446 lines
16 KiB
446 lines
16 KiB
import os
import urllib.request
import logging
import json
import http.client
import subprocess
import re
import shutil
class ServerData:
def __init__(self):
self.hostname = os.uname().nodename
self.public_ip = self.get_public_ip()
self.dmidecode_data = self.parse_dmidecode_output()
self.hdparm_data = self.parse_hdparm_output()
self.nvme_data = self.parse_nvme_devices()
def parse_dmidecode_output(self):
Example dmidecode output:
Handle 0x0069, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00600000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 8 GB
Physical Device Handle: 0x0067
Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x006A
Partition Row Position: Unknown
Interleave Position: 2
Interleaved Data Depth: 2
Handle 0x006A, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
Starting Address: 0x00000000000
Ending Address: 0x007FFFFFFFF
Range Size: 32 GB
Physical Array Handle: 0x005E
Partition Width: 4
if os.path.isfile('/usr/sbin/dmidecode'):
# ignore error messages produced by the command
output = subprocess.check_output(['sudo', '/usr/sbin/dmidecode'], stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).decode('utf-8')
# each section is separated by two newlines
sections = output.split('\n\n')
parsed_sections = []
for section in sections:
# each line in a section is separated by a newline
lines = section.split('\n')
# first line contains the DMI type - only need number
match = re.search(r'DMI type (\d+)', lines[0])
if match:
dmi_type = int(match.group(1))
else: # skip if no DMI type in this section
# each section is a dictionary with DMIType as key
section_dict = {'DMIType': dmi_type}
if len(lines) > 1:
section_dict['description'] = lines[1].strip()
for line in lines[2:]: # skip first two lines - already processed
# each line has tabs at the beginning and space(maybe optional) between key and value
match = re.match(r'\t(.+):\s*(.*)', line)
if match:
key, value = match.groups()
section_dict[key] = value
return parsed_sections
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
return []
def parse_hdparm_output(self):
devices = {}
# Check if hdparm exists
if shutil.which('hdparm') is None:
logging.error("hdparm not found")
return devices
# Get the list of devices
device_list = [device for device in os.listdir('/sys/block') if device.startswith('sd')]
except OSError as e:
logging.error("Failed to get device list: {}".format(e))
return devices
for device in device_list:
# Only get details of devices that start with 'sd': sda, sdb, etc.
if not device.startswith('sd'):
device = '/dev/' + device
# Get the output
output = subprocess.check_output(['hdparm', '-I', device], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
logging.error("Failed to get hdparm output for {}: {}".format(device, e))
# Parse the output
details = {}
model_number_match = re.search(r'Model Number:\s*(.*)', output)
if model_number_match is None:
logging.warning("Skipping device {} as it does not have a model number".format(device))
details['model_number'] = model_number_match.group(1)
details['serial_number'] = re.search(r'Serial Number:\s*(.*)', output).group(1)
details['firmware_revision'] = re.search(r'Firmware Revision:\s*(.*)', output).group(1)
details['transport'] = re.search(r'Transport:\s*(.*)', output).group(1)
details['checksum'] = re.search(r'Checksum:\s*(.*)', output).group(1)
details['buffer_size'] = re.search(r'cache/buffer size\s*=\s*(.*)', output).group(1)
details['form_factor'] = re.search(r'Form Factor:\s*(.*)', output).group(1)
devices[device] = details
return devices
def parse_nvme_devices(self):
Example nvme id-ctrl output:
NVME Identify Controller:
vid : 0x144d
ssvid : 0x144d
sn : S3RVNA0K502408F
mn : Samsung SSD 970 EVO Plus 1TB
fr : 2B2QEXM7
rab : 2
devices = {}
# Check if nvme exists
if shutil.which('nvme') is None:
print("nvme not found")
return devices
# Get the list of nvme devices starting with 'nvme'
nvme_devices = [device for device in os.listdir('/sys/block') if device.startswith('nvme')]
for device in nvme_devices:
device_path = '/dev/' + device
# Get the output of nvme id-ctrl command
output = subprocess.check_output(['nvme', 'id-ctrl', device_path], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, universal_newlines=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
print(f"Failed to get nvme id-ctrl output for {device_path}: {e}")
# Split the output into lines
lines = output.split('\n')
# Parse each line
device_info = {}
for line in lines:
if ':' in line:
key, value = line.split(':', 1)
device_info[key.strip()] = value.strip()
devices[device_path] = device_info
return devices
def get_ram_and_disk(self):
# RAM information
with open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') as f:
meminfo = f.read()
ram = int([x for x in meminfo.split('\n') if 'MemTotal' in x][0].split()[1]) // 1024
# Disk space information
disk = 0
for device in os.listdir('/sys/block'):
device_path = '/sys/block/{}/device'.format(device)
size_path = '/sys/block/{}/size'.format(device)
if not os.path.islink(device_path):
with open(size_path, 'r') as f:
size = int(f.read().strip())
disk += size
except Exception:
disk = disk * 512 // (1024**3) # convert to GB
logging.info("RAM: {}MB, Disk: {}GB".format(ram, disk))
return ram, disk
def get_cpu_count(self):
cpu_count = 0
for section in self.dmidecode_data:
if section['DMIType'] == 4: # 4 corresponds to processor
core_count = int(section.get('Core Count', '0'))
thread_count = int(section.get('Thread Count', '0'))
cpu_count = core_count * thread_count
if cpu_count == 0:
with open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r') as f:
cpuinfo = f.read()
cpu_count = cpuinfo.count('processor')
logging.info("CPU Count: {}".format(cpu_count))
return cpu_count
def get_bandwidth(self):
bandwidth = 2000
logging.info("Bandwidth: {}".format(bandwidth))
return bandwidth
def get_public_ip(self):
response = urllib.request.urlopen('https://api.ipify.org')
return response.read().decode()
except Exception as e:
logging.error("Failed to get public IP: {}".format(e))
return ''
def get_os(self):
os_id = 27
logging.info("OS ID: {}".format(os_id))
return os_id
def create_post_data(self):
ram, disk = self.get_ram_and_disk()
post_data = {
"server_type": 1,
"os_id": self.get_os(),
"provider_id": 10,
"location_id": 15,
"ssh_port": 22,
"ram": ram >> 10, # convert to GB
"ram_as_mb": ram, # in MB
"disk": disk, # in GB
"disk_as_gb": disk, # in GB
"cpu": self.get_cpu_count(),
"bandwidth": self.get_bandwidth(),
"was_promo": 1,
"active": 1,
"show_public": 0,
"owned_since": "2022-01-01",
"ram_type": "GB",
"disk_type": "GB",
"currency": "USD",
"price": 4,
"payment_term": 1,
"hostname": self.hostname,
"next_due_date": "2022-02-01",
"ip1": self.public_ip,
logging.info("Post data created")
return post_data
def create_note_data(self):
chassis_info = None
for section in self.dmidecode_data:
if section['DMIType'] == 1:
chassis_info = section
if chassis_info:
chassis_model = chassis_info.get('Product Name', 'Unknown')
chassis_serial = chassis_info.get('Serial Number', 'Unknown')
chassis_model = chassis_serial = 'Unknown'
processor_info = [section for section in self.dmidecode_data if section['DMIType'] == 4]
processor_model = processor_info[0].get('Version', 'Unknown') if processor_info else 'Unknown'
processor_count = len(processor_info)
ram_info = [section for section in self.dmidecode_data if section['DMIType'] == 17]
ram_details = []
for ram in ram_info:
size = ram.get('Size', 'Unknown')
speed = ram.get('Speed', 'Unknown')
configured_speed = ram.get('Configured Memory Speed', 'Unknown')
total_width = int(ram.get('Total Width', "0").split()[0])
except ValueError:
total_width = 0
data_width = int(ram.get('Data Width', "0").split()[0])
except ValueError:
data_width = 0
ecc = 'Yes' if total_width > data_width else 'No'
serial_number = ram.get('Serial Number', 'Unknown')
ram_type = ram.get('Type', 'Unknown')
ram_details.append("Size: {}, Speed: {} @ {}, ECC: {}, Serial Number: {}, Type: {}".format(size, speed, configured_speed, ecc, serial_number, ram_type))
# SATA Storage media
sata_details = []
for device, details in self.hdparm_data.items():
sata_details.append("Device: {}, Model: {}, Serial: {}, Checksum: {}, Buffer Size: {}, Form Factor: {}".format(
device, details['model_number'], details['serial_number'], details['checksum'], details['buffer_size'], details['form_factor']))
# NVMe Storage media
nvme_details = []
for device, details in self.nvme_data.items():
nvme_details.append("Device: {}, Model: {}, Serial: {}, Firmware: {}".format(
device, details.get('mn', 'Unknown'), details.get('sn', 'Unknown'), details.get('fr', 'Unknown')))
note = "Chassis Model: {} | Serial Number: {} ||| Processor Model: {} | Count: {} ||| RAM Details: {} ||| SATA Details {} ||| NVME Details {}".format(
chassis_model, chassis_serial, processor_model, processor_count, ' | '.join(ram_details), ' | '.join(sata_details), ' | '.join(nvme_details))
note_data = {
'note': note,
return note_data
class ServerManager:
def __init__(self, host, api_key):
self.host = host
self.api_key = api_key
self.headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.api_key,
def send_request(self, method, endpoint, data=None):
url = self.host + endpoint
payload = json.dumps(data).encode('utf-8') if data else None
req = urllib.request.Request(url, data=payload, headers=self.headers, method=method)
with urllib.request.urlopen(req) as response:
if method == 'GET':
return json.loads(response.read().decode())
return response.read().decode()
except urllib.error.HTTPError as e:
logging.error("Request failed with {}".format(e))
def get_existing_servers(self):
return self.send_request('GET', '/api/servers')
def get_note(self, service_id):
return self.send_request('GET', '/api/notes/' + str(service_id))
def create_note(self, post_data):
logging.info("Creating note...")
return self.send_request('POST', '/api/notes', post_data)
def update_note(self, post_data, service_id):
logging.info("Updating note with id {}...".format(service_id))
return self.send_request('PUT', '/api/notes/' + str(service_id), post_data)
def create_server(self, post_data):
logging.info("Creating server...")
return self.send_request('POST', '/api/servers', post_data)
def update_server(self, post_data, server_id):
# remove following keys from post_data
post_data.pop(key, None)
logging.info("Updating server with id {}...".format(server_id))
return self.send_request('PUT', '/api/servers/' + str(server_id), post_data)
def existing_server_id(self, post_data):
existing_servers = self.get_existing_servers()
for server in existing_servers:
if server['hostname'] == post_data['hostname']:
return server['id']
return None
def upsert_server(self, post_data):
server_id = self.existing_server_id(post_data)
if server_id:
logging.info('Server already exists with id: {}, Updating...'.format(server_id))
response = self.update_server(post_data, server_id)
logging.info('Server does not exist, Creating...')
response = self.create_server(post_data)
# Extract the server_id from the response
server_id = json.loads(response).get('server_id', None)
if server_id is None:
logging.error('Failed to get server_id from response: {}'.format(response))
raise ValueError('Failed to get server_id from response')
return server_id
def upsert_note(self, note_data, server_id):
note_data['service_id'] = server_id
note = self.get_note(server_id)
except urllib.error.HTTPError:
note = None
if note:
return self.update_note(note_data, server_id)
return self.create_note(note_data)
def validate_env_vars():
api_key = os.getenv('AGENT_API')
host = os.getenv('HOST')
if not api_key:
raise Exception('AGENT_API not found in environment variables')
if not host:
raise Exception('HOST not found in environment variables')
return host, api_key
def main():
host, api_key = validate_env_vars()
server_data = ServerData()
post_data = server_data.create_post_data()
server_manager = ServerManager(host, api_key)
server_id = server_manager.upsert_server(post_data)
logging.info('Server id: {}'.format(server_id))
note_data = server_data.create_note_data()
server_manager.upsert_note(note_data, server_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':