2013-01-24 16:07:24 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Form implementation generated from reading ui file 'regenerateaddresses.ui'
2013-04-30 12:22:47 -04:00
# Created: Tue Apr 30 12:21:16 2013
2013-01-24 16:07:24 -05:00
# by: PyQt4 UI code generator 4.9.4
# WARNING! All changes made in this file will be lost!
from PyQt4 import QtCore , QtGui
try :
_fromUtf8 = QtCore . QString . fromUtf8
except AttributeError :
_fromUtf8 = lambda s : s
class Ui_regenerateAddressesDialog ( object ) :
def setupUi ( self , regenerateAddressesDialog ) :
regenerateAddressesDialog . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " ) )
regenerateAddressesDialog . resize ( 532 , 332 )
self . gridLayout_2 = QtGui . QGridLayout ( regenerateAddressesDialog )
self . gridLayout_2 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout_2 " ) )
self . buttonBox = QtGui . QDialogButtonBox ( regenerateAddressesDialog )
self . buttonBox . setOrientation ( QtCore . Qt . Horizontal )
self . buttonBox . setStandardButtons ( QtGui . QDialogButtonBox . Cancel | QtGui . QDialogButtonBox . Ok )
self . buttonBox . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " buttonBox " ) )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . buttonBox , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . groupBox = QtGui . QGroupBox ( regenerateAddressesDialog )
self . groupBox . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " groupBox " ) )
self . gridLayout = QtGui . QGridLayout ( self . groupBox )
self . gridLayout . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " gridLayout " ) )
self . label_6 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . groupBox )
self . label_6 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_6 " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . label_6 , 1 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . lineEditPassphrase = QtGui . QLineEdit ( self . groupBox )
self . lineEditPassphrase . setInputMethodHints ( QtCore . Qt . ImhHiddenText | QtCore . Qt . ImhNoAutoUppercase | QtCore . Qt . ImhNoPredictiveText )
self . lineEditPassphrase . setEchoMode ( QtGui . QLineEdit . Password )
self . lineEditPassphrase . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " lineEditPassphrase " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . lineEditPassphrase , 2 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
self . label_11 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . groupBox )
self . label_11 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_11 " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . label_11 , 3 , 0 , 1 , 3 )
self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake = QtGui . QSpinBox ( self . groupBox )
sizePolicy = QtGui . QSizePolicy ( QtGui . QSizePolicy . Fixed , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Fixed )
sizePolicy . setHorizontalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setVerticalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setHeightForWidth ( self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) )
self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake . setSizePolicy ( sizePolicy )
self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake . setMinimum ( 1 )
self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake . setProperty ( " value " , 8 )
self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . spinBoxNumberOfAddressesToMake , 3 , 3 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 132 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout . addItem ( spacerItem , 3 , 4 , 1 , 1 )
self . label_2 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . groupBox )
self . label_2 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_2 " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . label_2 , 4 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber = QtGui . QLineEdit ( self . groupBox )
self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber . setEnabled ( False )
sizePolicy = QtGui . QSizePolicy ( QtGui . QSizePolicy . Fixed , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Fixed )
sizePolicy . setHorizontalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setVerticalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setHeightForWidth ( self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) )
self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber . setSizePolicy ( sizePolicy )
self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber . setMaximumSize ( QtCore . QSize ( 31 , 16777215 ) )
self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " lineEditAddressVersionNumber " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber , 4 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem1 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 40 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout . addItem ( spacerItem1 , 4 , 2 , 1 , 1 )
self . label_3 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . groupBox )
self . label_3 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_3 " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . label_3 , 5 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . lineEditStreamNumber = QtGui . QLineEdit ( self . groupBox )
self . lineEditStreamNumber . setEnabled ( False )
sizePolicy = QtGui . QSizePolicy ( QtGui . QSizePolicy . Ignored , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Fixed )
sizePolicy . setHorizontalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setVerticalStretch ( 0 )
sizePolicy . setHeightForWidth ( self . lineEditStreamNumber . sizePolicy ( ) . hasHeightForWidth ( ) )
self . lineEditStreamNumber . setSizePolicy ( sizePolicy )
self . lineEditStreamNumber . setMaximumSize ( QtCore . QSize ( 31 , 16777215 ) )
self . lineEditStreamNumber . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " lineEditStreamNumber " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . lineEditStreamNumber , 5 , 1 , 1 , 1 )
spacerItem2 = QtGui . QSpacerItem ( 325 , 20 , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Expanding , QtGui . QSizePolicy . Minimum )
self . gridLayout . addItem ( spacerItem2 , 5 , 2 , 1 , 3 )
self . checkBoxEighteenByteRipe = QtGui . QCheckBox ( self . groupBox )
self . checkBoxEighteenByteRipe . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " checkBoxEighteenByteRipe " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . checkBoxEighteenByteRipe , 6 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
self . label_4 = QtGui . QLabel ( self . groupBox )
self . label_4 . setWordWrap ( True )
self . label_4 . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label_4 " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . label_4 , 7 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
self . label = QtGui . QLabel ( self . groupBox )
self . label . setWordWrap ( True )
self . label . setObjectName ( _fromUtf8 ( " label " ) )
self . gridLayout . addWidget ( self . label , 0 , 0 , 1 , 5 )
self . gridLayout_2 . addWidget ( self . groupBox , 0 , 0 , 1 , 1 )
self . retranslateUi ( regenerateAddressesDialog )
QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . buttonBox , QtCore . SIGNAL ( _fromUtf8 ( " accepted() " ) ) , regenerateAddressesDialog . accept )
QtCore . QObject . connect ( self . buttonBox , QtCore . SIGNAL ( _fromUtf8 ( " rejected() " ) ) , regenerateAddressesDialog . reject )
QtCore . QMetaObject . connectSlotsByName ( regenerateAddressesDialog )
def retranslateUi ( self , regenerateAddressesDialog ) :
regenerateAddressesDialog . setWindowTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Regenerate Existing Addresses " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . groupBox . setTitle ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Regenerate existing addresses " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_6 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Passphrase " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_11 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Number of addresses to make based on your passphrase: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_2 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Address version Number: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
2013-04-30 12:22:47 -04:00
self . lineEditAddressVersionNumber . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " 3 " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
2013-01-24 16:07:24 -05:00
self . label_3 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Stream number: " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . lineEditStreamNumber . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " 1 " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . checkBoxEighteenByteRipe . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " Spend several minutes of extra computing time to make the address(es) 1 or 2 characters shorter " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label_4 . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " You must check (or not check) this box just like you did (or didn \' t) when you made your addresses the first time. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )
self . label . setText ( QtGui . QApplication . translate ( " regenerateAddressesDialog " , " If you have previously made deterministic addresses but lost them due to an accident (like hard drive failure), you can regenerate them here. If you used the random number generator to make your addresses then this form will be of no use to you. " , None , QtGui . QApplication . UnicodeUTF8 ) )