7 traps & gotchas
bug Lady edited this page 2019-11-28 09:49:38 +00:00

this is a woefully incomplete attempt to list a few "rough edges" of pyBM, which may cause confusion to newbies:

  • https://github.com/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage/blob/v0.6/src/bitmessagecli.py is a CLI app to run BM which works only in /src/ move it away into some "attic" dir to avoid confusion and unclutter /src/ from "chaff".

  • bitmessageui.ui in v0.6 is outdated and not used long ago. If you want to edit xml, use https://github.com/g1itch/PyBitmessage/tree/ui-refactoring Though it has translation problems. using

    pyuic4 /src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.ui -o src/bitmessageqt/bitmessageui.py after editing with Qt4-Designer will break the whole app now.

  • even though running ./bitmessagemain.py straight away used to work, it is better to run python2 setup.py build beforehand to avoid crashes e.g. on Fedora.

  • it behooves you to use export BITMESSAGE_HOME="/mnt/…… rather than portable mode in Linux. This actually avoids crashes.

  • subscriptions are lost after deletion of messages.dat which might not be obvious. make API script to auto keep.