import json import re from buildbot.util import bytes2unicode from buildbot.www.hooks.base import BaseHookHandler from twisted.python import log from dateutil.parser import parse as dateparse _HEADER_EVENT_TYPE = 'X-Gitea-Event' class GiteaHandler(BaseHookHandler): def process_push(self, payload, event_type, codebase): refname = payload["ref"] changes = [] # We only care about regular heads or tags match = re.match(r"^refs/(heads|tags)/(.+)$", refname) if not match: log.msg("Ignoring refname '{}': Not a branch or tag".format(refname)) return changes branch = repository = payload['repository'] repo_url = repository['ssh_url'] project = repository['full_name'] commits = payload['commits'] if isinstance(self.options, dict) and self.options.get('onlyIncludePushCommit', False): commits = commits[:1] for commit in commits: timestamp = dateparse(commit['timestamp']) change = { 'author': '{} <{}>'.format(commit['author']['name'], commit['author']['email']), 'comments': commit['message'], 'revision': commit['id'], 'when_timestamp': timestamp, 'branch': branch, 'revlink': commit['url'], 'repository': repo_url, 'project': project, 'category': event_type, 'properties': { 'event': event_type, 'repository_name': repository['name'], 'owner': repository["owner"]["username"] }, } if codebase is not None: change['codebase'] = codebase changes.append(change) return changes def process_pull_request(self, payload, event_type, codebase): action = payload['action'] # Only handle potential new stuff, ignore close/. # Merge itself is handled by the regular branch push message if action not in ['opened', 'synchronized', 'edited', 'reopened']: log.msg("Gitea Pull Request event '{}' ignored".format(action)) return [] pull_request = payload['pull_request'] if not pull_request['mergeable']: log.msg("Gitea Pull Request ignored because it is not mergeable.") return [] if pull_request['merged']: log.msg("Gitea Pull Request ignored because it is already merged.") return [] timestamp = dateparse(pull_request['updated_at']) base = pull_request['base'] head = pull_request['head'] repository = payload['repository'] change = { 'author': '{} <{}>'.format(pull_request['user']['full_name'], pull_request['user']['email']), 'comments': 'PR#{}: {}\n\n{}'.format( pull_request['number'], pull_request['title'], pull_request['body']), 'revision': head['sha'], 'when_timestamp': timestamp, 'branch': head['ref'], 'revlink': pull_request['html_url'], 'repository': repository['ssh_url'], 'project': repository['full_name'], 'category': event_type, 'properties': { 'event': event_type, 'base_branch': base['ref'], 'base_sha': base['sha'], 'base_repo_id': base['repo_id'], 'base_repository': base['repo']['clone_url'], 'base_git_ssh_url': base['repo']['ssh_url'], 'head_branch': head['ref'], 'head_sha': head['sha'], 'head_repo_id': head['repo_id'], 'head_repository': head['repo']['clone_url'], 'head_git_ssh_url': head['repo']['ssh_url'], 'pr_id': pull_request['id'], 'pr_number': pull_request['number'], 'repository_name': repository['name'], 'owner': repository["owner"]["username"], }, } if codebase is not None: change['codebase'] = codebase return [change] def getChanges(self, request): secret = None if isinstance(self.options, dict): secret = self.options.get('secret') try: content = payload = json.loads(bytes2unicode(content)) except Exception as exception: raise ValueError('Error loading JSON: ' + str(exception)) if secret is not None and secret != payload['secret']: raise ValueError('Invalid secret') event_type = bytes2unicode(request.getHeader(_HEADER_EVENT_TYPE)) log.msg("Received event '{}' from gitea".format(event_type)) codebases = request.args.get('codebase', [None]) codebase = bytes2unicode(codebases[0]) changes = [] handler_function = getattr(self, 'process_{}'.format(event_type), None) if not handler_function: log.msg("Ignoring gitea event '{}'".format(event_type)) else: changes = handler_function(payload, event_type, codebase) return (changes, 'git') class GiteaHandlerPlugin(BaseHookHandler): def __init__(self, master, options): if not options: options = {} super().__init__(master, options) handler_class = options.get('class', GiteaHandler) if 'class' in options: del options['class'] self.handler = handler_class(master, options) def getChanges(self, request): return self.handler.getChanges(request) # Plugin name gitea = GiteaHandlerPlugin