/** * Implements WIF encoding/decoding. * @see {@link https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Wallet_import_format} * @module bitmessage/wif */ "use strict"; require("es6-promise").polyfill(); var assert = require("assert"); var bufferEqual = require("buffer-equal"); var bs58 = require("bs58"); var bmcrypto = require("./crypto"); // Compute the WIF checksum for the given data. function getchecksum(data) { return bmcrypto.sha256(data).then(bmcrypto.sha256).then(function(dhash) { return dhash.slice(0, 4); }); } /** * Decode WIF encoded private key. * @param {string} wif - Encoded key * @return {Promise.} Private key. */ exports.decode = function(wif) { var bytes; try { bytes = bs58.decode(wif); assert(bytes[0] === 0x80, "Bad WIF"); } catch(e) { return Promise.reject(e); } var data = new Buffer(bytes.slice(0, -4)); var checksum = new Buffer(bytes.slice(-4)); return getchecksum(data).then(function(realchecksum) { assert(bufferEqual(checksum, realchecksum), "Bad checkum"); return data.slice(1); }); }; /** * Convert private key to a WIF. * @param {Buffer} privateKey - A private key to encode * @return {Promise.} Encoded private key. */ exports.encode = function(privateKey) { var data = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0x80]), privateKey]); return getchecksum(data).then(function(checksum) { var bytes = Buffer.concat([data, checksum]); return bs58.encode(bytes); }); };