2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2018-07-09 16:47:59 +05:30
from kivy . app import App
2018-07-18 18:19:39 +05:30
from kivy . lang import Builder
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
from kivy . metrics import dp
from kivy . properties import ObjectProperty
from kivy . uix . image import Image
2018-07-25 15:55:47 +05:30
from kivy . uix . screenmanager import Screen
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
from kivymd . bottomsheet import MDListBottomSheet , MDGridBottomSheet
from kivymd . button import MDIconButton
from kivymd . date_picker import MDDatePicker
from kivymd . dialog import MDDialog
from kivymd . label import MDLabel
from kivymd . list import ILeftBody , ILeftBodyTouch , IRightBodyTouch , BaseListItem
from kivymd . material_resources import DEVICE_TYPE
from kivymd . navigationdrawer import MDNavigationDrawer , NavigationDrawerHeaderBase
from kivymd . selectioncontrols import MDCheckbox
from kivymd . snackbar import Snackbar
2018-07-25 15:55:47 +05:30
from kivymd . theming import ThemeManager
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
from kivymd . time_picker import MDTimePicker
from kivymd . list import ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem , TwoLineAvatarIconListItem , TwoLineListItem
from kivy . properties import ListProperty , StringProperty , BooleanProperty
from kivy . clock import Clock
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
from bmconfigparser import BMConfigParser
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
import state
import queues
from kivy . uix . popup import Popup
from helper_sql import *
from kivy . uix . gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy . app import App
from kivy . uix . textinput import TextInput
from kivy . lang import Builder
from kivy . uix . boxlayout import BoxLayout
from kivy . uix . floatlayout import FloatLayout
from kivy . properties import NumericProperty , ListProperty , BooleanProperty , ObjectProperty
from kivy . uix . recycleview import RecycleView
from kivy . uix . recyclegridlayout import RecycleGridLayout
from kivy . uix . recycleview . views import RecycleDataViewBehavior
from kivy . uix . label import Label
from kivy . uix . recycleboxlayout import RecycleBoxLayout
from kivy . uix . behaviors import FocusBehavior
from kivy . uix . recycleview . layout import LayoutSelectionBehavior
import time
from uikivysignaler import UIkivySignaler
from semaphores import kivyuisignaler
from kivy . uix . button import Button
import kivy_helper_search
2018-09-05 15:42:41 +05:30
from kivy . core . window import Window
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
from functools import partial
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
from kivy . uix . carousel import Carousel
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
from kivy . garden . qrcode import QRCodeWidget
from kivy . utils import platform
2018-07-07 17:41:58 +05:30
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Navigatorss ( MDNavigationDrawer ) :
image_source = StringProperty ( ' images/qidenticon_two.png ' )
title = StringProperty ( ' Navigation ' )
drawer_logo = StringProperty ( )
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
2018-07-03 14:38:02 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Inbox ( Screen ) :
""" Inbox Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens. """
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
data = ListProperty ( )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Inbox , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
if state . association == ' ' :
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
state . association = BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) [ 0 ]
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
Clock . schedule_once ( self . init_ui , 0 )
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
""" Clock Schdule for method inbox accounts. """
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
self . inboxaccounts ( )
print ( dt )
def inboxaccounts ( self ) :
""" Load inbox accounts. """
account = state . association
self . loadMessagelist ( account , ' All ' , ' ' )
def loadMessagelist ( self , account , where = " " , what = " " ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
""" Load Inbox list for Inbox messages. """
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
xAddress = ' toaddress '
data = [ ]
queryreturn = kivy_helper_search . search_sql (
xAddress , account , " inbox " , where , what , False )
if queryreturn :
for mail in queryreturn :
third_text = mail [ 3 ] . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
# ('inbox', 'j\xe5(M\xcfPbe\rl\x0f\xa3\r\xef>\xf0\x0b&\t\'}"RYg\x03\x80\x14\x82\xeb&,', 'BM-2cXpNNd7dhTjsv7LHNfmphfUabZk958sA3', 'hello', 'BM-2cWyUfBdY2FbgyuCb7abFZ49JYxSzUhNFe', 'test from peter', '1559121770', 0)
data . append ( { ' text ' : mail [ 4 ] . strip ( ) , ' secondary_text ' : mail [ 5 ] [ : 10 ] + ' ........... ' if len ( mail [ 3 ] ) > 10 else mail [ 3 ] + ' \n ' + " " + ( third_text [ : 25 ] + ' ...! ' ) if len ( third_text ) > 25 else third_text , ' receivedTime ' : mail [ 6 ] } )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
for item in data :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem ( text = item [ ' text ' ] , secondary_text = item [ ' secondary_text ' ] , theme_text_color = ' Custom ' , text_color = NavigateApp ( ) . theme_cls . primary_color )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
meny . add_widget ( AvatarSampleWidget ( source = ' ./images/text_images/ {} .png ' . format ( item [ ' secondary_text ' ] [ 0 ] . upper ( ) ) ) )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
meny . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . inbox_detail , item [ ' receivedTime ' ] ) )
carousel = Carousel ( direction = ' right ' )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if platform == ' android ' :
carousel . height = 150
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
carousel . size_hint_y = None
carousel . ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True
carousel . data_index = 0
carousel . min_move = 0.2
del_btn = Button ( text = ' Delete ' )
del_btn . background_color = ( 1 , 0 , 0 , .5 )
del_btn . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . delete , item [ ' receivedTime ' ] ) )
carousel . add_widget ( del_btn )
carousel . add_widget ( meny )
ach_btn = Button ( text = ' Achieve ' )
ach_btn . background_color = ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 )
ach_btn . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . archive , item [ ' receivedTime ' ] ) )
carousel . add_widget ( ach_btn )
carousel . index = 1
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( carousel )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
else :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
content = MDLabel ( font_style = ' Body1 ' ,
theme_text_color = ' Primary ' ,
text = " yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ,
halign = ' center ' ,
bold = True ,
size_hint_y = None ,
valign = ' top ' )
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( content )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
def inbox_detail ( self , receivedTime , * args ) :
""" Load inbox page details """
state . detailPageType = ' inbox '
state . sentMailTime = receivedTime
if self . manager :
src_mng_obj = self . manager
else :
src_mng_obj = self . parent . parent
src_mng_obj . screens [ 13 ] . clear_widgets ( )
src_mng_obj . screens [ 13 ] . add_widget ( MailDetail ( ) )
src_mng_obj . current = ' mailDetail '
def delete ( self , data_index , instance , * args ) :
""" Delete inbox mail from inbox listing """
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
state . navigation_drawer_obj = self . parent . parent . parent . parent . children [ 2 ] . children [ 0 ] . children [ 0 ] . children [ 0 ] . children
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE inbox SET folder = ' trash ' WHERE received = {} ; " . format ( data_index ) )
self . ids . ml . remove_widget ( instance . parent . parent )
self . update_trash ( )
def archive ( self , data_index , instance , * args ) :
""" Archive inbox mail from inbox listing """
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE inbox SET folder = ' trash ' WHERE received = {} ; " . format ( data_index ) )
self . ids . ml . remove_widget ( instance . parent . parent )
self . update_trash ( )
def update_trash ( self ) :
""" Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox """
try :
self . parent . screens [ 4 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . screens [ 4 ] . add_widget ( Trash ( ) )
except Exception as e :
self . parent . parent . screens [ 4 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 4 ] . add_widget ( Trash ( ) )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class MyAddress ( Screen ) :
""" MyAddress Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens. """
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( MyAddress , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
Clock . schedule_once ( self . init_ui , 0 )
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
""" Clock Schdule for method inbox accounts. """
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) or state . kivyapp . variable_1 :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
data = [ ]
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
for address in state . kivyapp . variable_1 :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
data . append ( { ' text ' : BMConfigParser ( ) . get ( address , ' label ' ) , ' secondary_text ' : address } )
for item in data :
meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem ( text = item [ ' text ' ] , secondary_text = item [ ' secondary_text ' ] , theme_text_color = ' Custom ' , text_color = NavigateApp ( ) . theme_cls . primary_color )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
meny . add_widget ( AvatarSampleWidget ( source = ' ./images/text_images/ {} .png ' . format ( item [ ' text ' ] [ 0 ] . upper ( ) ) ) )
meny . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . myadd_detail , item [ ' secondary_text ' ] , item [ ' text ' ] ) )
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( meny )
else :
content = MDLabel ( font_style = ' Body1 ' ,
theme_text_color = ' Primary ' ,
text = " yet no address is created by user!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ,
halign = ' center ' ,
bold = True ,
size_hint_y = None ,
valign = ' top ' )
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( content )
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
try :
self . manager . current = ' login '
except Exception as e :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
def myadd_detail ( self , fromaddress , label , * args ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
p = MyaddDetailPopup ( )
p . open ( )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
p . set_address ( fromaddress , label )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class AddressBook ( Screen ) :
""" AddressBook Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens. """
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( AddressBook , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
Clock . schedule_once ( self . init_ui , 0 )
2018-07-03 15:36:20 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
""" Clock Schdule for method inbox accounts. """
data = sqlQuery ( " SELECT label, address from addressbook " )
if data :
for item in data :
meny = TwoLineAvatarIconListItem ( text = item [ 0 ] , secondary_text = item [ 1 ] , theme_text_color = ' Custom ' , text_color = NavigateApp ( ) . theme_cls . primary_color )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
meny . add_widget ( AvatarSampleWidget ( source = ' ./images/text_images/ {} .png ' . format ( item [ 0 ] [ 0 ] . upper ( ) ) ) )
meny . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . addBook_detail , item [ 1 ] , item [ 0 ] ) )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( meny )
else :
content = MDLabel ( font_style = ' Body1 ' ,
theme_text_color = ' Primary ' ,
text = " No Contact Found yet...... " ,
halign = ' center ' ,
bold = True ,
size_hint_y = None ,
valign = ' top ' )
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( content )
def refreshs ( self , * args ) :
state . navinstance . ids . sc11 . clear_widgets ( )
state . navinstance . ids . sc11 . add_widget ( AddressBook ( ) )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
def addBook_detail ( self , address , label , * args ) :
p = AddbookDetailPopup ( )
p . open ( )
p . set_addbook_data ( address , label )
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class SelectableRecycleBoxLayout ( FocusBehavior , LayoutSelectionBehavior ,
RecycleBoxLayout ) :
''' Adds selection and focus behaviour to the view. '''
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class SelectableLabel ( RecycleDataViewBehavior , Label ) :
''' Add selection support to the Label '''
index = None
selected = BooleanProperty ( False )
selectable = BooleanProperty ( True )
def refresh_view_attrs ( self , rv , index , data ) :
''' Catch and handle the view changes '''
self . index = index
return super ( SelectableLabel , self ) . refresh_view_attrs (
rv , index , data )
def on_touch_down ( self , touch ) :
''' Add selection on touch down '''
if super ( SelectableLabel , self ) . on_touch_down ( touch ) :
2018-09-05 15:42:41 +05:30
return True
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
if self . collide_point ( * touch . pos ) and self . selectable :
return self . parent . select_with_touch ( self . index , touch )
2018-09-05 15:42:41 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def apply_selection ( self , rv , index , is_selected ) :
''' Respond to the selection of items in the view. '''
self . selected = is_selected
if is_selected :
print ( " selection changed to {0} " . format ( rv . data [ index ] ) )
rv . parent . txt_input . text = rv . parent . txt_input . text . replace ( rv . parent . txt_input . text , rv . data [ index ] [ ' text ' ] )
2018-09-05 15:42:41 +05:30
2018-08-07 11:44:14 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class RV ( RecycleView ) :
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( RV , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
2018-07-03 15:36:20 +05:30
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class DropDownWidget ( BoxLayout ) :
txt_input = ObjectProperty ( )
rv = ObjectProperty ( )
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def send ( self ) :
""" Send message from one address to another. """
fromAddress = str ( self . ids . ti . text )
toAddress = str ( self . ids . txt_input . text )
subject = str ( self . ids . subject . text )
message = str ( self . ids . body . text )
encoding = 3
print ( " message: " , self . ids . body . text )
sendMessageToPeople = True
if sendMessageToPeople :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
if toAddress != ' ' and subject and message :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
from addresses import decodeAddress
status , addressVersionNumber , streamNumber , ripe = decodeAddress (
toAddress )
if status == ' success ' :
from addresses import *
toAddress = addBMIfNotPresent ( toAddress )
statusIconColor = ' red '
if addressVersionNumber > 4 or addressVersionNumber < = 1 :
print ( " addressVersionNumber > 4 or addressVersionNumber <= 1 " )
if streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0 :
print ( " streamNumber > 1 or streamNumber == 0 " )
if statusIconColor == ' red ' :
print ( " shared.statusIconColor == ' red ' " )
stealthLevel = BMConfigParser ( ) . safeGetInt (
' bitmessagesettings ' , ' ackstealthlevel ' )
from helper_ackPayload import genAckPayload
ackdata = genAckPayload ( streamNumber , stealthLevel )
t = ( )
sqlExecute (
''' INSERT INTO sent VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ''' ,
' ' ,
toAddress ,
ripe ,
fromAddress ,
subject ,
message ,
ackdata ,
int ( time . time ( ) ) ,
int ( time . time ( ) ) ,
0 ,
' msgqueued ' ,
0 ,
' sent ' ,
encoding ,
BMConfigParser ( ) . getint ( ' bitmessagesettings ' , ' ttl ' ) )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
state . check_sent_acc = fromAddress
state . msg_counter_objs = self . parent . parent . parent . parent . parent . parent . children [ 0 ] . children [ 2 ] . children [ 0 ] . ids
# state.msg_counter_objs.send_cnt.badge_text = str(int(state.sent_count) + 1)
# state.sent_count = str(int(state.sent_count) + 1)
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
self . parent . parent . screens [ 3 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 3 ] . add_widget ( Sent ( ) )
toLabel = ' '
queues . workerQueue . put ( ( ' sendmessage ' , toAddress ) )
print ( " sqlExecute successfully ####################### " )
self . ids . body . text = ' '
self . ids . ti . text = ' '
self . ids . subject . text = ' '
self . ids . txt_input . text = ' '
self . parent . parent . current = ' sent '
self . ids . btn . text = ' select '
self . ids . ti . text = ' '
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
return None
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
else :
msg = ' Enter a valid recipients address '
elif not toAddress :
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
msg = ' Please fill the form '
else :
msg = ' Please fill the form '
self . address_error_message ( msg )
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
def address_error_message ( self , msg ) :
self . box = FloatLayout ( )
self . lab = ( Label ( text = msg , font_size = 25 ,
size_hint = ( None , None ) , pos_hint = { ' x ' : .25 , ' y ' : .6 } ) )
self . box . add_widget ( self . lab )
self . but = ( Button ( text = " dismiss " , size_hint = ( None , None ) ,
width = 200 , height = 50 , pos_hint = { ' x ' : .3 , ' y ' : 0 } ) )
self . box . add_widget ( self . but )
self . main_pop = Popup ( title = " Error " , content = self . box ,
size_hint = ( None , None ) , size = ( 550 , 400 ) , auto_dismiss = False , title_size = 30 )
self . but . bind ( on_press = self . main_pop . dismiss )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
# self.main_pop.background = './images/popup.jpeg'
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
self . main_pop . open ( )
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class MyTextInput ( TextInput ) :
txt_input = ObjectProperty ( )
flt_list = ObjectProperty ( )
word_list = ListProperty ( )
# this is the variable storing the number to which the look-up will start
starting_no = NumericProperty ( 3 )
suggestion_text = ' '
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( MyTextInput , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
def on_text ( self , instance , value ) :
# find all the occurrence of the word
self . parent . parent . parent . parent . ids . rv . data = [ ]
matches = [ self . word_list [ i ] for i in range ( len ( self . word_list ) ) if self . word_list [ i ] [ : self . starting_no ] == value [ : self . starting_no ] ]
# display the data in the recycleview
display_data = [ ]
for i in matches :
display_data . append ( { ' text ' : i } )
self . parent . parent . parent . parent . ids . rv . data = display_data
# ensure the size is okay
if len ( matches ) < = 10 :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
self . parent . height = ( 250 + ( len ( matches ) * 20 ) )
else :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
self . parent . height = 400
def keyboard_on_key_down ( self , window , keycode , text , modifiers ) :
if self . suggestion_text and keycode [ 1 ] == ' tab ' :
self . insert_text ( self . suggestion_text + ' ' )
return True
return super ( MyTextInput , self ) . keyboard_on_key_down ( window , keycode , text , modifiers )
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Payment ( Screen ) :
2018-07-03 15:36:20 +05:30
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Login ( Screen ) :
2018-07-03 15:36:20 +05:30
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class NetworkStat ( Screen ) :
text_variable_1 = StringProperty ( ' {0} :: {1} ' . format ( ' Total Connections ' , ' 0 ' ) )
text_variable_2 = StringProperty ( ' Processed {0} per-to-per messages ' . format ( ' 0 ' ) )
text_variable_3 = StringProperty ( ' Processed {0} brodcast messages ' . format ( ' 0 ' ) )
text_variable_4 = StringProperty ( ' Processed {0} public keys ' . format ( ' 0 ' ) )
text_variable_5 = StringProperty ( ' Processed {0} object to be synced ' . format ( ' 0 ' ) )
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
super ( NetworkStat , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
Clock . schedule_interval ( self . init_ui , 1 )
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
2018-09-01 17:15:39 +05:30
""" Clock Schdule for method inbox accounts. """
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
import network . stats
import shared
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
from network import objectracker
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
self . text_variable_1 = ' {0} :: {1} ' . format ( ' Total Connections ' , str ( len ( network . stats . connectedHostsList ( ) ) ) )
self . text_variable_2 = ' Processed {0} per-to-per messages ' . format ( str ( shared . numberOfMessagesProcessed ) )
self . text_variable_3 = ' Processed {0} brodcast messages ' . format ( str ( shared . numberOfBroadcastsProcessed ) )
self . text_variable_4 = ' Processed {0} public keys ' . format ( str ( shared . numberOfPubkeysProcessed ) )
self . text_variable_5 = ' {0} object to be synced ' . format ( len ( objectracker . missingObjects ) )
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
2018-08-07 11:44:14 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class ContentNavigationDrawer ( Navigatorss ) :
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Random ( Screen ) :
is_active = BooleanProperty ( False )
checked = StringProperty ( " " )
# self.manager.parent.ids.create.children[0].source = 'images/plus-4-xxl.png'
def generateaddress ( self ) :
import queues
# queues.apiAddressGeneratorReturnQueue.queue.clear()
streamNumberForAddress = 1
label = self . ids . label . text
eighteenByteRipe = False
nonceTrialsPerByte = 1000
payloadLengthExtraBytes = 1000
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
if self . ids . label . text :
queues . addressGeneratorQueue . put ( (
' createRandomAddress ' ,
4 , streamNumberForAddress ,
label , 1 , " " , eighteenByteRipe ,
nonceTrialsPerByte ,
payloadLengthExtraBytes )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
# self.manager.current = 'add_sucess'
self . manager . current = ' myaddress '
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
self . ids . label . text = ' '
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
self . parent . parent . parent . parent . ids . toolbar . opacity = 1
self . parent . parent . parent . parent . ids . toolbar . disabled = False
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
# state.myAddressObj = self.parent.parent.parent.parent.ids.sc10
self . parent . parent . parent . parent . ids . sc10 . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . parent . parent . ids . sc10 . add_widget ( MyAddress ( ) )
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
class AddressSuccessful ( Screen ) :
2018-07-03 14:38:02 +05:30
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class NavigationLayout ( ) :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2018-07-18 18:19:39 +05:30
class Sent ( Screen ) :
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
""" Sent Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens. """
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
data = ListProperty ( )
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Sent , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
2018-09-04 18:14:28 +05:30
if state . association == ' ' :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
state . association = BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) [ 0 ]
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
Clock . schedule_once ( self . init_ui , 0 )
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
2018-09-01 17:15:39 +05:30
""" Clock Schdule for method sent accounts. """
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
self . sentaccounts ( )
2018-08-31 18:04:20 +05:30
print ( dt )
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
def sentaccounts ( self ) :
2018-09-01 17:15:39 +05:30
""" Load sent accounts. """
2018-09-04 18:14:28 +05:30
account = state . association
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
self . loadSent ( account , ' All ' , ' ' )
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
def loadSent ( self , account , where = " " , what = " " ) :
2018-09-01 17:15:39 +05:30
""" Load Sent list for Sent messages. """
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
xAddress = ' fromaddress '
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
queryreturn = kivy_helper_search . search_sql (
xAddress , account , " sent " , where , what , False )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
state . totalSentMail = len ( queryreturn )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if state . msg_counter_objs and state . association == state . check_sent_acc :
state . msg_counter_objs . send_cnt . badge_text = str ( len ( queryreturn ) )
state . sent_count = str ( int ( state . sent_count ) + 1 )
state . check_sent_acc = None
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
if queryreturn :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
for mail in queryreturn :
third_text = mail [ 3 ] . replace ( ' \n ' , ' ' )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
self . data . append ( { ' text ' : mail [ 1 ] . strip ( ) , ' secondary_text ' : mail [ 2 ] [ : 10 ] + ' ........... ' if len ( mail [ 2 ] ) > 10 else mail [ 2 ] + ' \n ' + " " + ( third_text [ : 25 ] + ' ...! ' ) if len ( third_text ) > 25 else third_text , ' lastactiontime ' : mail [ 6 ] } )
for item in self . data :
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem ( text = item [ ' text ' ] , secondary_text = item [ ' secondary_text ' ] , theme_text_color = ' Custom ' , text_color = NavigateApp ( ) . theme_cls . primary_color )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
meny . add_widget ( AvatarSampleWidget ( source = ' ./images/text_images/ {} .png ' . format ( item [ ' secondary_text ' ] [ 0 ] . upper ( ) ) ) )
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
meny . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . sent_detail , item [ ' lastactiontime ' ] ) )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
carousel = Carousel ( direction = ' right ' )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if platform == ' android ' :
carousel . height = 150
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
carousel . size_hint_y = None
carousel . ignore_perpendicular_swipes = True
carousel . data_index = 0
carousel . min_move = 0.2
del_btn = Button ( text = ' Delete ' )
del_btn . background_color = ( 1 , 0 , 0 , .5 )
del_btn . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . delete , item [ ' lastactiontime ' ] ) )
carousel . add_widget ( del_btn )
carousel . add_widget ( meny )
ach_btn = Button ( text = ' Achieve ' )
ach_btn . background_color = ( 0 , 1 , 0 , 1 )
ach_btn . bind ( on_press = partial ( self . archive , item [ ' lastactiontime ' ] ) )
carousel . add_widget ( ach_btn )
carousel . index = 1
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( carousel )
# self.ids.ml.add_widget(meny)
2018-08-09 15:50:20 +05:30
else :
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
content = MDLabel ( font_style = ' Body1 ' ,
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
theme_text_color = ' Primary ' ,
text = " yet no message for this account!!!!!!!!!!!!! " ,
halign = ' center ' ,
bold = True ,
size_hint_y = None ,
valign = ' top ' )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( content )
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
def sent_detail ( self , lastsenttime , * args ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
""" Load sent mail details """
state . detailPageType = ' sent '
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
state . sentMailTime = lastsenttime
if self . manager :
src_mng_obj = self . manager
else :
src_mng_obj = self . parent . parent
src_mng_obj . screens [ 13 ] . clear_widgets ( )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
src_mng_obj . screens [ 13 ] . add_widget ( MailDetail ( ) )
src_mng_obj . current = ' mailDetail '
def delete ( self , data_index , instance , * args ) :
""" delete sent mail from sent mail listing """
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
try :
msg_count_objs = self . parent . parent . parent . parent . children [ 2 ] . ids
except Exception as e :
msg_count_objs = self . parent . parent . parent . parent . parent . children [ 2 ] . children [ 0 ] . ids
if int ( state . sent_count ) > 0 :
msg_count_objs . send_cnt . badge_text = str ( int ( state . sent_count ) - 1 )
msg_count_objs . trash_cnt . badge_text = str ( int ( state . trash_count ) + 1 )
state . sent_count = str ( int ( state . sent_count ) - 1 )
state . trash_count = str ( int ( state . trash_count ) + 1 )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE sent SET folder = ' trash ' WHERE lastactiontime = {} ; " . format ( data_index ) )
self . ids . ml . remove_widget ( instance . parent . parent )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
# self.update_mail_count()
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
self . update_trash ( )
def archive ( self , data_index , instance , * args ) :
""" archive sent mail from sent mail listing """
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE sent SET folder = ' trash ' WHERE lastactiontime = {} ; " . format ( data_index ) )
self . ids . ml . remove_widget ( instance . parent . parent )
self . update_trash ( )
def update_trash ( self ) :
""" Update trash screen mails which is deleted from inbox """
try :
self . parent . screens [ 4 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . screens [ 4 ] . add_widget ( Trash ( ) )
except Exception as e :
self . parent . parent . screens [ 4 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 4 ] . add_widget ( Trash ( ) )
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2018-07-18 18:19:39 +05:30
class Trash ( Screen ) :
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
""" Trash Screen uses screen to show widgets of screens. """
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Trash , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
Clock . schedule_once ( self . init_ui , 0 )
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
2018-09-01 17:15:39 +05:30
""" Clock Schdule for method inbox accounts. """
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if state . association == ' ' :
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
state . association = BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) [ 0 ]
inbox = sqlQuery ( " SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox WHERE folder = ' trash ' and fromaddress = ' {} ' ; " . format ( state . association ) )
sent = sqlQuery ( " SELECT toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from sent WHERE folder = ' trash ' and fromaddress = ' {} ' ; " . format ( state . association ) )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
trash_data = inbox + sent
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
for item in trash_data :
meny = ThreeLineAvatarIconListItem ( text = item [ 1 ] , secondary_text = item [ 2 ] , theme_text_color = ' Custom ' , text_color = NavigateApp ( ) . theme_cls . primary_color )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
meny . add_widget ( AvatarSampleWidget ( source = ' ./images/text_images/ {} .png ' . format ( item [ 2 ] [ 0 ] . upper ( ) ) ) )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
self . ids . ml . add_widget ( meny )
2018-08-21 18:18:16 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Page ( Screen ) :
2018-07-03 14:38:02 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Create ( Screen ) :
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( Create , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
widget_1 = DropDownWidget ( )
from helper_sql import *
widget_1 . ids . txt_input . word_list = [ addr [ 1 ] for addr in sqlQuery ( " SELECT label, address from addressbook " ) ]
widget_1 . ids . txt_input . starting_no = 2
self . add_widget ( widget_1 )
2018-08-31 18:04:20 +05:30
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class AddressSuccessful ( Screen ) :
2018-07-18 18:19:39 +05:30
2018-07-03 14:38:02 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class Setting ( Screen ) :
2018-07-18 18:19:39 +05:30
2018-07-03 14:38:02 +05:30
2018-07-07 17:41:58 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class NavigateApp ( App ) :
theme_cls = ThemeManager ( )
previous_date = ObjectProperty ( )
obj_1 = ObjectProperty ( )
variable_1 = ListProperty ( BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) )
nav_drawer = ObjectProperty ( )
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
total_sentmail = str ( state . totalSentMail )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
state . screen_density = Window . size
2019-05-13 17:01:33 +05:30
title = " PyBitmessage "
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
count = 0
menu_items = [
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
{ ' viewclass ' : ' MDMenuItem ' ,
' text ' : ' Example item ' } ,
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def build ( self ) :
import os
main_widget = Builder . load_file (
os . path . join ( os . path . dirname ( __file__ ) , ' main.kv ' ) )
self . nav_drawer = Navigatorss ( )
self . obj_1 = AddressBook ( )
kivysignalthread = UIkivySignaler ( )
kivysignalthread . daemon = True
kivysignalthread . start ( )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
Window . bind ( on_keyboard = self . on_key )
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
return main_widget
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def run ( self ) :
kivyuisignaler . release ( )
super ( NavigateApp , self ) . run ( )
2018-07-24 18:12:53 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def show_address_success ( self ) :
content = MDLabel ( font_style = ' Body1 ' ,
theme_text_color = ' Secondary ' ,
text = " Successfully Saved your contact address. "
" That ' s pretty awesome right! " ,
size_hint_y = None ,
valign = ' top ' )
content . bind ( texture_size = content . setter ( ' size ' ) )
self . dialog . open ( )
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def showmeaddresses ( name = " text " ) :
""" Show the addresses in spinner to make as dropdown. """
if name == " text " :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
# return BMConfigParser().get(BMConfigParser().addresses()[0], 'label')[:12] + '..'
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
if bmconfigparserigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
return BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) [ 0 ] [ : 16 ] + ' .. '
else :
return " textdemo "
elif name == " values " :
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
return [ address [ : 16 ] + ' .. ' for address in BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) ]
else :
return " valuesdemo "
2018-07-24 15:35:39 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def getCurrentAccountData ( self , text ) :
""" Get Current Address Account Data. """
state . association = text
self . root . ids . sc1 . clear_widgets ( )
self . root . ids . sc4 . clear_widgets ( )
self . root . ids . sc5 . clear_widgets ( )
self . root . ids . sc1 . add_widget ( Inbox ( ) )
self . root . ids . sc4 . add_widget ( Sent ( ) )
self . root . ids . sc5 . add_widget ( Trash ( ) )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
self . root . ids . scr_mngr . current = ' inbox '
2018-08-31 16:49:57 +05:30
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
msg_counter_objs = self . root_window . children [ 1 ] . children [ 2 ] . children [ 0 ] . ids
state . sent_count = str ( sqlQuery ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM sent WHERE fromaddress = ' {} ' and folder = ' sent ' ; " . format ( state . association ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
state . inbox_count = str ( sqlQuery ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM inbox WHERE fromaddress = ' {} ' and folder = ' inbox ' ; " . format ( state . association ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
state . trash_count = str ( sqlQuery ( " SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent where fromaddress = ' {0} ' and folder = ' trash ' )+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where fromaddress = ' {0} ' and folder = ' trash ' ) AS SumCount " . format ( state . association ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
if msg_counter_objs :
msg_counter_objs . send_cnt . badge_text = state . sent_count
msg_counter_objs . inbox_cnt . badge_text = state . inbox_count
msg_counter_objs . trash_cnt . badge_text = state . trash_count
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def getInboxMessageDetail ( self , instance ) :
""" It will get message detail after make selected message description. """
try :
self . root . ids . _mngr . current = ' page '
except AttributeError :
self . parent . manager . current = ' page '
print ( ' Message Clicked {} ' . format ( instance ) )
2018-08-04 14:00:12 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def getCurrentAccount ( ) :
""" It uses to get current account label. """
if state . association :
return state . association
else :
return " Bitmessage Login "
2018-09-05 19:48:57 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def addingtoaddressbook ( self ) :
p = GrashofPopup ( )
p . open ( )
def getDefaultAccData ( self ) :
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
return BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) [ 0 ]
return ' Select Address '
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
def addressexist ( self ) :
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
return True
return False
def limit_spinner ( self ) :
max = 2.8
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
spinner_obj = ContentNavigationDrawer ( ) . ids . btn
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
spinner_obj . dropdown_cls . max_height = spinner_obj . height * max + max * 4
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
def on_key ( self , window , key , * args ) :
if key == 27 : # the esc key
if self . root . ids . scr_mngr . current_screen . name == " mailDetail " :
self . root . ids . scr_mngr . current = ' sent '
# this is for direction of the screen comesup
# self.root.ids.scr_mngr.transition.direction = 'right'
return True
elif self . root . ids . scr_mngr . current_screen . name == " create " :
self . root . ids . scr_mngr . current = ' inbox '
return True
else :
return True
def status_dispatching ( self , data ) :
ackData , message = data
if state . ackdata == ackData :
state . status . status = message
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
def clear_composer ( self ) :
""" if slow down the nwe will make new composer edit screen """
composer_obj = self . root . ids . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids
composer_obj . ti . text = ' '
composer_obj . btn . text = ' '
composer_obj . txt_input . text = ' '
composer_obj . subject . text = ' '
def on_stop ( self ) :
""" On stop methos is used for stoping the runing script """
print ( " **************************EXITING FROM APPLICATION***************************** " )
import shutdown
shutdown . doCleanShutdown ( )
def mail_count ( self , text ) :
if state . association == ' ' :
if BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) :
state . association = BMConfigParser ( ) . addresses ( ) [ 0 ]
if text == ' Sent ' :
state . sent_count = str ( sqlQuery ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE fromaddress = ' {1} ' and folder = ' {0} ' ; " . format ( text . lower ( ) , state . association ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
return state . sent_count
elif text == ' Inbox ' :
state . inbox_count = str ( sqlQuery ( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE fromaddress = ' {1} ' and folder = ' {0} ' ; " . format ( text . lower ( ) , state . association ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
return state . inbox_count
elif text == ' Trash ' :
state . trash_count = str ( sqlQuery ( " SELECT (SELECT count(*) FROM sent where fromaddress = ' {0} ' and folder = ' trash ' )+(SELECT count(*) FROM inbox where fromaddress = ' {0} ' and folder = ' trash ' ) AS SumCount " . format ( state . association ) ) [ 0 ] [ 0 ] )
return state . trash_count
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class GrashofPopup ( Popup ) :
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( GrashofPopup , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if state . screen_density [ 0 ] < = 720 :
self . size_hint_y = 0.4
self . size_hint_x = 0.9
else :
self . size_hint_y = 0.42
self . size_hint_x = 0.7
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def savecontact ( self ) :
label = self . ids . label . text
address = self . ids . address . text
if label and address :
state . navinstance = self . parent . children [ 1 ]
queues . UISignalQueue . put ( ( ' rerenderAddressBook ' , ' ' ) )
self . dismiss ( )
sqlExecute ( " INSERT INTO addressbook VALUES(?,?) " , label , address )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
self . parent . children [ 1 ] . ids . scr_mngr . current = ' addressbook '
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
def show_error_message ( self ) :
content = MDLabel ( font_style = ' Body1 ' ,
theme_text_color = ' Secondary ' ,
text = " Hey you are not allowed to save blank address contact. "
" That ' s wrong! " ,
size_hint_y = None ,
valign = ' top ' )
content . bind ( texture_size = content . setter ( ' size ' ) )
self . dialog = MDDialog ( content = content ,
size_hint = ( .8 , None ) ,
height = dp ( 200 ) ,
auto_dismiss = False )
self . dialog . add_action_button ( " ok " ,
action = lambda * x : self . dialog . dismiss ( ) )
self . dialog . open ( )
class AvatarSampleWidget ( ILeftBody , Image ) :
2018-09-05 19:42:55 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class IconLeftSampleWidget ( ILeftBodyTouch , MDIconButton ) :
2018-09-05 19:42:55 +05:30
2019-05-09 18:18:29 +05:30
class IconRightSampleWidget ( IRightBodyTouch , MDCheckbox ) :
class NavigationDrawerTwoLineListItem (
TwoLineListItem , NavigationDrawerHeaderBase ) :
address_property = StringProperty ( )
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( NavigationDrawerTwoLineListItem , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
Clock . schedule_once ( lambda dt : self . setup ( ) )
def setup ( self ) :
Binds Controller . current_account property .
def on_current_account ( self , account ) :
def _update_specific_text_color ( self , instance , value ) :
def _set_active ( self , active , list ) :
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
class MailDetail ( Screen ) :
""" MailDetail Screen uses to show the detail of mails. """
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
to_addr = StringProperty ( )
from_addr = StringProperty ( )
subject = StringProperty ( )
message = StringProperty ( )
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
status = StringProperty ( )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
page_type = StringProperty ( )
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
def __init__ ( self , * args , * * kwargs ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
super ( MailDetail , self ) . __init__ ( * args , * * kwargs )
2019-05-28 16:42:51 +05:30
Clock . schedule_once ( self . init_ui , 0 )
def init_ui ( self , dt = 0 ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
""" Clock Schdule for method MailDetail mails. """
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
self . page_type = state . detailPageType if state . detailPageType else ' '
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
if state . detailPageType == ' sent ' :
data = sqlQuery ( " select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message , status, ackdata from sent where lastactiontime = {} ; " . format ( state . sentMailTime ) )
state . status = self
state . ackdata = data [ 0 ] [ 5 ]
self . assign_mail_details ( data )
elif state . detailPageType == ' inbox ' :
data = sqlQuery ( " select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox where received = {} ; " . format ( state . sentMailTime ) )
self . assign_mail_details ( data )
def assign_mail_details ( self , data ) :
self . to_addr = data [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
self . from_addr = data [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
self . subject = data [ 0 ] [ 2 ] . upper ( )
self . message = data [ 0 ] [ 3 ]
if len ( data [ 0 ] ) == 6 :
self . status = data [ 0 ] [ 4 ]
def delete_mail ( self ) :
if state . detailPageType == ' sent ' :
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE sent SET folder = ' trash ' WHERE lastactiontime = {} ; " . format ( state . sentMailTime ) )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 3 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 3 ] . add_widget ( Sent ( ) )
self . parent . parent . current = ' sent '
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
elif state . detailPageType == ' inbox ' :
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE inbox SET folder = ' trash ' WHERE received = {} ; " . format ( state . sentMailTime ) )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 0 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 0 ] . add_widget ( Inbox ( ) )
self . parent . parent . current = ' inbox '
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
self . parent . parent . screens [ 4 ] . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . parent . screens [ 4 ] . add_widget ( Trash ( ) )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
def inbox_reply ( self ) :
""" This method is used for replying inbox messages """
data = sqlQuery ( " select toaddress, fromaddress, subject, message from inbox where received = {} ; " . format ( state . sentMailTime ) )
composer_obj = self . parent . parent . screens [ 2 ] . children [ 0 ] . ids
composer_obj . ti . text = data [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
composer_obj . btn . text = data [ 0 ] [ 1 ]
composer_obj . txt_input . text = data [ 0 ] [ 0 ]
composer_obj . subject . text = data [ 0 ] [ 2 ]
self . parent . parent . current = ' create '
def copy_sent_mail ( self ) :
""" This method is used for copying sent mail to the composer """
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
class MyaddDetailPopup ( Popup ) :
""" MyaddDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail """
address_label = StringProperty ( )
address = StringProperty ( )
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( MyaddDetailPopup , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
if state . screen_density [ 0 ] < = 720 :
self . size_hint_y = 0.32
self . size_hint_x = 0.9
else :
self . size_hint_y = 0.32
self . size_hint_x = 0.7
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
def set_address ( self , address , label ) :
2019-06-06 19:18:20 +05:30
""" Getting address for displaying details on popup """
2019-06-28 20:24:47 +05:30
self . address_label = label
self . address = address
def send_message_from ( self ) :
""" This method used to fill from address of composer autofield """
window_obj = self . parent . children [ 1 ] . ids
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . ti . text = self . address
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . btn . text = self . address
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . txt_input . text = ' '
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . subject . text = ' '
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . body . text = ' '
window_obj . scr_mngr . current = ' create '
self . dismiss ( )
class AddbookDetailPopup ( Popup ) :
""" AddbookDetailPopup pop is used for showing my address detail """
address_label = StringProperty ( )
address = StringProperty ( )
def __init__ ( self , * * kwargs ) :
super ( AddbookDetailPopup , self ) . __init__ ( * * kwargs )
if state . screen_density [ 0 ] < = 720 :
self . size_hint_y = 0.35
self . size_hint_x = 0.95
else :
self . size_hint_y = 0.35
self . size_hint_x = 0.7
def set_addbook_data ( self , address , label ) :
""" Getting address book data for detial dipaly """
self . address_label = label
self . address = address
def update_addbook_label ( self , address ) :
""" Updating the label of address book address """
if str ( self . ids . add_label . text ) :
sqlExecute ( " UPDATE addressbook SET label = ' {} ' WHERE address = ' {} ' ; " . format ( str ( self . ids . add_label . text ) , address ) )
self . parent . children [ 1 ] . ids . sc11 . clear_widgets ( )
self . parent . children [ 1 ] . ids . sc11 . add_widget ( AddressBook ( ) )
self . dismiss ( )
def send_message_to ( self ) :
""" This method used to fill to_address of composer autofield """
window_obj = self . parent . children [ 1 ] . ids
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . txt_input . text = self . address
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . ti . text = ' '
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . btn . text = ' '
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . subject . text = ' '
window_obj . sc3 . children [ 0 ] . ids . body . text = ' '
window_obj . scr_mngr . current = ' create '
self . dismiss ( )
class ShowQRCode ( Screen ) :
""" ShowQRCode Screen uses to show the detail of mails. """
def qrdisplay ( self ) :
self . ids . qr . clear_widgets ( )
self . ids . qr . add_widget ( QRCodeWidget ( data = self . manager . get_parent_window ( ) . children [ 0 ] . address ) )