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#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
from struct import pack, unpack
import time
import hashlib
import random
import os
from shared import codePath, safeConfigGetBoolean, shutdown
from debug import logger
libAvailable = True
ctx = False
queue = False
program = False
gpus = []
hash_dt = None
import numpy
import pyopencl as cl
libAvailable = False
def initCL():
global ctx, queue, program, gpus, hash_dt
hash_dt = numpy.dtype([('target', numpy.uint64), ('v', numpy.str_, 73)])
for platform in cl.get_platforms():
if (len(gpus) > 0):
ctx = cl.Context(devices=gpus)
queue = cl.CommandQueue(ctx)
f = open(os.path.join(codePath(), "bitmsghash", ''), 'r')
fstr = ''.join(f.readlines())
program = cl.Program(ctx, fstr).build(options="")"Loaded OpenCL kernel")
else:"No OpenCL GPUs found")
ctx = False
except Exception as e:
logger.error("OpenCL fail: ", exc_info=True)
ctx = False
def has_opencl():
global ctx
return (ctx != False)
def do_opencl_pow(hash, target):
global ctx, queue, program, gpus, hash_dt
output = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=[('v', numpy.uint64, 1)])
if (ctx == False):
return output[0][0]
data = numpy.zeros(1, dtype=hash_dt, order='C')
data[0]['v'] = ("0000000000000000" + hash).decode("hex")
data[0]['target'] = target
hash_buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, cl.mem_flags.READ_ONLY | cl.mem_flags.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=data)
dest_buf = cl.Buffer(ctx, cl.mem_flags.WRITE_ONLY, output.nbytes)
kernel = program.kernel_sha512
worksize = kernel.get_work_group_info(cl.kernel_work_group_info.WORK_GROUP_SIZE, gpus[0])
kernel.set_arg(0, hash_buf)
kernel.set_arg(1, dest_buf)
start = time.time()
progress = 0
globamt = worksize*2000
while output[0][0] == 0 and shutdown == 0:
kernel.set_arg(2, pack("<Q", progress))
cl.enqueue_nd_range_kernel(queue, kernel, (globamt,), (worksize,))
cl.enqueue_read_buffer(queue, dest_buf, output)
progress += globamt
sofar = time.time() - start
# logger.debug("Working for %.3fs, %.2f Mh/s", sofar, (progress / sofar) / 1000000)
if shutdown != 0:
raise Exception ("Interrupted")
taken = time.time() - start
# logger.debug("Took %d tries.", progress)
return output[0][0]
if libAvailable:
if __name__ == "__main__":
target = 54227212183L
initialHash = "3758f55b5a8d902fd3597e4ce6a2d3f23daff735f65d9698c270987f4e67ad590b93f3ffeba0ef2fd08a8dc2f87b68ae5a0dc819ab57f22ad2c4c9c8618a43b3".decode("hex")
nonce = do_opencl_pow(initialHash.encode("hex"), target)
trialValue, = unpack('>Q',hashlib.sha512(hashlib.sha512(pack('>Q',nonce) + initialHash).digest()).digest()[0:8])
print "{} - value {} < {}".format(nonce, trialValue, target)