- there were reports of errors in FreeBSD (I could only reproduce some)
and Gentoo without IPv4 support (I don't have a VM for testing ready)
- adds an exception handler for double task_done in case sender thread
has to close prematurely (I saw this triggered on FreeBSD 11)
- listening socket opening error handler was broken (triggered if you
can't open a socket with both IPv4 and IPv6 support)
- error handler for socket.accept. Reported on FreeBSD 10.3
- fixes#854
- queues were too short
- some error handling was missing
- remove nonblocking repeats in receive data thread
- singleCleaner shouldn't wait unnecessarily
- send buffer to send multiple commands in one TCP packet
- recv/send operation size now based on bandwith limit
- send queue limited to 100 entries
- buffer getdata commands to fill send queue, instead of waiting for the
data packet to arrive first (i.e. allow getdata to work asynchronously)
- got rid of shared config parser and made it into a singleton
- refactored safeConfigGetBoolean as a method of the config singleton
- refactored safeConfigGet as a method of the config singleton
- moved softwareVersion from shared.py into version.py
- moved some global variables from shared.py into state.py
- moved some protocol-specific functions from shared.py into protocol.py
- will send the correct combination of hostname and port
- if proxyhostname is a hostname and an IP address, it will now allow
multiple parallel connections for hidden service
- PyBitmessage can now run as a hidden service on Tor
- three new variables in keys.dat: onionhostname, onionport, onionbindip
- you need to manually add a hidden service to tor
- postpone initial sleep until the first getdata is received
- also sleep when received a getdata request for an object that hasn't
been advertised to the other node yet
- changed almost all "print" into logger
- threads have nicer names
- logger can have configuration in "logger.dat" in the same directory as
"keys.dat", and the logger will pick the one named "default" to replace
the "console" and "file" that are in PyBitmessage otherwise
Example file for logging to syslog:
keys = root,syslog
keys = syslog
class = handlers.SysLogHandler
formatter = syslog
level = DEBUG
args=(('localhost', handlers.SYSLOG_UDP_PORT),
keys = syslog
format=%(asctime)s %(threadName)s %(filename)s@%(lineno)d %(message)s
datefmt=%b %d %H:%M:%S
It will now listen on an IPv6 socket if possible or fall back to IPv4
if that doesn't work. It will no longer filter out all IPv6 addresses
and instead it will only filter out those that point to the local
It looks like the DNS bootstrapping should just automatically work
because getaddrinfo already returns IPv6 addresses from the AAAA
In order to convert from the ASCII representation of IPv6 addresses
and back we need inet_ntop and inet_pton. Python 2 doesn't currently
provide these for Windows so instead this patch provides a hot patch
to the socket module which wraps WSAStringToAddress and
WSAAddressToString using ctypes.
If this option is specified in keys.dat then Bitmessage will connect
to the host specified there instead of connecting to the hosts in the
list of known nodes. It will also stop listening for incoming
connections and the timing attack mitigation will be disabled.
The expected use case is for example where a user is running a daemon
on a dedicated machine in their local network and they occasionally
want to check for messages using a second instance of the client on
their laptop. In that case it would be much faster to catch up with
the messages by directly downloading from the dedicated machine over
the LAN. There is no need to connect to multiple peers or to do the
timing attack mitigation because the daemon is trusted.
The host is specified as hostname:port. Eg, ‘’.