EVP_aes_128_cfb128 . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_aes_128_cfb128 . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_aes_256_cfb128 = self . _lib . EVP_aes_256_cfb128
self . EVP_aes_256_cfb128 . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_aes_256_cfb128 . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_aes_128_cbc = self . _lib . EVP_aes_128_cbc
self . EVP_aes_128_cbc . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_aes_128_cbc . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_aes_256_cbc = self . _lib . EVP_aes_256_cbc
self . EVP_aes_256_cbc . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_aes_256_cbc . argtypes = [ ]
2013-01-20 19:00:46 -05:00
#self.EVP_aes_128_ctr = self._lib.EVP_aes_128_ctr
#self.EVP_aes_128_ctr.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
#self.EVP_aes_128_ctr.argtypes = []
2013-01-16 11:52:52 -05:00
2013-01-20 19:00:46 -05:00
#self.EVP_aes_256_ctr = self._lib.EVP_aes_256_ctr
#self.EVP_aes_256_ctr.restype = ctypes.c_void_p
#self.EVP_aes_256_ctr.argtypes = []
2013-01-16 11:52:52 -05:00
self . EVP_aes_128_ofb = self . _lib . EVP_aes_128_ofb
self . EVP_aes_128_ofb . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_aes_128_ofb . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_aes_256_ofb = self . _lib . EVP_aes_256_ofb
self . EVP_aes_256_ofb . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_aes_256_ofb . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_bf_cbc = self . _lib . EVP_bf_cbc
self . EVP_bf_cbc . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_bf_cbc . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_bf_cfb64 = self . _lib . EVP_bf_cfb64
self . EVP_bf_cfb64 . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_bf_cfb64 . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_rc4 = self . _lib . EVP_rc4
self . EVP_rc4 . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_rc4 . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup = self . _lib . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free = self . _lib . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free . restype = None
self . EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_CipherUpdate = self . _lib . EVP_CipherUpdate
self . EVP_CipherUpdate . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EVP_CipherUpdate . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ]
self . EVP_CipherFinal_ex = self . _lib . EVP_CipherFinal_ex
self . EVP_CipherFinal_ex . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EVP_CipherFinal_ex . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_DigestInit = self . _lib . EVP_DigestInit
self . EVP_DigestInit . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . _lib . EVP_DigestInit . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_DigestUpdate = self . _lib . EVP_DigestUpdate
self . EVP_DigestUpdate . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EVP_DigestUpdate . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ]
self . EVP_DigestFinal = self . _lib . EVP_DigestFinal
self . EVP_DigestFinal . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . EVP_DigestFinal . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_ecdsa = self . _lib . EVP_ecdsa
self . _lib . EVP_ecdsa . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . _lib . EVP_ecdsa . argtypes = [ ]
self . ECDSA_sign = self . _lib . ECDSA_sign
self . ECDSA_sign . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . ECDSA_sign . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . ECDSA_verify = self . _lib . ECDSA_verify
self . ECDSA_verify . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . ECDSA_verify . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_MD_CTX_create = self . _lib . EVP_MD_CTX_create
self . EVP_MD_CTX_create . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_MD_CTX_create . argtypes = [ ]
self . EVP_MD_CTX_init = self . _lib . EVP_MD_CTX_init
self . EVP_MD_CTX_init . restype = None
self . EVP_MD_CTX_init . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_MD_CTX_destroy = self . _lib . EVP_MD_CTX_destroy
self . EVP_MD_CTX_destroy . restype = None
self . EVP_MD_CTX_destroy . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . RAND_bytes = self . _lib . RAND_bytes
self . RAND_bytes . restype = None
self . RAND_bytes . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ]
self . EVP_sha256 = self . _lib . EVP_sha256
self . EVP_sha256 . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_sha256 . argtypes = [ ]
self . i2o_ECPublicKey = self . _lib . i2o_ECPublicKey
self . i2o_ECPublicKey . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . i2o_ECPublicKey . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . EVP_sha512 = self . _lib . EVP_sha512
self . EVP_sha512 . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . EVP_sha512 . argtypes = [ ]
self . HMAC = self . _lib . HMAC
self . HMAC . restype = ctypes . c_void_p
self . HMAC . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC = self . _lib . PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC
self . PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC . restype = ctypes . c_int
self . PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC . argtypes = [ ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ,
ctypes . c_void_p , ctypes . c_int ,
ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p ,
ctypes . c_int , ctypes . c_void_p ]
self . _set_ciphers ( )
self . _set_curves ( )
def _set_ciphers ( self ) :
self . cipher_algo = {
' aes-128-cbc ' : CipherName ( ' aes-128-cbc ' , self . EVP_aes_128_cbc , 16 ) ,
' aes-256-cbc ' : CipherName ( ' aes-256-cbc ' , self . EVP_aes_256_cbc , 16 ) ,
' aes-128-cfb ' : CipherName ( ' aes-128-cfb ' , self . EVP_aes_128_cfb128 , 16 ) ,
' aes-256-cfb ' : CipherName ( ' aes-256-cfb ' , self . EVP_aes_256_cfb128 , 16 ) ,
' aes-128-ofb ' : CipherName ( ' aes-128-ofb ' , self . _lib . EVP_aes_128_ofb , 16 ) ,
' aes-256-ofb ' : CipherName ( ' aes-256-ofb ' , self . _lib . EVP_aes_256_ofb , 16 ) ,
2013-01-20 19:12:01 -05:00
#'aes-128-ctr': CipherName('aes-128-ctr', self._lib.EVP_aes_128_ctr, 16),
#'aes-256-ctr': CipherName('aes-256-ctr', self._lib.EVP_aes_256_ctr, 16),
2013-01-16 11:52:52 -05:00
' bf-cfb ' : CipherName ( ' bf-cfb ' , self . EVP_bf_cfb64 , 8 ) ,
' bf-cbc ' : CipherName ( ' bf-cbc ' , self . EVP_bf_cbc , 8 ) ,
' rc4 ' : CipherName ( ' rc4 ' , self . EVP_rc4 , 128 ) , # 128 is the initialisation size not block size
def _set_curves ( self ) :
self . curves = {
' secp112r1 ' : 704 ,
' secp112r2 ' : 705 ,
' secp128r1 ' : 706 ,
' secp128r2 ' : 707 ,
' secp160k1 ' : 708 ,
' secp160r1 ' : 709 ,
' secp160r2 ' : 710 ,
' secp192k1 ' : 711 ,
' secp224k1 ' : 712 ,
' secp224r1 ' : 713 ,
' secp256k1 ' : 714 ,
' secp384r1 ' : 715 ,
' secp521r1 ' : 716 ,
' sect113r1 ' : 717 ,
' sect113r2 ' : 718 ,
' sect131r1 ' : 719 ,
' sect131r2 ' : 720 ,
' sect163k1 ' : 721 ,
' sect163r1 ' : 722 ,
' sect163r2 ' : 723 ,
' sect193r1 ' : 724 ,
' sect193r2 ' : 725 ,
' sect233k1 ' : 726 ,
' sect233r1 ' : 727 ,
' sect239k1 ' : 728 ,
' sect283k1 ' : 729 ,
' sect283r1 ' : 730 ,
' sect409k1 ' : 731 ,
' sect409r1 ' : 732 ,
' sect571k1 ' : 733 ,
' sect571r1 ' : 734 ,
def BN_num_bytes ( self , x ) :
returns the length of a BN ( OpenSSl API )
return int ( ( self . BN_num_bits ( x ) + 7 ) / 8 )
def get_cipher ( self , name ) :
returns the OpenSSL cipher instance
if name not in self . cipher_algo :
raise Exception ( " Unknown cipher " )
return self . cipher_algo [ name ]
def get_curve ( self , name ) :
returns the id of a elliptic curve
if name not in self . curves :
raise Exception ( " Unknown curve " )
return self . curves [ name ]
def get_curve_by_id ( self , id ) :
returns the name of a elliptic curve with his id
res = None
for i in self . curves :
if self . curves [ i ] == id :
res = i
if res is None :
raise Exception ( " Unknown curve " )
return res
def rand ( self , size ) :
OpenSSL random function
buffer = self . malloc ( 0 , size )
self . RAND_bytes ( buffer , size )
return buffer . raw
def malloc ( self , data , size ) :
returns a create_string_buffer ( ctypes )
buffer = None
if data != 0 :
if sys . version_info . major == 3 and isinstance ( data , type ( ' ' ) ) :
data = data . encode ( )
buffer = self . create_string_buffer ( data , size )
else :
buffer = self . create_string_buffer ( size )
return buffer
try :
OpenSSL = _OpenSSL ( ' libcrypto.so ' )
except :
try :
OpenSSL = _OpenSSL ( ' libeay32.dll ' )
except :
try :
OpenSSL = _OpenSSL ( ' libcrypto.dylib ' )
except :
try :
from os import path
lib_path = path . join ( sys . _MEIPASS , " libeay32.dll " )
OpenSSL = _OpenSSL ( lib_path )
except :
2013-03-24 23:08:07 -04:00
if ' linux ' in sys . platform or ' darwin ' in sys . platform :
2013-01-20 19:00:46 -05:00
try :
from ctypes . util import find_library
OpenSSL = _OpenSSL ( find_library ( ' ssl ' ) )
2013-01-20 19:12:01 -05:00
except Exception , err :
2013-02-18 15:01:47 -05:00
sys . stderr . write ( ' (On Linux) Couldn \' t find and load the OpenSSL library. You must install it. If you believe that you already have it installed, this exception information might be of use: \n ' )
from ctypes . util import find_library
OpenSSL = _OpenSSL ( find_library ( ' ssl ' ) )
2013-01-20 19:00:46 -05:00
else :
2013-02-18 15:01:47 -05:00
raise Exception ( " Couldn ' t find and load the OpenSSL library. You must install it. " )