SOCKS flood #834

opened 2016-01-08 11:09:27 +01:00 by PeterSurda · 1 comment
PeterSurda commented 2016-01-08 11:09:27 +01:00 (Migrated from

Apparently, SOCKS (e.g. Tor) can get overloaded by syn flood. I haven't experienced this but people reported it in the general chan. One suggested solution is to reduce maximumNumberOfHalfOpenConnections when using Tor. Another one is to increase MaxClientCircuitsPending in torrc.

Apparently, this can happen on Tails, the suggestion is "either remove IsolateDestAddr and IsolateDestPort or increase the MaxClientCircuitsPending but consult the manual first."

Maybe PyBitmessage can try to detect Tor config and adjust accordingly. Apparently Tor has a RPC so maybe this can be used for this purpose.

Having a large number of half-open connections is considered abuse of Tor.

Apparently, SOCKS (e.g. Tor) can get overloaded by syn flood. I haven't experienced this but people reported it in the general chan. One suggested solution is to reduce maximumNumberOfHalfOpenConnections when using Tor. Another one is to increase MaxClientCircuitsPending in torrc. Apparently, this can happen on Tails, the suggestion is "either remove IsolateDestAddr and IsolateDestPort or increase the MaxClientCircuitsPending but consult the manual first." Maybe PyBitmessage can try to detect Tor config and adjust accordingly. Apparently Tor has a RPC so maybe this can be used for this purpose. Having a large number of half-open connections is considered abuse of Tor.
PeterSurda commented 2016-04-28 10:31:59 +02:00 (Migrated from

Partially addressed in mailchuck@225789d01f7b1c91cce48068f892313c3d3dab7f where I reduced the value to 4. It will be addressed more thorougly during 0.8 milestone.

Partially addressed in mailchuck@225789d01f7b1c91cce48068f892313c3d3dab7f where I reduced the value to 4. It will be addressed more thorougly during 0.8 milestone.
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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-02-25#834
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