#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright: (c) 2018, Rafael Bodill # Copyright: (c) 2020, Borjan Tchakaloff # GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt) ANSIBLE_METADATA = { 'metadata_version': '1.1', 'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community' } DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: syncthing_folder short_description: Manage Syncthing folders version_added: "2.7" description: - "This is my longer description explaining my sample module" options: id: description: - This is the unique id of this new folder required: true label: description: - The label for this new folder required: false path: description: - This is the path of the folder required: false devices: description: - List of devices to share folder with required: false fs_watcher: description: - Whether to activate the file-system watcher. default: true ignore_perms: description: - Whether to ignore permissions when looking for changes. default: false type: description: - The folder type: sending local chances, and/or receiving remote changes. default: sendreceive choices: ['sendreceive', 'sendonly', 'receiveonly'] host: description: - Host to connect to, including port default: api_key: description: - API key to use for authentication with host. If not provided, will try to auto-configure from filesystem. required: false config_file: description: - Path to the Syncthing configuration file for automatic discovery (`api_key`). Note that the running user needs read access to the file. required: false timeout: description: - The socket level timeout in seconds default: 30 state: description: - Use present/absent to ensure folder is shared, or not. default: present choices: ['absent', 'present', 'paused'] author: - Rafael Bodill (@rafi) ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Add a folder to synchronize with another device - name: Add syncthing folder syncthing_folder: id: box path: ~/box devices: - 1234-1234-1234-1234 ''' RETURN = ''' response: description: The API response, in-case of an error. type: dict ''' import os import json import platform from xml.etree.ElementTree import parse from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.urls import fetch_url, url_argument_spec SYNCTHING_API_BASE_URI = "/rest" if platform.system() == 'Windows': DEFAULT_ST_CONFIG_LOCATION = '%localappdata%/Syncthing/config.xml' elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': DEFAULT_ST_CONFIG_LOCATION = '$HOME/Library/Application Support/Syncthing/config.xml' else: DEFAULT_ST_CONFIG_LOCATION = '$HOME/.config/syncthing/config.xml' def make_headers(host, api_key, resource): url = '{}{}/{}'.format(host, SYNCTHING_API_BASE_URI, resource) headers = {'X-Api-Key': api_key } return url, headers def get_key_from_filesystem(module): try: if module.params['config_file']: stconfigfile = module.params['config_file'] else: stconfigfile = os.path.expandvars(DEFAULT_ST_CONFIG_LOCATION) stconfig = parse(stconfigfile) root = stconfig.getroot() gui = root.find('gui') api_key = gui.find('apikey').text return api_key except Exception: module.fail_json(msg="Auto-configuration failed. Please specify" "the API key manually.") def get_data_from_rest_api(module, resource): url, headers = make_headers( module.params['host'], module.params['api_key'], resource ) resp, info = fetch_url( module, url, data=None, headers=headers, method='GET', timeout=module.params['timeout'] ) if not info or info['status'] != 200: result['response'] = info module.fail_json(msg='Error occured while calling host', **result) try: content = resp.read() except AttributeError: result['content'] = info.pop('body', '') result['response'] = str(info) module.fail_json(msg='Error occured while reading response', **result) return json.loads(content) # Fetch Syncthing configuration def get_config(module): return get_data_from_rest_api(module, 'system/config') # Fetch Syncthing status def get_status(module): return get_data_from_rest_api(module, 'system/status') # Get the device name -> device ID mapping. def get_devices_mapping(config): return { device['name']: device['deviceID'] for device in config['devices'] } # Get the folder configuration from the global configuration, if it exists def get_folder_config(folder_id, config): for folder in config['folders']: if folder['id'] == folder_id: return folder return None # Post the new configuration to Syncthing API def post_config(module, config, result): url, headers = make_headers( module.params['host'], module.params['api_key'], 'system/config', ) headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' result['msg'] = config resp, info = fetch_url( module, url, data=json.dumps(config), headers=headers, method='POST', timeout=module.params['timeout']) if not info or info['status'] != 200: result['response'] = str(info) module.fail_json(**result) # Returns an object of a new folder def create_folder(params, self_id, current_device_ids, devices_mapping): # We need the current device ID as per the Syncthing API. # If missing, Syncthing will add it alright, but we don't want to give # the false idea that this configuration is different just because of that. wanted_device_ids = {self_id} for device_name_or_id in params['devices']: if device_name_or_id in devices_mapping: wanted_device_ids.add(devices_mapping[device_name_or_id]) else: # Purposefully do not validate we already know this device ID or # name as per previous behavior. This will need to be fixed. wanted_device_ids.add(device_name_or_id) # Keep the original ordering if collections are equivalent. # Again, for idempotency reasons. device_ids = ( current_device_ids if set(current_device_ids) == wanted_device_ids else sorted(wanted_device_ids) ) # Sort the device IDs to keep idem-potency devices = [ { 'deviceID': device_id, 'introducedBy': '', } for device_id in device_ids ] return { 'autoNormalize': True, 'copiers': 0, 'devices': devices, 'disableSparseFiles': False, 'disableTempIndexes': False, 'filesystemType': 'basic', 'fsWatcherDelayS': 10, 'fsWatcherEnabled': params['fs_watcher'], 'hashers': 0, 'id': params['id'], 'ignoreDelete': False, 'ignorePerms': params['ignore_perms'], 'label': params['label'] if params['label'] else params['id'], 'markerName': '.stfolder', 'maxConflicts': -1, 'minDiskFree': { 'unit': '%', 'value': 1 }, 'order': 'random', 'path': params['path'], 'paused': True if params['state'] == 'paused' else False, 'pullerMaxPendingKiB': 0, 'pullerPauseS': 0, 'rescanIntervalS': 3600, 'scanProgressIntervalS': 0, 'type': params['type'], 'useLargeBlocks': False, 'versioning': { 'params': {}, 'type': '' }, 'weakHashThresholdPct': 25 } def run_module(): # module arguments module_args = url_argument_spec() module_args.update(dict( id=dict(type='str', required=True), label=dict(type='str', required=False), path=dict(type='path', required=False), devices=dict(type='list', required=False, default=False), fs_watcher=dict(type='bool', default=True), ignore_perms=dict(type='bool', required=False, default=False), type=dict(type='str', default='sendreceive', choices=['sendreceive', 'sendonly', 'receiveonly']), host=dict(type='str', default=''), api_key=dict(type='str', required=False, no_log=True), config_file=dict(type='path', required=False), timeout=dict(type='int', default=30), state=dict(type='str', default='present', choices=['absent', 'present', 'pause']), )) # seed the result dict in the object result = { "changed": False, "response": None, } # the AnsibleModule object will be our abstraction working with Ansible module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=module_args, supports_check_mode=True ) if module.params['state'] != 'absent' and not module.params['path']: module.fail_json(msg='You must provide a path when creating', **result) if module.check_mode: return result # Auto-configuration: Try to fetch API key from filesystem if not module.params['api_key']: module.params['api_key'] = get_key_from_filesystem(module) config = get_config(module) self_id = get_status(module)['myID'] devices_mapping = get_devices_mapping(config) if module.params['state'] == 'absent': # Remove folder from list, if found for idx, folder in enumerate(config['folders']): if folder['id'] == module.params['id']: config['folders'].pop(idx) result['changed'] = True break else: folder_config = get_folder_config(module.params['id'], config) folder_config_devices = ( [d['deviceID'] for d in folder_config['devices']] if folder_config else [] ) folder_config_wanted = create_folder( module.params, self_id, folder_config_devices, devices_mapping ) if folder_config is None: config['folders'].append(folder_config_wanted) result['changed'] = True elif folder_config != folder_config_wanted: # Update the folder configuration in-place folder_config.clear() folder_config.update(folder_config_wanted) result['changed'] = True if result['changed']: post_config(module, config, result) module.exit_json(**result) def main(): run_module() if __name__ == '__main__': main()