var expect = require("chai").expect; var bitmessage = require("../lib"); var structs = bitmessage.structs; var ServicesBitfield = structs.ServicesBitfield; var message = structs.message; var WsTransport = require("../lib/net/ws"); var TcpTransport, tcp; if (!process.browser) { TcpTransport = require("../lib/net/tcp"); describe("TCP transport", function() { before(function(done) { tcp = new TcpTransport(); tcp.on("error", function(err) { console.log("TCP transport error: " + err); }); tcp.on("warning", function(warn) { console.log("TCP transport warning: " + warn); }); // Wait some time for the server. setTimeout(done, 300); }); it("should return nothing on bootstrap by default", function() { return tcp.bootstrap().then(function(nodes) { expect(nodes); }); }); it("should resolve DNS seeds on bootstrap", function() { this.timeout(10000); var tcp2 = new TcpTransport({ dnsSeeds: [["", 8444]], }); return tcp2.bootstrap().then(function(nodes) { expect(nodes); expect(nodes[0][1]); }); }); it("should return hardcoded seeds on bootstrap", function() { this.timeout(10000); var tcp3 = new TcpTransport({ seeds: [["", 8080]], dnsSeeds: [["", 8444]], }); return tcp3.bootstrap().then(function(nodes) { expect(nodes); expect(nodes[0][1]); expect(nodes[nodes.length - 1][0]).to.equal(""); expect(nodes[nodes.length - 1][1]).to.equal(8080); }); }); it("should allow to interconnect two nodes", function(done) { tcp.connect(22333, ""); tcp.once("open", function() { done(); }); }); it("should automatically establish connection", function(done) { tcp.once("established", function(version) { expect(version.version).to.equal(3); expect(; expect(version.remoteHost).to.equal(""); expect(version.port).to.equal(22333); expect(version.userAgent)"string"); expect(version.streamNumbers).to.deep.equal([1]); done(); }); }); it("should allow to communicate", function(done) { tcp.on("message", function cb(command, payload) { if (command === "echo-res") { expect(payload.toString()).to.equal("test"); tcp.removeListener("message", cb); done(); } }); tcp.send("echo-req", Buffer("test")); }); it("should allow to close connection", function(done) { tcp.close(); tcp.once("close", function() { done(); }); }); }); } describe("WebSocket transport", function() { var ws; before(function(done) { ws = new WsTransport(); ws.on("error", function(err) { console.log("WebSocket transport error: " + err); }); ws.on("warning", function(warn) { console.log("WebSocket transport warning: " + warn); }); // Wait some time for the server. setTimeout(done, 300); }); it("should return hardcoded seeds on bootstrap", function() { var ws2 = new WsTransport({seeds: [["", 8080]]}); return ws2.bootstrap().then(function(nodes) { expect(nodes).to.have.length(1); expect(nodes[0][0])""); expect(nodes[0][1]); }); }); it("should allow to interconnect two nodes", function(done) { ws.connect("ws://"); ws.once("open", function() { done(); }); }); it("should automatically establish connection", function(done) { ws.once("established", function(version) { expect(; expect(version.remoteHost).to.equal(""); expect(version.port).to.equal(22334); expect(version.userAgent)"string"); expect(version.streamNumbers).to.deep.equal([1]); done(); }); }); it("should allow to communicate", function(done) { ws.on("message", function cb(command, payload) { if (command === "echo-res") { expect(payload.toString()).to.equal("test"); ws.removeListener("message", cb); done(); } }); ws.send("echo-req", Buffer("test")); }); it("should allow to close connection", function(done) { ws.close(); ws.once("close", function() { done(); }); }); });