Update webhook and setup #1
@ -1,8 +1,19 @@
import sys
import os
import base64
import base64
import time
import json
import json
import re
import re
import hmac
import hmac
import pprint
import hashlib
import hashlib
import requests
from subprocess import call
from base64 import b64encode
from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
from buildbot.process.properties import Properties
from buildbot.util import bytes2unicode, unicode2bytes
from buildbot.util import bytes2unicode, unicode2bytes
from buildbot.www.hooks.base import BaseHookHandler
from buildbot.www.hooks.base import BaseHookHandler
@ -15,220 +26,32 @@ from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse
_EVENT_KEY = 'event'
_EVENT_KEY = 'event'
transifexSecret = ""
transifexUsername = ""
transifexPassword = ""
transifex_dict = {}
secret = ""
master = ""
gitHubToken = os.environ('gitHubToken')
class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
# def verifyGitHubSignature (environ, payload_body):
def __init__(self, master, secret, transifex_dict):
# signature = 'sha1=' + hmac.new(gitHubSecret, payload_body, sha1).hexdigest()
self.secret = secret
# try:
self.master = master
# if signature != environ.get('X-TX-Signature'):
self.transifex_dict = transifex_dict
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def verifyTransifexSignature (environ, payload_body):
# signature = b64encode(hmac.new(transifexSecret, payload_body, sha1).digest())
# try:
# debug(signature)
# if signature != environ.get('HTTP_X_TX_SIGNATURE'):
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def returnMessage(status = False, message = "Unimplemented"):
# output = json.dumps({"status": "OK" if status else "FAIL", "message": message})
# return [output, [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),
# ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))
# ]]
# def application(environ, start_response):
# status = '200 OK'
# output = ''
# lockWait()
# length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
# body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length)
# if "Transifex" in environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"):
# # debug(environ)
# # debug(body)
# if not verifyTransifexSignature(environ, body):
# debug ("Verify Transifex Signature fail, but fuck them")
# else:
# debug ("Verify Transifex Signature ok")
# # output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Checksum bad")
# # start_response(status, responseHeaders)
# # unlock()
# # return [output]
# try:
# # debug(body)
# payload = parse_qs(body)
# # debug(payload)
# if 'pybitmessage' in payload['project'] and 'pybitmessage' in payload['resource']:
# if 'translated' in payload and '100' in payload['translated']:
# ts = int(time.time())
# updateLocalTranslationDestination(ts, payload['language'][0].lower())
# downloadTranslatedLanguage(ts, payload['language'][0])
# response = commitTranslatedLanguage(ts, payload['language'][0].lower())
# if response.ok:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(True, "Processed.")
# else:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Error: %i." % (response.status_code))
# else:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Nothing to do")
# else:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Nothing to do")
# except:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(True, "Not processing")
# else:
# debug("Unknown command %s" % (environ.get("HTTP_X_GITHUB_EVENT")))
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(True, "Unknown command, ignoring")
def __init__(self, transifex_dict=None):
super(TransifexHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def process_translation_completed(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
refname = payload["ref"]
changes = []
# We only care about regular heads or tags
match = re.match(r"^refs/(heads|tags)/(.+)$", refname)
if event_type == 'translation_completed':
if not match:
log.msg("Ignoring refname '{}': Not a branch or tag".format(refname))
return changes
branch = match.group(2)
repository = payload['repository']
repo_url = repository['ssh_url']
project = repository['full_name']
commits = payload['commits']
if isinstance(self.options, dict) and self.options.get('onlyIncludePushCommit', False):
commits = commits[:1]
for commit in commits:
files = []
for kind in ('added', 'modified', 'removed'):
files.extend(commit.get(kind, []) or [])
timestamp = dateparse(commit['timestamp'])
change = {
'author': '{} <{}>'.format(commit['author']['name'],
'files': files,
'comments': commit['message'],
'revision': commit['id'],
'when_timestamp': timestamp,
'branch': branch,
'revlink': commit['url'],
'repository': repo_url,
'project': project,
'category': event_type,
'properties': {
'event': event_type,
'repository_name': repository['name'],
'owner': repository["owner"]["username"]
if codebase is not None:
change['codebase'] = codebase
changes.insert(0, change)
return changes
def process_review_completed(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
action = payload['action']
if event_type == 'review_completed':
# Only handle potential new stuff, ignore close/.
# Merge itself is handled by the regular branch push message
if action not in ['opened', 'synchronized', 'edited', 'reopened']:
log.msg("Transifex Pull Request event '{}' ignored".format(action))
return []
# pull_request = payload['pull_request']
# if not pull_request['mergeable']:
# log.msg("Transifex Pull Request ignored because it is not mergeable.")
# return []
# if pull_request['merged']:
# log.msg("Transifex Pull Request ignored because it is already merged.")
# return []
# timestamp = dateparse(pull_request['updated_at'])
# base = pull_request['base']
# head = pull_request['head']
repository = payload['repository']
change = {
'author': '{} <{}>'.format(pull_request['user']['full_name'],
# 'comments': 'PR#{}: {}\n\n{}'.format(
# pull_request['number'],
# pull_request['title'],
# pull_request['body']),
'revision': base['sha'],
'when_timestamp': timestamp,
'branch': base['ref'],
# 'revlink': pull_request['html_url'],
'repository': base['repo']['ssh_url'],
'project': repository['full_name'],
'category': event_type,
'properties': {
'event': event_type,
'base_branch': base['ref'],
'base_sha': base['sha'],
'base_repo_id': base['repo_id'],
'base_repository': base['repo']['clone_url'],
'base_git_ssh_url': base['repo']['ssh_url'],
'head_branch': head['ref'],
'head_sha': head['sha'],
'head_repo_id': head['repo_id'],
'head_repository': head['repo']['clone_url'],
'head_git_ssh_url': head['repo']['ssh_url'],
'head_owner': head['repo']['owner']['username'],
'head_reponame': head['repo']['name'],
# 'pr_id': pull_request['id'],
# 'pr_number': pull_request['number'],
'repository_name': repository['name'],
'owner': repository["owner"]["username"],
if codebase is not None:
change['codebase'] = codebase
return [change]
def _transform_variables(payload):
retval = {
project: payload.get('project'),
repository = [payload.get('resource')],
branch = payload.get('language')
return retval
def getChanges(self, request):
secret = None
if isinstance(self.options, dict):
secret = self.options.get('secret')
content = request.content.read()
content_text = bytes2unicode(content)
payload = json.loads(content_text)
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError('Error loading JSON: ' + str(exception))
if secret is not None:
def returnMessage(self, status = False, message = "Unimplemented"):
p = Properties()
output = json.dumps({"status": "OK" if status else "FAIL", "message": message})
p.master = self.master
return [output, [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),
rendered_secret = yield p.render(secret)
('Content-Length', str(len(output)))
signature = hmac.new(
header_signature = bytes2unicode(
def verifyTransifexSignature(
self, request, content, rendered_secret, signature, header_signature
http_verb = 'POST'
http_verb = 'POST'
http_url_path = request.headers('X-TX-Url')
http_url_path = request.headers('X-TX-Url')
PeterSurda marked this conversation as resolved
http_gmt_date = request.headers('Date')
http_gmt_date = request.headers('Date')
@ -246,6 +69,136 @@ class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
if tx_signature() != header_signature:
if tx_signature() != header_signature:
raise ValueError('Invalid secret')
raise ValueError('Invalid secret')
if signature != os.environ.get('HTTP_X_TX_SIGNATURE'):
return False
return True
return False
this should be the randomly generated one, the branch of the PR this should be the randomly generated one, the branch of the PR
def downloadTranslatedLanguage(self, ts, lang):
headers = {"Authorization": "Basic " + b64encode(transifexUsername + ":" + transifexPassword)}
fname = "bitmessage_" + lang.lower() + ".po"
with open("src/translations/" + fname, "wt") as handle:
response = requests.get("https://www.transifex.com/api/2/project/pybitmessage/resource/pybitmessage/translation/" + lang + "/",
if response.ok:
content = json.loads(response.content)["content"]
return response
def commitTranslatedLanguage(self, ts, lang):
call(["kivy", "src/translations/messages.pro"])
call(["git", "add", "src/translations/bitmessage_" + lang + ".ts", "src/translations/bitmessage_" + lang + ".qm"])
call(["git", "commit", "-q", "-S", "-m", "Auto-updated language %s from transifex" % (lang)])
newbranch = "translate_" + lang + "_" + str(ts)
call(["git", "push", "-q", "translations", newbranch + ":" + newbranch])
branch = transifex_dict['branch']
request = {
"title": "Translation update " + lang,
"body": "Auto-updated from transifex",
"head": "PyBitmessageTranslations:" + newbranch,
"base": branch
headers = {"Authorization": "token " + gitHubToken}
response = requests.post("https://api.github.com/repos/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage/pulls",
headers=headers, data=json.dumps(request))
return response
def process_translation_completed(self, payload, transifex_dict, event_type, codebase):
changes = []
transifex_response = self._transform_variables(payload, transifex_dict)
if 'pybitmessage-test' in transifex_response['project'] and 'messagespot' in transifex_response['resource']:
if 'translation_completed' in transifex_response['event'] and 100 in transifex_response['translated']:
ts = int(time.time())
lang = transifex_response['language']
branch = transifex_dict['branch']
self.downloadTranslatedLanguage(ts, lang.lower())
response = self.commitTranslatedLanguage(ts, lang.lower())
if response.ok:
output, responseHeaders = self.returnMessage(True, "Processed.")
output, responseHeaders = self.returnMessage(False, "Error: %i." % (response.status_code))
output, responseHeaders = self.returnMessage(False, "Nothing to do")
output, responseHeaders = self.returnMessage(False, "Nothing to do")
# if isinstance(self.options, dict) and self.options.get('onlyIncludePushCommit', False):
# commits = commits[:1]
# for commit in commits:
# files = []
# for kind in ('added', 'modified', 'removed'):
# files.extend(commit.get(kind, []) or [])
# timestamp = dateparse(commit['timestamp'])
# change = {
# 'author': '{} <{}>'.format(commit['author']['name'],
# commit['author']['email']),
# 'files': files,
# 'comments': commit['message'],
# 'revision': commit['id'],
# 'when_timestamp': timestamp,
# 'branch': branch,
# 'revlink': commit['url'],
# 'repository': repo_url,
# 'project': project,
# 'category': event_type,
# 'properties': {
# 'event': event_type,
# 'repository_name': repository['name'],
# 'owner': repository["owner"]["username"]
# },
# }
# if codebase is not None:
# change['codebase'] = codebase
# changes.insert(0, change)
return changes
def process_review_completed(self, payload, transifex_data):
def _transform_variables(self, payload, transifex_dict):
transifex_variables = {
'project': payload['project'],
"translated": payload['translated'],
"resource": payload['resource'],
"event": payload['event'],
"language": payload['language']
return transifex_variables
def getChanges(self, request):
self.secret = None
if isinstance(self.options, dict):
self.secret = self.options.get('secret')
content = request.content.read()
content_text = bytes2unicode(content)
payload = json.loads(content_text)
except Exception as exception:
raise ValueError('Error loading JSON: ' + str(exception))
if self.secret is not None:
p = Properties()
p.master = self.master
rendered_secret = yield p.render(self.secret)
signature = hmac.new(
header_signature = bytes2unicode(
request, content, rendered_secret,
signature, header_signature
event_type = bytes2unicode(payload.get(_EVENT_KEY), "None")
event_type = bytes2unicode(payload.get(_EVENT_KEY), "None")
log.msg("Received event '{}' from transifex".format(event_type))
log.msg("Received event '{}' from transifex".format(event_type))
Reference in New Issue
Block a user
should use constant