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2018-04-16 10:40:39 +00:00
STDIO handling threads for netcat and airgap modes
stdInput thread: receives hex-encoded bitmessage objects on STDIN
Supported input formats, format is auto-detected:
- each line a hex-encoded object
- each line formatted: hex_timestamp - tab - hex-encoded_object
(the output format of netcat mode)
objectStdOut thread: replaces the objectProcessor thread in netcat mode,
outputs to STDOUT in format: hex_timestamp - tab - hex-encoded_object
import threading
import time
import protocol
import queues
import state
import shutdown
import shared # statusIconColor
from struct import unpack
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from addresses import decodeVarint, calculateInventoryHash
from debug import logger
from inventory import Inventory
from helper_sql import sqlQuery, sqlExecute, SqlBulkExecute
stdInputMode = 'netcat' # process STDIN in netcat mode by default
netcatExitOnEOF = True # exit program if EOF on STDIN
class stdInput(threading.Thread):
Standard Input thread reads objects from STDIN, posts them to Inventory
def __init__(self, inputSrc):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="stdInput")
self.inputSrc = inputSrc'stdInput thread started.')
def run(self):
while True:
# read a line in hex encoding
line = self.inputSrc.readline()
if not line:"STDIN: End of input")
if netcatExitOnEOF:
hexObject = line.rstrip()
hexTStamp = ''
# detect timestamp-tab-object format (as output by netcat mode)
if "\t" in hexObject:
hexTStamp = hexObject.split("\t")[0]
hexObject = hexObject.split("\t")[-1]
# unhex the input with error rejection
binObject = unhexlify(hexObject)
except TypeError: # fix codacy warning"STDIN: Invalid input format")
# sanity check on object size
if len(binObject) < 22:"STDIN: Invalid object size")
if not state.enableNetwork and state.enableGUI:
# in airgap mode, trick the status icon that we are in fact
# NOT waiting for a connection
# (may be removed after impact analysis)
shared.statusIconColor = 'yellow'
if stdInputMode == 'airgap':
# airgap mode uses the timestamp
# unhex the timestamp with error rejection
if len(hexTStamp) == 16:
# stdioStamp, = unpack('>Q', unhexlify(hexTStamp))
_, = unpack('>Q', unhexlify(hexTStamp))
except (struct.error, TypeError): # fix codacy warning"STDIN: Invalid timestamp format: " + hexTStamp)
# check that proof of work is sufficient.
if not protocol.isProofOfWorkSufficient(binObject):'STDIN: Insufficient Proof of Work')
# extract expiry time, object type
eTime, = unpack('>Q', binObject[8:16])
objectType, = unpack('>I', binObject[16:20])
# extract version number and stream number
readPosition = 20 # bypass the nonce, time, and object type
# versionNumber, versionLength
_, versionLength = decodeVarint(binObject[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += versionLength
streamNumber, streamNumberLength = decodeVarint(binObject[readPosition:readPosition + 10])
readPosition += streamNumberLength
# calculate inventory hash
inventoryHash = calculateInventoryHash(binObject)
# duplicate check on inventory hash (both netcat and airgap)
if inventoryHash in Inventory():
logger.debug("STDIN: Already got object " + hexlify(inventoryHash))
# in netcat mode, push object to inventory and id to output queue
if stdInputMode == 'netcat':
Inventory()[inventoryHash] = (objectType, streamNumber, binObject, eTime, '')
logger.debug("STDIN: Accepted object (type=%u) " % objectType + hexlify(inventoryHash))
queues.invQueue.put((streamNumber, inventoryHash))
# honour global shutdown flag
if state.shutdown != 0:'stdInput thread shutdown.')
class objectStdOut(threading.Thread):
The objectStdOut thread receives network objects from the receiveDataThreads.
def __init__(self):
threading.Thread.__init__(self, name="objectStdOut")
# REFACTOR THIS with objectProcessor into objectProcessorQueue
queryreturn = sqlQuery(
'''SELECT objecttype, data FROM objectprocessorqueue''')
for row in queryreturn:
objectType, data = row
queues.objectProcessorQueue.put((objectType, data))
sqlExecute('''DELETE FROM objectprocessorqueue''')
logger.debug('Loaded %s objects from disk into the objectProcessorQueue.' % str(len(queryreturn)))
def run(self):
while True:
objectType, data = queues.objectProcessorQueue.get()
# Output in documented format
print "%016x" % int(time.time()) + '\t' + hexlify(data)
if state.shutdown:
time.sleep(.5) # Wait just a moment for most of the connections to close
# REFACTOR THIS with objectProcessor into objectProcessorQueue
numberOfObjectsInObjProcQueue = 0
with SqlBulkExecute() as sql:
while queues.objectProcessorQueue.curSize > 0:
objectType, data = queues.objectProcessorQueue.get()
sql.execute('''INSERT INTO objectprocessorqueue VALUES (?,?)''',
objectType, data)
numberOfObjectsInObjProcQueue += 1
logger.debug('Saved %s objects from the objectProcessorQueue to disk. objectProcessorThread exiting.' %
state.shutdown = 2