#!/usr/bin/python3 """Agent for setting up accounts for sysdeploy clients""" # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check,too-few-public-methods import os import sys import cherrypy import libvirt import json import threading from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool pool = ThreadPool(processes=1) import uuid from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) TEMPLATE_ENVIRONMENT = Environment( autoescape=False, loader=FileSystemLoader(os.path.join(PATH, 'templates')), trim_blocks=False) #TEMPLATE_ENVIRONMENT.globals['STATIC_PREFIX'] = '/templates/' def render_template(template_filename, context): return TEMPLATE_ENVIRONMENT.get_template(template_filename).render(context) class Client(): """Main manager class""" uris = [ #'qemu+ssh://pool@reserve.homedevops/system', #'qemu+ssh://root@check2.homedevops/system', #'qemu+ssh://root@check3.homedevops/system' 'qemu:///system' ] def __init__(self): self.status = {} self.connections = {} for i in self.uris: self.connections[i] = libvirt.open(i) @cherrypy.expose def getavailable(self): out = "" for n, c in self.connections.items(): # cmap = c.getCPUMap() # out += "CPUs: {}".format(str(cmap[0])) # out += "Available: {}".format(str(cmap[1])) nodeinfo = c.getInfo() mem = nodeinfo[1] cpus = nodeinfo[2] usedmem = 0 usedcpus = 0 domain_ids = c.listDomainsID() for did in domain_ids: dom = c.lookupByID(did) state, maxmem, mem2, cpus, cput = dom.info() usedmem += maxmem/1024 usedcpus += cpus out += "{}: {}/{} CPUs free,{}MiB/{}MiB memory free
\n".format( n, cpus - usedcpus, cpus, str((mem - usedmem)), str(mem)) return out @cherrypy.expose def create( self, name, iso_source, img_source, domain_type="kvm", memory_unit="MiB", memory=1024, current_memory= 1024, vcpu=2, arch="x86_64", machine="pc-q35-4.2", offset="utc", emulator="/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64" ): """ create a VM with given specs boot it and return the ID for future ref """ #TODO: Check host resources(cpus, mem, etc.) before creating a VM param= { "name": name, "uuid": str(uuid.uuid4()), "iso_source": iso_source, "img_source": img_source, "type": domain_type, "memory_unit": memory_unit, "memory": memory, "current_memory": current_memory, "vcpu":vcpu, "arch": arch, "machine": machine, "offset": offset, "emulator": emulator, } context= { 'args': param } xml= render_template("config.tmpl.xml", context) #print(xml) host= self.connections[self.uris[0]] if host: async_result = pool.apply_async(self.__create_vm, (host, xml)) return async_result.get() return "No host available" def __create_vm(self, host, xml): try: vm= host.createXML(xml) return json.dumps({"uuid":vm.UUIDString(), "id":vm.ID(), "status":1}) except Exception as e: return json.dumps({"err":str(e), "status":0}) @cherrypy.expose def gethost(self): """ It'll show relevant info about all available hosts """ host_data= [] for i, each in enumerate(self.uris): tmp= {} c= self.connections[each] nodeinfo = c.getInfo() mem = nodeinfo[1] cpus = nodeinfo[2] usedmem = 0 usedcpus = 0 tmp["sn"]= i+1 tmp["hostname"]= c.getHostname() tmp["status"]= "Alive" if c.isAlive() else "Dead" tmp["uri"]= c.getURI() tmp["cpu"]= {} tmp["mem"]= {} domain_ids = c.listDomainsID() for did in domain_ids: dom = c.lookupByID(did) state, maxmem, mem2, cpus2, cput = dom.info() usedmem += maxmem/1024 usedcpus += cpus2 tmp["cpu"]["total"]= cpus tmp["cpu"]["free"]= cpus - usedcpus tmp["mem"]["total"]= mem tmp["mem"]["free"]= int(mem - usedmem) host_data.append(tmp) return render_template("host.html", {"host_data": host_data}) @cherrypy.expose def getguest(self): """ It'll show host-wise available guests and detailed info about them """ guest_data= [] cnt=0 for i, each in enumerate(self.uris): c= self.connections[each] for did in c.listDomainsID(): dom= c.lookupByID(did) tmp= { "sn": cnt+1, "guestname": dom.name(), "hostname": c.getHostname(), "id_": dom.ID(), "mem": int(dom.info()[1]/1024), "cpu": dom.info()[3], "status": "Active" if dom.isActive() else "Inactive", "uuid": dom.UUIDString() } guest_data.append(tmp) cnt+=1 return render_template("guest.html", {"guest_data": guest_data}) def manage_host(self,host_id): pass ROOT = Client() CONF = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'site.conf') if __name__ == '__main__': # cherrypy.config.update(CONF) cherrypy.server.socket_host = '' cherrypy.server.socket_port = 8080 ENGINE = cherrypy.engine # cherrypy.process.plugins.Daemonizer(engine).subscribe() # cherrypy.process.plugins.DropPrivileges( # ENGINE, uid='cherrypy', gid='cherrypy').subscribe() cherrypy.tree.mount(Client(), '/', config={ '/':{ 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.dir': PATH+"/templates" } } ) if hasattr(ENGINE, "signal_handler"): ENGINE.signal_handler.subscribe() if hasattr(ENGINE, "console_control_handler"): ENGINE.console_control_handler.subscribe() try: ENGINE.start() except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except sys.exit(1) else: ENGINE.block()