import os import sys import cherrypy from cherrypy.lib.static import serve_file import yaml import socket import configparser PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) config = configparser.ConfigParser(), "config.ini")) user_data_filename = config["app"].get("user_data", "user-data") meta_data_filename = config["app"].get("meta_data", "meta-data") redirect_filename = config["app"].get("redirect", "redirect") class MainApp: def _can_ip_be_proxy(self): self.remoteip = cherrypy.request.remote.ip try: ipobj = IPv4Address(self.remoteip) except AddressValueError: try: ipobj = IPv6Address(self.remoteip) except AddressValueError: return False return not ipobj.is_global def _init_ip(self): """ Get remote IP """ if self._can_ip_be_proxy(): try: self.remoteip = cherrypy.request.headers.get( 'X-Real-Ip', cherrypy.request.remote.ip ) except KeyError: pass try: self.hostinfo = socket.gethostbyaddr(self.remoteip) except socket.herror: self.hostinfo = ('localhost', ) def _redirect_if_needed(self): filepath = os.path.join(PATH, "data", self.hostinfo[0], "redirect") if os.path.exists(filepath): try: with open(filepath) as f: content = raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(content[0], 301) except BaseException: return False return False @cherrypy.expose def user_data(self): """ Serves a static file """ self._init_ip() self._redirect_if_needed() filepath = os.path.join(PATH, "data", self.hostinfo[0], user_data_filename) if not os.path.exists(filepath): filepath = os.path.join(PATH, "data", user_data_filename) return serve_file(filepath, "application/x-download", "attachment") @cherrypy.expose def meta_data(self): """ Return meta-data in YAML """ self._init_ip() self._redirect_if_needed() hostname = self.hostinfo[0] data = { "instance-id": hostname.split(".")[0], "local-hostname": hostname } filepath = os.path.join(PATH, "data", hostname, meta_data_filename) if os.path.exists(filepath): with open(filepath, "r") as metadata: for line in metadata.readlines(): linesplit = list(map(lambda k: k.strip(), line.split(":"))) data[linesplit[0]] = linesplit[1] return yaml.dump(data) @cherrypy.expose def vendor_data(self): """ Return empty vendor-data """ return "" @cherrypy.expose def finished(self, data): """ Saves additional meta-data :param data: meta-data to be added """ self._init_ip() folder = os.path.join(PATH, "data", self.hostinfo[0]) if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) with open(os.path.join(folder, meta_data_filename), "w") as f: f.write(data) ROOT = MainApp() if __name__ == "__main__": cherrypy.server.socket_host = config["server"].get("server_host", "") cherrypy.server.socket_port = config["server"].getint("server_port", 8081) ENGINE = cherrypy.engine cherrypy.tree.mount(ROOT) if hasattr(ENGINE, "signal_handler"): ENGINE.signal_handler.subscribe() if hasattr(ENGINE, "console_control_handler"): ENGINE.console_control_handler.subscribe() try: ENGINE.start() except Exception: sys.exit(1) else: ENGINE.block()