#!/bin/bash REPOAPIURL=https://git.bitmessage.org/api/v1/repos/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage upstream="v0.6" if [ -z "${1}" ]; then echo "Please specify a credential string" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${2}" ]; then echo "No PR# specified, here is a list:" curl -s -X GET -u ${1} ${REPOAPIURL}/pulls \ | jq '.[] | select(.state == "open") | .number, .title' | paste - - exit 1 fi # Read PR and parse its fields pr=$(curl -s -X GET -u ${1} ${REPOAPIURL}/pulls/${2}) branch=$(echo $pr | jq '.head | (.repo.ssh_url + " " + .label)' | tr -d '"') title=$(echo $pr | jq '.title') body=$(echo $pr | jq '.body') echo "Merging PR ${2}" # Merge PR branch into the newly created branch and push it to github git checkout v0.6 git branch -d gitea-${2} git checkout -b gitea-${2} v0.6 git pull ${branch} || exit 1 git push --set-upstream origin gitea-${2} git checkout v0.6 if [ -z "${3}" ]; then echo "No github credentials specified, stopping" exit 1 fi head=$(echo ${3} | cut -d: -f1):gitea-${2} REPOAPIURL=https://api.github.com/repos/Bitmessage/PyBitmessage # Create PR on github and parse its fields pr=$(curl -s -u ${3} -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" ${REPOAPIURL}/pulls \ -d "{\"title\":${title},\"body\":${body},\"head\":\"${head}\",\"base\":\"${upstream}\"}") commit=$(echo $pr | jq '.head.sha' | tr -d '"') branch=(echo $pr | jq '.base.ref' | tr -d '"') url=$(echo $pr | jq '.url' | tr -d '"') # Return non-zero status if have a check with conclusion other than "success" pr_status () { # Need Instead compare # required: # curl -s -X GET $branch | jq '.protection.required_status_checks.contexts' # done: # curl -s -X GET ${REPOAPIURL}/commits/${commit}/status checks=$( curl -s -X GET \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ ${REPOAPIURL}/commits/${1}/check-runs) if [[ \ $(echo $checks | jq \ '(.check_runs | map(select(.conclusion == "success")) | length) == .total_count'\ ) != true ]]; then return 1 fi } # Invoke pullrequest.sh script if pr_status is 0 within 30 tries in 5 min for tick in {1..30}; do sleep 10 pr_status ${commit} if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then ./git-tools.sh mergepullrequest $(curl -s -X GET ${url} | jq '.number') break fi done # curl -s -u ${3} -X POST \ # -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" $url/reviews \ # -d '{"event":"APPROVE"}' # "Can not approve your own pull request" # Delete branch: # curl -s -u ${3} -X DELETE -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ # ${REPOAPIURL}/git/refs/heads/gitea-${2}