/** * Browser version of the crypto for Bitmessage JS implementation. * * Documentation: * Browsers support: * Blink implementation details: * * @module bitmessage/crypto.browser */ "use strict"; require("es6-promise").polyfill(); var ripemd160 = require("ripemd160"); var assert = require("./utils").assert; // Support `webkit` prefix for Safari (not tested yet). // TODO(Kagami): Try to support IE11. var subtle = window.crypto.subtle || window.crypto.webkitSubtle; assert(subtle, "WebCryptoAPI is not supported"); exports.sha512 = function(buf) { return subtle.digest({name: "SHA-512"}, buf).then(function(arr) { return new Buffer(new Uint8Array(arr)); }); }; exports.sha256 = function(buf) { return subtle.digest({name: "SHA-256"}, buf).then(function(arr) { return new Buffer(new Uint8Array(arr)); }); }; exports.ripemd160 = function(buf) { // XXX(Kagami): No support in browsers via Web Crypto API currently, // so use module. return Promise.resolve(ripemd160(buf)); };