# how to create an influx admin - create a config in a docker exec session: `influx config create --config-name a --host-url http://localhost:8086 --org MY_ORG --token AUTH_TOKEN --active` - create the user (as a normal member): `influx user create --name USERNAME --password PASSWORD` will print the user ID - list orgs so that you know the org ID: `influx org list` - remove the user from the org `curl -H "Authorization: Token SAME_TOKEN_AS_ABOVE" -XDELETE http://localhost:8086/api/v2/orgs/ORG_ID_FROM_ABOVE/members/USER_ID_FROM_ABOVE` - add the user as an admin to the org `curl -H "Authorization: Token SAME_TOKEN_AS_ABOVE" -XPOST -d '{"id": "USER_ID_FROM_ABOVE"}' http://localhost:8086/api/v2/orgs/ORG_ID_FROM_ABOVE/owners`