get Network Status from API #777

opened 2015-02-06 17:54:05 +01:00 by davidak · 1 comment
davidak commented 2015-02-06 17:54:05 +01:00 (Migrated from

all informations from the "Network Status" Tab

i want to deploy a headless node with a webinterface to show the processed messages/public keys, transferred data and inventory lookups with a nice realtime graph.

all informations from the "Network Status" Tab i want to deploy a headless node with a webinterface to show the processed messages/public keys, transferred data and inventory lookups with a nice realtime graph.
Atheros1 commented 2015-02-06 23:32:00 +01:00 (Migrated from

That sounds fun.
Most of this exists under 'clientStatus'

Unfortunately, currently, only the UI thread keeps track of the total transferred data and the inventory lookups so getting it into the API would require some effort.

    "numberOfBroadcastsProcessed": 5,
    "networkStatus": "connectedButHaveNotReceivedIncomingConnections",
    "softwareName": "PyBitmessage",
    "softwareVersion": "0.4.4",
    "networkConnections": 8,
    "numberOfMessagesProcessed": 84,
    "numberOfPubkeysProcessed": 3
That sounds fun. Most of this exists under 'clientStatus' Unfortunately, currently, only the UI thread keeps track of the total transferred data and the inventory lookups so getting it into the API would require some effort. ``` { "numberOfBroadcastsProcessed": 5, "networkStatus": "connectedButHaveNotReceivedIncomingConnections", "softwareName": "PyBitmessage", "softwareVersion": "0.4.4", "networkConnections": 8, "numberOfMessagesProcessed": 84, "numberOfPubkeysProcessed": 3 } ```
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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-02-25#777
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