--- - hosts: syncthing vars: syncthing_api: syncthing_service_user: deploy syncthing_folders: - path: /srv/data/media id: media group: staff mode: "0775" - id: default state: absent tasks: - name: Ensure directories state file: path: '{{ item.path }}' state: '{{ "absent" if item.state|d("") == "absent" else "directory" }}' owner: '{{ syncthing_service_user }}' group: '{{ item.group | default("root") }}' mode: '{{ item.mode | default("0755") }}' with_items: "{{ syncthing_folders }}" - name: Get system config to grab unique id of each machine uri: url: "http://{{ syncthing_api }}/rest/system/config" return_content: no status_code: [ 200, 403 ] register: syncthing_config_raw check_mode: no - name: Set each machine with a unique id set_fact: syncthing_id: "{{ syncthing_config_raw.x_syncthing_id }}" syncthing_ids: [] - name: Prepare a list of all machine ids set_fact: syncthing_ids: "{{ syncthing_ids + [ hostvars[item].syncthing_id ] }}" when: inventory_hostname != item with_items: "{{ groups['syncthing'] }}" - name: Ensure syncthing devices syncthing_device: id: "{{ hostvars[item].syncthing_id }}" name: "{{ item }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ syncthing_service_user }}" when: inventory_hostname != item with_items: "{{ groups['syncthing'] }}" - name: Ensure syncthing folders syncthing_folder: path: "{{ item.path | default(omit) }}" id: "{{ item.id }}" devices: "{{ syncthing_ids }}" state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}" become: yes become_user: "{{ syncthing_service_user }}" with_items: "{{ syncthing_folders }}"