/** * Working with messages. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#Message_types} * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification_v3#Message_types} * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/Bitmessage%20Technical%20Paper.pdf} * @module bitmessage/messages */ "use strict"; var assert = require("./util").assert; var structs = require("./structs"); var UserAgent = require("./user-agent"); var util = require("./util"); /** * `version` message. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#version} * @namespace */ exports.version = { /** Random nonce used to detect connections to self. */ NONCE: new Buffer("20bde0a3355dad78", "hex"), /** * Decode `version` message payload. * NOTE: `nonce` is copied. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message payload * @return {Object} Decoded `version` structure. */ decode: function(buf) { // 4 + 8 + 8 + 26 + 26 + 8 + (1+) + (1+) assert(buf.length >= 82, "Buffer is too small"); var protoVersion = buf.readUInt32BE(0, true); var services = structs.serviceFeatures.decode(buf.slice(4, 12)); var time = util.readTime64BE(buf, 12); var short = {short: true}; var addrRecv = structs.net_addr.decode(buf.slice(20, 46), short); var addrFrom = structs.net_addr.decode(buf.slice(46, 72), short); var nonce = new Buffer(8); buf.copy(nonce, 0, 72, 80); var decodedUa = UserAgent.decode(buf.slice(80)); var decodedStreamNumbers = structs.var_int_list.decode(decodedUa.rest); return { version: protoVersion, services: services, time: time, remoteHost: addrRecv.host, remotePort: addrRecv.port, port: addrFrom.port, nonce: nonce, software: decodedUa.software, streamNumbers: decodedStreamNumbers.list, // NOTE(Kagami): Real data length. It may be some gap between end // of stream numbers list and end of payload: // [payload..............[stream numbers]xxxx] // We are currently ignoring that. length: 80 + decodedUa.length + decodedStreamNumbers.length, }; }, /** * Encode `version` message payload. * @param {Object} opts - Version options * @return {Buffer} Encoded payload. */ encode: function(opts) { // Deal with default options. var services = opts.services || [structs.serviceFeatures.NODE_NETWORK]; var time = opts.time || new Date(); var nonce = opts.nonce || exports.version.NONCE; assert(nonce.length === 8, "Bad nonce"); var software = opts.software || UserAgent.SELF; var streamNumbers = opts.streamNumbers || [1]; // Start encoding. var protoVersion = new Buffer(4); protoVersion.writeUInt32BE(require("./").PROTOCOL_VERSION, 0); var addrRecv = structs.net_addr.encode({ services: services, host: opts.remoteHost, port: opts.remotePort, short: true, }); var addrFrom = structs.net_addr.encode({ services: services, host: "", port: opts.port, short: true, }); return Buffer.concat([ protoVersion, structs.serviceFeatures.encode(services), util.writeTime64BE(null, time), addrRecv, addrFrom, nonce, UserAgent.encode(software), structs.var_int_list.encode(streamNumbers), ]); }, }; /** * `addr` message. Provide information on known nodes of the network. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#addr} * @namespace */ exports.addr = { /** * Decode `addr` message payload. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message payload * @return {Object} Decoded `addr` structure. */ decode: function(buf) { var decoded = structs.var_int.decode(buf); var listLength = decoded.value; assert(listLength <= 1000, "Too many address entires"); var length = decoded.length + listLength * 38; assert(buf.length >= length, "Buffer is too small"); var rest = decoded.rest; var addrs = new Array(listLength); for (var i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { addrs[i] = structs.net_addr.decode(rest.slice(i*38, (i+1)*38)); } return { addrs: addrs, // Real data length. length: length, }; }, /** * Encode `addr` message payload. * @param {Object[]} addrs - Network addresses * @return {Buffer} Encoded payload. */ encode: function(addrs) { assert(addrs.length <= 1000, "Too many address entires"); var addrsBuf = Buffer.concat(addrs.map(structs.net_addr.encode)); return Buffer.concat([structs.var_int.encode(addrs.length), addrsBuf]); }, }; /** * `inv` message. Allows a node to advertise its knowledge of one or * more objects. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#inv} * @namespace * @static */ var inv = exports.inv = { /** * Decode `inv` message payload. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message payload * @return {Object} Decoded `inv` structure. */ decode: function(buf) { var decoded = structs.var_int.decode(buf); var listLength = decoded.value; assert(listLength <= 50000, "Too many inventory entires"); var length = decoded.length + listLength * 32; assert(buf.length >= length, "Buffer is too small"); var rest = decoded.rest; var inventory = new Array(listLength); for (var i = 0; i < listLength; i++) { inventory[i] = rest.slice(i*32, (i+1)*32); } return { inventory: inventory, // Real data length. length: length, }; }, /** * Encode `inv` message payload. * @param {Buffer[]} inventory - Inventory vector list (encoded) * @return {Buffer} Encoded payload. */ encode: function(inventory) { assert(inventory.length <= 50000, "Too many inventory entires"); var invBuf = Buffer.concat(inventory); return Buffer.concat([structs.var_int.encode(inventory.length), invBuf]); }, }; /** * `getdata` message. `getdata` is used in response to an `inv` message * to retrieve the content of a specific object after filtering known * elements. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#getdata} * @namespace */ exports.getdata = inv; /** * `error` message. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification_v3#error} * @namespace */ var error = exports.error = { /** * Just a warning. */ WARNING: 0, /** * It's an error, something was going wrong (e.g. an object got lost). */ ERROR: 1, /** * It's a fatal error. The node will drop the line for that error and * maybe ban you for some time. */ FATAL: 2, /** * Decode `error` message payload. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message payload * @return {Object} Decoded `error` structure. */ decode: function(buf) { assert(buf.length >= 4, "Buffer is too small"); var decodedFatal = structs.var_int.decode(buf); var decodedBanTime = structs.var_int.decode(decodedFatal.rest); var decodedVector = structs.var_str.decode(decodedBanTime.rest); var decodedErrorText = structs.var_str.decode(decodedVector.rest); var length = ( decodedFatal.length + decodedBanTime.length + decodedVector.length + decodedErrorText.length ); return { fatal: decodedFatal.value, banTime: decodedBanTime.value, vector: decodedVector.str, errorText: decodedErrorText.str, // Real data length. length: length, }; }, /** * Encode `error` message payload. * @param {Object} opts - Error options * @return {Buffer} Encoded payload. */ encode: function(opts) { var fatal = opts.fatal || error.WARNING; var banTime = opts.banTime || 0; var vector = opts.vector || ""; var errorText = opts.errorText || ""; return Buffer.concat([ structs.var_int.encode(fatal), structs.var_int.encode(banTime), structs.var_str.encode(vector), structs.var_str.encode(errorText), ]); }, }; /** * `object` message. An `object` is a message which is shared throughout * a stream. It is the only message which propagates; all others are * only between two nodes. * NOTE: You shouldn't use `encode` and `decode` methods directly. * Instead, get type of the object and encode/decode it with appropriate * function from `objects` module. * @see {@link https://bitmessage.org/wiki/Protocol_specification#object} * @namespace */ exports.object = { // Known types. GETPUBKEY: 0, PUBKEY: 1, MSG: 2, BROADCAST: 3, /** * Returns type of the `object` message if we can parse it. Per spec * we should still relay unknown objects. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message payload * @return {?number} Object type. */ getType: function(buf) { // Per v3 spec object starts with nonce (8 bytes), expiresTime (8 // bytes) and objectType (4 bytes). So we need only first 20 bytes // to read the type. if (buf.length >= 20) { return buf.readUInt32BE(16, true); } }, /** * Decode `object` message payload. * NOTE: `nonce` is copied, `payload` references input buffer. * @param {Buffer} buf - Message payload * @return {Object} Decoded `object` structure. */ decode: function(buf) { // 8 + 8 + 4 + (1+) + (1+) assert(buf.length >= 22, "object message payload is too small"); var nonce = new Buffer(8); buf.copy(nonce, 0, 0, 8); var expiresTime = util.readTimestamp64BE(buf.slice(8, 16)); var ttl = expiresTime - util.tnow(); assert(ttl >= -3600, "Object expired more than a hour ago"); assert(ttl <= 2430000, "expiresTime is too far in the future"); var type = buf.readUInt32BE(16, true); var decodedVersion = structs.var_int.decode(buf.slice(20)); var decodedStream = structs.var_int.decode(decodedVersion.rest); return { nonce: nonce, ttl: ttl, type: type, version: decodedVersion.value, stream: decodedStream.value, payload: decodedStream.rest, }; }, /** * Encode `object` message payload. * @param {Object} opts - Object options * @return {Buffer} Encoded payload. */ encode: function(opts) { assert(opts.nonce.length === 8, "Bad nonce"); assert(opts.ttl > 0, "Bad TTL"); assert(opts.ttl <= 2430000, "TTL may not be larger than 28 days + 3 hours"); var expiresTime = util.tnow() + opts.ttl; var type = new Buffer(4); type.writeUInt32BE(opts.type, 0); var stream = opts.stream || 1; return Buffer.concat([ opts.nonce, util.writeUInt64BE(null, expiresTime), type, structs.var_int.encode(opts.version), structs.var_int.encode(stream), opts.payload, ]); }, };