/** * Implements common structures. * @see {@link * https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#common-structures} * @module bitmessage/structs * @example * var structs = require("bitmessage").structs; * * var encoded = Buffer.concat([ * structs.var_int.encode(4), * Buffer.from("test"), * structs.var_str.encode("test2"), * structs.var_int_list.encode([1, 2, 3]), * ]); * * var decoded1 = structs.var_str.decode(encoded); * console.log(decoded1.str); // test * var decoded2 = structs.var_str.decode(decoded1.rest); * console.log(decoded2.str); // test2 * var decoded3 = structs.var_int.decode(decoded2.rest); * console.log(decoded3.value); // 3 * var decoded4 = structs.var_int_list.decode(decoded2.rest); * console.log(decoded4.list); // [1, 2, 3] */ "use strict"; var objectAssign = Object.assign || require("object-assign"); var bufferEqual = require("buffer-equal"); var bmcrypto = require("./crypto"); var POW = require("./pow"); var util = require("./_util"); var assert = util.assert; var IPv4_MAPPING = util.IPv4_MAPPING; var inet_pton = util.inet_pton; function isAscii(str) { for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (str.charCodeAt(i) > 127) { return false; } } return true; } // Compute the message checksum for the given data. function getmsgchecksum(data) { return bmcrypto.sha512(data).slice(0, 4); } // \ :3 / function findMagic(buf) { var i; var len = buf.length; var firstb = false; var secondb = false; var thirdb = false; for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) { switch (buf[i]) { case 0xE9: firstb = true; break; case 0xBE: if (firstb) { secondb = true; } break; case 0xB4: if (firstb && secondb) { thirdb = true; } break; case 0xD9: if (firstb && secondb && thirdb) { return i - 3; } break; default: firstb = false; secondb = false; thirdb = false; } } // If we reached the end of the buffer but part of the magic matches // we'll still return index of the magic's start position. if (firstb) { if (secondb) { --i; } if (thirdb) { --i; } return i - 1; // Compensate for last i's increment } else { return -1; } } /** * Message structure. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#id1} * @namespace * @static */ var message = exports.message = { /** * Bitmessage magic value. * @constant {number} */ MAGIC: 0xE9BEB4D9, /** * @typedef {Object} TryDecodeResult * @property {Object} message - Decoded message * @property {string} message.command - Message command * @property {Buffer} message.payload - Message payload * @property {number} message.length - Full message length * @property {Error} error - ...or decoding error * @property {Buffer} rest - The rest of the input buffer after * processing message * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.message */ /** * Decode message in "stream" mode. * NOTE: message payload and `rest` are copied (so the runtime can GC * processed buffer data). * @param {Buffer} buf - Data buffer * @return {?TryDecodeResult} * [Decoded result.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.message.TryDecodeResult} */ tryDecode: function(buf) { if (buf.length < 24) { // Message is not yet fully received, just skip to next process // cycle. return; } var res = {}; // Magic. var mindex = findMagic(buf); if (mindex !== 0) { if (mindex === -1) { res.error = new Error("Magic not found, skipping buffer data"); res.rest = Buffer.alloc(0); } else { res.error = new Error( "Magic in the middle of buffer, skipping some data at start" ); res.rest = Buffer.alloc(buf.length - mindex); buf.copy(res.rest, 0, mindex); } return res; } // Payload length. var payloadLength = buf.readUInt32BE(16, true); var msgLength = 24 + payloadLength; // See: . if (payloadLength > 1600003) { res.error = new Error("Message is too large, skipping it"); if (buf.length > msgLength) { res.rest = Buffer.alloc(buf.length - msgLength); buf.copy(res.rest, 0, msgLength); } else { res.rest = Buffer.alloc(0); } return res; } if (buf.length < msgLength) { // Message is not yet fully received, just skip to next process // cycle. return; } // Now we can set `rest` value. res.rest = Buffer.alloc(buf.length - msgLength); buf.copy(res.rest, 0, msgLength); // Command. var command = buf.slice(4, 16); var firstNonNull = 0; var i; for (i = 11; i >=0; i--) { if (command[i] > 127) { res.error = new Error( "Non-ASCII characters in command, skipping message" ); return res; } if (!firstNonNull && command[i] !== 0) { firstNonNull = i + 1; } } command = command.slice(0, firstNonNull).toString("ascii"); // Payload. var payload = Buffer.alloc(payloadLength); buf.copy(payload, 0, 24, msgLength); var checksum = buf.slice(20, 24); if (!bufferEqual(checksum, getmsgchecksum(payload))) { res.error = new Error("Bad checksum, skipping message"); return res; } res.message = {command: command, payload: payload, length: msgLength}; return res; }, /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {string} command - Message command * @property {Buffer} payload - Message payload * @property {number} length - Full message length * @property {Buffer} rest - The rest of the input buffer * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.message */ /** * Decode message. * NOTE: `payload` is copied, `rest` references input buffer. * @param {Buffer} buf - Buffer that starts with encoded message * @return {DecodeResult} * [Decoded message structure.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.message.DecodeResult} */ decode: function(buf) { assert(buf.length >= 24, "Buffer is too small"); assert(buf.readUInt32BE(0, true) === message.MAGIC, "Wrong magic"); var command = buf.slice(4, 16); var firstNonNull = 0; for (var i = 11; i >=0; i--) { assert(command[i] <= 127, "Non-ASCII characters in command"); if (!firstNonNull && command[i] !== 0) { firstNonNull = i + 1; } } // NOTE(Kagami): Command can be empty. // NOTE(Kagami): "ascii" encoding is not necessary here since we // already validated the command but that should be quite faster // than default "utf-8" encoding. command = command.slice(0, firstNonNull).toString("ascii"); var payloadLength = buf.readUInt32BE(16, true); assert(payloadLength <= 1600003, "Message payload is too big"); var length = 24 + payloadLength; assert(buf.length >= length, "Truncated payload"); var checksum = buf.slice(20, 24); // NOTE(Kagami): We do copy instead of slice to protect against // possible source buffer modification by user. var payload = Buffer.alloc(payloadLength); buf.copy(payload, 0, 24, length); assert(bufferEqual(checksum, getmsgchecksum(payload)), "Bad checksum"); var rest = buf.slice(length); return {command: command, payload: payload, length: length, rest: rest}; }, /** * Encode message. * @param {string} command - Message command * @param {Bufer} payload - Message payload * @return {Buffer} Encoded message structure. */ encode: function(command, payload) { assert(command.length <= 12, "Command is too long"); assert(isAscii(command), "Non-ASCII characters in command"); payload = payload || Buffer.alloc(0); assert(payload.length <= 1600003, "Message payload is too big"); var buf = Buffer.alloc(24 + payload.length); buf.fill(0); buf.writeUInt32BE(message.MAGIC, 0, true); buf.write(command, 4); buf.writeUInt32BE(payload.length, 16, true); getmsgchecksum(payload).copy(buf, 20); payload.copy(buf, 24); return buf; }, }; /** * An `object` is a message which is shared throughout a stream. It is * the only message which propagates; all others are only between two * nodes. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#object} * @namespace * @static */ var object = exports.object = { /** * [getpubkey]{@link module:bitmessage/objects.getpubkey} object type. * @constant {number} */ GETPUBKEY: 0, /** * [pubkey]{@link module:bitmessage/objects.pubkey} object type. * @constant {number} */ PUBKEY: 1, /** * [msg]{@link module:bitmessage/objects.msg} object type. * @constant {number} */ MSG: 2, /** * [broadcast]{@link module:bitmessage/objects.broadcast} object type. * @constant {number} */ BROADCAST: 3, /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {Buffer} nonce - A 8-byte object nonce * @property {number} ttl - Time to live in seconds * @property {Date} expires - Object expiration date * @property {number} type - Object type * @property {number} version - Object version * @property {number} stream - Object stream * @property {number} headerLength - Length of the object header * @property {Buffer} objectPayload - Object payload * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.object */ /** * Decode `object` message. * NOTE: `nonce` and `objectPayload` are copied. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message * @param {Object=} opts - Decoding options * @param {boolean} opts.allowExpired - Allow expired objects * @param {boolean} opts.skipPow - Do not validate object POW * @return {DecodeResult} [Decoded `object` structure.]{@link * module:bitmessage/structs.object.DecodeResult} * @throws {Error} Invalid object */ decode: function(buf, opts) { var decoded = message.decode(buf); assert(decoded.command === "object", "Given message is not an object"); return object.decodePayload(decoded.payload, opts); }, /** * Decode `object` message payload. * The same as [decode]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.object.decode}. */ decodePayload: function(buf, opts) { opts = opts || {}; // 8 + 8 + 4 + (1+) + (1+) assert(buf.length >= 22, "object message payload is too small"); assert(buf.length <= 262144, "object message payload is too big"); var nonce; if (!opts._validate) { nonce = Buffer.alloc(8); buf.copy(nonce, 0, 0, 8); } // TTL. var expiresTime = util.readTimestamp64BE(buf.slice(8, 16)); var expires = new Date(expiresTime * 1000); var ttl = expiresTime - util.tnow(); assert(ttl <= 2430000, "expiresTime is too far in the future"); if (!opts.allowExpired) { assert(ttl >= -3600, "Object expired more than a hour ago"); } // POW. if (!opts.skipPow) { // User may specify trials/payload extra options and we will // account in here. var targetOpts = objectAssign({}, opts, {ttl: ttl, payload: buf}); var target = POW.getTarget(targetOpts); assert(POW.check({target: target, payload: buf}), "Insufficient POW"); } var type = buf.readUInt32BE(16, true); var decodedVersion = var_int.decode(buf.slice(20)); var decodedStream = var_int.decode(decodedVersion.rest); var headerLength = 20 + decodedVersion.length + decodedStream.length; if (opts._validate) { return {stream: decodedStream.value}; } var objectPayload = Buffer.alloc(decodedStream.rest.length); decodedStream.rest.copy(objectPayload); return { nonce: nonce, ttl: ttl, expires: expires, type: type, version: decodedVersion.value, stream: decodedStream.value, headerLength: headerLength, objectPayload: objectPayload, }; }, /** * Check whether given `object` message is valid. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message * @param {Object=} opts - Any of [object.decode]{@link * module:bitmessage/structs.object.decode} options and: * @param {number} opts.stream - Expected object's stream * @return {?Error} Return an error with description if object is * invalid. */ validate: function(buf, opts) { var decoded; try { decoded = message.decode(buf); } catch(e) { return e; } if (decoded.command !== "object") { return new Error("Given message is not an object"); } return object.validatePayload(decoded.payload, opts); }, /** * Check whether `object` message payload is valid. * The same as [validate]{@link * module:bitmessage/structs.object.validate}. */ validatePayload: function(buf, opts) { opts = objectAssign({}, opts, {_validate: true}); var decoded; try { decoded = object.decodePayload(buf, opts); } catch(e) { return e; } if (opts.stream && decoded.stream !== opts.stream) { return new Error( "The stream number " + opts.stream + " is not the one we are interested in" ); } }, /** * Encode `object` message. * @param {Object} opts - Object options * @param {Object} opts.nonce - A 8-byte object nonce * @param {number} opts.ttl - Time to live in seconds * @param {number} opts.type - Object type * @param {number} opts.version - Object version * @param {number=} opts.stream - Object stream (1 by default) * @param {Buffer} opts.objectPayload - Object payload * @return {Buffer} Encoded message. */ encode: function(opts) { var payload = object.encodePayload(opts); return message.encode("object", payload); }, /** * Encode `object` message payload. * The same as [encode]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.object.encode}. */ encodePayload: function(opts) { // NOTE(Kagami): We do not try to calculate nonce here if it is not // provided because: // 1) It's async operation but in `structs` module all operations // are synchronous. // 2) It shouldn't be useful because almost all objects signatures // include object header and POW is computed for entire object so at // first the object header should be assembled and only then we can // do a POW. assert(opts.nonce.length === 8, "Bad nonce"); // NOTE(Kagami): This may be a bit inefficient since we allocate // twice. return Buffer.concat([ opts.nonce, object.encodePayloadWithoutNonce(opts), ]); }, /** * Encode `object` message payload without leading nonce field (may be * useful if you are going to calculate it later). * @param {Object} opts - Object options * @param {number} opts.ttl - Time to live in seconds * @param {number} opts.type - Object type * @param {number} opts.version - Object version * @param {number=} opts.stream - Object stream (1 by default) * @param {Buffer} opts.objectPayload - Object payload * @return {Buffer} Encoded payload. */ encodePayloadWithoutNonce: function(opts) { assert(opts.ttl > 0, "Bad TTL"); assert(opts.ttl <= 2430000, "TTL may not be larger than 28 days + 3 hours"); var expiresTime = util.tnow() + opts.ttl; var type = Buffer.alloc(4); type.writeUInt32BE(opts.type, 0); var stream = opts.stream || 1; var obj = Buffer.concat([ util.writeUInt64BE(null, expiresTime), type, var_int.encode(opts.version), var_int.encode(stream), opts.objectPayload, ]); assert(obj.length <= 262136, "object message payload is too big"); return obj; }, }; /** * Variable length integer. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#variable-length-integer} * @namespace * @static */ var var_int = exports.var_int = { /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {number} value - Stored value * @property {number} length - `var_int` full length * @property {Buffer} rest - The rest of the input buffer * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.var_int */ /** * Decode `var_int`. * NOTE: `rest` references input buffer. * @param {Buffer} buf - A buffer that starts with encoded `var_int` * @return {DecodeResult} * [Decoded `var_int` structure.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.var_int.DecodeResult} */ decode: function(buf) { var value, length; assert(buf.length > 0, "Empty buffer"); switch (buf[0]) { case 253: value = buf.readUInt16BE(1); assert(value >= 253, "Impractical var_int"); length = 3; break; case 254: value = buf.readUInt32BE(1); assert(value >= 65536, "Impractical var_int"); length = 5; break; case 255: var hi = buf.readUInt32BE(1); assert(hi !== 0, "Impractical var_int"); // Max safe number = 2^53 - 1 = // 0b0000000000011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 // = 2097151*(2^32) + (2^32 - 1). // So it's safe until hi <= 2097151. See // , // for details. // TODO(Kagami): We may want to return raw Buffer for // 2^53 <= value <= 2^64 - 1 range. Probably using the optional // argument because most of the code expect to get a number when // calling `var_int.decode`. assert(hi <= 2097151, "Unsafe integer"); var lo = buf.readUInt32BE(5); value = hi * 4294967296 + lo; length = 9; break; default: value = buf[0]; length = 1; } var rest = buf.slice(length); return {value: value, length: length, rest: rest}; }, /** * Encode number into `var_int`. * @param {(number|Buffer)} value - Input number * @return {Buffer} Encoded `var_int`. */ encode: function(value) { var buf, targetStart; if (typeof value === "number") { assert(value >= 0, "Value cannot be less than zero"); if (value < 253) { buf = Buffer.alloc(1); buf[0] = value; } else if (value < 65536) { buf = Buffer.alloc(3); buf[0] = 253; buf.writeUInt16BE(value, 1, true); } else if (value < 4294967296) { buf = Buffer.alloc(5); buf[0] = 254; buf.writeUInt32BE(value, 1, true); } else { assert(value <= 9007199254740991, "Unsafe integer"); buf = Buffer.alloc(9); buf[0] = 255; buf.writeUInt32BE(Math.floor(value / 4294967296), 1, true); // high32 buf.writeUInt32BE(value % 4294967296, 5, true); // low32 } } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(value)) { assert(value.length <= 8, "Buffer is too big"); buf = Buffer.alloc(9); buf.fill(0); buf[0] = 255; targetStart = 1 + (8 - value.length); value.copy(buf, targetStart); } else { throw new Error("Unknown value type"); } return buf; }, }; /** * Variable length string. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#variable-length-string} * @namespace */ exports.var_str = { /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {number} str - The string itself * @property {number} length - `var_str` full length * @property {Buffer} rest - The rest of the input buffer * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.var_str */ /** * Decode `var_str`. * NOTE: `rest` references input buffer. * @param {Buffer} buf - A buffer that starts with encoded `var_str` * @return {DecodeResult} * [Decoded `var_str` structure.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.var_str.DecodeResult} */ decode: function(buf) { var decoded = var_int.decode(buf); var strLength = decoded.value; var length = decoded.length + strLength; assert(buf.length >= length, "Buffer is too small"); // XXX(Kagami): Spec doesn't mention encoding, using UTF-8. var str = decoded.rest.slice(0, strLength).toString("utf8"); var rest = decoded.rest.slice(strLength); return {str: str, length: length, rest: rest}; }, /** * Encode string into `var_str`. * @param {string} str - A string * @return {Buffer} Encoded `var_str`. */ encode: function(str) { // XXX(Kagami): Spec doesn't mention encoding, using UTF-8. var strBuf = Buffer.from(str, "utf8"); return Buffer.concat([var_int.encode(strBuf.length), strBuf]); }, }; /** * Variable length list of integers. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#variable-length-list-of-integers} * @namespace */ exports.var_int_list = { /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {number} list - Stored numbers * @property {number} length - `var_int_list` full length * @property {Buffer} rest - The rest of the input buffer * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.var_int_list */ /** * Decode `var_int_list`. * NOTE: `rest` references input buffer. * @param {Buffer} buf - A buffer that starts with encoded * `var_int_list` * @return {DecodeResult} * [Decoded `var_int_list` structure.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.var_int_list.DecodeResult} */ decode: function(buf) { var decoded = var_int.decode(buf); var listLength = decoded.value; var list = new Array(listLength); var rest = decoded.rest; var sumLength = decoded.length; for (var i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { decoded = var_int.decode(rest); list[i] = decoded.value; rest = decoded.rest; sumLength += decoded.length; } return {list: list, length: sumLength, rest: rest}; }, /** * Encode list of numbers into `var_int_list`. * @param {number[]} list - A number list * @return {Buffer} Encoded `var_int_list`. */ encode: function(list) { var var_ints = list.map(var_int.encode); var bufs = [var_int.encode(list.length)].concat(var_ints); return Buffer.concat(bufs); }, }; // Very simple inet_ntop(3) equivalent. function inet_ntop(buf) { assert(buf.length === 16, "Bad buffer size"); // IPv4 mapped to IPv6. if (bufferEqual(buf.slice(0, 12), IPv4_MAPPING)) { return Array.prototype.join.call(buf.slice(12), "."); // IPv6. } else { // TODO(Kagami): Join empty groups to make address looks nicer. var groups = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { groups.push(buf.readUInt16BE(i * 2, true).toString(16)); } return groups.join(":"); } } /** * Network address. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#network-address} * @namespace */ exports.net_addr = { /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {Date} time - Time the node was last active, not included * in short mode * @property {number} stream - Stream number of the node, not included * in short mode * @property {Object} services - * [Services]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield} * provided by the node * @property {string} host - IPv4/IPv6 address of the node * @property {number} port - Incoming port of the node * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.net_addr */ /** * Decode `net_addr`. * @param {Buffer} buf - A buffer that contains encoded `net_addr` * @param {Object=} opts - Decoding options; use `short` option to * decode `net_addr` from * [version message]{@link module:bitmessage/messages.version} * @return {DecodeResult} * [Decoded `net_addr` structure.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.net_addr.DecodeResult} */ decode: function(buf, opts) { var short = !!(opts || {}).short; var res = {}; if (short) { assert(buf.length === 26, "Bad buffer size"); } else { assert(buf.length === 38, "Bad buffer size"); var timeHi = buf.readUInt32BE(0, true); var timeLo = buf.readUInt32BE(4, true); // JavaScript's Date object can't work with timestamps higher than // 8640000000000 (~2^43, ~275760 year). Hope JavaScript will // support 64-bit numbers up to this date. assert(timeHi <= 2011, "Time is too high"); assert(timeHi !== 2011 || timeLo <= 2820767744, "Time is too high"); res.time = new Date((timeHi * 4294967296 + timeLo) * 1000); res.stream = buf.readUInt32BE(8, true); buf = buf.slice(12); } res.services = ServicesBitfield(buf.slice(0, 8), {copy: true}); res.host = inet_ntop(buf.slice(8, 24)); res.port = buf.readUInt16BE(24, true); return res; }, /** * Encode `net_addr`. * @param {Object} opts - Encoding options * @param {boolean=} opts.short - Encode `net_addr` for * [version message]{@link module:bitmessage/messages.version} * (false by default) * @param {Date=} opts.time - Time the node was last active, not * included in short mode (current time by default) * @param {number=} opts.stream - Stream number of the node, not * included in short mode (1 by default) * @param {(Object|Buffer)=} opts.services - * [Services]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield} * provided by the node (`NODE_NETWORK` by default) * @param {string} opts.host - IPv4/IPv6 address of the node * @param {number} opts.port - Incoming port of the node * @return {Buffer} Encoded `net_addr`. */ encode: function(opts) { // Be aware of `Buffer.slice` quirk in browserify: // (does not modify parent buffer's memory in // old browsers). So we use offset instead of `buf = buf.slice`. var buf, shift; if (opts.short) { buf = Buffer.alloc(26); shift = 0; } else { buf = Buffer.alloc(38); var time = opts.time || new Date(); time = Math.floor(time.getTime() / 1000); buf.writeUInt32BE(Math.floor(time / 4294967296), 0, true); // high32 buf.writeUInt32BE(time % 4294967296, 4, true); // low32 var stream = opts.stream || 1; buf.writeUInt32BE(stream, 8); shift = 12; } var services = opts.services || ServicesBitfield().set(ServicesBitfield.NODE_NETWORK); if (Buffer.isBuffer(services)) { assert(services.length === 8, "Bad services buffer length"); } else { services = services.buffer; } services.copy(buf, shift); inet_pton(opts.host).copy(buf, shift + 8); buf.writeUInt16BE(opts.port, shift + 24); return buf; }, }; /** * Inventory vector. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#inventory-vectors} * @namespace */ exports.inv_vect = { // NOTE(Kagami): Only encode operation is defined because decoding of // the encoded vector is impossible. /** * Encode inventory vector. * @param {Buffer} buf - Payload to calculate the inventory vector for * @return {Buffer} A 32-byte encoded `inv_vect`. */ encode: function(buf) { return bmcrypto.sha512(bmcrypto.sha512(buf)).slice(0, 32); }, }; /** * Encrypted payload. * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#encrypted-payload} * @namespace encrypted * @static */ /** * @typedef {Object} DecodeResult * @property {Buffer} iv - Initialization vector (16 bytes) * @property {Buffer} ephemPrivateKey - Ephemeral private key (32 bytes) * @property {Buffer} ciphertext - The result of encryption (variable * size) * @property {Buffer} mac - Message authentication code (32 bytes) * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.encrypted */ /** * Decode encrypted payload. * NOTE: all structure members are copied. * @param {Buffer} buf - A buffer that contains encrypted payload * @return {DecodeResult} * [Decoded `encrypted` structure.]{@link module:bitmessage/structs.encrypted.DecodeResult} * @function decode * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.encrypted */ /** * Encode `encrypted`. * @param {Object} opts - Encoding options * @param {Buffer} opts.iv - Initialization vector (16 bytes) * @param {Buffer} opts.ephemPrivateKey - Ephemeral private key (32 * bytes) * @param {Buffer} opts.ciphertext - The result of encryption (variable * size) * @param {Buffer} opts.mac - Message authentication code (32 bytes) * @return {Buffer} Encoded `encrypted` payload. * @function encode * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.encrypted */ // Reexport struct. exports.encrypted = bmcrypto.encrypted; // Creates bitfield (MSB 0) class of the specified size. var Bitfield = function(size) { var bytesize = size / 8; // Inspired by . function BitfieldInner(buf, opts) { if (!(this instanceof BitfieldInner)) { return new BitfieldInner(buf); } opts = opts || {}; if (buf) { assert(buf.length === bytesize, "Bad buffer size"); if (opts.copy) { var dup = Buffer.alloc(bytesize); dup.fill(0); buf.copy(dup); buf = dup; } } else { buf = Buffer.alloc(bytesize); buf.fill(0); } this.buffer = buf; } BitfieldInner.prototype.get = function(bits) { if (!Array.isArray(bits)) { bits = [bits]; } var buf = this.buffer; return bits.every(function(bit) { assert(bit >= 0, "Bit number is too low"); assert(bit < size, "Bit number is too high"); var index = Math.floor(bit / 8); var shift = 7 - (bit % 8); return (buf[index] & (1 << shift)) !== 0; // jshint ignore:line }); }; BitfieldInner.prototype.set = function(bits) { if (!Array.isArray(bits)) { bits = [bits]; } var buf = this.buffer; bits.forEach(function(bit) { assert(bit >= 0, "Bit number is too low"); assert(bit < size, "Bit number is too high"); var index = Math.floor(bit / 8); var shift = 7 - (bit % 8); buf[index] |= 1 << shift; // jshint ignore:line }); return this; }; BitfieldInner.prototype.toString = function() { var i; var str = ""; for (i = 0; i < this.buffer.length; i++) { // Should be faster than pushing to array and joining on v8. str += ("0000000" + this.buffer[i].toString(2)).slice(-8); } return ""; }; return BitfieldInner; }; /** * Service features bitfield (MSB 0). * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#version} * @param {Buffer=} buf - A 8-byte bitfield buffer (will be created if * not provided or will be copied if `opts.copy` is `true`) * @param {Object=} opts - Options * @constructor * @static * @example * var ServicesBitfield = require("bitmessage").structs.ServicesBitfield; * var services = ServicesBitfield().set(ServicesBitfield.NODE_NETWORK); * console.log(services.get(ServicesBitfield.NODE_NETWORK)); // true * console.log(services.get(15)); // false */ // NOTE(Kagami): Since pubkey bitfield uses MSB 0, we use it here too. // See for // details. var ServicesBitfield = exports.ServicesBitfield = objectAssign(Bitfield(64), { /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the bit is set. * @param {number} index - Bit index (MSB 0) * @function get * @instance * @return {boolean} * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield */ /** * Set the given bit(s) to `1`. * @param {(number|number[])} index - Bit(s) index (MSB 0) * @function set * @instance * @return {Object} Returns self so methods can be chained. * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield */ /** * The contents of the bitfield. * @type {Buffer} * @var buffer * @instance * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield */ /** * Bit index indicating normal network node. * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield * @constant {number} */ NODE_NETWORK: 63, /** * Bit index indicating web/mobile client with limited network * capabilities (proposal feature). * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Mobile_Protocol_specification} * @constant {number} */ NODE_MOBILE: 62, /** * Bit index indicating node which can work as a WebSocket gateway for * web/mobile clients (proposal feature). * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.ServicesBitfield * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Mobile_Protocol_specification} * @constant {number} */ NODE_GATEWAY: 61, }); /** * Pubkey features bitfield (MSB 0). * @see {@link https://pybitmessage.rtfd.io/en/v0.6/protocol.html#pubkey-bitfield-features} * @param {Buffer=} buf - A 4-byte bitfield buffer (will be created if * not provided or will be copied if `opts.copy` is `true`) * @param {Object=} opts - Options * @constructor * @example * var PubkeyBitfield = require("bitmessage").structs.PubkeyBitfield; * var behavior = PubkeyBitfield().set([ * PubkeyBitfield.INCLUDE_DESTINATION, * PubkeyBitfield.DOES_ACK, * ]).set(1); * console.log(behavior.get(PubkeyBitfield.DOES_ACK)); // true * console.log(behavior.get(15)); // false */ exports.PubkeyBitfield = objectAssign(Bitfield(32), { /** * Returns a boolean indicating whether the bit is set. * @param {number} index - Bit index (MSB 0) * @function get * @instance * @return {boolean} * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.PubkeyBitfield */ /** * Set the given bit(s) to `1`. * @param {(number|number[])} index - Bit(s) index (MSB 0) * @function set * @instance * @return {Object} Returns self so methods can be chained. * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.PubkeyBitfield */ /** * The contents of the bitfield. * @type {Buffer} * @var buffer * @instance * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.PubkeyBitfield */ /** * Bit index. * If set, the receiving node does send acknowledgements (rather than * dropping them). * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.PubkeyBitfield * @constant {number} */ DOES_ACK: 31, /** * Bit index. * If set, the receiving node expects that the RIPEMD hash encoded in * their address preceedes the encrypted message data of msg messages * bound for them. * @memberof module:bitmessage/structs.PubkeyBitfield * @constant {number} */ INCLUDE_DESTINATION: 30, });