Can't add entries to black list using Add Entry button #1138

opened 2018-02-17 13:10:55 +01:00 by PeterSurda · 5 comments
PeterSurda commented 2018-02-17 13:10:55 +01:00 (Migrated from


Came over in bitmessage chan:

Unhandled exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "PyBitmessage/src/bitmessageqt/", line 59, in click_pushButtonAddBlacklist
if self.NewBlacklistDialogInstance.ui.labelAddressCheck.text() == _translate("MainWindow", "Address is valid."):
AttributeError: 'AddAddressDialog' object has no attribute 'ui'

Can't add entries to black list using Add Entry button
is anyone experiencing the same problem?

@g1itch: Came over in bitmessage chan: Unhandled exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "PyBitmessage/src/bitmessageqt/", line 59, in click_pushButtonAddBlacklist if self.NewBlacklistDialogInstance.ui.labelAddressCheck.text() == _translate("MainWindow", "Address is valid."): AttributeError: 'AddAddressDialog' object has no attribute 'ui' ------------------------------------------------------ Can't add entries to black list using Add Entry button is anyone experiencing the same problem?
g1itch commented 2018-02-17 13:23:26 +01:00 (Migrated from

Hmm, I see the source. Fortunately blacklist module is not part of merged ui-refactoring branch, so this is not my mistake. Testing patch now.

Hmm, I see the source. Fortunately `blacklist` module is not part of merged `ui-refactoring` branch, so this is not my mistake. Testing patch now.
PeterSurda commented 2018-02-17 13:25:09 +01:00 (Migrated from

odd I haven't had this problem before

odd I haven't had this problem before
g1itch commented 2018-02-17 13:28:35 +01:00 (Migrated from
g1itch commented 2018-02-17 13:31:19 +01:00 (Migrated from

Excuse me, part of it is mine. After dialog refactoring this code started to fail because it relies on old dialog members.

Excuse me, part of it is mine. After dialog refactoring this code started to fail because it relies on old dialog members.
PeterSurda commented 2018-02-17 14:16:03 +01:00 (Migrated from


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Reference: Bitmessage/PyBitmessage-2025-03-03#1138
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