Update webhook and setup #1

shekhar-cis wants to merge 5 commits from shekhar-cis/buildbot-transifex:transifex-webhook into master
2 changed files with 104 additions and 42 deletions
Showing only changes of commit f2587e071d - Show all commits

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@ -16,16 +16,87 @@ _HEADER_USER_AGENT = 'User-Agent'
_EVENT_KEY = 'event'
class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
# def verifyGitHubSignature (environ, payload_body):
# signature = 'sha1=' + hmac.new(gitHubSecret, payload_body, sha1).hexdigest()
# try:
# if signature != environ.get('X-TX-Signature'):
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def verifyTransifexSignature (environ, payload_body):
# signature = b64encode(hmac.new(transifexSecret, payload_body, sha1).digest())
# try:
# debug(signature)
# if signature != environ.get('HTTP_X_TX_SIGNATURE'):
# return False
# return True
# except:
# return False
# def returnMessage(status = False, message = "Unimplemented"):
# output = json.dumps({"status": "OK" if status else "FAIL", "message": message})
# return [output, [('Content-type', 'text/plain'),
# ('Content-Length', str(len(output)))
# ]]
# def application(environ, start_response):
# status = '200 OK'
# output = ''
# lockWait()
# length = int(environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH', '0'))
# body = environ['wsgi.input'].read(length)
# if "Transifex" in environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"):
# # debug(environ)
# # debug(body)
# if not verifyTransifexSignature(environ, body):
PeterSurda marked this conversation as resolved

should use constant

should use constant
# debug ("Verify Transifex Signature fail, but fuck them")
# else:
# debug ("Verify Transifex Signature ok")
# # output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Checksum bad")
# # start_response(status, responseHeaders)
# # unlock()
# # return [output]
# try:
# # debug(body)
# payload = parse_qs(body)
# # debug(payload)
# if 'pybitmessage' in payload['project'] and 'pybitmessage' in payload['resource']:
# if 'translated' in payload and '100' in payload['translated']:
# ts = int(time.time())
# updateLocalTranslationDestination(ts, payload['language'][0].lower())
# downloadTranslatedLanguage(ts, payload['language'][0])
# response = commitTranslatedLanguage(ts, payload['language'][0].lower())
# if response.ok:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(True, "Processed.")
# else:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Error: %i." % (response.status_code))
# else:

this should be the randomly generated one, the branch of the PR

this should be the randomly generated one, the branch of the PR
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Nothing to do")
# else:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(False, "Nothing to do")
# except:
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(True, "Not processing")
# else:
# debug("Unknown command %s" % (environ.get("HTTP_X_GITHUB_EVENT")))
# output, responseHeaders = returnMessage(True, "Unknown command, ignoring")
def __init__(self, transifex_dict=None):
super(TransifexHandler, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def process_translation_completed(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
refname = payload["ref"]
changes = []
# We only care about regular heads or tags
match = re.match(r"^refs/(heads|tags)/(.+)$", refname)
if event_type == 'translation_completed':
if not match:
log.msg("Ignoring refname '{}': Not a branch or tag".format(refname))
return changes
@ -68,36 +139,37 @@ class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
changes.insert(0, change)
return changes
def process_review_compoleted(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
def process_review_completed(self, payload, event_type, codebase):
action = payload['action']
if event_type == 'review_completed':
# Only handle potential new stuff, ignore close/.
# Merge itself is handled by the regular branch push message
if action not in ['opened', 'synchronized', 'edited', 'reopened']:
log.msg("Gitea Pull Request event '{}' ignored".format(action))
log.msg("Transifex Pull Request event '{}' ignored".format(action))
return []
pull_request = payload['pull_request']
if not pull_request['mergeable']:
log.msg("Gitea Pull Request ignored because it is not mergeable.")
return []
if pull_request['merged']:
log.msg("Gitea Pull Request ignored because it is already merged.")
return []
timestamp = dateparse(pull_request['updated_at'])
base = pull_request['base']
head = pull_request['head']
# pull_request = payload['pull_request']
# if not pull_request['mergeable']:
# log.msg("Transifex Pull Request ignored because it is not mergeable.")
# return []
# if pull_request['merged']:
# log.msg("Transifex Pull Request ignored because it is already merged.")
# return []
# timestamp = dateparse(pull_request['updated_at'])
# base = pull_request['base']
# head = pull_request['head']
repository = payload['repository']
change = {
'author': '{} <{}>'.format(pull_request['user']['full_name'],
'comments': 'PR#{}: {}\n\n{}'.format(
# 'comments': 'PR#{}: {}\n\n{}'.format(
# pull_request['number'],
# pull_request['title'],
# pull_request['body']),
'revision': base['sha'],
'when_timestamp': timestamp,
'branch': base['ref'],
'revlink': pull_request['html_url'],
# 'revlink': pull_request['html_url'],
'repository': base['repo']['ssh_url'],
'project': repository['full_name'],
'category': event_type,
@ -115,8 +187,8 @@ class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
'head_git_ssh_url': head['repo']['ssh_url'],
'head_owner': head['repo']['owner']['username'],
'head_reponame': head['repo']['name'],
'pr_id': pull_request['id'],
'pr_number': pull_request['number'],
# 'pr_id': pull_request['id'],
# 'pr_number': pull_request['number'],
'repository_name': repository['name'],
'owner': repository["owner"]["username"],
@ -189,5 +261,4 @@ class TransifexHandler(BaseHookHandler):
return (changes, 'transifex')
# Plugin name
transifex = TransifexHandler
transifex = TransifexHandler(transifex_dict)

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@ -6,32 +6,23 @@ from setuptools import setup
with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
long_description = fh.read()
VERSION = "1.7.2"
VERSION = "0.1"
description='buildbot plugin for integration with Gitea.',
author='Marvin Pohl',
description='buildbot plugin for integration with transifex.',

author and author-email should represent someone who can be in theory contacted for more information.
url is where the plugin can be downloaded from

`author` and `author-email` should represent someone who can be in theory contacted for more information. `url` is where the plugin can be downloaded from
long_description='Transifex webhook',
"buildbot.webhooks": [
"gitea = buildbot_gitea.webhook:gitea"
"buildbot.steps": [
"Gitea = buildbot_gitea.step_source:Gitea"
"buildbot.reporters": [
"GiteaStatusPush = buildbot_gitea.reporter:GiteaStatusPush"
"buildbot.util": [
"GiteaAuth = buildbot_gitea.auth:GiteaAuth"
"transifex = buildbot_transifex.webhook:transifex"